2014-09-20 16:40:22 +02:00

50 lines
1.6 KiB

// Continent name
continent_name = "%ContinentName%";
// Level design directory
level_design_directory = "%LeveldesignDirectory%";
// World directory
level_design_world_directory = "%LeveldesignWorldDirectory%";
// DFN directory
level_design_dfn_directory = "%LeveldesignDfnDirectory%";
// Bank file name
bank_name = "%ExportBuildDirectory%/%SmallbankExportDirectory%/%EcosystemName%.smallbank";
bankfar_name = "%ExportBuildDirectory%/%FarbankBuildDirectory%/%EcosystemName%.farbank";
// Additional ig file name
additionnal_ig =
// Sun direction.
sun_direction = { -0.5, +0.0, -0.85 };
// Center of the landscape pointed by the sun
sun_center = { 26000, -6000, 0 };
// Distance of the sun
sun_distance = 50000;
// FOV of the sun in radian
sun_fov = 0.52359877; // Pi / 6
// Sun radius, (for softshadow sampling)
sun_radius = 5000;
// GlobalRetriever bank Empty string to disable SurfaceLighting
grbank= "%ExportBuildDirectory%/%RbankOutputBuildDirectory%/";
// LocalRetriever bank file .rbank. Empty string to disable SurfaceLighting
rbank= "%ExportBuildDirectory%/%RbankOutputBuildDirectory%/%RbankRbankName%.rbank";
// The lighter search in rbank any retriever with identifier ---igname*** as substring
// where --- is col_identifier_prefix and *** is col_identifier_suffix
// eg: if igname= "street", col_identifier_prefix= "col_", col_identifier_suffix= "_",
// then "col_street_1" and "col_street_2" are valid and are used to build LightSurface infos in the Ig.
col_identifier_prefix= "";
col_identifier_suffix= "";