Ryzom Account Management System
Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Private Attributes
Ticket_Queue_Handler Class Reference

returns tickets (queues) that are related in some way. More...

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Public Member Functions

 __construct ()
 A constructor.
 getTickets ($input, $user_id)
 returns the tickets that are related in someway defined by $input.
 getPagination ()
 get pagination attribute of the object.
 createQueue ($userid, $groupid, $what, $how, $who)
 creates the queue.

Static Public Member Functions

static getNrOfTicketsToDo ($user_id)
 get the number of tickets in the todo queue for a specific user.
static getNrOfTicketsAssignedWaiting ($user_id)
 get the number of tickets assigned to a specific user and waiting for support.
static getNrOfTickets ()
 get the total number of tickets.
static getNewestTicket ()
 get the ticket object of the latest added ticket.

Private Attributes

 Pagination object, this way only a few tickets (related to that pagenumber) will be shown.
 The queue object, being used to get the queries and parameters.

Detailed Description

returns tickets (queues) that are related in some way.

This class handles the creation and returning of existing ticket queues. Normally a $_GET['get'] parameter is being used to identify what kind of tickets should be shown. the getTickets() function uses this parameter($input) and uses the ticket_queue class to load the specific query.

Daan Janssens, mentored by Matthew Lagoe

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

A constructor.

Instantiates the queue object.

Member Function Documentation

Ticket_Queue_Handler::createQueue ( userid,

creates the queue.

afterwards the getTickets function should be called, else a lot of extra parameters had to be added to the getTickets function..

get the number of tickets assigned to a specific user and waiting for support.

$user_idthe user being queried
static Ticket_Queue_Handler::getNrOfTicketsToDo ( user_id) [static]

get the number of tickets in the todo queue for a specific user.

$user_idthe user being queried
Ticket_Queue_Handler::getTickets ( input,

returns the tickets that are related in someway defined by $input.

The $input parameter should be a string that defines what kind of queue should be loaded. A new pagination object will be instantiated and will load 10 entries, related to the $_GET['pagenum'] variable.

$inputidentifier that defines what queue to load.
$user_idthe id of the user that browses the queues, some queues can be depending on this.
an array consisting of ticket objects, beware, the author & category of a ticket, are objects on their own (no integers are used this time).

Member Data Documentation

Ticket_Queue_Handler::$queue [private]

The queue object, being used to get the queries and parameters.

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