Ryzom Account Management System
Public Member Functions | Private Attributes
Ticket_Queue Class Reference

Data class that holds a lot of queries that load specific tickets. More...

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Public Member Functions

 loadAllNotAssignedTickets ()
 loads the not yet assigned tickets query into the objects attributes.
 loadAllTickets ()
 loads the 'all' tickets query into the objects attributes.
 loadAllOpenTickets ()
 loads the 'all open' tickets query into the objects attributes.
 loadAllClosedTickets ()
 loads the 'closed' tickets query into the objects attributes.
 loadToDoTickets ($user_id)
 loads the 'todo' tickets query & params into the objects attributes.
 loadAssignedandWaiting ($user_id)
 loads the 'tickets asssigned to a user and waiting on support' query & params into the objects attributes.
 createQueue ($userid, $groupid, $what, $how, $who)
 loads the 'created' query & params into the objects attributes.
 getQuery ()
 get query attribute of the object.
 getParams ()
 get params attribute of the object.

Private Attributes

 The query that loads specific tickets.
 The parameter array that's being needed by the query.

Detailed Description

Data class that holds a lot of queries that load specific tickets.

These queries are being used by the ticket_queue_handler class. An object of this class holds 2 attributes: the query and the params used for the query.

Daan Janssens, mentored by Matthew Lagoe

Member Function Documentation

Ticket_Queue::createQueue ( userid,

loads the 'created' query & params into the objects attributes.

This function creates dynamically a query based on the selected features.

$whospecifies if we want to user the user_id or group_id to form the query.
$user_idthe user's id to whom the tickets should be assigned/not assigned
$group_idthe group's id to whom the tickets should be forwarded/not forwarded
$whatspecifies what kind of tickets we want to return: waiting for support, waiting on user, closed
$howspecifies if the tickets should be or shouldn't be assigned/forwarded to the group/user selected.

loads the 'tickets asssigned to a user and waiting on support' query & params into the objects attributes.

$user_idthe user's id to whom the tickets should be assigned

loads the 'todo' tickets query & params into the objects attributes.

first: find the tickets assigned to the user with status = waiting on support, second find all not assigned tickets that aren't forwarded yet. find all tickets assigned to someone else witht status waiting on support, with timestamp of last reply > 1 day, find all non-assigned tickets forwarded to the support groups to which that user belongs

$user_idthe user's id to whom the tickets should be assigned

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