Ryzom Account Management System
Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Private Attributes
Ticket_Info Class Reference

Class that handles additional info sent by ticket creation ingame. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 __construct ()
 A constructor.
 set ($values)
 sets the object's attributes.
 load_With_TInfoId ($id)
 loads the object's attributes by using a ticket_info id.
 load_With_Ticket ($id)
 loads the object's attributes by using a ticket's id.
 create ()
 creates a new 'ticket_info' entry.
 getTInfoId ()
 get tInfoId attribute of the object.
 getTicket ()
 get ticket attribute of the object.
 getShardId ()
 get shardid attribute of the object.
 getUser_Position ()
 get user_position attribute of the object.
 getView_Position ()
 get view_position attribute of the object.
 getClient_Version ()
 get client_version attribute of the object.
 getPatch_Version ()
 get patch_version attribute of the object.
 getServer_Tick ()
 get server_tick attribute of the object.
 getConnect_State ()
 get connect_state attribute of the object.
 getLocal_Address ()
 get local_address attribute of the object.
 getMemory ()
 get memory attribute of the object.
 getOS ()
 get os attribute of the object.
 getProcessor ()
 get processor attribute of the object.
 getCPUId ()
 get cpu_id attribute of the object.
 getCPU_Mask ()
 get cpu_mask attribute of the object.
 getHT ()
 get ht attribute of the object.
 getNel3D ()
 get nel3d attribute of the object.
 getUser_Id ()
 get user_id attribute of the object.
 setTInfoId ($id)
 set tInfoId attribute of the object.
 setTicket ($t)
 set ticket attribute of the object.
 setShardId ($s)
 set shardid attribute of the object.
 setUser_Position ($u)
 set user_position attribute of the object.
 setView_Position ($v)
 set view_position attribute of the object.
 setClient_Version ($c)
 set client_version attribute of the object.
 setPatch_Version ($p)
 set patch_version attribute of the object.
 setServer_Tick ($s)
 set server_tick attribute of the object.
 setConnect_State ($c)
 set connect_state attribute of the object.
 setLocal_Address ($l)
 set local_address attribute of the object.
 setMemory ($m)
 set memory attribute of the object.
 setOS ($o)
 set os attribute of the object.
 setProcessor ($p)
 set processor attribute of the object.
 setCPUId ($c)
 set cpu_id attribute of the object.
 setCPU_Mask ($c)
 set cpu_mask attribute of the object.
 setHT ($h)
 set ht attribute of the object.
 setNel3D ($n)
 set nel3d attribute of the object.
 setUser_Id ($u)
 set user_id attribute of the object.

Static Public Member Functions

static create_Ticket_Info ($info_array)
 create a ticket_info entry.
static TicketHasInfo ($ticket_id)
 check if a specific ticket has extra info or not.

Private Attributes

 The id of ticket_info entry.
 The ticket linked to this ticket_info entry.
 The shard id.
 The user's character position.
 The view position of the character.
 The client version in use.
 The patch version in use.
 The current server tick.
 The connect state.
 local ip
 memory usage information
 os information
 processor information
 the cpu id
 the cpu mask
 tbh I have no idea :D
 the nel3d version
 The users id.

Detailed Description

Class that handles additional info sent by ticket creation ingame.

If a user creates a ticket ingame, there are a lot of extra $_GET parameters being sent inside the http request that might have something todo with the ticket. for example the OS the user uses or the processor of it's computer, but also the current client version etc. This information can be stored and retrieved by using the ticket_info class.

Daan Janssens, mentored by Matthew Lagoe

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

A constructor.

Empty constructor

Member Function Documentation

creates a new 'ticket_info' entry.

this method will use the object's attributes for creating a new 'ticket_info' entry in the database.

static Ticket_Info::create_Ticket_Info ( info_array) [static]

create a ticket_info entry.

$info_arraythe info array (this can be the entire $_GET array being sent by the ingame browser)

loads the object's attributes by using a ticket's id.

loads the object's attributes by giving a ticket's entry id.

$idthe id of the ticket, the ticket_info entry of that ticket should be loaded.

loads the object's attributes by using a ticket_info id.

loads the object's attributes by giving a ticket_info's entry id.

$idthe id of the ticket_info entry that should be loaded
Ticket_Info::set ( values)

sets the object's attributes.

$valuesshould be an array.

set client_version attribute of the object.

$cclient version number

set connect_state attribute of the object.

$cstring that defines the connect state.

set cpu_mask attribute of the object.

$cmask of the cpu

set cpu_id attribute of the object.

$ccpu id information

set local_address attribute of the object.

$llocal address

set memory attribute of the object.

$mmemory usage

set nel3d attribute of the object.

$nversion information about NeL3D

set os attribute of the object.

$oset os version information

set patch_version attribute of the object.

$ppatch version number

set processor attribute of the object.

$pprocessor information

set server_tick attribute of the object.

$sinteger that resembles the server tick

set shardid attribute of the object.

$s(integer) shard id

set ticket attribute of the object.

$tinteger id of the ticket linked to the info object

set tInfoId attribute of the object.

$idinteger id of ticket_info object itself

set user_id attribute of the object.

$uthe user_id.

set user_position attribute of the object.

$uthe users position

set view_position attribute of the object.

$vthe view position
static Ticket_Info::TicketHasInfo ( ticket_id) [static]

check if a specific ticket has extra info or not.

Not all tickets have extra info, only tickets made ingame do. This function checks if a specific ticket does have a ticket_info entry linked to it.

$ticket_idthe id of the ticket that we want to query
true or false

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