
980 B


Before build and launch client, we need build godot-cpp (lib to connect c++ code to godot engine) and build crypt (c++ module use to authentification with khaganat)

Build godot-cpp


Load git submodule (godot-cpp & godot_header)

git submodule update --init --recursive

Build on 64bits

godot --gdnative-generate-json-api godot-cpp/godot_headers/api.json
scons -C godot-cpp platform=linux generate_bindings=yes custom_api_file=godot_headers/api.json bits=64 

Build on 32bits

godot --gdnative-generate-json-api godot-cpp/godot_headers/api.json
scons -C godot-cpp platform=linux generate_bindings=yes custom_api_file=godot_headers/api.json bits=32

Build crypt

Build on 64bits

scons -C crypt platform=linux bits=64 

Build on 32bits

scons -C crypt platform=linux bits=32

Build client khaganat


Launch client khaganat

With godot

godot login_scene/login_scene.tsc