Étiquettes prioritaires

Faites glisser les labels prioritaires pour les classer et modifier leur priorité relative.

Autres labels

  • Wish
    pyNeL project
    To ask something to be implemented but is not crucial.
  • Update
    pyNeL project
    For merge resquest that update the lib, like merging develop into master.
  • To do
    pyNeL project
    For work that need to be done, to remember it and to show that it's planned.
  • Hotfix
    pyNeL project
    For merge request wich fix a bug.
  • Feature
    pyNeL project
    For merge request implementing a feature.
  • Fatal Error
    pyNeL project
    For bug/error that are really preventing you to use the lib and need to be fix as soon as possible, don't overuse it.
  • Comment
    pyNeL project
    Used as an issue, to allow people to say something publicly to the team or for people willing to dev on the lib.
  • Bug
    pyNeL project
    To report some error that need to be fix.