2023-10-05 20:02:23 +02:00

1936 lines
59 KiB

# Holds data of the terrain.
# This is mostly a set of textures using specific formats, some precalculated, and metadata.
extends Resource
const HT_Grid = preload("./util/")
const HT_Util = preload("./util/")
const HT_Errors = preload("./util/")
const HT_Logger = preload("./util/")
const HT_ImageFileCache = preload("./util/")
const HT_XYZFormat = preload("./util/")
enum {
BIT_DEPTH_16 = 16,
BIT_DEPTH_32 = 32
# Note: indexes matters for saving, don't re-order
# TODO Rename "CHANNEL" to "MAP", makes more sense and less confusing with RGBA channels
const _map_types = {
name = "height",
shader_param_name = "u_terrain_heightmap",
filter = true,
mipmaps = false,
texture_format = Image.FORMAT_RF,
default_fill = Color(0, 0, 0, 1),
default_count = 1,
can_be_saved_as_png = false,
authored = true,
srgb = false
name = "normal",
shader_param_name = "u_terrain_normalmap",
filter = true,
mipmaps = false,
# TODO RGB8 is a lie, we should use RGBA8 and pack something in A I guess
texture_format = Image.FORMAT_RGB8,
default_fill = Color(0.5, 0.5, 1.0),
default_count = 1,
can_be_saved_as_png = true,
authored = false,
srgb = false
name = "splat",
shader_param_name = [
"u_terrain_splatmap", # not _0 for compatibility
filter = true,
mipmaps = false,
texture_format = Image.FORMAT_RGBA8,
default_fill = [Color(1, 0, 0, 0), Color(0, 0, 0, 0)],
default_count = 1,
can_be_saved_as_png = true,
authored = true,
srgb = false
name = "color",
shader_param_name = "u_terrain_colormap",
filter = true,
mipmaps = false,
texture_format = Image.FORMAT_RGBA8,
default_fill = Color(1, 1, 1, 1),
default_count = 1,
can_be_saved_as_png = true,
authored = true,
srgb = true
name = "detail",
shader_param_name = "u_terrain_detailmap",
filter = true,
mipmaps = false,
texture_format = Image.FORMAT_R8,
default_fill = Color(0, 0, 0),
default_count = 0,
can_be_saved_as_png = true,
authored = true,
srgb = false
name = "global_albedo",
shader_param_name = "u_terrain_globalmap",
filter = true,
mipmaps = true,
texture_format = Image.FORMAT_RGB8,
default_fill = null,
default_count = 0,
can_be_saved_as_png = true,
authored = false,
srgb = true
name = "splat_index",
shader_param_name = "u_terrain_splat_index_map",
filter = false,
mipmaps = false,
texture_format = Image.FORMAT_RGB8,
default_fill = Color(0, 0, 0),
default_count = 0,
can_be_saved_as_png = true,
authored = true,
srgb = false
name = "splat_weight",
shader_param_name = "u_terrain_splat_weight_map",
filter = true,
mipmaps = false,
texture_format = Image.FORMAT_RG8,
default_fill = Color(1, 0, 0),
default_count = 0,
can_be_saved_as_png = true,
authored = true,
srgb = false
# Resolution is a power of two + 1
const MAX_RESOLUTION = 4097
const MIN_RESOLUTION = 65 # must be higher than largest chunk size
const SUPPORTED_RESOLUTIONS = [65, 129, 257, 513, 1025, 2049, 4097]
# TODO Have undo chunk size to emphasise the fact it's independent
const META_EXTENSION = "hterrain"
const META_FILENAME = "data.hterrain"
const META_VERSION = "0.11"
signal resolution_changed
signal region_changed(x, y, w, h, channel)
signal map_added(type, index)
signal map_removed(type, index)
signal map_changed(type, index)
# A map is a texture covering the terrain.
# The usage of a map depends on its type (heightmap, normalmap, splatmap...).
class HT_Map:
var texture: Texture2D
# Reference used in case we need the data CPU-side
var image: Image
# ID used for saving, because when adding/removing maps,
# we shouldn't rename texture files just because the indexes change.
# This is mostly for internal keeping.
# The API still uses indexes that may shift if your remove a map.
var id := -1
# Should be set to true if the map has unsaved modifications.
var modified := true
func _init(p_id: int):
id = p_id
var _resolution := 0
# There can be multiple maps of the same type, though most of them are single
# [map_type][instance_index] => map
var _maps := [[]]
# RGF image where R is min height and G is max height
var _chunked_vertical_bounds :=
var _locked := false
var _edit_disable_apply_undo := false
var _logger := HT_Logger.get_for(self)
func _init():
# Initialize default maps
func _set_default_maps():
var maps := []
var n : int = _map_types[c].default_count
for i in n:
_maps[c] = maps
func _edit_load_default():
_logger.debug("Loading default data")
# Don't use the data if this getter returns false
func is_locked() -> bool:
return _locked
func get_resolution() -> int:
return _resolution
# @obsolete
func set_resolution(p_res):
_logger.error("`HTerrainData.set_resolution()` is obsolete, use `resize()` instead")
# @obsolete
func set_resolution2(p_res, update_normals):
_logger.error("`HTerrainData.set_resolution2()` is obsolete, use `resize()` instead")
resize(p_res, true, Vector2(-1, -1))
# Resizes all maps of the terrain. This may take some time to complete.
# Note that no upload to GPU is done, you have to do it once you're done with all changes,
# by calling `notify_region_change` or `notify_full_change`.
# p_res: new resolution. Must be a power of two + 1.
# stretch: if true, the terrain will be stretched in X and Z axes.
# If false, it will be cropped or expanded.
# anchor: if stretch is false, decides which side or corner to crop/expand the terrain from.
# There is an off-by-one in the data,
# so for example a map of 512x512 will actually have 513x513 cells.
# Here is why:
# If we had an even amount of cells, it would produce this situation when making LOD chunks:
# x---x---x---x x---x---x---x
# | | | | | |
# x---x---x---x x x x x
# | | | | | |
# x---x---x---x x---x---x---x
# | | | | | |
# x---x---x---x x x x x
# LOD 0 LOD 1
# We would be forced to ignore the last cells because they would produce an irregular chunk.
# We need an off-by-one because quads making up chunks SHARE their consecutive vertices.
# One quad needs at least 2x2 cells to exist.
# Two quads of the heightmap share an edge, which needs a total of 3x3 cells, not 4x4.
# One chunk has 16x16 quads, so it needs 17x17 cells,
# not 16, where the last cell is shared with the next chunk.
# As a result, a map of 4x4 chunks needs 65x65 cells, not 64x64.
func resize(p_res: int, stretch := true, anchor := Vector2(-1, -1)):
assert(typeof(p_res) == TYPE_INT)
assert(typeof(stretch) == TYPE_BOOL)
assert(typeof(anchor) == TYPE_VECTOR2)
_logger.debug(str("set_resolution ", p_res))
if p_res == get_resolution():
p_res = clampi(p_res, MIN_RESOLUTION, MAX_RESOLUTION)
# Power of two is important for LOD.
# Also, grid data is off by one,
# because for an even number of quads you need an odd number of vertices.
# To prevent size from increasing at every deserialization,
# remove 1 before applying power of two.
p_res = HT_Util.next_power_of_two(p_res - 1) + 1
_resolution = p_res;
for channel in CHANNEL_COUNT:
var maps : Array = _maps[channel]
for index in len(maps):
_logger.debug(str("Resizing ", get_map_debug_name(channel, index), "..."))
var map : HT_Map = maps[index]
var im := map.image
if im == null:
_logger.debug("Image not in memory, creating it")
im = Image.create(_resolution, _resolution, false, get_channel_format(channel))
var fill_color = _get_map_default_fill_color(channel, index)
if fill_color != null:
_logger.debug(str("Fill with ", fill_color))
if stretch and not _map_types[channel].authored:
# Create a blank new image, it will be automatically computed later
im = Image.create(_resolution, _resolution, false, get_channel_format(channel))
if stretch:
if im.get_format() == Image.FORMAT_RGB8:
# Can't directly resize this format
var float_heightmap := convert_heightmap_to_float(im, _logger)
float_heightmap.resize(_resolution, _resolution)
im = Image.create(
float_heightmap.get_height(), im.has_mipmaps(), im.get_format())
convert_float_heightmap_to_rgb8(float_heightmap, im)
# Assuming float or single-component fixed-point
im.resize(_resolution, _resolution)
var fill_color = _get_map_default_fill_color(channel, index)
im = HT_Util.get_cropped_image(im, _resolution, _resolution, \
fill_color, anchor)
map.image = im
map.modified = true
# TODO Can't hint it, the return is a nullable Color
static func _get_map_default_fill_color(map_type: int, map_index: int):
var config = _map_types[map_type].default_fill
if config == null:
# No fill required
return null
if typeof(config) == TYPE_COLOR:
# Standard color fill
return config
assert(typeof(config) == TYPE_ARRAY)
assert(len(config) == 2)
if map_index == 0:
# First map has this config
return config[0]
# Others have this
return config[1]
# Gets the height at the given cell position.
# This height is raw and doesn't account for scaling of the terrain node.
# This function is relatively slow due to locking, so don't use it to fetch large areas.
func get_height_at(x: int, y: int) -> float:
# Height data must be loaded in RAM
var im := get_image(CHANNEL_HEIGHT)
assert(im != null)
match im.get_format():
return HT_Util.get_pixel_clamped(im, x, y).r
return decode_height_from_rgb8_unorm(HT_Util.get_pixel_clamped(im, x, y))
_logger.error(str("Invalid heigthmap format ", im.get_format()))
return 0.0
# Gets the height at the given floating-point cell position.
# This height is raw and doesn't account for scaling of the terrain node.
# This function is relatively slow due to locking, so don't use it to fetch large areas
func get_interpolated_height_at(pos: Vector3) -> float:
# Height data must be loaded in RAM
var im := get_image(CHANNEL_HEIGHT)
assert(im != null)
var map_type = _map_types[CHANNEL_HEIGHT]
assert(im.get_format() == map_type.texture_format)
# The function takes a Vector3 for convenience so it's easier to use in 3D scripting
var x0 := int(floorf(pos.x))
var y0 := int(floorf(pos.z))
var xf := pos.x - x0
var yf := pos.z - y0
var h00 : float
var h10 : float
var h01 : float
var h11 : float
match im.get_format():
h00 = HT_Util.get_pixel_clamped(im, x0, y0).r
h10 = HT_Util.get_pixel_clamped(im, x0 + 1, y0).r
h01 = HT_Util.get_pixel_clamped(im, x0, y0 + 1).r
h11 = HT_Util.get_pixel_clamped(im, x0 + 1, y0 + 1).r
var c00 := HT_Util.get_pixel_clamped(im, x0, y0)
var c10 := HT_Util.get_pixel_clamped(im, x0 + 1, y0)
var c01 := HT_Util.get_pixel_clamped(im, x0, y0 + 1)
var c11 := HT_Util.get_pixel_clamped(im, x0 + 1, y0 + 1)
h00 = decode_height_from_rgb8_unorm(c00)
h10 = decode_height_from_rgb8_unorm(c10)
h01 = decode_height_from_rgb8_unorm(c01)
h11 = decode_height_from_rgb8_unorm(c11)
_logger.error(str("Invalid heightmap format ", im.get_format()))
return 0.0
# Bilinear filter
var h := lerpf(lerpf(h00, h10, xf), lerpf(h01, h11, xf), yf)
return h
# Gets all heights within the given rectangle in cells.
# This height is raw and doesn't account for scaling of the terrain node.
# Data is returned as a PackedFloat32Array.
func get_heights_region(x0: int, y0: int, w: int, h: int) -> PackedFloat32Array:
var im = get_image(CHANNEL_HEIGHT)
assert(im != null)
var min_x := clampi(x0, 0, im.get_width())
var min_y := clampi(y0, 0, im.get_height())
var max_x := clampi(x0 + w, 0, im.get_width() + 1)
var max_y := clampi(y0 + h, 0, im.get_height() + 1)
var heights := PackedFloat32Array()
var area := (max_x - min_x) * (max_y - min_y)
if area == 0:
_logger.debug("Empty heights region!")
return heights
var i := 0
if im.get_format() == Image.FORMAT_RF or im.get_format() == Image.FORMAT_RH:
for y in range(min_y, max_y):
for x in range(min_x, max_x):
heights[i] = im.get_pixel(x, y).r
i += 1
elif im.get_format() == Image.FORMAT_RGB8:
for y in range(min_y, max_y):
for x in range(min_x, max_x):
var c := im.get_pixel(x, y)
heights[i] = decode_height_from_rgb8_unorm(c)
i += 1
_logger.error(str("Unknown heightmap format! ", im.get_format()))
return heights
# Checks that all images stored in maps have the correct format.
# May be called in case someone uses `copy_from()` to update images and uses wrong formats.
func check_images():
var errors := PackedStringArray()
for map_type in _maps.size():
var map_list : Array = _maps[map_type]
for map_index in map_list.size():
var map : HT_Map = map_list[map_index]
var im := map.image
if im == null:
if im.get_width() != im.get_height():
str("Terrain image ", get_map_debug_name(map_type, map_index),
" is not square (", im.get_width(), "x", im.get_height(), "). ",
"Did you modify it directly?"))
elif im.get_width() != get_resolution():
str("Terrain image ", get_map_debug_name(map_type, map_index),
" resolution (", im.get_width(), ") does not match the expected ",
"resolution (", get_resolution(), "). Did you modify it directly?"))
var expected_format : int = _map_types[map_type].texture_format
if im.get_format() != expected_format:
str("Terrain image ", get_map_debug_name(map_type, map_index),
" has an unexpected format (expected ", expected_format, ", found ",
im.get_format(), "). Did you modify it directly?"))
assert(errors.size() == 0, " ".join(errors))
# Gets all heights as an array indexed as [x + y * width].
# This height is raw and doesn't account for scaling of the terrain node.
func get_all_heights() -> PackedFloat32Array:
var im = get_image(CHANNEL_HEIGHT)
assert(im != null)
if im.get_format() == Image.FORMAT_RF:
return im.get_data().to_float32_array()
return get_heights_region(0, 0, _resolution, _resolution)
# Call this function after you end modifying a map.
# It will commit the change to the GPU so the change will take effect.
# In the editor, it will also mark the map as modified so it will be saved when needed.
# Finally, it will emit `region_changed`,
# which allows other systems to catch up (like physics or grass)
# p_rect:
# modified area.
# map_type:
# which kind of map changed, see CHANNEL_* constants
# index:
# index of the map that changed
# p_upload_to_texture:
# the modified region will be copied from the map image to the texture.
# If the change already occurred on GPU, you may set this to false.
# p_update_vertical_bounds:
# if the modified map is the heightmap, vertical bounds will be updated.
func notify_region_change(
p_rect: Rect2,
p_map_type: int,
p_index := 0,
p_upload_to_texture := true,
p_update_vertical_bounds := true):
assert(p_map_type >= 0 and p_map_type < CHANNEL_COUNT)
var min_x := int(p_rect.position.x)
var min_y := int(p_rect.position.y)
var size_x := int(p_rect.size.x)
var size_y := int(p_rect.size.y)
if p_map_type == CHANNEL_HEIGHT and p_update_vertical_bounds:
assert(p_index == 0)
_update_vertical_bounds(min_x, min_y, size_x, size_y)
if p_upload_to_texture:
_upload_region(p_map_type, p_index, min_x, min_y, size_x, size_y)
_maps[p_map_type][p_index].modified = true
region_changed.emit(min_x, min_y, size_x, size_y, p_map_type)
func notify_full_change():
for maptype in range(CHANNEL_COUNT):
# Ignore normals because they get updated along with heights
if maptype == CHANNEL_NORMAL:
var maps = _maps[maptype]
for index in len(maps):
notify_region_change(Rect2(0, 0, _resolution, _resolution), maptype, index)
func _edit_set_disable_apply_undo(e: bool):
_edit_disable_apply_undo = e
func _edit_apply_undo(undo_data: Dictionary, image_cache: HT_ImageFileCache):
if _edit_disable_apply_undo:
var chunk_positions: Array = undo_data["chunk_positions"]
var map_infos: Array = undo_data["maps"]
var chunk_size: int = undo_data["chunk_size"]
_logger.debug(str("Applying ", len(chunk_positions), " undo/redo chunks"))
# Validate input
for map_info in map_infos:
assert(map_info.map_type >= 0 and map_info.map_type < CHANNEL_COUNT)
assert(len(map_info.chunks) == len(chunk_positions))
for im_cache_id in map_info.chunks:
assert(typeof(im_cache_id) == TYPE_INT)
# Apply for each map
for map_info in map_infos:
var map_type := map_info.map_type as int
var map_index := map_info.map_index as int
var regions_changed := []
for chunk_index in len(map_info.chunks):
var cpos : Vector2 = chunk_positions[chunk_index]
var cpos_x := int(cpos.x)
var cpos_y := int(cpos.y)
var min_x := cpos_x * chunk_size
var min_y := cpos_y * chunk_size
var max_x := min_x + chunk_size
var max_y := min_y + chunk_size
var data_id = map_info.chunks[chunk_index]
var data := image_cache.load_image(data_id)
assert(data != null)
var dst_image := get_image(map_type, map_index)
assert(dst_image != null)
if _map_types[map_type].authored:
#_logger.debug(str("Apply undo chunk ", cpos, " to ", Vector2(min_x, min_y)))
var src_rect := Rect2i(0, 0, data.get_width(), data.get_height())
dst_image.blit_rect(data, src_rect, Vector2i(min_x, min_y))
str("Channel ", map_type, " is a calculated channel!, no undo on this one"))
# Defer this to a second pass,
# otherwise it causes order-dependent artifacts on the normal map
Rect2(min_x, min_y, max_x - min_x, max_y - min_y), map_type, map_index])
for args in regions_changed:
notify_region_change(args[0], args[1], args[2])
#static func _debug_dump_heightmap(src: Image, fpath: String):
# var im =
# im.create(src.get_width(), src.get_height(), false, Image.FORMAT_RGB8)
# im.lock()
# src.lock()
# for y in im.get_height():
# for x in im.get_width():
# var col = src.get_pixel(x, y)
# var c = col.r - floor(col.r)
# im.set_pixel(x, y, Color(c, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0))
# im.unlock()
# src.unlock()
# im.save_png(fpath)
# TODO Support map indexes
# Used for undoing full-terrain changes
func _edit_apply_maps_from_file_cache(image_file_cache: HT_ImageFileCache, map_ids: Dictionary):
if _edit_disable_apply_undo:
for map_type in map_ids:
var id = map_ids[map_type]
var src_im := image_file_cache.load_image(id)
if src_im == null:
var index := 0
var dst_im := get_image(map_type, index)
var rect := Rect2i(0, 0, src_im.get_height(), src_im.get_height())
dst_im.blit_rect(src_im, rect, Vector2i())
notify_region_change(rect, map_type, index)
func _upload_channel(channel: int, index: int):
_upload_region(channel, index, 0, 0, _resolution, _resolution)
func _upload_region(channel: int, index: int, min_x: int, min_y: int, size_x: int, size_y: int):
#_logger.debug("Upload ", min_x, ", ", min_y, ", ", size_x, "x", size_y)
#var time_before = OS.get_ticks_msec()
var map : HT_Map = _maps[channel][index]
var image := map.image
assert(image != null)
assert(size_x > 0 and size_y > 0)
# TODO Actually, I think the input params should be valid in the first place...
if min_x < 0:
min_x = 0
if min_y < 0:
min_y = 0
if min_x + size_x > image.get_width():
size_x = image.get_width() - min_x
if min_y + size_y > image.get_height():
size_y = image.get_height() - min_y
if size_x <= 0 or size_y <= 0:
var texture := map.texture
if texture == null or not (texture is ImageTexture):
# The texture doesn't exist yet in an editable format
if texture != null and not (texture is ImageTexture):
"_upload_region was used but the texture isn't an ImageTexture. ",\
"The map ", channel, "[", index, "] will be reuploaded entirely."))
"_upload_region was used but the texture is not created yet. ",\
"The map ", channel, "[", index, "] will be uploaded entirely."))
map.texture = ImageTexture.create_from_image(image)
# Need to notify because other systems may want to grab the new texture object
map_changed.emit(channel, index)
# TODO Unfortunately Texture2D.get_size() wasn't updated to use Vector2i in Godot 4
elif Vector2i(texture.get_size()) != image.get_size():
"_upload_region was used but the image size is different. ",\
"The map ", channel, "[", index, "] will be reuploaded entirely."))
map.texture = ImageTexture.create_from_image(image)
# Since Godot 4, need to notify because other systems may want to grab the new texture
# object. In Godot 3 it wasn't necessary because we were able to resize a texture without
# having to recreate it from scratch...
map_changed.emit(channel, index)
HT_Util.update_texture_partial(texture, image,
Rect2i(min_x, min_y, size_x, size_y), Vector2i(min_x, min_y))
#_logger.debug(str("Channel updated ", channel))
#var time_elapsed = OS.get_ticks_msec() - time_before
#_logger.debug(str("Texture upload time: ", time_elapsed, "ms"))
# Gets how many instances of a given map are present in the terrain data.
# A return value of 0 means there is no such map, and querying for it might cause errors.
func get_map_count(map_type: int) -> int:
if map_type < len(_maps):
return len(_maps[map_type])
return 0
# TODO Deprecated
func _edit_add_detail_map():
return _edit_add_map(CHANNEL_DETAIL)
# TODO Deprecated
func _edit_remove_detail_map(index):
_edit_remove_map(CHANNEL_DETAIL, index)
func _edit_add_map(map_type: int) -> int:
# TODO Check minimum and maximum instances of a given map
_logger.debug(str("Adding map of type ", get_channel_name(map_type)))
while map_type >= len(_maps):
var maps = _maps[map_type]
var map =
map.image = Image.create(_resolution, _resolution, false, get_channel_format(map_type))
var index = len(maps)
var default_color = _get_map_default_fill_color(map_type, index)
if default_color != null:
map_added.emit(map_type, index)
return index
func _edit_insert_map_from_image_cache(map_type: int, index: int, image_cache, image_id: int):
if _edit_disable_apply_undo:
_logger.debug(str("Adding map of type ", get_channel_name(map_type),
" from an image at index ", index))
while map_type >= len(_maps):
var maps = _maps[map_type]
var map :=
map.image = image_cache.load_image(image_id)
maps.insert(index, map)
map_added.emit(map_type, index)
func _edit_remove_map(map_type: int, index: int):
# TODO Check minimum and maximum instances of a given map
_logger.debug(str("Removing map ", get_channel_name(map_type), " at index ", index))
var maps : Array = _maps[map_type]
map_removed.emit(map_type, index)
func _get_free_id(map_type: int) -> int:
var maps = _maps[map_type]
var id = 0
while _get_map_by_id(map_type, id) != null:
id += 1
return id
func _get_map_by_id(map_type: int, id: int) -> HT_Map:
var maps = _maps[map_type]
for map in maps:
if == id:
return map
return null
func get_image(map_type: int, index := 0) -> Image:
var maps = _maps[map_type]
return maps[index].image
func get_texture(map_type: int, index := 0, writable := false) -> Texture:
# TODO Split into `get_texture` and `get_writable_texture`?
var maps : Array = _maps[map_type]
var map : HT_Map = maps[index]
if map.image != null:
if map.texture == null:
_upload_channel(map_type, index)
elif writable and not (map.texture is ImageTexture):
_upload_channel(map_type, index)
if writable:
_logger.warn(str("Requested writable terrain texture ",
get_map_debug_name(map_type, index), ", but it's not available in this context"))
return map.texture
func has_texture(map_type: int, index: int) -> bool:
var maps = _maps[map_type]
return index < len(maps)
func get_aabb() -> AABB:
# TODO Why subtract 1? I forgot
# TODO Optimize for full region, this is actually quite costy
return get_region_aabb(0, 0, _resolution - 1, _resolution - 1)
# Not so useful in itself, but GDScript is slow,
# so I needed it to speed up the LOD hack I had to do to take height into account
func get_point_aabb(cell_x: int, cell_y: int) -> Vector2:
assert(typeof(cell_x) == TYPE_INT)
assert(typeof(cell_y) == TYPE_INT)
if cx < 0:
cx = 0
if cy < 0:
cy = 0
if cx >= _chunked_vertical_bounds.get_width():
cx = _chunked_vertical_bounds.get_width() - 1
if cy >= _chunked_vertical_bounds.get_height():
cy = _chunked_vertical_bounds.get_height() - 1
var b := _chunked_vertical_bounds.get_pixel(cx, cy)
return Vector2(b.r, b.g)
func get_region_aabb(origin_in_cells_x: int, origin_in_cells_y: int,
size_in_cells_x: int, size_in_cells_y: int) -> AABB:
assert(typeof(origin_in_cells_x) == TYPE_INT)
assert(typeof(origin_in_cells_y) == TYPE_INT)
assert(typeof(size_in_cells_x) == TYPE_INT)
assert(typeof(size_in_cells_y) == TYPE_INT)
# Get info from cached vertical bounds,
# which is a lot faster than directly fetching heights from the map.
# It's not 100% accurate, but enough for culling use case if chunk size is decently chosen.
var cmin_x := origin_in_cells_x / VERTICAL_BOUNDS_CHUNK_SIZE
var cmin_y := origin_in_cells_y / VERTICAL_BOUNDS_CHUNK_SIZE
var cmax_x := (origin_in_cells_x + size_in_cells_x - 1) / VERTICAL_BOUNDS_CHUNK_SIZE + 1
var cmax_y := (origin_in_cells_y + size_in_cells_y - 1) / VERTICAL_BOUNDS_CHUNK_SIZE + 1
cmin_x = clampi(cmin_x, 0, _chunked_vertical_bounds.get_width() - 1)
cmin_y = clampi(cmin_y, 0, _chunked_vertical_bounds.get_height() - 1)
cmax_x = clampi(cmax_x, 0, _chunked_vertical_bounds.get_width())
cmax_y = clampi(cmax_y, 0, _chunked_vertical_bounds.get_height())
var min_height := _chunked_vertical_bounds.get_pixel(cmin_x, cmin_y).r
var max_height = min_height
for y in range(cmin_y, cmax_y):
for x in range(cmin_x, cmax_x):
var b = _chunked_vertical_bounds.get_pixel(x, y)
min_height = minf(b.r, min_height)
max_height = maxf(b.g, max_height)
var aabb = AABB()
aabb.position = Vector3(origin_in_cells_x, min_height, origin_in_cells_y)
aabb.size = Vector3(size_in_cells_x, max_height - min_height, size_in_cells_y)
return aabb
func _update_all_vertical_bounds():
var csize_x := _resolution / VERTICAL_BOUNDS_CHUNK_SIZE
var csize_y := _resolution / VERTICAL_BOUNDS_CHUNK_SIZE
_logger.debug(str("Updating all vertical bounds... (", csize_x , "x", csize_y, " chunks)"))
_chunked_vertical_bounds = Image.create(csize_x, csize_y, false, Image.FORMAT_RGF)
_update_vertical_bounds(0, 0, _resolution - 1, _resolution - 1)
func update_vertical_bounds(p_rect: Rect2):
var min_x := int(p_rect.position.x)
var min_y := int(p_rect.position.y)
var size_x := int(p_rect.size.x)
var size_y := int(p_rect.size.y)
_update_vertical_bounds(min_x, min_y, size_x, size_y)
func _update_vertical_bounds(origin_in_cells_x: int, origin_in_cells_y: int, \
size_in_cells_x: int, size_in_cells_y: int):
var cmin_x := origin_in_cells_x / VERTICAL_BOUNDS_CHUNK_SIZE
var cmin_y := origin_in_cells_y / VERTICAL_BOUNDS_CHUNK_SIZE
var cmax_x := (origin_in_cells_x + size_in_cells_x - 1) / VERTICAL_BOUNDS_CHUNK_SIZE + 1
var cmax_y := (origin_in_cells_y + size_in_cells_y - 1) / VERTICAL_BOUNDS_CHUNK_SIZE + 1
cmin_x = clampi(cmin_x, 0, _chunked_vertical_bounds.get_width() - 1)
cmin_y = clampi(cmin_y, 0, _chunked_vertical_bounds.get_height() - 1)
cmax_x = clampi(cmax_x, 0, _chunked_vertical_bounds.get_width())
cmax_y = clampi(cmax_y, 0, _chunked_vertical_bounds.get_height())
# Note: chunks in _chunked_vertical_bounds share their edge cells and
# have an actual size of chunk size + 1.
var chunk_size_x := VERTICAL_BOUNDS_CHUNK_SIZE + 1
var chunk_size_y := VERTICAL_BOUNDS_CHUNK_SIZE + 1
for y in range(cmin_y, cmax_y):
for x in range(cmin_x, cmax_x):
var b = _compute_vertical_bounds_at(pmin_x, pmin_y, chunk_size_x, chunk_size_y)
_chunked_vertical_bounds.set_pixel(x, y, Color(b.x, b.y, 0))
func _compute_vertical_bounds_at(
origin_x: int, origin_y: int, size_x: int, size_y: int) -> Vector2:
var heights := get_image(CHANNEL_HEIGHT)
assert(heights != null)
match heights.get_format():
return _get_heights_range_f(heights, Rect2i(origin_x, origin_y, size_x, size_y))
return _get_heights_range_rgb8(heights, Rect2i(origin_x, origin_y, size_x, size_y))
_logger.error(str("Unknown heightmap format ", heights.get_format()))
return Vector2()
static func _get_heights_range_rgb8(im: Image, rect: Rect2i) -> Vector2:
assert(im.get_format() == Image.FORMAT_RGB8)
rect = rect.intersection(Rect2i(0, 0, im.get_width(), im.get_height()))
var min_x := rect.position.x
var min_y := rect.position.y
var max_x := min_x + rect.size.x
var max_y := min_y + rect.size.y
var min_height := decode_height_from_rgb8_unorm(im.get_pixel(min_x, min_y))
var max_height := min_height
for y in range(min_y, max_y):
for x in range(min_x, max_x):
var h := decode_height_from_rgb8_unorm(im.get_pixel(x, y))
min_height = minf(h, min_height)
max_height = maxf(h, max_height)
return Vector2(min_height, max_height)
static func _get_heights_range_f(im: Image, rect: Rect2i) -> Vector2:
assert(im.get_format() == Image.FORMAT_RF)
rect = rect.intersection(Rect2i(0, 0, im.get_width(), im.get_height()))
var min_x := rect.position.x
var min_y := rect.position.y
var max_x := min_x + rect.size.x
var max_y := min_y + rect.size.y
var min_height := im.get_pixel(min_x, min_y).r
var max_height := min_height
for y in range(min_y, max_y):
for x in range(min_x, max_x):
var h := im.get_pixel(x, y).r
min_height = minf(h, min_height)
max_height = maxf(h, max_height)
return Vector2(min_height, max_height)
func save_data(data_dir: String) -> bool:
_logger.debug("Saving terrain data...")
_locked = true
var map_count = _get_total_map_count()
var all_succeeded = true
var pi = 0
for map_type in CHANNEL_COUNT:
var maps : Array = _maps[map_type]
for index in len(maps):
var map : HT_Map = maps[index]
if not map.modified:
"Skipping non-modified ", get_map_debug_name(map_type, index)))
_logger.debug(str("Saving map ", get_map_debug_name(map_type, index),
" as ", _get_map_filename(map_type, index), "..."))
all_succeeded = all_succeeded and _save_map(data_dir, map_type, index)
map.modified = false
pi += 1
# TODO Cleanup unused map files?
# TODO In editor, trigger reimport on generated assets
_locked = false
return all_succeeded
func _is_any_map_modified() -> bool:
for maplist in _maps:
for map in maplist:
if map.modified:
return true
return false
func _get_total_map_count() -> int:
var s = 0
for maps in _maps:
s += len(maps)
return s
func _load_metadata(path: String):
var f =, FileAccess.READ)
assert(f != null)
var text = f.get_as_text()
f = null # close file
var json =
var json_err := json.parse(text)
# Careful, `assert` is stripped in release exports, including its argument expression...
# See
assert(json_err == OK)
func _save_metadata(path: String):
var d = _serialize_metadata()
var text = JSON.stringify(d, "\t", true)
var f =, FileAccess.WRITE)
var err = f.get_error()
assert(err == OK)
func _serialize_metadata() -> Dictionary:
var data := []
for i in range(len(_maps)):
var maps = _maps[i]
var maps_data := []
for j in range(len(maps)):
var map : HT_Map = maps[j]
maps_data.append({ "id": })
data[i] = maps_data
return {
"version": META_VERSION,
"maps": data
# Parse metadata that we'll then use to load the actual terrain
# (How many maps, which files to load etc...)
func _deserialize_metadata(dict: Dictionary) -> bool:
if not dict.has("version"):
_logger.error("Terrain metadata has no version")
return false
if dict.version != META_VERSION:
_logger.error("Terrain metadata version mismatch. Got {0}, expected {1}" \
.format([dict.version, META_VERSION]))
return false
var data = dict["maps"]
assert(len(data) <= len(_maps))
for i in len(data):
var maps = _maps[i]
var maps_data = data[i]
if len(maps) != len(maps_data):
for j in len(maps):
var map = maps[j]
# Cast because the data comes from json, where every number is double
var id := int(maps_data[j].id)
if map == null:
map =
maps[j] = map
else: = id
return true
func load_data(dir_path: String,
# Same as default in ResourceLoader.load()
resource_loader_cache_mode := ResourceLoader.CACHE_MODE_REUSE):
_locked = true
_logger.debug("Loading terrain data...")
var channel_instance_sum = _get_total_map_count()
var pi = 0
# Note: if we loaded all maps at once before uploading them to VRAM,
# it would take a lot more RAM than if we load them one by one
for map_type in len(_maps):
var maps = _maps[map_type]
for index in len(maps):
_logger.debug(str("Loading map ", get_map_debug_name(map_type, index),
" from ", _get_map_filename(map_type, index), "..."))
_load_map(dir_path, map_type, index, resource_loader_cache_mode)
# A map that was just loaded is considered not modified yet
maps[index].modified = false
pi += 1
_logger.debug("Calculating vertical bounds...")
_logger.debug("Notify resolution change...")
_locked = false
# Reloads the entire terrain from files, disregarding cached resources.
# This could be useful to reload a terrain while playing the game. You can do some edits in the
# editor, save the terrain and then reload in-game.
func reload():
_logger.debug("Reloading terrain data...")
var dir_path := resource_path.get_base_dir()
load_data(dir_path, ResourceLoader.CACHE_MODE_IGNORE)
_logger.debug("Reloading terrain data done")
# Debug
# var heightmap := get_image(CHANNEL_HEIGHT, 0)
# var im = Image.create(heightmap.get_width(), heightmap.get_height(), false, Image.FORMAT_RGB8)
# for y in heightmap.get_height():
# for x in heightmap.get_width():
# var h := heightmap.get_pixel(x, y).r * 0.1
# var g := h - floorf(h)
# im.set_pixel(x, y, Color(g, g, g, 1.0))
# im.save_png("local_tests/debug_data/reloaded_heightmap.png")
func get_data_dir() -> String:
# The HTerrainData resource represents the metadata and entry point for Godot.
# It should be placed within a folder dedicated for terrain storage.
# Other heavy data such as maps are stored next to that file.
return resource_path.get_base_dir()
func _save_map(dir_path: String, map_type: int, index: int) -> bool:
var map : HT_Map = _maps[map_type][index]
var im := map.image
if im == null:
var tex := map.texture
if tex != null:
_logger.debug(str("Image not found for map ", map_type, ", downloading from VRAM"))
im = tex.get_image()
_logger.debug(str("No data in map ", map_type, "[", index, "]"))
# This data doesn't have such map
return true
# The function says "absolute" but in reality it accepts paths like `res://x`,
# which from a user standpoint are not absolute. Also, `FileAccess.file_exists` exists but
# isn't named "absolute" :shrug:
if not DirAccess.dir_exists_absolute(dir_path):
var err := DirAccess.make_dir_absolute(dir_path)
if err != OK:
_logger.error("Could not create directory '{0}', error {1}" \
.format([dir_path, HT_Errors.get_message(err)]))
return false
var fpath := dir_path.path_join(_get_map_filename(map_type, index))
return _save_map_image(fpath, map_type, im)
func _save_map_image(fpath: String, map_type: int, im: Image) -> bool:
if _channel_can_be_saved_as_png(map_type):
fpath += ".png"
var err := im.save_png(fpath)
if err != OK:
_logger.error("Could not save '{0}', error {1}" \
.format([fpath, HT_Errors.get_message(err)]))
return false
_try_write_default_import_options(fpath, map_type, _logger)
fpath += ".res"
var err :=, fpath)
if err != OK:
_logger.error("Could not save '{0}', error {1}" \
.format([fpath, HT_Errors.get_message(err)]))
return false
return true
static func _try_write_default_import_options(
fpath: String, channel: int, logger: HT_Logger.HT_LoggerBase):
var imp_fpath := fpath + ".import"
if FileAccess.file_exists(imp_fpath):
# Already exists
var map_info = _map_types[channel]
var srgb: bool = map_info.srgb
var defaults : Dictionary
if channel == CHANNEL_HEIGHT:
defaults = {
"remap": {
# Have the heightmap editable as an image by default
"importer": "image",
"type": "Image"
"deps": {
"source_file": fpath
defaults = {
"remap": {
"importer": "texture",
"type": "CompressedTexture2D"
"deps": {
"source_file": fpath
"params": {
# Use lossless compression.
# Lossy ruins quality and makes the editor choke on big textures.
# TODO I would have used ImageTexture.COMPRESS_LOSSLESS,
# but apparently what is saved in the .import file does not match,
# and rather corresponds TO THE UI IN THE IMPORT DOCK :facepalm:
"compress/mode": 0,
"compress/hdr_compression": 0,
"compress/normal_map": 0,
# No mipmaps
"mipmaps/limit": 0,
# Most textures aren't color.
# Same here, this is mapping something from the import dock UI,
# and doesn't have any enum associated, just raw numbers in C++ code...
# 0 = "disabled", 1 = "enabled", 2 = "detect"
"flags/srgb": 2 if srgb else 0,
# No need for this, the meaning of alpha is never transparency
"process/fix_alpha_border": false,
# Don't try to be smart.
# This can actually overwrite the settings with defaults...
"detect_3d/compress_to": 0,
HT_Util.write_import_file(defaults, imp_fpath, logger)
func _load_map(dir: String, map_type: int, index: int, resource_loader_cache_mode : int) -> bool:
var fpath := dir.path_join(_get_map_filename(map_type, index))
# Maps must be configured before being loaded
var map : HT_Map = _maps[map_type][index]
# while len(_maps) <= map_type:
# _maps.append([])
# while len(_maps[map_type]) <= index:
# _maps[map_type].append(null)
# var map = _maps[map_type][index]
# if map == null:
# map =
# _maps[map_type][index] = map
if _channel_can_be_saved_as_png(map_type):
fpath += ".png"
fpath += ".res"
var tex = ResourceLoader.load(fpath, "", resource_loader_cache_mode)
var must_load_image_in_editor := true
# Short-term compatibility with RGB8 encoding from the godot4 branch
if Engine.is_editor_hint() and tex == null and map_type == CHANNEL_HEIGHT:
var legacy_fpath := fpath.get_basename() + ".png"
var temp = ResourceLoader.load(legacy_fpath, "", resource_loader_cache_mode)
if temp != null:
if temp is Texture2D:
temp = temp.get_image()
if temp is Image:
if temp.get_format() == Image.FORMAT_RGB8:
"Found a heightmap using legacy RGB8 format. It will be converted to RF. ",
"You may want to remove the old file: {0}").format([fpath]))
tex = convert_heightmap_to_float(temp, _logger)
_save_map_image(fpath.get_basename(), map_type, tex)
if tex != null and tex is Image:
# The texture is imported as Image,
# perhaps the user wants it to be accessible from RAM in game.
_logger.debug("Map {0} is imported as Image. An ImageTexture will be generated." \
.format([get_map_debug_name(map_type, index)]))
map.image = tex
tex = ImageTexture.create_from_image(map.image)
must_load_image_in_editor = false
var texture_changed : bool = (tex != map.texture)
map.texture = tex
if Engine.is_editor_hint():
if must_load_image_in_editor:
# But in the editor we want textures to be editable,
# so we have to automatically load the data also in RAM
if map.image == null:
map.image = Image.load_from_file(fpath)
_ensure_map_format(map.image, map_type, index)
if map_type == CHANNEL_HEIGHT:
_resolution = map.image.get_width()
# Initially added to support reloading of an existing terrain (otherwise it's pointless to emit
# during scene loading when the resource isn't assigned yet)
if texture_changed:
map_changed.emit(map_type, index)
return true
func _ensure_map_format(im: Image, map_type: int, index: int):
var format := im.get_format()
var expected_format : int = _map_types[map_type].texture_format
if format != expected_format:
_logger.warn("Map {0} loaded as format {1}, expected {2}. Will be converted." \
.format([get_map_debug_name(map_type, index), format, expected_format]))
# Imports images into the terrain data by converting them to the internal format.
# It is possible to omit some of them, in which case those already setup will be used.
# This function is quite permissive, and will only fail if there is really no way to import.
# It may involve cropping, so preliminary checks should be done to inform the user.
# TODO Plan is to make this function threaded, in case import takes too long.
# So anything that could mess with the main thread should be avoided.
# Eventually, it would be temporarily removed from the terrain node to work
# in isolation during import.
func _edit_import_maps(input: Dictionary) -> bool:
assert(typeof(input) == TYPE_DICTIONARY)
if input.has(CHANNEL_HEIGHT):
var params = input[CHANNEL_HEIGHT]
if not _import_heightmap(
params.path, params.min_height, params.max_height, params.big_endian, params.bit_depth):
return false
# TODO Import indexed maps?
for map_type in maptypes:
if input.has(map_type):
var params = input[map_type]
if not _import_map(map_type, params.path):
return false
return true
# Provided an arbitrary width and height,
# returns the closest size the terrain actuallysupports
static func get_adjusted_map_size(width: int, height: int) -> int:
var width_po2 = HT_Util.next_power_of_two(width - 1) + 1
var height_po2 = HT_Util.next_power_of_two(height - 1) + 1
var size_po2 = mini(width_po2, height_po2)
size_po2 = clampi(size_po2, MIN_RESOLUTION, MAX_RESOLUTION)
return size_po2
func _import_heightmap(fpath: String, min_y: float, max_y: float, big_endian: bool, bit_depth: int) -> bool:
var ext := fpath.get_extension().to_lower()
if ext == "png":
# Godot can only load 8-bit PNG,
# so we have to bring it back to float in the wanted range
var src_image := Image.load_from_file(fpath)
# TODO No way to access the error code?
if src_image == null:
return false
var res := get_adjusted_map_size(src_image.get_width(), src_image.get_height())
if res != src_image.get_width():
src_image.crop(res, res)
_locked = true
_logger.debug(str("Resizing terrain to ", res, "x", res, "..."))
resize(src_image.get_width(), false, Vector2())
var im := get_image(CHANNEL_HEIGHT)
assert(im != null)
var hrange := max_y - min_y
var width := mini(im.get_width(), src_image.get_width())
var height := mini(im.get_height(), src_image.get_height())
_logger.debug("Converting to internal format...")
# Convert to internal format with range scaling
match im.get_format():
for y in width:
for x in height:
var gs := src_image.get_pixel(x, y).r
var h := min_y + hrange * gs
im.set_pixel(x, y, Color(h, h, h))
for y in width:
for x in height:
var gs := src_image.get_pixel(x, y).r
var h := min_y + hrange * gs
im.set_pixel(x, y, encode_height_to_rgb8_unorm(h))
_logger.error(str("Invalid heightmap format ", im.get_format()))
elif ext == "exr":
var src_image := Image.load_from_file(fpath)
# TODO No way to access the error code?
if src_image == null:
return false
var res := get_adjusted_map_size(src_image.get_width(), src_image.get_height())
if res != src_image.get_width():
src_image.crop(res, res)
_locked = true
_logger.debug(str("Resizing terrain to ", res, "x", res, "..."))
resize(src_image.get_width(), false, Vector2())
var im := get_image(CHANNEL_HEIGHT)
assert(im != null)
_logger.debug("Converting to internal format...")
match im.get_format():
# See
# Godot can load EXR but it always makes them have at least 3-channels.
# Heightmaps need only one, so we have to get rid of 2.
var height_format = _map_types[CHANNEL_HEIGHT].texture_format
im.blit_rect(src_image, Rect2i(0, 0, res, res), Vector2i())
convert_float_heightmap_to_rgb8(src_image, im)
_logger.error(str("Invalid heightmap format ", im.get_format()))
elif ext == "raw":
# RAW files don't contain size, so we take the user's bit depth import choice.
# We also need to bring it back to float in the wanted range.
var f :=, FileAccess.READ)
if f == null:
return false
var file_len := f.get_length()
var file_res := HT_Util.integer_square_root(file_len / (bit_depth/8))
if file_res == -1:
# Can't deduce size
return false
# TODO Need a way to know which endianess our system has!
# For now we have to make an assumption...
# This function is most supposed to execute in the editor.
# The editor officially runs on desktop architectures, which are
# generally little-endian.
if big_endian:
f.big_endian = true
var res := get_adjusted_map_size(file_res, file_res)
var width := res
var height := res
_locked = true
_logger.debug(str("Resizing terrain to ", width, "x", height, "..."))
resize(res, false, Vector2())
var im := get_image(CHANNEL_HEIGHT)
assert(im != null)
var hrange := max_y - min_y
_logger.debug("Converting to internal format...")
var rw := mini(res, file_res)
var rh := mini(res, file_res)
# Convert to internal format
var h := 0.0
if bit_depth == BIT_DEPTH_32:
for y in rh:
for x in rw:
var gs := float(f.get_32()) / 4294967295.0
h = min_y + hrange * float(gs)
match im.get_format():
im.set_pixel(x, y, Color(h, 0, 0))
im.set_pixel(x, y, encode_height_to_rgb8_unorm(h))
_logger.error(str("Invalid heightmap format ", im.get_format()))
return false
# Skip next pixels if the file is bigger than the accepted resolution
for x in range(rw, file_res):
for y in rh:
for x in rw:
var gs := float(f.get_16()) / 65535.0
h = min_y + hrange * float(gs)
match im.get_format():
im.set_pixel(x, y, Color(h, 0, 0))
im.set_pixel(x, y, encode_height_to_rgb8_unorm(h))
_logger.error(str("Invalid heightmap format ", im.get_format()))
return false
# Skip next pixels if the file is bigger than the accepted resolution
for x in range(rw, file_res):
elif ext == "xyz":
var f :=, FileAccess.READ)
if f == null:
return false
var bounds := HT_XYZFormat.load_bounds(f)
var res := get_adjusted_map_size(bounds.image_width, bounds.image_height)
var width := res
var height := res
_locked = true
_logger.debug(str("Resizing terrain to ", width, "x", height, "..."))
resize(res, false, Vector2())
var im := get_image(CHANNEL_HEIGHT)
assert(im != null)
_logger.debug(str("Parsing XYZ file (this can take a while)..."))
var float_heightmap := Image.create(im.get_width(), im.get_height(), false, Image.FORMAT_RF)
HT_XYZFormat.load_heightmap(f, float_heightmap, bounds)
# Flipping because in Godot, for X to mean "east"/"right", Z must be backward,
# and we are using Z to map the Y axis of the heightmap image.
match im.get_format():
im.blit_rect(float_heightmap, Rect2i(0, 0, res, res), Vector2i())
convert_float_heightmap_to_rgb8(float_heightmap, im)
_logger.error(str("Invalid heightmap format ", im.get_format()))
# Note: when importing maps with non-compliant sizes and flipping,
# the result might not be aligned to global coordinates.
# If this is a problem, we could just offset the terrain to compensate?
# File extension not recognized
return false
_locked = false
_logger.debug("Notify region change...")
notify_region_change(Rect2(0, 0, get_resolution(), get_resolution()), CHANNEL_HEIGHT)
return true
func _import_map(map_type: int, path: String) -> bool:
# Heightmap requires special treatment
assert(map_type != CHANNEL_HEIGHT)
var im := Image.load_from_file(path)
# TODO No way to get the error code?
if im == null:
return false
var res := get_resolution()
if im.get_width() != res or im.get_height() != res:
im.crop(res, res)
if im.get_format() != get_channel_format(map_type):
var map : HT_Map = _maps[map_type][0]
map.image = im
notify_region_change(Rect2(0, 0, im.get_width(), im.get_height()), map_type)
return true
# TODO Workaround for
func _dummy_function():
static func _get_xz(v: Vector3) -> Vector2:
return Vector2(v.x, v.z)
class HT_CellRaycastContext:
var begin_pos := Vector3()
var _cell_begin_pos_y := 0.0
var _cell_begin_pos_2d := Vector2()
var dir := Vector3()
var dir_2d := Vector2()
var vertical_bounds : Image
var hit = null # Vector3
var heightmap : Image
var broad_param_2d_to_3d := 1.0
var cell_param_2d_to_3d := 1.0
# TODO Can't call static functions of the enclosing class.....................
var decode_height_func : Callable
#var dbg
func broad_cb(cx: int, cz: int, enter_param: float, exit_param: float) -> bool:
if cx < 0 or cz < 0 or cz >= vertical_bounds.get_height() \
or cx >= vertical_bounds.get_width():
# The function may occasionally be called at boundary values
return false
var vb := vertical_bounds.get_pixel(cx, cz)
var begin := begin_pos + dir * (enter_param * broad_param_2d_to_3d)
var exit_y := begin_pos.y + dir.y * exit_param * broad_param_2d_to_3d
#_spawn_box(Vector3(cx * VERTICAL_BOUNDS_CHUNK_SIZE, \
# begin.y, cz * VERTICAL_BOUNDS_CHUNK_SIZE), 2.0)
if begin.y < vb.r or exit_y > vb.g:
# Not hitting this chunk
return false
# We may be hitting something in this chunk, perform a narrow phase
# through terrain cells
var distance_in_chunk_2d := (exit_param - enter_param) * VERTICAL_BOUNDS_CHUNK_SIZE
var cell_ray_origin_2d := Vector2(begin.x, begin.z)
_cell_begin_pos_y = begin.y
_cell_begin_pos_2d = cell_ray_origin_2d
var rhit = HT_Util.grid_raytrace_2d(
cell_ray_origin_2d, dir_2d, cell_cb, distance_in_chunk_2d)
return rhit != null
func cell_cb(cx: int, cz: int, enter_param: float, exit_param: float) -> bool:
var enter_pos := _cell_begin_pos_2d + dir_2d * enter_param
#var exit_pos := _cell_begin_pos_2d + dir_2d * exit_param
var enter_y := _cell_begin_pos_y + dir.y * enter_param * cell_param_2d_to_3d
var exit_y := _cell_begin_pos_y + dir.y * exit_param * cell_param_2d_to_3d
hit = _intersect_cell(heightmap, cx, cz, Vector3(enter_pos.x, enter_y, enter_pos.y), dir,
return hit != null
static func _intersect_cell(heightmap: Image, cx: int, cz: int,
begin_pos: Vector3, dir: Vector3, decode_func : Callable):
var c00 := HT_Util.get_pixel_clamped(heightmap, cx, cz)
var c10 := HT_Util.get_pixel_clamped(heightmap, cx + 1, cz)
var c01 := HT_Util.get_pixel_clamped(heightmap, cx, cz + 1)
var c11 := HT_Util.get_pixel_clamped(heightmap, cx + 1, cz + 1)
var h00 : float =
var h10 : float =
var h01 : float =
var h11 : float =
var p00 := Vector3(cx, h00, cz)
var p10 := Vector3(cx + 1, h10, cz)
var p01 := Vector3(cx, h01, cz + 1)
var p11 := Vector3(cx + 1, h11, cz + 1)
var th0 = Geometry3D.ray_intersects_triangle(begin_pos, dir, p00, p10, p11)
var th1 = Geometry3D.ray_intersects_triangle(begin_pos, dir, p00, p11, p01)
if th0 != null:
return th0
return th1
# func _spawn_box(pos: Vector3, r: float):
# if not Input.is_key_pressed(KEY_CONTROL):
# return
# var mi =
# mi.mesh =
# mi.translation = pos * dbg.map_scale
# mi.scale = Vector3(r, r, r)
# dbg.add_child(mi)
# mi.owner = dbg.get_tree().edited_scene_root
# Raycasts heightmap image directly without using a collider.
# The coordinate system is such that Y is up, terrain minimum corner is at (0, 0),
# and one heightmap pixel is one space unit.
# TODO Cannot hint as `-> Vector2` because it can be null if there is no hit
func cell_raycast(ray_origin: Vector3, ray_direction: Vector3, max_distance: float):
var heightmap := get_image(CHANNEL_HEIGHT)
if heightmap == null:
return null
var terrain_rect := Rect2(Vector2(), Vector2(_resolution, _resolution))
# Project and clip into 2D
var ray_origin_2d := _get_xz(ray_origin)
var ray_end_2d := _get_xz(ray_origin + ray_direction * max_distance)
var clipped_segment_2d := HT_Util.get_segment_clipped_by_rect(terrain_rect,
ray_origin_2d, ray_end_2d)
# TODO We could clip along Y too if we had total AABB cached somewhere
if len(clipped_segment_2d) == 0:
# Not hitting the terrain area
return null
var max_distance_2d := ray_origin_2d.distance_to(ray_end_2d)
if max_distance_2d < 0.001:
# TODO Direct vertical hit?
return null
# Get ratio along the segment where the first point was clipped
var begin_clip_param := ray_origin_2d.distance_to(clipped_segment_2d[0]) / max_distance_2d
var ray_direction_2d := _get_xz(ray_direction).normalized()
var ctx :=
ctx.begin_pos = ray_origin + ray_direction * (begin_clip_param * max_distance)
ctx.dir = ray_direction
ctx.dir_2d = ray_direction_2d
ctx.vertical_bounds = _chunked_vertical_bounds
ctx.heightmap = heightmap
ctx.cell_param_2d_to_3d = max_distance / max_distance_2d
ctx.broad_param_2d_to_3d = ctx.cell_param_2d_to_3d * VERTICAL_BOUNDS_CHUNK_SIZE
match heightmap.get_format():
ctx.decode_height_func = decode_height_from_f
ctx.decode_height_func = decode_height_from_rgb8_unorm
_logger.error(str("Invalid heightmap format ", heightmap.get_format()))
return null
#ctx.dbg = dbg
# Broad phase through cached vertical bound chunks
var broad_ray_origin = clipped_segment_2d[0] / VERTICAL_BOUNDS_CHUNK_SIZE
var broad_max_distance = \
clipped_segment_2d[0].distance_to(clipped_segment_2d[1]) / VERTICAL_BOUNDS_CHUNK_SIZE
var hit_bp = HT_Util.grid_raytrace_2d(broad_ray_origin, ray_direction_2d, ctx.broad_cb,
if hit_bp == null:
# No hit
return null
return Vector2(ctx.hit.x, ctx.hit.z)
static func encode_normal(n: Vector3) -> Color:
n = 0.5 * (n + Vector3.ONE)
return Color(n.x, n.z, n.y)
static func get_channel_format(channel: int) -> int:
return _map_types[channel].texture_format as int
# Note: PNG supports 16-bit channels, unfortunately Godot doesn't
static func _channel_can_be_saved_as_png(channel: int) -> bool:
return _map_types[channel].can_be_saved_as_png
static func get_channel_name(c: int) -> String:
return _map_types[c].name as String
static func get_map_debug_name(map_type: int, index: int) -> String:
return str(get_channel_name(map_type), "[", index, "]")
func _get_map_filename(map_type: int, index: int) -> String:
var name = get_channel_name(map_type)
var id = _maps[map_type][index].id
if id > 0:
name += str(id + 1)
return name
static func get_map_shader_param_name(map_type: int, index: int) -> String:
var param_name = _map_types[map_type].shader_param_name
if typeof(param_name) == TYPE_STRING:
return param_name
return param_name[index]
# TODO Can't type hint because it returns a nullable array
#static func get_map_type_and_index_from_shader_param_name(p_name: String):
# for map_type in _map_types:
# var pn = _map_types[map_type].shader_param_name
# if typeof(pn) == TYPE_STRING:
# if pn == p_name:
# return [map_type, 0]
# else:
# for i in len(pn):
# if pn[i] == p_name:
# return [map_type, i]
# return null
static func decode_height_from_f(c: Color) -> float:
return c.r
const _V2_UNIT_STEPS = 1024.0
const _V2_MIN = -8192.0
const _V2_MAX = 8191.0
const _V2_DF = 255.0 / _V2_UNIT_STEPS
# This RGB8 encoding implementation is specific to this plugin.
# It was used in the port to Godot 4.0 for a time, until it was found float
# textures could be used.
static func decode_height_from_rgb8_unorm(c: Color) -> float:
return (c.r * 0.25 + c.g * 64.0 + c.b * 16384.0) * (4.0 * _V2_DF) + _V2_MIN
static func encode_height_to_rgb8_unorm(h: float) -> Color:
h -= _V2_MIN
var i := int(h * _V2_UNIT_STEPS)
var r := i % 256
var g := (i / 256) % 256
var b := i / 65536
return Color(r, g, b, 255.0) / 255.0
static func convert_heightmap_to_float(src: Image, logger: HT_Logger.HT_LoggerBase) -> Image:
var src_format := src.get_format()
if src_format == Image.FORMAT_RH:
var im : Image = src.duplicate()
return im
if src_format == Image.FORMAT_RF:
return src.duplicate() as Image
if src_format == Image.FORMAT_RGB8:
var im := Image.create(src.get_width(), src.get_height(), false, Image.FORMAT_RF)
for y in src.get_height():
for x in src.get_width():
var c := src.get_pixel(x, y)
var h := decode_height_from_rgb8_unorm(c)
im.set_pixel(x, y, Color(h, h, h, 1.0))
return im
logger.error("Unknown source heightmap format!")
return null
static func convert_float_heightmap_to_rgb8(src: Image, dst: Image):
assert(dst.get_format() == Image.FORMAT_RGB8)
assert(dst.get_size() == src.get_size())
for y in src.get_height():
for x in src.get_width():
var h = src.get_pixel(x, y).r
dst.set_pixel(x, y, encode_height_to_rgb8_unorm(h))