770 lines
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770 lines
22 KiB
extends Node3D
# Child node of the terrain, used to render numerous small objects on the ground
# such as grass or rocks. They do so by using a texture covering the terrain
# (a "detail map"), which is found in the terrain data itself.
# A terrain can have multiple detail maps, and you can choose which one will be
# used with `layer_index`.
# Details use instanced rendering within their own chunk grid, scattered around
# the player. Importantly, the position and rotation of this node don't matter,
# and they also do NOT scale with map scale. Indeed, scaling the heightmap
# doesn't mean we want to scale grass blades (which is not a use case I know of).
const HTerrainData = preload("./hterrain_data.gd")
const HT_DirectMultiMeshInstance = preload("./util/direct_multimesh_instance.gd")
const HT_DirectMeshInstance = preload("./util/direct_mesh_instance.gd")
const HT_Util = preload("./util/util.gd")
const HT_Logger = preload("./util/logger.gd")
# TODO Can't preload because it causes the plugin to fail loading if assets aren't imported
const DEFAULT_MESH_PATH = "res://addons/zylann.hterrain/models/grass_quad.obj"
# Cannot use `const` because `HTerrain` depends on the current script
var HTerrain = load("res://addons/zylann.hterrain/hterrain.gd")
const CHUNK_SIZE = 32
const DEFAULT_SHADER_PATH = "res://addons/zylann.hterrain/shaders/detail.gdshader"
const DEBUG = false
# These parameters are considered built-in,
# they are managed internally so they are not directly exposed
"u_terrain_heightmap": true,
"u_terrain_detailmap": true,
"u_terrain_normalmap": true,
"u_terrain_globalmap": true,
"u_terrain_inverse_transform": true,
"u_terrain_normal_basis": true,
"u_albedo_alpha": true,
"u_view_distance": true,
"u_ambient_wind": true
# TODO Should be renamed `map_index`
# Which detail map this layer will use
@export var layer_index := 0:
return layer_index
if layer_index == v:
layer_index = v
if is_inside_tree():
HT_Util.update_configuration_warning(self, false)
# Texture to render on the detail meshes.
@export var texture : Texture:
return texture
texture = tex
_material.set_shader_parameter("u_albedo_alpha", tex)
# How far detail meshes can be seen.
# TODO Improve speed of _get_chunk_aabb() so we can increase the limit
# See https://github.com/Zylann/godot_heightmap_plugin/issues/155
@export_range(1.0, 500.0) var view_distance := 100.0:
return view_distance
if view_distance == v:
view_distance = maxf(v, 1.0)
if is_inside_tree():
# Custom shader to replace the default one.
@export var custom_shader : Shader:
return custom_shader
if custom_shader == shader:
if custom_shader != null:
if Engine.is_editor_hint():
custom_shader = shader
if custom_shader == null:
_material.shader = load(DEFAULT_SHADER_PATH)
_material.shader = custom_shader
if Engine.is_editor_hint():
# Ability to fork default shader
if shader.code == "":
shader.code = _default_shader.code
# Density modifier, to make more or less detail meshes appear overall.
@export_range(0, 10) var density := 4.0:
return density
v = clampf(v, 0, 10)
if v == density:
density = v
_multimesh_need_regen = true
# Mesh used for every detail instance (for example, every grass patch).
# If not assigned, an internal quad mesh will be used.
# I would have called it `mesh` but that's too broad and conflicts with local vars ._.
@export var instance_mesh : Mesh:
return instance_mesh
if p_mesh == instance_mesh:
instance_mesh = p_mesh
_multimesh.mesh = _get_used_mesh()
# Exposes rendering layers, similar to `VisualInstance.layers`
# (IMO this annotation is not specific enough, something might be off...)
@export_flags_3d_render var render_layers := 1:
return render_layers
render_layers = mask
for k in _chunks:
var chunk = _chunks[k]
# Exposes shadow casting setting.
# Possible values are the same as the enum `GeometryInstance.SHADOW_CASTING_SETTING_*`.
# TODO Casting to `int` should not be necessary! Had to do it otherwise GDScript complains...
@export_enum("Off", "On", "DoubleSided", "ShadowsOnly") \
var cast_shadow := int(GeometryInstance3D.SHADOW_CASTING_SETTING_ON):
return cast_shadow
if option == cast_shadow:
cast_shadow = option
for k in _chunks:
var mmi : HT_DirectMultiMeshInstance = _chunks[k]
var _material: ShaderMaterial = null
var _default_shader: Shader = null
# Vector2 => HT_DirectMultiMeshInstance
var _chunks := {}
var _multimesh: MultiMesh
var _multimesh_need_regen = true
var _multimesh_instance_pool : Array[HT_DirectMultiMeshInstance] = []
var _ambient_wind_time := 0.0
#var _auto_pick_index_on_enter_tree := Engine.is_editor_hint()
var _debug_wirecube_mesh: Mesh = null
var _debug_cubes := []
var _logger := HT_Logger.get_for(self)
func _init():
_default_shader = load(DEFAULT_SHADER_PATH)
_material = ShaderMaterial.new()
_material.shader = _default_shader
_multimesh = MultiMesh.new()
_multimesh.transform_format = MultiMesh.TRANSFORM_3D
# TODO Godot 3 had the option to specify color format, but Godot 4 no longer does...
# I only need 8-bit, but Godot 4 uses 32-bit components colors...
#_multimesh.color_format = MultiMesh.COLOR_8BIT
_multimesh.use_colors = true
func _enter_tree():
var terrain = _get_terrain()
if terrain != null:
#if _auto_pick_index_on_enter_tree:
# _auto_pick_index_on_enter_tree = false
# _auto_pick_index()
func _exit_tree():
var terrain = _get_terrain()
if terrain != null:
for k in _chunks.keys():
#func _auto_pick_index():
# # Automatically pick an unused layer
# var terrain = _get_terrain()
# if terrain == null:
# return
# var terrain_data = terrain.get_data()
# if terrain_data == null or terrain_data.is_locked():
# return
# var auto_index := layer_index
# var others = terrain.get_detail_layers()
# if len(others) > 0:
# var used_layers := []
# for other in others:
# used_layers.append(other.layer_index)
# used_layers.sort()
# auto_index = used_layers[-1]
# for i in range(1, len(used_layers)):
# if used_layers[i - 1] - used_layers[i] > 1:
# # Found a hole, take it instead
# auto_index = used_layers[i] - 1
# break
# print("Auto picked ", auto_index, " ")
# layer_index = auto_index
func _get_property_list() -> Array:
# Dynamic properties coming from the shader
var props := []
if _material != null:
var shader_params = _material.shader.get_shader_uniform_list(true)
for p in shader_params:
if _API_SHADER_PARAMS.has(p.name):
var cp := {}
for k in p:
cp[k] = p[k]
# See HTerrain._get_property_list for more information about this
if cp.usage == PROPERTY_USAGE_GROUP:
cp.hint_string = "shader_params/"
cp.name = str("shader_params/", p.name)
return props
func _get(key: StringName):
var key_str := String(key)
if key_str.begins_with("shader_params/"):
var param_name = key_str.substr(len("shader_params/"))
return get_shader_param(param_name)
func _set(key: StringName, v):
var key_str := String(key)
if key_str.begins_with("shader_params/"):
var param_name = key_str.substr(len("shader_params/"))
set_shader_param(param_name, v)
func get_shader_param(param_name: String):
return HT_Util.get_shader_material_parameter(_material, param_name)
func set_shader_param(param_name: String, v):
_material.set_shader_parameter(param_name, v)
func _get_terrain():
if is_inside_tree():
return get_parent()
return null
# Compat
func set_texture(tex: Texture):
texture = tex
# Compat
func get_texture() -> Texture:
return texture
# Compat
func set_layer_index(v: int):
layer_index = v
# Compat
func get_layer_index() -> int:
return layer_index
# Compat
func set_view_distance(v: float):
return view_distance
# Compat
func get_view_distance() -> float:
return view_distance
# Compat
func set_custom_shader(shader: Shader):
custom_shader = shader
# Compat
func get_custom_shader() -> Shader:
return custom_shader
# Compat
func set_instance_mesh(p_mesh: Mesh):
instance_mesh = p_mesh
# Compat
func get_instance_mesh() -> Mesh:
return instance_mesh
# Compat
func set_render_layer_mask(mask: int):
render_layers = mask
# Compat
func get_render_layer_mask() -> int:
return render_layers
func _get_used_mesh() -> Mesh:
if instance_mesh == null:
var mesh := load(DEFAULT_MESH_PATH) as Mesh
if mesh == null:
_logger.error(str("Failed to load default mesh: ", DEFAULT_MESH_PATH))
return mesh
return instance_mesh
# Compat
func set_density(v: float):
density = v
# Compat
func get_density() -> float:
return density
# Updates texture references and values that come from the terrain itself.
# This is typically used when maps are being swapped around in terrain data,
# so we can restore texture references that may break.
func update_material():
# Formerly update_ambient_wind, reset
func _notification(what: int):
match what:
# Force DirectMeshInstances to be destroyed before the material.
# Otherwise it causes RenderingServer errors...
func _set_visible(v: bool):
for k in _chunks:
var chunk : HT_DirectMultiMeshInstance = _chunks[k]
func _set_world(w: World3D):
for k in _chunks:
var chunk : HT_DirectMultiMeshInstance = _chunks[k]
func _on_terrain_transform_changed(gt: Transform3D):
var terrain = _get_terrain()
if terrain == null:
_logger.error("Detail layer is not child of a terrain!")
var terrain_transform : Transform3D = terrain.get_internal_transform_unscaled()
# Update AABBs and transforms, because scale might have changed
for k in _chunks:
var mmi : HT_DirectMultiMeshInstance = _chunks[k]
var aabb := _get_chunk_aabb(terrain, Vector3(k.x * CHUNK_SIZE, 0, k.y * CHUNK_SIZE))
# Nullify XZ translation because that's done by transform already
aabb.position.x = 0
aabb.position.z = 0
mmi.set_transform(_get_chunk_transform(terrain_transform, k.x, k.y))
func process(delta: float, viewer_pos: Vector3):
var terrain = _get_terrain()
if terrain == null:
_logger.error("DetailLayer processing while terrain is null!")
if _multimesh_need_regen:
_multimesh_need_regen = false
# Crash workaround for Godot 3.1
# See https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/32500
for k in _chunks:
var mmi : HT_DirectMultiMeshInstance = _chunks[k]
# Detail layers are unaffected by ground map_scale
var terrain_transform_without_map_scale : Transform3D = \
var local_viewer_pos := terrain_transform_without_map_scale.affine_inverse() * viewer_pos
var viewer_cx := int(local_viewer_pos.x / CHUNK_SIZE)
var viewer_cz := int(local_viewer_pos.z / CHUNK_SIZE)
var cr := int(view_distance) / CHUNK_SIZE + 1
var cmin_x := viewer_cx - cr
var cmin_z := viewer_cz - cr
var cmax_x := viewer_cx + cr
var cmax_z := viewer_cz + cr
var terrain_data : HTerrainData = terrain.get_data()
var map_res := terrain_data.get_resolution()
var map_scale : Vector3 = terrain.map_scale
var terrain_size_x := map_res * map_scale.x
var terrain_size_z := map_res * map_scale.z
var terrain_chunks_x := terrain_size_x / CHUNK_SIZE
var terrain_chunks_z := terrain_size_z / CHUNK_SIZE
cmin_x = clampi(cmin_x, 0, terrain_chunks_x)
cmin_z = clampi(cmin_z, 0, terrain_chunks_z)
cmax_x = clampi(cmax_x, 0, terrain_chunks_x + 1)
cmax_z = clampi(cmax_z, 0, terrain_chunks_z + 1)
if DEBUG and visible:
for cz in range(cmin_z, cmax_z):
for cx in range(cmin_x, cmax_x):
_add_debug_cube(terrain, _get_chunk_aabb(terrain, Vector3(cx, 0, cz) * CHUNK_SIZE),
for cz in range(cmin_z, cmax_z):
for cx in range(cmin_x, cmax_x):
var cpos2d := Vector2(cx, cz)
if _chunks.has(cpos2d):
var aabb := _get_chunk_aabb(terrain, Vector3(cx, 0, cz) * CHUNK_SIZE)
var d := (aabb.position + 0.5 * aabb.size).distance_to(local_viewer_pos)
if d < view_distance:
_load_chunk(terrain_transform_without_map_scale, cx, cz, aabb)
var to_recycle : Array[Vector2] = []
for k in _chunks:
var chunk = _chunks[k]
var aabb := _get_chunk_aabb(terrain, Vector3(k.x, 0, k.y) * CHUNK_SIZE)
var d := (aabb.position + 0.5 * aabb.size).distance_to(local_viewer_pos)
if d > view_distance:
for k in to_recycle:
# Update time manually, so we can accelerate the animation when strength is increased,
# without causing phase jumps (which would be the case if we just scaled TIME)
var ambient_wind_frequency = 1.0 + 3.0 * terrain.ambient_wind
_ambient_wind_time += delta * ambient_wind_frequency
var awp = _get_ambient_wind_params()
_material.set_shader_parameter("u_ambient_wind", awp)
# Gets local-space AABB of a detail chunk.
# This only apply map_scale in Y, because details are not affected by X and Z map scale.
func _get_chunk_aabb(terrain, lpos: Vector3) -> AABB:
var terrain_scale = terrain.map_scale
var terrain_data = terrain.get_data()
var origin_cells_x := int(lpos.x / terrain_scale.x)
var origin_cells_z := int(lpos.z / terrain_scale.z)
var size_cells_x := int(CHUNK_SIZE / terrain_scale.x)
var size_cells_z := int(CHUNK_SIZE / terrain_scale.z)
var aabb = terrain_data.get_region_aabb(
origin_cells_x, origin_cells_z, size_cells_x, size_cells_z)
aabb.position = Vector3(lpos.x, lpos.y + aabb.position.y * terrain_scale.y, lpos.z)
aabb.size = Vector3(CHUNK_SIZE, aabb.size.y * terrain_scale.y, CHUNK_SIZE)
return aabb
func _get_chunk_transform(terrain_transform: Transform3D, cx: int, cz: int) -> Transform3D:
var lpos := Vector3(cx, 0, cz) * CHUNK_SIZE
# `terrain_transform` should be the terrain's internal transform, without `map_scale`.
var trans := Transform3D(
terrain_transform.origin + terrain_transform.basis * lpos)
return trans
func _load_chunk(terrain_transform_without_map_scale: Transform3D, cx: int, cz: int, aabb: AABB):
aabb.position.x = 0
aabb.position.z = 0
var mmi : HT_DirectMultiMeshInstance = null
if len(_multimesh_instance_pool) != 0:
mmi = _multimesh_instance_pool[-1]
mmi = HT_DirectMultiMeshInstance.new()
var trans := _get_chunk_transform(terrain_transform_without_map_scale, cx, cz)
_chunks[Vector2(cx, cz)] = mmi
func _recycle_chunk(cpos2d: Vector2):
var mmi : HT_DirectMultiMeshInstance = _chunks[cpos2d]
func _get_ambient_wind_params() -> Vector2:
var aw := 0.0
var terrain = _get_terrain()
if terrain != null:
aw = terrain.ambient_wind
# amplitude, time
return Vector2(aw, _ambient_wind_time)
func _update_material():
# Sets API shader properties. Custom properties are assumed to be set already
_logger.debug("Updating detail layer material")
var terrain_data : HTerrainData = null
var terrain = _get_terrain()
var it := Transform3D()
var normal_basis := Basis()
if terrain != null:
var gt : Transform3D = terrain.get_internal_transform()
it = gt.affine_inverse()
terrain_data = terrain.get_data()
# This is needed to properly transform normals if the terrain is scaled.
# However we don't want to pick up rotation because it's already factored in the instance
#normal_basis = gt.basis.inverse().transposed()
normal_basis = Basis().scaled(terrain.map_scale).inverse().transposed()
var mat := _material
mat.set_shader_parameter("u_terrain_inverse_transform", it)
mat.set_shader_parameter("u_terrain_normal_basis", normal_basis)
mat.set_shader_parameter("u_albedo_alpha", texture)
mat.set_shader_parameter("u_view_distance", view_distance)
mat.set_shader_parameter("u_ambient_wind", _get_ambient_wind_params())
var heightmap_texture : Texture = null
var normalmap_texture : Texture = null
var detailmap_texture : Texture = null
var globalmap_texture : Texture = null
if terrain_data != null:
if terrain_data.is_locked():
_logger.error("Terrain data locked, can't update detail layer now")
heightmap_texture = terrain_data.get_texture(HTerrainData.CHANNEL_HEIGHT)
normalmap_texture = terrain_data.get_texture(HTerrainData.CHANNEL_NORMAL)
if layer_index < terrain_data.get_map_count(HTerrainData.CHANNEL_DETAIL):
detailmap_texture = terrain_data.get_texture(HTerrainData.CHANNEL_DETAIL, layer_index)
if terrain_data.get_map_count(HTerrainData.CHANNEL_GLOBAL_ALBEDO) > 0:
globalmap_texture = terrain_data.get_texture(HTerrainData.CHANNEL_GLOBAL_ALBEDO)
_logger.error("Terrain data is null, can't update detail layer completely")
mat.set_shader_parameter("u_terrain_heightmap", heightmap_texture)
mat.set_shader_parameter("u_terrain_detailmap", detailmap_texture)
mat.set_shader_parameter("u_terrain_normalmap", normalmap_texture)
mat.set_shader_parameter("u_terrain_globalmap", globalmap_texture)
func _add_debug_cube(terrain: Node3D, aabb: AABB, terrain_transform_without_scale: Transform3D):
var world : World3D = terrain.get_world_3d()
if _debug_wirecube_mesh == null:
_debug_wirecube_mesh = HT_Util.create_wirecube_mesh()
var mat := StandardMaterial3D.new()
mat.shading_mode = BaseMaterial3D.SHADING_MODE_UNSHADED
_debug_wirecube_mesh.surface_set_material(0, mat)
# Flat terrain makes cubes invisible
aabb.size.y = maxf(aabb.size.y, 1.0)
var debug_cube := HT_DirectMeshInstance.new()
#aabb.position.y += 0.2*randf()
debug_cube.set_transform(terrain_transform_without_scale \
* Transform3D(Basis().scaled(aabb.size), aabb.position))
func _regen_multimesh():
# We modify the existing multimesh instead of replacing it.
# DirectMultiMeshInstance does not keep a strong reference to them,
# so replacing would break pooled instances.
_generate_multimesh(CHUNK_SIZE, density, _get_used_mesh(), _multimesh)
func is_layer_index_valid() -> bool:
var terrain = _get_terrain()
if terrain == null:
return false
var data = terrain.get_data()
if data == null:
return false
return layer_index >= 0 and layer_index < data.get_map_count(HTerrainData.CHANNEL_DETAIL)
func _get_configuration_warnings() -> PackedStringArray:
var warnings := PackedStringArray()
var terrain = _get_terrain()
if not (is_instance_of(terrain, HTerrain)):
warnings.append("This node must be child of an HTerrain node")
return warnings
var data = terrain.get_data()
if data == null:
warnings.append("The terrain has no data")
return warnings
if data.get_map_count(HTerrainData.CHANNEL_DETAIL) == 0:
warnings.append("The terrain does not have any detail map")
return warnings
if layer_index < 0 or layer_index >= data.get_map_count(HTerrainData.CHANNEL_DETAIL):
warnings.append("Layer index is out of bounds")
return warnings
var tex = data.get_texture(HTerrainData.CHANNEL_DETAIL, layer_index)
if tex == null:
warnings.append("The terrain does not have a map assigned in slot {0}" \
return warnings
# Compat
func set_cast_shadow(option: int):
cast_shadow = option
# Compat
func get_cast_shadow() -> int:
return cast_shadow
func _on_custom_shader_changed():
static func _generate_multimesh(resolution: int, density: float, mesh: Mesh, multimesh: MultiMesh):
assert(multimesh != null)
var position_randomness := 0.5
var scale_randomness := 0.0
#var color_randomness = 0.5
var cell_count := resolution * resolution
var idensity := int(density)
var random_instance_count := int(cell_count * (density - floorf(density)))
var total_instance_count := cell_count * idensity + random_instance_count
multimesh.instance_count = total_instance_count
multimesh.mesh = mesh
# First pass ensures uniform spread
var i := 0
for z in resolution:
for x in resolution:
for j in idensity:
var pos := Vector3(x, 0, z)
pos.x += randf_range(-position_randomness, position_randomness)
pos.z += randf_range(-position_randomness, position_randomness)
multimesh.set_instance_color(i, Color(1, 1, 1))
multimesh.set_instance_transform(i, \
Transform3D(_get_random_instance_basis(scale_randomness), pos))
i += 1
# Second pass adds the rest
for j in random_instance_count:
var pos = Vector3(randf_range(0, resolution), 0, randf_range(0, resolution))
multimesh.set_instance_color(i, Color(1, 1, 1))
multimesh.set_instance_transform(i, \
Transform3D(_get_random_instance_basis(scale_randomness), pos))
i += 1
static func _get_random_instance_basis(scale_randomness: float) -> Basis:
var sr := randf_range(0, scale_randomness)
var s := 1.0 + (sr * sr * sr * sr * sr) * 50.0
var basis := Basis()
basis = basis.scaled(Vector3(1, s, 1))
basis = basis.rotated(Vector3(0, 1, 0), randf_range(0, PI))
return basis