2023-10-05 20:02:23 +02:00

53 lines
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# If you make a container-based UI inside a WindowDialog, there is a chance it will overflow
# because WindowDialogs don't adjust by themselves. This happens when the user has a different
# font size than yours, and can cause controls to be unusable (like buttons at the bottom).
# This script adjusts the size of the parent WindowDialog based on the first Container it finds
# when the node becomes visible.
# Needs to be a Control, otherwise we don't receive the notification...
extends Control
const HT_Util = preload("../../util/")
func _notification(what: int):
if HT_Util.is_in_edited_scene(self):
if is_inside_tree() and what == Control.NOTIFICATION_VISIBILITY_CHANGED:
#print("Visible ", is_visible_in_tree(), ", ", visible)
func _fit_to_contents():
var dialog : Window = get_parent()
for child in dialog.get_children():
if child is Container:
var child_rect : Rect2 = child.get_global_rect()
var dialog_rect := Rect2(Vector2(), dialog.size)
#print("Dialog: ", dialog_rect, ", contents: ", child_rect, " ", child.get_path())
if not dialog_rect.encloses(child_rect):
var margin : Vector2 = child.get_rect().position
#print("Fitting ", dialog.get_path(), " from ", dialog.rect_size,
# " to ", child_rect.size + margin * 2.0)
dialog.min_size = child_rect.size + margin * 2.0
#func _process(delta):
# update()
#func _draw():
# var self_global_pos = get_global_rect().position
# var dialog : Control = get_parent()
# var dialog_rect := dialog.get_global_rect()
# dialog_rect.position -= self_global_pos
# draw_rect(dialog_rect, Color(1,1,0), false)
# for child in dialog.get_children():
# if child is Container:
# var child_rect : Rect2 = child.get_global_rect()
# child_rect.position -= self_global_pos
# draw_rect(child_rect, Color(1,1,0,0.1))