const float V2_UNIT_STEPS = 1024.0; const float V2_MIN = -8192.0; const float V2_MAX = 8191.0; const float V2_DF = 255.0 / V2_UNIT_STEPS; float decode_height_from_rgb8_unorm_2(vec3 c) { return (c.r * 0.25 + c.g * 64.0 + c.b * 16384.0) * (4.0 * V2_DF) + V2_MIN; } vec3 encode_height_to_rgb8_unorm_2(float h) { // TODO Check if this has float precision issues // TODO Modulo operator might be a performance/compatibility issue h -= V2_MIN; int i = int(h * V2_UNIT_STEPS); int r = i % 256; int g = (i / 256) % 256; int b = i / 65536; return vec3(float(r), float(g), float(b)) / 255.0; } float decode_height_from_rgb8_unorm(vec3 c) { return decode_height_from_rgb8_unorm_2(c); } vec3 encode_height_to_rgb8_unorm(float h) { return encode_height_to_rgb8_unorm_2(h); } // TODO Remove for now? // Bilinear filtering appears to work well enough without doing this. // There are some artifacts, but we could easily live with them, // and I suspect they could be easy to patch somehow in the encoding/decoding. // // In case bilinear filtering is required. // This is slower than if we had a native float format. // Unfortunately, Godot 4 removed support for 2D HDR viewports. They were used // to edit this format natively. Using compute shaders would force users to // have Vulkan. So we had to downgrade performance a bit using a technique from the GLES2 era... float sample_height_bilinear_rgb8_unorm(sampler2D heightmap, vec2 uv) { vec2 ts = vec2(textureSize(heightmap, 0)); vec2 p00f = uv * ts; ivec2 p00 = ivec2(p00f); vec3 s00 = texelFetch(heightmap, p00, 0).rgb; vec3 s10 = texelFetch(heightmap, p00 + ivec2(1, 0), 0).rgb; vec3 s01 = texelFetch(heightmap, p00 + ivec2(0, 1), 0).rgb; vec3 s11 = texelFetch(heightmap, p00 + ivec2(1, 1), 0).rgb; float h00 = decode_height_from_rgb8_unorm(s00); float h10 = decode_height_from_rgb8_unorm(s10); float h01 = decode_height_from_rgb8_unorm(s01); float h11 = decode_height_from_rgb8_unorm(s11); vec2 f = p00f - vec2(p00); return mix(mix(h00, h10, f.x), mix(h01, h11, f.x), f.y); }