shader_type canvas_item; render_mode blend_disabled; uniform sampler2D u_src_texture; uniform vec4 u_src_rect; uniform float u_opacity = 1.0; uniform int u_texture_index; uniform int u_mode; // 0: output index, 1: output weight uniform sampler2D u_index_map; uniform sampler2D u_weight_map; vec2 get_src_uv(vec2 screen_uv) { vec2 uv = u_src_rect.xy + screen_uv *; return uv; } void fragment() { float brush_value = u_opacity * texture(TEXTURE, UV).r; vec2 src_uv = get_src_uv(SCREEN_UV); vec4 iv = texture(u_index_map, src_uv); vec4 wv = texture(u_weight_map, src_uv); float i[3] = {iv.r, iv.g, iv.b}; float w[3] = {wv.r, wv.g, wv.b}; if (brush_value > 0.0) { float texture_index_f = float(u_texture_index) / 255.0; int ci = u_texture_index % 3; float cm[3] = {-1.0, -1.0, -1.0}; cm[ci] = 1.0; // Decompress third weight to make computations easier w[2] = 1.0 - w[0] - w[1]; if (abs(i[ci] - texture_index_f) > 0.001) { // Pixel does not have our texture index, // transfer its weight to other components first if (w[ci] > brush_value) { w[0] -= cm[0] * brush_value; w[1] -= cm[1] * brush_value; w[2] -= cm[2] * brush_value; } else if (w[ci] >= 0.f) { w[ci] = 0.f; i[ci] = texture_index_f; } } else { // Pixel has our texture index, increase its weight if (w[ci] + brush_value < 1.f) { w[0] += cm[0] * brush_value; w[1] += cm[1] * brush_value; w[2] += cm[2] * brush_value; } else { // Pixel weight is full, we can set all components to the same index. // Need to nullify other weights because they would otherwise never reach // zero due to normalization w[0] = 0.0; w[1] = 0.0; w[2] = 0.0; w[ci] = 1.0; i[0] = texture_index_f; i[1] = texture_index_f; i[2] = texture_index_f; } } w[0] = clamp(w[0], 0.0, 1.0); w[1] = clamp(w[1], 0.0, 1.0); w[2] = clamp(w[2], 0.0, 1.0); // Renormalize float sum = w[0] + w[1] + w[2]; w[0] /= sum; w[1] /= sum; w[2] /= sum; } if (u_mode == 0) { COLOR = vec4(i[0], i[1], i[2], 1.0); } else { COLOR = vec4(w[0], w[1], w[2], 1.0); } }