shader_type spatial; render_mode unshaded; uniform sampler2D flowmap : hint_normal; uniform sampler2D distmap : hint_default_white; uniform float flow_base : hint_range(0.0, 8.0) = 0.0; uniform float flow_steepness : hint_range(0.0, 8.0) = 2.0; uniform float flow_distance : hint_range(0.0, 8.0) = 1.0; uniform float flow_pressure : hint_range(0.0, 8.0) = 1.0; uniform float flow_max : hint_range(0.0, 8.0) = 4.0; uniform bool valid_flowmap = false; uniform int uv2_sides = 2; varying vec3 binormal_world; // Converts a color from linear light gamma to sRGB gamma vec4 fromLinear(vec4 linearRGB) { bvec4 cutoff = lessThan(linearRGB, vec4(0.0031308)); vec4 higher = vec4(1.055)*pow(linearRGB, vec4(1.0/2.4)) - vec4(0.055); vec4 lower = linearRGB * vec4(12.92); return mix(higher, lower, cutoff); } // Converts a color from sRGB gamma to linear light gamma vec4 toLinear(vec4 sRGB) { bvec4 cutoff = lessThan(sRGB, vec4(0.04045)); vec4 higher = pow((sRGB + vec4(0.055))/vec4(1.055), vec4(2.4)); vec4 lower = sRGB/vec4(12.92); return mix(higher, lower, cutoff); } void vertex() { binormal_world = (MODEL_MATRIX * vec4(BINORMAL, 0.0)).xyz; } void fragment() { vec2 custom_UV = (UV2 + 1.0 / float(uv2_sides)) * (float(uv2_sides) / float(uv2_sides + 2)); vec2 flow_foam_noise = textureLod(flowmap, custom_UV, 0.0).rg; vec2 dist_pressure = textureLod(distmap, custom_UV, 0.0).xy; vec2 flow; float distance_map; float pressure_map; if (valid_flowmap) { flow = flow_foam_noise.xy; distance_map = (1.0 - dist_pressure.r) * 2.0; pressure_map = dist_pressure.g * 2.0; } else { flow = vec2(0.5, 0.572); distance_map = 0.5; pressure_map = 0.5; } flow = (flow - 0.5) * 2.0; // remap // calculate the steepness map vec3 flow_viewspace = flow.x * TANGENT + flow.y * BINORMAL; vec3 up_viewspace = (VIEW_MATRIX * vec4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0)).xyz; float steepness_map = max(0.0, dot(flow_viewspace, up_viewspace)) * 4.0; float flow_force = min(flow_base + steepness_map * flow_steepness + distance_map * flow_distance + pressure_map * flow_pressure, flow_max); flow *= flow_force; float rotation = atan(-binormal_world.x, -binormal_world.z); float cosine = cos(rotation); float sine = sin(rotation); mat2 rotation_mat = mat2(vec2(cosine, -sine), vec2(sine, cosine)); vec2 new_flow = rotation_mat * flow; new_flow = toLinear(vec4(new_flow, 0.0, 1.0)).rg; ALBEDO = vec3((new_flow), 0.0) * 0.5 + 0.5; // repack flowmap //ALBEDO = vec3(flow, 0.0); }