// Use functions from this file everywhere a heightmap is used, // so it is easy to track and change the format float sample_heightmap(sampler2D spl, vec2 pos) { // RF return texture(spl, pos).r; } vec4 encode_height_to_viewport(float h) { //return vec4(encode_height_to_rgb8_unorm(h), 1.0); // Encode regular floats into an assumed RGBA8 output color. // This is used because Godot 4.0 doesn't support RF viewports, // and the irony is, even if float viewports get supported, it's likely it will end up RGBAF, // which is wasting bandwidth because we are only interested in R... uint u = floatBitsToUint(h); return vec4( float((u >> 0u) & 255u), float((u >> 8u) & 255u), float((u >> 16u) & 255u), float((u >> 24u) & 255u) ) / vec4(255.0); } float decode_height_from_viewport(vec4 c) { uint u = uint(c.r * 255.0) | (uint(c.g * 255.0) << 8u) | (uint(c.b * 255.0) << 16u) | (uint(c.a * 255.0) << 24u); return uintBitsToFloat(u); } float sample_height_from_viewport(sampler2D screen, vec2 uv) { ivec2 ts = textureSize(screen, 0); vec2 norm_to_px = vec2(ts); // Convert to pixels and apply a small offset so we interpolate from pixel centers vec2 uv_px_f = uv * norm_to_px - vec2(0.5); ivec2 uv_px = ivec2(uv_px_f); // Get interpolation pixel positions ivec2 p00 = uv_px; ivec2 p10 = uv_px + ivec2(1, 0); ivec2 p01 = uv_px + ivec2(0, 1); ivec2 p11 = uv_px + ivec2(1, 1); // Get pixels vec4 c00 = texelFetch(screen, p00, 0); vec4 c10 = texelFetch(screen, p10, 0); vec4 c01 = texelFetch(screen, p01, 0); vec4 c11 = texelFetch(screen, p11, 0); // Decode heights float h00 = decode_height_from_viewport(c00); float h10 = decode_height_from_viewport(c10); float h01 = decode_height_from_viewport(c01); float h11 = decode_height_from_viewport(c11); // Linear filter vec2 f = fract(uv_px_f); float h = mix(mix(h00, h10, f.x), mix(h01, h11, f.x), f.y); return h; }