shader_type spatial; // This shader is used to bake the global albedo map. // It exposes a subset of the main shader API, so uniform names were not modified. // I had to remove `hint_albedo` from colormap in Godot 3 because it makes sRGB conversion kick in, // which snowballs to black when doing GPU painting on that texture... uniform sampler2D u_terrain_colormap;// : hint_albedo; uniform sampler2D u_terrain_splatmap; uniform sampler2D u_ground_albedo_bump_0 : source_color; uniform sampler2D u_ground_albedo_bump_1 : source_color; uniform sampler2D u_ground_albedo_bump_2 : source_color; uniform sampler2D u_ground_albedo_bump_3 : source_color; // Keep depth blending because it has a high effect on the final result uniform bool u_depth_blending = true; uniform float u_ground_uv_scale = 20.0; vec4 get_depth_blended_weights(vec4 splat, vec4 bumps) { float dh = 0.2; vec4 h = bumps + splat; h *= smoothstep(0, 0.05, splat); vec4 d = h + dh; d.r -= max(h.g, max(h.b, h.a)); d.g -= max(h.r, max(h.b, h.a)); d.b -= max(h.g, max(h.r, h.a)); d.a -= max(h.g, max(h.b, h.r)); return clamp(d, 0, 1); } void vertex() { vec4 wpos = MODEL_MATRIX * vec4(VERTEX, 1); vec2 cell_coords = wpos.xz; // Must add a half-offset so that we sample the center of pixels, // otherwise bilinear filtering of the textures will give us mixed results (#183) cell_coords += vec2(0.5); // Normalized UV UV = (cell_coords / vec2(textureSize(u_terrain_splatmap, 0))); } void fragment() { // These were moved from vertex to fragment, // so we can generate part of the global map with just one quad and we get full quality vec4 tint = texture(u_terrain_colormap, UV); vec4 splat = texture(u_terrain_splatmap, UV); // Get bump at normal resolution so depth blending is accurate vec2 ground_uv = UV / u_ground_uv_scale; float b0 = texture(u_ground_albedo_bump_0, ground_uv).a; float b1 = texture(u_ground_albedo_bump_1, ground_uv).a; float b2 = texture(u_ground_albedo_bump_2, ground_uv).a; float b3 = texture(u_ground_albedo_bump_3, ground_uv).a; // Take the center of the highest mip as color, because we can't see details from far away. vec2 ndc_center = vec2(0.5, 0.5); vec3 col0 = textureLod(u_ground_albedo_bump_0, ndc_center, 10.0).rgb; vec3 col1 = textureLod(u_ground_albedo_bump_1, ndc_center, 10.0).rgb; vec3 col2 = textureLod(u_ground_albedo_bump_2, ndc_center, 10.0).rgb; vec3 col3 = textureLod(u_ground_albedo_bump_3, ndc_center, 10.0).rgb; vec4 w; if (u_depth_blending) { w = get_depth_blended_weights(splat, vec4(b0, b1, b2, b3)); } else { w = splat.rgba; } float w_sum = (w.r + w.g + w.b + w.a); ALBEDO = tint.rgb * ( w.r * col0 + w.g * col1 + w.b * col2 + w.a * col3) / w_sum; }