@tool extends Resource const MODE_TEXTURES = 0 const MODE_TEXTURE_ARRAYS = 1 const MODE_COUNT = 2 const _mode_names = ["Textures", "TextureArrays"] const SRC_TYPE_ALBEDO = 0 const SRC_TYPE_BUMP = 1 const SRC_TYPE_NORMAL = 2 const SRC_TYPE_ROUGHNESS = 3 const SRC_TYPE_COUNT = 4 const _src_texture_type_names = ["albedo", "bump", "normal", "roughness"] # Ground texture types (used by the terrain system) const TYPE_ALBEDO_BUMP = 0 const TYPE_NORMAL_ROUGHNESS = 1 const TYPE_COUNT = 2 const _texture_type_names = ["albedo_bump", "normal_roughness"] const _type_to_src_types = [ [SRC_TYPE_ALBEDO, SRC_TYPE_BUMP], [SRC_TYPE_NORMAL, SRC_TYPE_ROUGHNESS] ] const _src_default_color_codes = [ "#ff000000", "#ff888888", "#ff8888ff", "#ffffffff" ] # TODO We may get rid of modes in the future, and only use TextureArrays. # It exists for now for backward compatibility, but it makes the API a bit confusing var _mode := MODE_TEXTURES # [type][slot] -> StreamTexture or TextureArray var _textures := [[], []] static func get_texture_type_name(tt: int) -> String: return _texture_type_names[tt] static func get_source_texture_type_name(tt: int) -> String: return _src_texture_type_names[tt] static func get_source_texture_default_color_code(tt: int) -> String: return _src_default_color_codes[tt] static func get_import_mode_name(mode: int) -> String: return _mode_names[mode] static func get_src_types_from_type(t: int) -> Array: return _type_to_src_types[t] static func get_max_slots_for_mode(mode: int) -> int: match mode: MODE_TEXTURES: # This is a legacy mode, where shaders can only have up to 4 return 4 MODE_TEXTURE_ARRAYS: # Will probably be lifted some day return 16 return 0 func _get_property_list() -> Array: return [ { "name": "mode", "type": TYPE_INT, "usage": PROPERTY_USAGE_STORAGE }, { "name": "textures", "type": TYPE_ARRAY, "usage": PROPERTY_USAGE_STORAGE } ] func _get(key: StringName): if key == &"mode": return _mode if key == &"textures": return _textures func _set(key: StringName, value): if key == &"mode": # Not using set_mode() here because otherwise it could reset stuff set before... _mode = value if key == &"textures": _textures = value func get_slots_count() -> int: if _mode == MODE_TEXTURES: return get_texture_count() elif _mode == MODE_TEXTURE_ARRAYS: # TODO What if there are two texture arrays of different size? var texarray : TextureLayered = _textures[TYPE_ALBEDO_BUMP][0] if texarray == null: texarray = _textures[TYPE_NORMAL_ROUGHNESS][0] if texarray == null: return 0 return texarray.get_layers() else: assert(false) return 0 func get_texture_count() -> int: var texs = _textures[TYPE_ALBEDO_BUMP] return len(texs) func get_texture(slot_index: int, ground_texture_type: int) -> Texture2D: if _mode == MODE_TEXTURE_ARRAYS: # Can't get a single texture at once return null elif _mode == MODE_TEXTURES: var texs = _textures[ground_texture_type] if slot_index >= len(texs): return null return texs[slot_index] else: assert(false) return null func set_texture(slot_index: int, ground_texture_type: int, texture: Texture2D): assert(_mode == MODE_TEXTURES) var texs = _textures[ground_texture_type] if texs[slot_index] != texture: texs[slot_index] = texture emit_changed() func get_texture_array(ground_texture_type: int) -> TextureLayered: if _mode != MODE_TEXTURE_ARRAYS: return null var texs = _textures[ground_texture_type] return texs[0] func set_texture_array(ground_texture_type: int, texarray: TextureLayered): assert(_mode == MODE_TEXTURE_ARRAYS) var texs = _textures[ground_texture_type] if texs[0] != texarray: texs[0] = texarray emit_changed() # TODO This function only exists because of a flaw in UndoRedo # See https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/36895 func set_texture_null(slot_index: int, ground_texture_type: int): set_texture(slot_index, ground_texture_type, null) # TODO This function only exists because of a flaw in UndoRedo # See https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/36895 func set_texture_array_null(ground_texture_type: int): set_texture_array(ground_texture_type, null) func get_mode() -> int: return _mode func set_mode(mode: int): # This effectively clears slots _mode = mode clear() func clear(): match _mode: MODE_TEXTURES: for type in TYPE_COUNT: _textures[type] = [] MODE_TEXTURE_ARRAYS: for type in TYPE_COUNT: _textures[type] = [null] _: assert(false) emit_changed() func insert_slot(i: int) -> int: assert(_mode == MODE_TEXTURES) if i == -1: i = get_texture_count() for type in TYPE_COUNT: _textures[type].insert(i, null) emit_changed() return i func remove_slot(i: int): assert(_mode == MODE_TEXTURES) if i == -1: i = get_slots_count() - 1 for type in TYPE_COUNT: _textures[type].remove_at(i) emit_changed() func has_any_textures() -> bool: for type in len(_textures): var texs = _textures[type] for i in len(texs): if texs[i] != null: return true return false #func set_textures(textures: Array): # _textures = textures # Cannot type hint because it would cause circular dependency #func migrate_from_1_4(terrain): # var textures := [] # for type in TYPE_COUNT: # textures.append([]) # # if terrain.is_using_texture_array(): # for type in TYPE_COUNT: # var tex : TextureArray = terrain.get_ground_texture_array(type) # textures[type] = [tex] # _mode = MODE_TEXTURE_ARRAYS # # else: # for index in terrain.get_max_ground_texture_slot_count(): # for type in TYPE_COUNT: # var tex : Texture = terrain.get_ground_texture(type, index) # textures[type].append(tex) # _mode = MODE_TEXTURES # # _textures = textures