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2024-01-26 20:00:32 +00:00
# Copyright © 2023 Kasper Arnklit Frandsen - MIT License
2023-10-05 18:02:23 +00:00
# See `` included in the source distribution for details.
extends EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin
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const RiverManager = preload("./../")
const RiverControls = preload("./")
2023-10-05 18:02:23 +00:00
const AXIS_MAPPING := {
RiverControls.CONSTRAINTS.AXIS_X: Vector3.RIGHT,
RiverControls.CONSTRAINTS.AXIS_Y: Vector3.UP,
RiverControls.CONSTRAINTS.AXIS_Z: Vector3.BACK
const PLANE_MAPPING := {
RiverControls.CONSTRAINTS.PLANE_XZ: Vector3.UP,
var editor_plugin : EditorPlugin
var _path_mat
var _handle_lines_mat
var _handle_base_transform
# Ensure that the width handle can't end up inside the center handle
# as then it is hard to separate them again.
func _init() -> void:
# Two materials for every handle type.
# 1) Transparent handle that is always shown.
# 2) Opaque handle that is only shown above terrain (when passing depth test)
# Note that this impacts the point index of the handles. See table below.
var handles_center_mat = get_material("handles_center")
var handles_center_mat_wd = get_material("handles_center_with_depth")
var handles_control_points_mat = get_material("handles_control_points")
var handles_control_points_mat_wd = get_material("handles_control_points_with_depth")
var handles_width_mat = get_material("handles_width")
var handles_width_mat_wd = get_material("handles_width_with_depth")
handles_center_mat.set_albedo( Color(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.25))
handles_center_mat_wd.set_albedo( Color(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0))
handles_control_points_mat.set_albedo( Color(1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.25))
handles_control_points_mat_wd.set_albedo(Color(1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0))
handles_width_mat.set_albedo( Color(0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.25))
handles_width_mat_wd.set_albedo( Color(0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
handles_center_mat.set_flag( StandardMaterial3D.FLAG_DISABLE_DEPTH_TEST, true)
handles_center_mat_wd.set_flag( StandardMaterial3D.FLAG_DISABLE_DEPTH_TEST, false)
handles_control_points_mat.set_flag( StandardMaterial3D.FLAG_DISABLE_DEPTH_TEST, true)
handles_control_points_mat_wd.set_flag(StandardMaterial3D.FLAG_DISABLE_DEPTH_TEST, false)
handles_width_mat.set_flag( StandardMaterial3D.FLAG_DISABLE_DEPTH_TEST, true)
handles_width_mat_wd.set_flag( StandardMaterial3D.FLAG_DISABLE_DEPTH_TEST, false)
var mat =
mat.shading_mode = StandardMaterial3D.SHADING_MODE_UNSHADED
mat.set_flag(StandardMaterial3D.FLAG_DISABLE_DEPTH_TEST, true)
mat.set_albedo(Color(1.0, 1.0, 0.0))
mat.render_priority = 10
add_material("path", mat)
add_material("handle_lines", mat)
func reset() -> void:
_handle_base_transform = null
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func _get_gizmo_name() -> String:
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return "RiverInput"
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func _has_gizmo(node_3d) -> bool:
return node_3d is RiverManager
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# TODO - figure out how this new "secondary" bool should be used
2023-10-05 18:02:23 +00:00
func _get_handle_name(gizmo: EditorNode3DGizmo, index: int, secondary: bool) -> String:
return "Handle " + str(index)
# Handles are pushed to separate handle lists, one per material (using gizmo.add_handles).
# A handle's "index" is given (by Godot) in order it was added to a gizmo.
# Given that N = points in the curve:
# - First we add the center ("actual") curve handles, therefore
# the handle's index is the same as the curve point's index.
# - Then we add the in and out points together. So the first curve point's IN handle
# gets an index of N. The OUT handle gets N+1.
# - Finally the left/right indices come last, and the first curve point's LEFT is N * 3 .
# (3 because there are three rows before the left/right indices)
# Examples for N = 2, 3, 4:
# curve points 2:0 1 3:0 1 2 4:0 1 2 3
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# center 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 2 3
# in 2 4 3 5 7 4 6 8 10
# out 3 5 4 6 8 5 7 9 11
# left 6 8 9 11 13 12 14 16 18
# right 7 9 10 12 14 13 15 17 19
# The following utility functions calculate to and from curve/handle indices.
func _is_center_point(index: int, river_curve_point_count: int):
var res = index < river_curve_point_count
return res
func _is_control_point_in(index: int, river_curve_point_count: int):
if index < river_curve_point_count:
return false
if index >= river_curve_point_count * 3:
return false
var res = (index - river_curve_point_count) % 2 == 0
return res
func _is_control_point_out(index: int, river_curve_point_count: int):
if index < river_curve_point_count:
return false
if index >= river_curve_point_count * 3:
return false
var res = (index - river_curve_point_count) % 2 == 1
return res
func _is_width_point_left(index: int, river_curve_point_count: int):
if index < river_curve_point_count * 3:
return false
var res = (index - river_curve_point_count * 3) % 2 == 0
return res
func _is_width_point_right(index: int, river_curve_point_count: int):
if index < river_curve_point_count * 3:
return false
var res = (index - river_curve_point_count * 3) % 2 == 1
return res
func _get_curve_index(index: int, point_count: int):
if _is_center_point(index, point_count):
return index
if _is_control_point_in(index, point_count):
return (index - point_count) / 2
if _is_control_point_out(index, point_count):
return (index - point_count - 1) / 2
if _is_width_point_left(index, point_count) or _is_width_point_right(index, point_count):
return (index - point_count * 3) / 2
func _get_point_index(curve_index: int, is_center: bool, is_cp_in: bool, is_cp_out: bool, is_width_left: bool, is_width_right: bool, point_count: int):
if is_center:
return curve_index
if is_cp_in:
return point_count + curve_index * 2
if is_cp_out:
return point_count + 1 + curve_index * 2
if is_width_left:
return point_count * 3 + curve_index * 2
if is_width_right:
return point_count * 3 + 1 + curve_index * 2
# TODO - figure out of this new "secondary" bool should be used
func _get_handle_value(gizmo: EditorNode3DGizmo, index: int, secondary: bool):
var river : RiverManager = gizmo.get_node_3d()
var point_count = river.curve.get_point_count()
if _is_center_point(index, point_count):
return river.curve.get_point_position(_get_curve_index(index, point_count))
if _is_control_point_in(index, point_count):
return river.curve.get_point_in(_get_curve_index(index, point_count))
if _is_control_point_out(index, point_count):
return river.curve.get_point_out(_get_curve_index(index, point_count))
if _is_width_point_left(index, point_count) or _is_width_point_right(index, point_count):
return river.widths[_get_curve_index(index, point_count)]
# Called when handle is moved
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# TODO - figure out how this new "secondary" bool should be used
2023-10-05 18:02:23 +00:00
func _set_handle(gizmo: EditorNode3DGizmo, index: int, secondary: bool, camera: Camera3D, point: Vector2) -> void:
var river : RiverManager = gizmo.get_node_3d()
var space_state = river.get_world_3d().direct_space_state
var global_transform : Transform3D = river.transform
if river.is_inside_tree():
global_transform = river.get_global_transform()
var global_inverse: Transform3D = global_transform.affine_inverse()
var ray_from = camera.project_ray_origin(point)
var ray_dir = camera.project_ray_normal(point)
var old_pos : Vector3
var point_count = river.curve.get_point_count()
var p_index = _get_curve_index(index, point_count)
var base = river.curve.get_point_position(p_index)
# Logic to move handles
var is_center = _is_center_point(index, point_count)
var is_cp_in = _is_control_point_in(index, point_count)
var is_cp_out = _is_control_point_out(index, point_count)
var is_width_left = _is_width_point_left(index, point_count)
var is_width_right = _is_width_point_right(index, point_count)
if is_center:
old_pos = base
if is_cp_in:
old_pos = river.curve.get_point_in(p_index) + base
if is_cp_out:
old_pos = river.curve.get_point_out(p_index) + base
if is_width_left:
old_pos = base + river.curve.get_point_out(p_index).cross(Vector3.UP).normalized() * river.widths[p_index]
if is_width_right:
old_pos = base + river.curve.get_point_out(p_index).cross(Vector3.DOWN).normalized() * river.widths[p_index]
var old_pos_global : Vector3 = river.to_global(old_pos)
#print("_handle_base_transform is: ", _handle_base_transform)
if _handle_base_transform == null:
# This is the first set_handle() call since the last reset so we
# use the current handle position as our _handle_base_transform
var z := river.curve.get_point_out(p_index).normalized()
var x := z.cross(Vector3.DOWN).normalized()
var y := z.cross(x).normalized()
_handle_base_transform = Transform3D(
Basis(x, y, z) * global_transform.basis,
# Point, in and out handles
if is_center or is_cp_in or is_cp_out:
var new_pos
if editor_plugin.constraint == RiverControls.CONSTRAINTS.COLLIDERS:
# TODO - make in / out handles snap to a plane based on the normal of
# the raycast hit instead.
var ray_params: PhysicsRayQueryParameters3D =
ray_params.from = ray_from = ray_from + ray_dir * 4096
var result = space_state.intersect_ray(ray_params)
if result:
new_pos = result.position
elif editor_plugin.constraint == RiverControls.CONSTRAINTS.NONE:
var plane = Plane(old_pos_global, old_pos_global + camera.transform.basis.x, old_pos_global + camera.transform.basis.y)
new_pos = plane.intersects_ray(ray_from, ray_dir)
elif editor_plugin.constraint in AXIS_MAPPING:
var axis: Vector3 = AXIS_MAPPING[editor_plugin.constraint]
if editor_plugin.local_editing:
axis = _handle_base_transform.basis * (axis)
var axis_from = old_pos_global + (axis * AXIS_CONSTRAINT_LENGTH)
var axis_to = old_pos_global - (axis * AXIS_CONSTRAINT_LENGTH)
var ray_to = ray_from + (ray_dir * AXIS_CONSTRAINT_LENGTH)
var result = Geometry3D.get_closest_points_between_segments(axis_from, axis_to, ray_from, ray_to)
new_pos = result[0]
elif editor_plugin.constraint in PLANE_MAPPING:
var normal: Vector3 = PLANE_MAPPING[editor_plugin.constraint]
if editor_plugin.local_editing:
normal = _handle_base_transform.basis * (normal)
var projected : Vector3 = old_pos_global.project(normal)
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var direction : float = signf(
var distance : float = direction * projected.length()
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var plane := Plane(normal, distance)
new_pos = plane.intersects_ray(ray_from, ray_dir)
# Discard if no valid position was found
if new_pos == null:
# TODO: implement rounding when control is pressed.
# How do we round when in local axis/plane mode?
var new_pos_local = river.to_local(new_pos)
if is_center:
river.set_curve_point_position(p_index, new_pos_local)
if is_cp_in:
river.set_curve_point_in(p_index, new_pos_local - base)
river.set_curve_point_out(p_index, -(new_pos_local - base))
if is_cp_out:
river.set_curve_point_out(p_index, new_pos_local - base)
river.set_curve_point_in(p_index, -(new_pos_local - base))
# Widths handles
if is_width_left or is_width_right:
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print("is width left or right")
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var p1 = base
var p2
if is_width_left:
p2 = river.curve.get_point_out(p_index).cross(Vector3.UP).normalized() * 4096
if is_width_right:
p2 = river.curve.get_point_out(p_index).cross(Vector3.DOWN).normalized() * 4096
var g1 = global_inverse * (ray_from)
var g2 = global_inverse * (ray_from + ray_dir * 4096)
var geo_points = Geometry3D.get_closest_points_between_segments(p1, p2, g1, g2)
var dir = geo_points[0].distance_to(base) - old_pos.distance_to(base)
river.widths[p_index] += dir
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# Ensure width handles don't end up inside the center point
river.widths[p_index] = max(river.widths[p_index], MIN_DIST_TO_CENTER_HANDLE)
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# ensures that setter get's called so river regenerates - TODO probably find a nicer way of doing this
river.widths = river.widths
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# Handle Undo / Redo of handle movements
# TODO - figure out of this new "secondary" bool should be used
func _commit_handle(gizmo: EditorNode3DGizmo, index: int, secondary: bool, restore, cancel: bool = false) -> void:
var river : RiverManager = gizmo.get_node_3d()
var point_count = river.curve.get_point_count()
var ur = editor_plugin.get_undo_redo()
ur.create_action("Change River Shape")
var p_index = _get_curve_index(index, point_count)
if _is_center_point(index, point_count):
ur.add_do_method(river, "set_curve_point_position", p_index, river.curve.get_point_position(p_index))
ur.add_undo_method(river, "set_curve_point_position", p_index, restore)
if _is_control_point_in(index, point_count):
ur.add_do_method(river, "set_curve_point_in", p_index, river.curve.get_point_in(p_index))
ur.add_undo_method(river, "set_curve_point_in", p_index, restore)
ur.add_do_method(river, "set_curve_point_out", p_index, river.curve.get_point_out(p_index))
ur.add_undo_method(river, "set_curve_point_out", p_index, -restore)
if _is_control_point_out(index, point_count):
ur.add_do_method(river, "set_curve_point_out", p_index, river.curve.get_point_out(p_index))
ur.add_undo_method(river, "set_curve_point_out", p_index, restore)
ur.add_do_method(river, "set_curve_point_in", p_index, river.curve.get_point_in(p_index))
ur.add_undo_method(river, "set_curve_point_in", p_index, -restore)
if _is_width_point_left(index, point_count) or _is_width_point_right(index, point_count):
var river_widths_undo := river.widths.duplicate(true)
river_widths_undo[p_index] = restore
ur.add_do_property(river, "widths", river.widths)
ur.add_undo_property(river, "widths", river_widths_undo)
ur.add_do_method(river, "properties_changed")
ur.add_do_method(river, "set_materials", "i_valid_flowmap", false)
ur.add_do_property(river, "valid_flowmap", false)
ur.add_do_method(river, "update_configuration_warnings")
ur.add_undo_method(river, "properties_changed")
ur.add_undo_method(river, "set_materials", "i_valid_flowmap", river.valid_flowmap)
ur.add_undo_property(river, "valid_flowmap", river.valid_flowmap)
ur.add_undo_method(river, "update_configuration_warnings")
func _redraw(gizmo: EditorNode3DGizmo) -> void:
# Work around for issue where using "get_material" doesn't return a
# material when redraw is being called manually from _set_handle()
# so I'm caching the materials instead
if not _path_mat:
_path_mat = get_material("path", gizmo)
if not _handle_lines_mat:
_handle_lines_mat = get_material("handle_lines", gizmo)
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2023-10-05 18:02:23 +00:00
var river := gizmo.get_node_3d() as RiverManager
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if not river.is_connected("river_changed", Callable(self, "_redraw")):
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2023-10-05 18:02:23 +00:00
_draw_path(gizmo, river.curve)
_draw_handles(gizmo, river)
func _draw_path(gizmo: EditorNode3DGizmo, curve : Curve3D) -> void:
var path = PackedVector3Array()
var baked_points = curve.get_baked_points()
for i in baked_points.size() - 1:
path.append(baked_points[i + 1])
gizmo.add_lines(path, _path_mat)
func _draw_handles(gizmo: EditorNode3DGizmo, river : RiverManager) -> void:
var lines = PackedVector3Array()
var handles_center = PackedVector3Array()
var handles_center_wd = PackedVector3Array()
var handles_control_points = PackedVector3Array()
var handles_control_points_wd = PackedVector3Array()
var handles_width = PackedVector3Array()
var handles_width_wd = PackedVector3Array()
var point_count = river.curve.get_point_count()
for i in point_count:
var point_pos = river.curve.get_point_position(i)
var point_pos_in = river.curve.get_point_in(i) + point_pos
var point_pos_out = river.curve.get_point_out(i) + point_pos
var point_width_pos_right = river.curve.get_point_position(i) + river.curve.get_point_out(i).cross(Vector3.UP).normalized() * river.widths[i]
var point_width_pos_left = river.curve.get_point_position(i) + river.curve.get_point_out(i).cross(Vector3.DOWN).normalized() * river.widths[i]
gizmo.add_lines(lines, _handle_lines_mat)
# Add each handle twice, for both material types.
# Needs to be grouped by material "type" since that's what influences the handle indices.
gizmo.add_handles(handles_center, get_material("handles_center", gizmo), [])
gizmo.add_handles(handles_control_points, get_material("handles_control_points", gizmo), [])
gizmo.add_handles(handles_width, get_material("handles_width", gizmo), [])
gizmo.add_handles(handles_center, get_material("handles_center_with_depth", gizmo), [])
gizmo.add_handles(handles_control_points, get_material("handles_control_points_with_depth", gizmo), [])
gizmo.add_handles(handles_width, get_material("handles_width_with_depth", gizmo), [])