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; This is a sample configuration file
; Comments start with ';', as in php.ini
login_info = "Please enter your MySQL Username and Password to install the database.<br>This is being loaded because the is_installed file is missing.<br>This process will take about 30 seconds."
login_here = "here"
ams_title="Ryzom Account Mangement System"
home_title = "Introduction"
home_info = "Welcome to the Ryzom Core - Account Management System"
title = "Forgot your password?"
forgot_password_message = "Fill in your account's emailaddress to reset the password!"
email_tag = "Email Address"
email_tooltip = "The emailaddress related to the account of which you forgot the password."
email_default = "Email"
email_doesnt_exist = "That emailaddress doesn't match any user!"
email_sent = "An email with further instructions has been sent to the emailaddress!"
register_message ="<strong>Register</strong> If you don't have an account yet, create one "
here = "here"
login_message = "You can always try to login by clicking "
title = "Reset your password"
reset_password_message = "Fill in your new password!"
password_tag = "Desired Password"
password_tooltip = "Pick a hard to guess password (it must be 5-20 characters)."
password_message = "Password must be 5-20 characters."
password_default = "Password"
cpassword_tag = "Confirm Password"
cpassword_tooltip = "Retype your Password"
cpassword_message = "Retype your Password"
cpassword_default = "Re-enter Password"
syncing_title = "LibDB-Query List"
syncing_info = "Here you can see the entire list of elements in the LibDB-Query table. You can easily remove elements and by pressing 'Synchronize' you can start the syncing process manually!"
syncing_sync = "Synchronize"
shard_online = "The shard seems to be <strong>online</strong>, manually syncing is possible: "
shard_offline = "The shard seems to be <strong>offline</strong>, manually syncing is not possible!"
members = "Members"
id = "ID"
type = "Type"
name = "Name"
email = "Email"
action = "Action"
plugin_title = "Plugin List"
plugin_info = "Here you can see the entire list of plugins . You can easily remove plugins ,activate them and add permissions"
plugins = "Plugins"
plugin_name = "Name"
plugin_version = "Version"
plugin_description = "Description"
plugin_type = "Type"
plugin_permission = "Access</br> Permission"
plugin_status = "Status"
ip_success = "Plugin added succesfuly."
plugin_actions = "Actions"
dp_success = "Plugin deleted successfuly"
dp_error = "Error in deleting plugin.Please try again later."
ac_success = "Plugin Activated successfuly."
ac_error = "Plugin facing some error in activating. Please try again later."
dc_success = "Plugin de-Activated successfuly."
dc_error = "Plugin facing some error in de-activating. Please try again later."
up_success = "Update added successfully. Go to Updates page for installing updates."
up_install_success = "Update installed successfully."
ip_title = "Install a new Plugin"
ip_message = "For example: name.zip from your local computer"
ip_support = "Upload the plugin archieve to install.</br>The following file extension is supported: zip."
ip_info_nfound = "Info file not found in the Plugin.Please recheck"
ip_file_nfnd="Please upload a plugin before clicking on install button"
up_title = "Updates for Plugins"
up_info = "Here you can see the entire list of available updates for plugins."
up_description = "Updates Info"
plugin_name = "Name"
plugin_version = "Version"
up_updated_version = "New Version"
up_actions = "Actions"
t_title = "Ticket"
title = "Title"
t_reply = "Reply on ticket"
t_fill = "Fill in your reply"
t_send = "Send reply"
invalid_sgroup = "Invalid support group!"
ticket_not_existing = "That's an invalid ticket"
success_forwarded = "The ticket was forwarded successfully!"
public_sgroup = "Public"
not_assigned = "None"
success_assigned = "The ticket was successfully assigned!"
success_unassigned = "The ticket was successfully unassigned!"
ticket_not_existing = "That ticket doesn't exist!"
ticket_already_assigned = "That ticket is already assigned to someone!"
not_assigned = "Open"
success_assigned = "The ticket was successfully assigned!"
success_unassigned = "The ticket was successfully unassigned!"
ticket_not_existing = "That ticket doesn't exist!"
ticket_already_assigned = "That ticket is already assigned to someone!"
ticket_not_assigned = "That ticket isn't assigned to you!"
public_sgroup = "Public"
add_to_group_success = "The user has been added to the group!"
user_already_added = "The user is already part of the group!"
group_not_existing = "The group doesn't exist!"
user_not_existing = "The user doesn't seem to exist"
not_mod_or_admin = "You can only add Moderators or Admins!"
modify_mail_of_group_success = "The Support Group's email settings have been modified!"
email_not_valid = "The group email address is invalid!"
no_password_given = "Be aware that there was no password filled in, so the password is empty atm!"
group_success = "The group has been created!"
group_name_taken = "The groupname was already used!"
group_tag_taken = "The tag was already used!"
group_size_error = "The name has to be between 4-20 chars and the tag between 2-4!"
1 = "created the ticket"
2 = "created the ticket for"
3 = "read the ticket"
4 = "added reply"
5 = "changed the status to"
6 = "changed the priority to"
7 = "assigned to the ticket"
8 = "forwarded the ticket to the support group: "
9 = "unassigned from the ticket"
title404 = "Not<br/>Found!"
title403 = "Forbidden!"
error_message404 = "This is not the page you are looking for.."
error_message403 = "You cannot access this page!"
go_home = "Go Home"
userlist_info = "welcome to the userlist"
login_info = "Please login with your Email/Username and Password."
login_error_message = "The Email/username/password were not correct!"
login_register_message ="<strong>Register</strong> If you don't have an account yet, create one"
login_here = "here"
login_forgot_password_message = "In case you forgot your password, click"
logout_message = "You've been logged out successfully!"
login_title = "Login"
login_timer = "You will be redirected to the login page in "
login_text = "Or click here if you don't want to wait!"
reset_success_message = "You've changed the password succesfully!"
reset_success_title = "Login"
reset_success_timer = "You will be redirected to the login page in "
login_text = "Or click here if you don't want to wait!"
status_ok = "You registered like a baws!"
status_shardoffline = "It seems the shard is offline, you can use the web-account, but you will need to wait for the shard."
status_liboffline = "You can't register an account at this time"
login_title = "Login"
login_timer = "You will be redirected to the login page in "
login_text = "Or click here if you don't want to wait!"
welcome_message = "Welcome! Please fill in the following fields to get your new Ryzom Core account"
username_tag = "Desired Username"
username_tooltip = "5-12 lower-case characters and numbers. The login (username) you create here will be your login name. The name of your game characters will be chosen later on."
username_default = "Username"
password_tag = "Desired Password"
password_tooltip = "Pick a hard to guess password (it must be 5-20 characters)."
password_message = "Password must be 5-20 characters."
password_default = "Password"
cpassword_tag = "Confirm Password"
cpassword_tooltip = "Retype your Password"
cpassword_message = "Retype your Password"
cpassword_default = "Re-enter Password"
email_tag = "Email Address"
email_tooltip = "Email Address to which a confirmation email will be sent."
email_message = "Please verify that the e-mail address you enter here is valid and will remain valid in the future. It will only be used to manage your Ryzom Core account."
email_default = "Email"
tac_tag1= "YES, I agree to the "
tac_tag2="terms of service"
tac_message = "You must accept the Terms of Service."
email_subject_new_reply = "New reply on [Ticket #"
email_body_new_reply_1 = "---------- Ticket #"
email_body_new_reply_2 = " ----------
You received a new reply on your ticket: "
email_body_new_reply_3 = "
Reply Content:
email_body_new_reply_4 = "
You can reply on this message to answer directly on the ticket!"
email_subject_new_ticket = "New ticket created [Ticket #"
email_body_new_ticket_1 = "---------- Ticket #"
email_body_new_ticket_2 = " ----------
Your ticket: "
email_body_new_ticket_3 = " ,is newly created
email_body_new_ticket_4 = "
You can reply on this message to answer directly on the ticket!"
email_subject_warn_author = "Someone tried to reply to your ticket: [Ticket #"
email_body_warn_author_1 = "Someone tried to reply at your ticket: "
email_body_warn_author_2 = " by sending an email from "
email_body_warn_author_3 = " ! Please use the email address matching to your account if you want to auto reply
If "
email_body_warn_author_4 = " isn't one of your email addresses, please contact us by replying to this ticket!"
email_subject_warn_sender = "You tried to reply to someone elses ticket!"
email_body_warn_sender = "It seems you tried to reply to someone elses ticket, please use the matching email address to that account!
This action is notified to the real ticket owner!"
email_subject_warn_unknown_sender = "You tried to reply to someone's ticket!"
email_body_warn_unknown_sender = "It seems you tried to reply to someone's ticket, However this email address isn't linked to any account, please use the matching email address to that account!
This action is notified to the real ticket owner!"
email_subject_forgot_password = "Request to reset your password"
email_body_forgot_password_header = "A request to reset your account's password has been made, you can do this by going to the following link:
email_body_forgot_password_footer = "
If you didn't make this request, please ignore this message."