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// NeL - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/nel/>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef NL_MESH_MRM_H
#define NL_MESH_MRM_H
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/3d/shape.h"
#include "nel/3d/driver.h"
#include "nel/misc/aabbox.h"
#include "nel/misc/uv.h"
#include "nel/3d/vertex_buffer.h"
#include "nel/3d/material.h"
#include "nel/3d/index_buffer.h"
#include "nel/3d/animated_material.h"
#include "nel/3d/mesh_base.h"
#include "nel/3d/mesh.h"
#include "nel/3d/mrm_mesh.h"
#include "nel/3d/mrm_parameters.h"
#include "nel/3d/bone.h"
#include "nel/3d/mesh_geom.h"
#include "nel/3d/mrm_level_detail.h"
#include "nel/3d/shadow_skin.h"
#include <set>
#include <vector>
namespace NL3D
using NLMISC::CVector;
using NLMISC::CPlane;
using NLMISC::CMatrix;
class CMRMBuilder;
// Fast matrix in mesh_mrm_skin.cpp
class CMatrix3x4;
class CRawVertexNormalSkin1;
class CRawVertexNormalSkin2;
class CRawVertexNormalSkin3;
class CRawVertexNormalSkin4;
class CRawSkinNormalCache;
class CMeshMRMInstance;
class CSkinSpecularRdrPass;
// ***************************************************************************
* An MRM mesh geometry, with no materials information.
* To build a CMeshMRMGeom, you should:
* - build a CMesh::CMeshBuild meshBuild (see CMesh)
* - call MeshMRMGeom.build(MeshBuild);
* NB: internally, build() use CMRMBuilder, a builder of MRM.
* \author Lionel Berenguier
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2001
class CMeshMRMGeom : public IMeshGeom
/// Constructor
/** Build a mesh, replacing old.
* this is much slower than CMeshGeom::build(), because it computes the MRM.
* \param params parameters of the MRM build process.
void build(CMesh::CMeshBuild &m, std::vector<CMesh::CMeshBuild*> &bsList, uint numMaxMaterial, const CMRMParameters ¶ms= CMRMParameters());
/// change materials Ids (called from CMesh::optimizeMaterialUsage())
void applyMaterialRemap(const std::vector<sint> &remap);
/** Change MRM Distance setup.
* NB: no-op if distanceFinest<0, distanceMiddle<=distanceFinest or if distanceCoarsest<=distanceMiddle.
* \param distanceFinest The MRM has its max faces when dist<=distanceFinest.
* \param distanceMiddle The MRM has 50% of its faces at dist==distanceMiddle.
* \param distanceCoarsest The MRM has faces/Divisor (ie near 0) when dist>=distanceCoarsest.
void changeMRMDistanceSetup(float distanceFinest, float distanceMiddle, float distanceCoarsest);
/// \name From IMeshGeom
// @{
/// Init instance info.
virtual void initInstance(CMeshBaseInstance *mbi);
/// clip this mesh in a driver. true if visible.
virtual bool clip(const std::vector<CPlane> &pyramid, const CMatrix &worldMatrix) ;
/// render() this mesh in a driver, given an instance and his materials.
virtual void render(IDriver *drv, CTransformShape *trans, float polygonCount, uint32 rdrFlags, float globalAlpha);
/// render() this mesh as a skin
virtual void renderSkin(CTransformShape *trans, float alphaMRM);
/// get an approximation of the number of triangles this instance will render for a fixed distance.
virtual float getNumTriangles (float distance);
/// serial this meshGeom.
virtual void serial(NLMISC::IStream &f) throw(NLMISC::EStream);
/// Scene profile
void profileSceneRender(CRenderTrav *rdrTrav, CTransformShape *trans, float polygonCount, uint32 rdrFlags);
// @}
/// \name Lod management.
// @{
/** get the number of LOD currently loaded.
uint getNbLodLoaded() const { return _NbLodLoaded ; }
/** Load the header and the first lod of a MRM in a stream.
* \param f the input stream to read. NB: after load, f.getPos() return the position of the second lod in the stream.
void loadFirstLod(NLMISC::IStream &f);
/** Load next lod of a stream. use getNbLodLoaded() to know what Lod will be loaded.
* NB: if getNbLodLoaded() == getNbLod(), no op.
* \param f the same input stream passed to loadFirstLod(). NB: after load, f.getPos() is "unedfined"
* (actually return the position of the next lod in the stream).
void loadNextLod(NLMISC::IStream &f);
/** UnLoad Lod getNbLodLoaded()-1 from memory. use getNbLodLoaded()-1 to know what Lod will be unloaded.
* NB: if getNbLodLoaded() <= 1, no op.
void unloadNextLod(NLMISC::IStream &f);
// @}
/// \name Geometry accessors
// @{
/// get the extended axis aligned bounding box of the mesh
const NLMISC::CAABBoxExt& getBoundingBox() const
return _BBox;
/// get the vertex buffer used by the mrm mesh. NB: this VB store all Vertices used by All LODs.
const CVertexBuffer &getVertexBuffer() const { return _VBufferFinal ; }
/// get the skinWeights used by the mrm mesh. NB: same size of the vertexBuffer. empty if !isSkinned()
const std::vector<CMesh::CSkinWeight> &getSkinWeights() const {return _SkinWeights;}
/// get the bone names of the meshMRM.
const std::vector<std::string> &getBonesName() const {return _BonesName;}
/** get the number of LOD.
uint getNbLod() const { return (uint)_Lods.size() ; }
/** get the number of rendering pass of a LOD.
* \param lodId the id of the LOD.
uint getNbRdrPass(uint lodId) const { return (uint)_Lods[lodId].RdrPass.size() ; }
/** get the primitive block associated with a rendering pass of a LOD.
* \param lodId the id of the LOD.
* \param renderingPassIndex the index of the rendering pass
const CIndexBuffer &getRdrPassPrimitiveBlock(uint lodId, uint renderingPassIndex) const
return _Lods[lodId].RdrPass[renderingPassIndex].PBlock ;
/** get the material ID associated with a rendering pass of a LOD.
* \param lodId the id of the LOD.
* \param renderingPassIndex the index of the rendering pass in the matrix block
uint32 getRdrPassMaterial(uint lodId, uint renderingPassIndex) const
return _Lods[lodId].RdrPass[renderingPassIndex].MaterialId ;
/// Advanced. get the geomorphs for a special lod.
const std::vector<CMRMWedgeGeom> &getGeomorphs(uint lodId) const
return _Lods[lodId].Geomorphs;
/// get the number of BlendShapes
uint getNbBlendShapes() const { return (uint)_MeshMorpher.BlendShapes.size(); }
/** Build a geometry copy for the given Lod. The VBuffer/IndexBuffer must not be resident. false if bad lodId
* The process ensure there is no hole in the resulting vertices array. Hence VB num Verts != vertices.size().
bool buildGeometryForLod(uint lodId, std::vector<CVector> &vertices, std::vector<uint32> &triangles) const;
// @}
/// \name Skinning Behavior
// @{
/// Return true if the mesh is skinned, else return false.
bool isSkinned () const
return _Skinned;
/// Compute skinning id
void computeBonesId (CSkeletonModel *skeleton);
/// update Skeleton Usage. increment or decrement. computeBonesId must has been called before.
void updateSkeletonUsage(CSkeletonModel *sm, bool increment);
/// return array of bones used by the skin. computeBonesId must has been called before.
const std::vector<sint32> &getSkinBoneUsage() const {return _BonesId;}
/// see CTransform::getSkinBoneSphere() doc for the meaning of this value. computeBonesId must has been called before.
const std::vector<NLMISC::CBSphere> &getSkinBoneSphere() const {return _BonesSphere;}
/// Called for edition purpose (slow O(NVertex) ). computeBonesId must has been called before.
bool getSkinBoneBBox(CSkeletonModel *skeleton, NLMISC::CAABBox &bbox, uint boneId) const;
// @}
/// \name Mesh Block Render Implementation
// @{
/** true if this meshGeom support meshBlock rendering.
* return false if skinned/meshMorphed.
virtual bool supportMeshBlockRendering () const;
virtual bool sortPerMaterial() const;
virtual uint getNumRdrPassesForMesh() const ;
virtual uint getNumRdrPassesForInstance(CMeshBaseInstance *inst) const ;
virtual void beginMesh(CMeshGeomRenderContext &rdrCtx) ;
virtual void activeInstance(CMeshGeomRenderContext &rdrCtx, CMeshBaseInstance *inst, float polygonCount, void *vbDst) ;
virtual void renderPass(CMeshGeomRenderContext &rdrCtx, CMeshBaseInstance *inst, float polygonCount, uint rdrPass) ;
virtual void endMesh(CMeshGeomRenderContext &rdrCtx) ;
virtual bool getVBHeapInfo(uint &vertexFormat, uint &numVertices);
virtual void computeMeshVBHeap(void *dst, uint indexStart);
virtual bool isActiveInstanceNeedVBFill() const;
// @}
/// get the MRM level detail information
const CMRMLevelDetail &getLevelDetail() const {return _LevelDetail;}
/// \name Special SkinGrouping Rendering
// @{
bool supportSkinGrouping() const;
sint renderSkinGroupGeom(CMeshMRMInstance *mi, float alphaMRM, uint remainingVertices, uint8 *vbDest);
void renderSkinGroupPrimitives(CMeshMRMInstance *mi, uint baseVertex, std::vector<CSkinSpecularRdrPass> &specularRdrPasses, uint skinIndex);
void renderSkinGroupSpecularRdrPass(CMeshMRMInstance *mi, uint rdrPassId);
// @}
// Is this mesh Geom has a VertexProgram bound?
virtual bool hasMeshVertexProgram() const {return _MeshVertexProgram!=NULL;}
/// \name ShadowMap Skin rendering
// @{
/// Setup the ShadowMesh
void setShadowMesh(const std::vector<CShadowVertex> &shadowVertices, const std::vector<uint32> &triangles);
/// Get the num of shadow skin vertices
uint getNumShadowSkinVertices() const;
/// Render the ShadowSkin (SkinGroup like)
bool supportShadowSkinGrouping() const {return _SupportShadowSkinGrouping;}
sint renderShadowSkinGeom(CMeshMRMInstance *mi, uint remainingVertices, uint8 *vbDest);
void renderShadowSkinPrimitives(CMeshMRMInstance *mi, CMaterial &castMat, IDriver *drv, uint baseVertex);
/** Special use of skinning to compute intersection of a ray with it.
* Internaly Use same system than ShadowSkinning, see CShadowSkin::getRayIntersection()
bool supportIntersectSkin() const {return supportShadowSkinGrouping();}
bool intersectSkin(CMeshMRMInstance *mi, const CMatrix &toRaySpace, float &dist2D, float &distZ, bool computeDist2D);
// @}
// ************************
friend class CMRMBuilder;
/// \name Structures for building a MRM mesh.
/// A block of primitives, sorted by material use.
class CRdrPass
// The id of this material.
uint32 MaterialId;
// The list of primitives.
CIndexBuffer PBlock;
// The same, precomputed for VBHeap Index Shifting
CIndexBuffer VBHeapPBlock;
// Serialize a rdrpass.
void serial(NLMISC::IStream &f)
NL_SET_IB_NAME(PBlock, "CMeshMRM::CRdrPass::PBlock");
NL_SET_IB_NAME(VBHeapPBlock, "CMeshMRM::CRdrPass::VBHeapPBlock");
/// A block of vertices descriptor.
struct CVertexBlock
// The index of the start vertex.
uint32 VertexStart;
// Number of vertices.
uint32 NVertices;
void serial(NLMISC::IStream &f)
f.serial(VertexStart, NVertices);
/// A LOD of the MRM.
class CLod
/// The number of vertex in The VB this Lod needs.
uint32 NWedges;
/// List of geomorph, for this LOD.
std::vector<CMRMWedgeGeom> Geomorphs;
/// List of rdr pass, for this LOD.
std::vector<CRdrPass> RdrPass;
/** Skinning: list of influenced vertices to compute, for this lod only. There is 4 array, 0th
* is for vertices which have only one matrix. 1st if for vertices which have only 2 matrix ....
std::vector<uint32> InfluencedVertices[NL3D_MESH_SKINNING_MAX_MATRIX];
/// Skinning: list of Matrix which influence this Lod. So we know what matrix to compute.
std::vector<uint32> MatrixInfluences;
/// Skinning: does the VBuffer part of this Lod contains original skin vertices.
bool OriginalSkinRestored;
/** Skinning: list of vertex blocks to copy from RAM to AGP, for this Lod only.
* NB: it is constructed from InfluencedVertices. Only useful if skinned.
std::vector<CVertexBlock> SkinVertexBlocks;
// By default, this is supposed false.
OriginalSkinRestored= false;
// Serialize a Lod.
void serial(NLMISC::IStream &f);
// Used in CMeshMRMGeom::build().
void buildSkinVertexBlocks();
void optimizeTriangleOrder();
friend class CLod;
/** A mesh information. NB: private. unlike CMesh::CMeshBuild, do not herit from CMeshBase::CMeshBuild, because
* computed internally with CMRMBuilder, and only geometry is of interest.
struct CMeshBuildMRM
// This tells if the mesh is correctly skinned.
bool Skinned;
// This is the array of SkinWeights, same size as the VB.
std::vector<CMesh::CSkinWeight> SkinWeights;
// This VB is computed with CMRMBuilder and is ready to used
CVertexBuffer VBuffer;
// Lod array, computed with CMRMBuilder and ready to used
std::vector<CLod> Lods;
// The blend shapes
std::vector<CBlendShape> BlendShapes;
/// \Degradation control.
// @{
/// The MRM has its max faces when dist<=DistanceFinest.
float DistanceFinest;
/// The MRM has 50% of its faces at dist==DistanceMiddle.
float DistanceMiddle;
/// The MRM has faces/Divisor when dist>=DistanceCoarsest.
float DistanceCoarsest;
// @}
/// A LOD of the MRM.
class CLodInfo
/// The frist new wedge this lod use.
uint32 StartAddWedge;
/// The last+1 new wedge this lod use. NB: Lod.NWedges== LodInfo.EndAddWedges.
uint32 EndAddWedges;
/// the absolute Lod offset in the last Stream which has been used to read this MRM.
sint32 LodOffset;
void serial(NLMISC::IStream &f)
// do not serial LodOffset here.
/// Skinning: This tells if the mesh is correctly skinned (suuport skinning).
bool _Skinned;
/// Skinning: this is the list of vertices (mirror of VBuffer), at the bind Pos.
std::vector<CVector> _OriginalSkinVertices;
std::vector<CVector> _OriginalSkinNormals;
std::vector<CVector> _OriginalTGSpace;
/// The Original VBuffer
CVertexBuffer _VBufferOriginal;
/// The Final VBuffer
CVertexBuffer _VBufferFinal;
/// This is the array of SkinWeights, same size as the VB.
std::vector<CMesh::CSkinWeight> _SkinWeights;
/// This boolean is true if the bones id have been passed in the skeleton
bool _BoneIdComputed;
/// true if the _BonesIdExt have been computed (for bone Usage).
bool _BoneIdExtended;
/// if true, then maybe use faster render
bool _SupportSkinGrouping;
/// Last lod rendered. used with renderSkinGroup*() only
uint8 _LastLodComputed;
/// This array give the name of the local bones
std::vector<std::string> _BonesName;
/// This array give the index in the skeleton of the local bones used. computed at first computeBoneId()
std::vector<sint32> _BonesId;
/// Same as _BonesId but with parent of bones added. (used for bone usage)
std::vector<sint32> _BonesIdExt;
/// see CTransform::getSkinBoneSphere() doc for the meaning of this value
std::vector<NLMISC::CBSphere> _BonesSphere;
/// List of Lods.
std::vector<CLod> _Lods;
/// For clipping. this is the BB of all vertices of all Lods.
/// Info for pre-loading Lods.
std::vector<CLodInfo> _LodInfos;
uint _NbLodLoaded;
/// \Degradation control.
// @{
CMRMLevelDetail _LevelDetail;
// @}
/// NB: HERE FOR PACKING ONLY. For clipping. Estimate if we must do a Precise clipping (ie with bboxes)
bool _PreciseClipping;
// The Mesh Morpher
CMeshMorpher _MeshMorpher;
// Possible MeshVertexProgram to apply at render()
NLMISC::CSmartPtr<IMeshVertexProgram> _MeshVertexProgram;
/// \name Mesh Block Render Implementation
// @{
/// setuped at compileRunTime.
bool _SupportMeshBlockRendering;
/// BeginMesh setup
bool _MBRBkupNormalize;
/// global setup at activateInstance()
sint _MBRCurrentLodId;
// @}
/// \name ShadowMap Skin rendering
// @{
CShadowSkin _ShadowSkin;
bool _SupportShadowSkinGrouping;
// @}
/// serial a subset of the vertices.
void serialLodVertexData(NLMISC::IStream &f, uint startWedge, uint endWedge);
/// choose the lod according to the alphaMRM [0,1] given.
sint chooseLod(float alphaMRM, float &alphaLod);
/// Apply the geomorph to the _VBuffer, or the VBhard, if exist/used
void applyGeomorph(std::vector<CMRMWedgeGeom> &geoms, float alphaLod);
/// Apply the geomorph to the VBhard ptr, if not NULL
void applyGeomorphWithVBHardPtr(std::vector<CMRMWedgeGeom> &geoms, float alphaLod, uint8 *vertexDestPtr);
/// Faster, but common geomorph apply
void applyGeomorphPosNormalUV0(std::vector<CMRMWedgeGeom> &geoms, uint8 *vertexPtr, uint8 *vertexDestPtr, sint32 vertexSize, float a, float a1);
/// Skinning: bkup Vertex/Normal into _OriginalSkin* from VBuffer.
void bkupOriginalSkinVertices();
void bkupOriginalSkinVerticesSubset(uint wedgeStart, uint wedgeEnd);
/// Skinning: restore Vertex/Normal from _OriginalSkin* to VBuffer.
void restoreOriginalSkinVertices();
/// Skinning: Apply skinning to the _VBuffer (before geomorph).
void applySkin(CLod &lod, const CSkeletonModel *skeleton);
/** The same as apply skin, but with normal modified. Normal is not normalized.
* 4 versions from slower to faster.
void applySkinWithNormal(CLod &lod, const CSkeletonModel *skeleton);
void applyRawSkinWithNormal(CLod &lod, CRawSkinNormalCache &rawSkinLod, const CSkeletonModel *skeleton, uint8 *vbHard, float alphaLod);
/** The same as apply skin with normal, but with a tangent space added (encoded in a texture coordinate).
* The tangent space is modified, but not normalized (must be done in a vertex program).
* 4 versions from slower to faster.
void applySkinWithTangentSpace(CLod &lod, const CSkeletonModel *skeleton, uint tangentSpaceTexCoord);
/// Skinning: same as restoreOriginalSkinVertices(), but for one Lod only.
void restoreOriginalSkinPart(CLod &lod);
/// load the header of this mesh. return the version of the header.
sint loadHeader(NLMISC::IStream &f) throw(NLMISC::EStream);
/// load this mesh.
void load(NLMISC::IStream &f) throw(NLMISC::EStream);
/// save the entire mesh.
void save(NLMISC::IStream &f) throw(NLMISC::EStream);
// Build bone Usage information for serialized mesh <= version 2.
void buildBoneUsageVer2 ();
// Some runtime not serialized compilation
void compileRunTime();
// SkinGroup
void updateShiftedTriangleCache(CMeshMRMInstance *mi, sint curLodId, uint baseVertex);
/// \name RawSkin optimisation.
// @{
/// Each time the mesh is loaded/built, this increment
uint _MeshDataId;
/// compute RawSkin info in the MRMInstance according to current skin setup.
void updateRawSkinNormal(bool enabled, CMeshMRMInstance *mi, sint curLodId);
/// Increment the refCount, so instances RawSkins are no longer valid
void dirtMeshDataId();
// ApplySkin method
void applyArrayRawSkinNormal1(CRawVertexNormalSkin1 *src, uint8 *destVertexPtr,
CMatrix3x4 *boneMat3x4, uint nInf);
void applyArrayRawSkinNormal2(CRawVertexNormalSkin2 *src, uint8 *destVertexPtr,
CMatrix3x4 *boneMat3x4, uint nInf);
void applyArrayRawSkinNormal3(CRawVertexNormalSkin3 *src, uint8 *destVertexPtr,
CMatrix3x4 *boneMat3x4, uint nInf);
void applyArrayRawSkinNormal4(CRawVertexNormalSkin4 *src, uint8 *destVertexPtr,
CMatrix3x4 *boneMat3x4, uint nInf);
static uint NumCacheVertexNormal1;
static uint NumCacheVertexNormal2;
static uint NumCacheVertexNormal3;
static uint NumCacheVertexNormal4;
// @}
// ***************************************************************************
* An instanciable MRM mesh.
* To build a CMeshMRM, you should:
* - build a CMesh::CMeshBuild meshBuild (see CMesh)
* - call MeshMRM.build(MeshBuild);
* - call if you want setAnimatedMaterial() etc...
* NB: internally, build() use CMRMBuilder, a builder of MRM.
* \author Lionel Berenguier
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2001
class CMeshMRM : public CMeshBase
/// Constructor
/** Build a mesh, replacing old. WARNING: This has a side effect of deleting AnimatedMaterials.
* this is much slower than CMesh::build(), because it computes the MRM.
* \param params parameters of the MRM build process.
void build ( CMeshBase::CMeshBaseBuild &mBase, CMesh::CMeshBuild &m,
std::vector<CMesh::CMeshBuild*> &listBS,
const CMRMParameters ¶ms= CMRMParameters() );
/** Build a mesh, replacing old. build from a CMeshBaseBuild (materials info) and a previously builded CMeshMRMGeom.
* WARNING: This has a side effect of deleting AnimatedMaterials.
* this is much slower than CMesh::build(), because it computes the MRM.
* \param params parameters of the MRM build process.
void build (CMeshBase::CMeshBaseBuild &m, const CMeshMRMGeom &mgeom);
/** Optimize material use. If a material in CMeshBase is not used by any renderPasses, it is removed, and ids are updated.
* WARNING: This has a side effect of deleting AnimatedMaterials.
* \param remap a remap material Id: newId= remap[oldId]. -1 means "no more used"
void optimizeMaterialUsage(std::vector<sint> &remap);
/// Compute skinning id
void computeBonesId (CSkeletonModel *skeleton);
/// update Skeleton Usage. increment or decrement.
void updateSkeletonUsage(CSkeletonModel *sm, bool increment);
/** Change MRM Distance setup.
* NB: no-op if distanceFinest<0, distanceMiddle<=distanceFinest or if distanceCoarsest<=distanceMiddle.
* \param distanceFinest The MRM has its max faces when dist<=distanceFinest.
* \param distanceMiddle The MRM has 50% of its faces at dist==distanceMiddle.
* \param distanceCoarsest The MRM has faces/Divisor (ie near 0) when dist>=distanceCoarsest.
void changeMRMDistanceSetup(float distanceFinest, float distanceMiddle, float distanceCoarsest);
/// \name From IShape
// @{
/// Create a CMeshInstance, which contains materials.
virtual CTransformShape *createInstance(CScene &scene);
/// clip this mesh in a driver.
virtual bool clip(const std::vector<CPlane> &pyramid, const CMatrix &worldMatrix) ;
/// render() this mesh in a driver.
virtual void render(IDriver *drv, CTransformShape *trans, bool passOpaque);
/// get an approximation of the number of triangles this instance will render for a fixed distance.
virtual float getNumTriangles (float distance);
/// serial this mesh.
virtual void serial(NLMISC::IStream &f) throw(NLMISC::EStream);
/// Get bbox.
virtual void getAABBox(NLMISC::CAABBox &bbox) const {bbox= getBoundingBox().getAABBox();}
/// profiling
virtual void profileSceneRender(CRenderTrav *rdrTrav, CTransformShape *trans, bool opaquePass);
/// System Mem Geometry Copy, built at load time
virtual void buildSystemGeometry();
// @}
/// \name Geometry accessors
// @{
/// get the extended axis aligned bounding box of the mesh
const NLMISC::CAABBoxExt& getBoundingBox() const
return _MeshMRMGeom.getBoundingBox();
/// get the vertex buffer used by the mrm mesh. NB: this VB store all Vertices used by All LODs.
const CVertexBuffer &getVertexBuffer() const { return _MeshMRMGeom.getVertexBuffer(); }
/** get the number of LOD.
uint getNbLod() const { return _MeshMRMGeom.getNbLod() ; }
/** get the number of rendering pass of a LOD.
* \param lodId the id of the LOD.
uint getNbRdrPass(uint lodId) const { return _MeshMRMGeom.getNbRdrPass(lodId) ; }
/** get the primitive block associated with a rendering pass of a LOD.
* \param lodId the id of the LOD.
* \param renderingPassIndex the index of the rendering pass
const CIndexBuffer &getRdrPassPrimitiveBlock(uint lodId, uint renderingPassIndex) const
return _MeshMRMGeom.getRdrPassPrimitiveBlock(lodId, renderingPassIndex) ;
/** get the material ID associated with a rendering pass of a LOD.
* \param lodId the id of the LOD.
* \param renderingPassIndex the index of the rendering pass in the matrix block
uint32 getRdrPassMaterial(uint lodId, uint renderingPassIndex) const
return _MeshMRMGeom.getRdrPassMaterial(lodId, renderingPassIndex) ;
/// Get the mesh geom
const CMeshMRMGeom& getMeshGeom () const;
// @}
/// \name Mesh Block Render Interface
// @{
virtual IMeshGeom *supportMeshBlockRendering (CTransformShape *trans, float &polygonCount ) const;
// @}
// ************************
CMeshMRMGeom _MeshMRMGeom;
} // NL3D
#endif // NL_MESH_MRM_H
/* End of mesh_mrm.h */