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// NeL - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/nel/>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/misc/matrix.h"
#include "nel/misc/rgba.h"
#include "nel/misc/block_memory.h"
#include "nel/misc/vector_2f.h"
#include "nel/misc/smart_ptr.h"
#include "nel/3d/vegetable_clip_block.h"
#include "nel/3d/vegetable_sort_block.h"
#include "nel/3d/vegetable_instance_group.h"
#include "nel/3d/vegetable_shape.h"
#include "nel/3d/vegetablevb_allocator.h"
#include "nel/3d/material.h"
#include "nel/3d/driver.h"
#include "nel/3d/vegetable_uv8.h"
namespace NL3D
class CVegetableBlendLayerModel;
class CScene;
class CVegetableLightEx;
// ***************************************************************************
// By default there is 20 layers.
// default distance is 60 meters.
// ***************************************************************************
* Manager of vegetable. Instance Factory and rendering.
* A VegetableManager should be put into a CScene model which is Opaque (ie rendered in Opaque pass), and call
* vegetableManager::render() at this time. a good example is CLandscape.
* Because during render(), it uses and setup special "Vegetable Blend Layer models" to render transparents
* alpha blended vegetables. Toses models are transparent so they are drawn during the transparent pass of
* the renderTrav's CScene (so after the Opaque pass).
* \author Lionel Berenguier
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2001
class CVegetableManager
/// Micro vegetation position against Water. Above water is the default.
enum TVegetableWater { AboveWater = 0, UnderWater, IntersectWater, VegetInfoLast };
* \param maxVertexVbHardUnlit maximum VertexCount in VBHard for Unlit (or precomputed lighted) vegetables
* \param maxVertexVbHardLighted maximum VertexCount in VBHard for Lighted vegetables
* \param nbBlendLayers for ZSort/AlphaBlend rdrPass: number of layers of vegetables rendered independently.
* \param blendLayerDistMax for ZSort/AlphaBlend rdrPass: distance of the farest layer.
CVegetableManager(uint maxVertexVbHardUnlit, uint maxVertexVbHardLighted,
float blendLayerDistMax= NL3D_VEGETABLE_DEFAULT_DIST_MAX);
/** Before any render(), you must call this method (else nlassert). It creates the necessary models in the scene,
* to manage AlphaBlending correctly. Those models are deleted in the object dtor.
void createVegetableBlendLayersModels(CScene *scene);
/// \name Shape management
// @{
/// Load a shape if necessary, and return a shapeId for this shape.
CVegetableShape *getVegetableShape(const std::string &shape);
// @}
/// \name instance management
// @{
/// Create a clipBlock where SortBlock will be created.
CVegetableClipBlock *createClipBlock();
/// delete such a clipBlock. all sortBlocks and so all ig must be deleted before.
void deleteClipBlock(CVegetableClipBlock *clipBlock);
/** Create a SortBlock in a clipBlock where instance group (ig) will be created.
* All AlphaBlend instances created in a SortBlock should have the same vegetWaterState: AboveWater or UnderWater.
* Each time an instance is added to the sortBlock it changes the _UnderWater state of the sortBlock.
* \param center you must give an approximate center for the sortBlock (for sorting)
* \param radius you must give an approximate radius for the sortBlock (for the system to know when you are IN
* the sortBlock, and then to sort in a better way)
CVegetableSortBlock *createSortBlock(CVegetableClipBlock *clipBlock, const CVector ¢er, float radius);
/// delete such a SortBlock. all ig must be deleted before.
void deleteSortBlock(CVegetableSortBlock *sortBlock);
/** create an instance group in a sortBlock, where instances will be created.
* Instances will be frustum-clipped by the clipBlock, and sorted (for the ZSort rdrPass only) by sortBlock.
CVegetableInstanceGroup *createIg(CVegetableSortBlock *sortBlock);
/** delete such an ig.
* After doing this, you must call igSortBlockOwner->updateSortBlock()
* If the sortBlock has many Igs, you can do it after deleting all your igs.
void deleteIg(CVegetableInstanceGroup *ig);
// @}
/// \name Adding Instances to an Ig.
* Adding instances in an Ig is a 2 step process:
* - reserve Ig Space
* - add instances to the ig
* More precisely:
* - For all vegetables shapes which will be created in an instance group
* - reserveIgAddInstances(shape, waterState, number of instances, vegetIgReserve)
* - call reserveIgCompile(ig, vegetIgReserve)
* - For all vegetables instances
* - addInstance(ig, ...)
* After this setup, you CANNOT add anymore instances to the Ig (this is a requirement for fast allocation).
* After adding all your instances to an Ig, you must call sortBlockOwnerOfTheIg->updateSortBlock()
* If the sortBlock has many Igs, you can do it after filling all your igs.
// @{
/** reserve some instance space in an Ig.
* nothing is really done here, after doing this for all shapes of your ig, you must call
* reserveIgCompile()
* \param vegetIgReserve the object where space required for the ig is added
void reserveIgAddInstances(CVegetableInstanceGroupReserve &vegetIgReserve, CVegetableShape *shape, TVegetableWater vegetWaterState, uint numInstances);
/** reserve the space in the ig.
* nlassert() if the ig is not empty.
* \see reserveIgAddInstances()
void reserveIgCompile(CVegetableInstanceGroup *ig, const CVegetableInstanceGroupReserve &vegetIgReserve);
/** add an instance to an ig, enlarging the associated clipBlock bbox.
* If the shape is not lighted, then only diffuseColor is used, to setup color per vertex.
* Warning! Use OptFastFloor()! So call must be enclosed with a OptFastFloorBegin()/OptFastFloorEnd().
* Also, buffer must be locked.
* ambientColor and diffuseColor should be in [0..1] (no clamp), else uint8 will wrap...
* nlassert() if no sufficient space reserved in reserveIgCompile().
* \param dlmUV is the dynamic lightmap UV for this vegetable.
* \see reserveIgAddInstances() reserveIgCompile()
void addInstance(CVegetableInstanceGroup *ig,
CVegetableShape *shape, const NLMISC::CMatrix &mat,
const NLMISC::CRGBAF &ambientColor, const NLMISC::CRGBAF &diffuseColor,
float bendFactor, float bendPhase, float bendFreqFactor, float blendDistMax,
TVegetableWater vegetWaterState, CVegetableUV8 dlmUV);
/** Setup a density multiplicator [0,1], for performance reason for instance
void setGlobalDensity(float density);
/** Get density multiplicator [0,1], for performance reason for instance
float getGlobalDensity() const {return _GlobalDensity;}
// @}
/// \name render
// @{
/// must give a driver to the vegetableManager, before any addInstance().
void updateDriver(IDriver *driver);
/// load a global texture used for all vegetables (lookup into CPath).
void loadTexture(const std::string &texName);
/// setup a global texture used for all vegetables (smartPtr-ized).
void loadTexture(ITexture *itex);
/// setup the directional light
void setDirectionalLight(const CRGBA &ambient, const CRGBA &diffuse, const CVector &light);
/** lock any AGP vertex buffers. Do it wisely (just one time before refine as example).
* You MUST enclose calls to addInstance() (and so CVegetable::generateInstance())
* with lockBuffers() / unlockBuffers().
void lockBuffers();
/// unlock any AGP vertex buffers
void unlockBuffers();
/** render the manager into a driver, with current viewMatrix/frustum/fog setuped
* Buffers should be unlocked.
* \param textureDLM is the dynamic lightmap to use. can be NULL if don't want DLM
void render(const CVector &viewCenter, const CVector &frontVector, const std::vector<CPlane> &pyramid,
ITexture *textureDLM, IDriver *driver);
// @}
/// \name Wind animation
// @{
/** set the Wind for animation.
* All thoses variables may be modified each frame without penalty.
* \param windDir is the direction of the wind. NB: only XY direction is kept.
* \param windFreq is the frequency for the animation (speed)
* \param windPower is the power of the wind, and is a factor (0..1) of Bend
* \param windBendMin is a value in (0..1) which indicate how much the vegetables are bended at minimum
* (for very powerfull wind)
void setWind(const CVector &windDir, float windFreq, float windPower, float windBendMin);
/** set the current Time (in seconds). For Wind animation
void setTime(double time);
// @}
/// \name UpdateLighting management
// @{
/** set the vegetable manager System Time (in seconds)
* This time is used for lighting update, and is independent of setTime()
void setUpdateLightingTime(double time);
/** update the lighting of Igs, within a certain amount of time.
* You MUST enclose calls to updateLighting() with lockBuffers() / unlockBuffers().
void updateLighting();
/** set the frequency of lighting update. If freq==1, ALL lighted igs are updated each second.
* e.g: if 1/20, then every 20 seconds, all Igs are updated.
* If you set 0, no update will be done at all (this is the default setup!!).
void setUpdateLightingFrequency(float freq);
/** like updateLighting(), but update ALL vegetable
* You MUST enclose calls to updateLighting() with lockBuffers() / unlockBuffers().
void updateLightingAll();
// @}
/// \name Profile
// @{
/// set to 0 the number of faces rendered
void resetNumVegetableFaceRendered();
/// get the number of faces rendered by the vegetable manager
uint getNumVegetableFaceRendered() const;
// @}
// *********************
friend class CVegetableBlendLayerModel;
NLMISC::CBlockMemory<CVegetableClipBlock> _ClipBlockMemory;
NLMISC::CBlockMemory<CVegetableSortBlock> _SortBlockMemory;
NLMISC::CBlockMemory<CVegetableInstanceGroup> _InstanceGroupMemory;
// List of ClipBlock not empty. tested for clipping
CTessList<CVegetableClipBlock> _ClipBlockList;
// List of ClipBlock created, with no Ig, so not tested for clipping
CTessList<CVegetableClipBlock> _EmptyClipBlockList;
// Vegetable Shape map.
typedef std::map<std::string, CVegetableShape> TShapeMap;
typedef TShapeMap::iterator ItShapeMap;
TShapeMap _ShapeMap;
// Vertex Buffers for display. One allocator for Lighted and Unlit mode.
CVegetableVBAllocator _VBHardAllocator[CVegetableVBAllocator::VBTypeCount];
// The same, but no VBHard.
CVegetableVBAllocator _VBSoftAllocator[CVegetableVBAllocator::VBTypeCount];
// Vertex Program. One VertexProgram for each rdrPass (with / without fog)
CVertexProgram *_VertexProgram[NL3D_VEGETABLE_NRDRPASS][2];
// Material. Useful for texture and alphaTest
CMaterial _VegetableMaterial;
// Norm
CVector _DirectionalLight;
NLMISC::CRGBA _GlobalAmbient;
NLMISC::CRGBA _GlobalDiffuse;
/// Global Vegetable Density
float _GlobalDensity;
/// profile
uint _NumVegetableFaceRendered;
// return true if the ith rdrPass is 2Sided.
static bool doubleSidedRdrPass(uint rdrPass);
/// get the rdrPass and other info for a given shape.
uint getRdrPassInfoForShape(CVegetableShape *shape, TVegetableWater vegetWaterState,
bool &instanceLighted, bool &instanceDoubleSided, bool &instanceZSort,
bool &destLighted, bool &precomputeLighting);
/// Get the good allocator for the appropriate rdr pass.
CVegetableVBAllocator &getVBAllocatorForRdrPassAndVBHardMode(uint rdrPass, uint vbHardMode);
/// init the ith vertexProgram.
void initVertexProgram(uint vpType, bool fogEnabled);
/// setup the vertexProgram constants.
void setupVertexProgramConstants(IDriver *driver);
/** swap the RdrPass type (hard or soft) of the rdrPass of an instance group.
* vertices are allocated in other VBallocator, copied and freed in the old VBallocator.
void swapIgRdrPassHardMode(CVegetableInstanceGroup *, uint rdrPass);
/// \name Wind animation
// @{
CVector _WindDirection;
float _WindFrequency;
float _WindPower;
float _WindBendMin;
// nb: used for wind animation
double _Time;
double _WindPrecRenderTime;
// updated at each render().
double _WindAnimTime;
// Constant LUT.
// computed at each render().
// @}
/// \name Misc data to setup renderState (computed at each render())
// @{
CVector _AngleAxis;
CVector _ViewCenter;
bool _BkupFog;
// NB: the manager matrix may not be Identity, for ZBuffer precision reason.
NLMISC::CMatrix _ManagerMatrix;
// @}
/// \name CVegetableBlendLayerModel mgt.
// @{
/// For Alpha Blend rdrPass, ordering into layers.
uint _NumZSortBlendLayers;
float _ZSortLayerDistMax;
CScene *_ZSortScene;
std::vector<CVegetableBlendLayerModel*> _ZSortModelLayers;
// The same but under water
std::vector<CVegetableBlendLayerModel*> _ZSortModelLayersUW;
/// called by CVegetableBlendLayerModel.
void setupRenderStateForBlendLayerModel(IDriver *driver);
void exitRenderStateForBlendLayerModel(IDriver *driver);
// @}
/// \name UpdateLighting management
* NB: we update at the precision of a shape (a dozen of vertices).
// @{
// Last update time.
double _ULPrecTime;
bool _ULPrecTimeInit;
double _ULTime;
/// Frequency of update.
float _ULFrequency;
/// Current number of vertices to update. If negative, I have some advance.
float _ULNVerticesToUpdate;
/// Sum of all ig vertices to update.
uint _ULNTotalVertices;
/// the priority list of ig to update
CVegetableInstanceGroup *_ULRootIg;
/// Current instance to render in the first ig to update: rdrpass/instanceId.
uint _ULCurrentIgRdrPass;
uint _ULCurrentIgInstance;
/// update lighting according to _ULNVerticesToUpdate
void doUpdateLighting();
/** update part of the RootIg, according to _ULNVerticesToUpdate (while > 0)
* if all Ig is updated, return true and _ULCurrentIgRdrPass and _ULCurrentIgInstance is updated.
bool updateLightingIGPart();
/** update part of an ig. Do not use/modify _UL*
* return number of vertices processed (nb vertices of the shape)
uint updateInstanceLighting(CVegetableInstanceGroup *ig, uint rdrPassId, uint instanceId);
// @}
// last driver setupped with a call to update driver
NLMISC::CRefPtr<IDriver> _LastDriver;
} // NL3D
/* End of vegetable_manager.h */