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// NeL - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/nel/>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "nel/3d/u_material.h"
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/misc/vector.h"
#include "nel/misc/rgba.h"
#include "height_map.h"
#include <string>
namespace NLMISC
class IProgressCallback;
namespace NL3D
class CZone;
using NLMISC::CVector;
struct CTileAddedInfo
uint64 TileID;
NLMISC::CVector Corners[4];
NLMISC::CVector Center;
NLMISC::CVector Normal;
/** Callback to know when a tile of a landscape has been added/removed
struct ULandscapeTileCallback
virtual ~ULandscapeTileCallback() {}
virtual void tileAdded(const CTileAddedInfo &infos) = 0;
virtual void tileRemoved(uint64 id) = 0;
// ***************************************************************************
* Game Interface for manipulate Landscape.
* \author Lionel Berenguier
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2001
class ULandscape
/// \name Object
/// protected because created/deleted by UScene.
// @{
ULandscape() {}
virtual ~ULandscape() {}
// @}
/// \name Load
/// All those load methods use CPath to search files.
// @{
/// Set the zonePath from where zones are loaded.
virtual void setZonePath(const std::string &zonePath) =0;
/// Load the tile banks: the ".bank" and the ".farbank".
virtual void loadBankFiles(const std::string &tileBankFile, const std::string &farBankFile) =0;
/// Flush the tiles
virtual void flushTiles (NLMISC::IProgressCallback &progress) =0;
/// Postfix tile filename
virtual void postfixTileFilename (const char *postfix) =0;
/// Postfix vegetable filename
virtual void postfixTileVegetableDesc (const char *postfix) =0;
/// Load all Zones around a position. This is a blocking call.
virtual void loadAllZonesAround(const CVector &pos, float radius) =0;
/** Load all Zones around a position. This is a blocking call.
* \zonesAdded array of name of the zones added, without extension (eg: "150_EM").
virtual void loadAllZonesAround(const CVector &pos, float radius, std::vector<std::string> &zonesAdded) =0;
/// Delete old zones, or load new zones, around a position. new Zones are loaded async.
virtual void refreshZonesAround(const CVector &pos, float radius) =0;
/** Delete old zones, or load new zones, around a position. new Zones are loaded async.
* This method add or remove only one zone at a time.
* \zoneRemoved name of the zone removed, without extension (eg: "150_EM"). "" if none.
* \zoneAdded name of the zone added, without extension (eg: "150_EM"). "" if none.
* \validZones subset of zones that can be loaded (NULL for default set)
virtual void refreshZonesAround(const CVector &pos, float radius, std::string &zoneAdded, std::string &zoneRemoved, const std::vector<uint16> *validZoneIds = NULL) =0;
/// Delete old zones, or load new zones, around a position, until it is finished. This is a blocking call.
virtual void refreshAllZonesAround(const CVector &pos, float radius, std::vector<std::string> &zonesAdded,
std::vector<std::string> &zonesRemoved, NLMISC::IProgressCallback &progress, const std::vector<uint16> *validZoneIds = NULL) =0;
/** Get list of zones currently loaded in landscape.
* \zonesLoaded array of name of the zones added, without extension (eg: "150_EM").
virtual void getAllZoneLoaded(std::vector<std::string> &zoneLoaded) const =0;
// invalidate all tiles (this forces the tile callback to be called again)
virtual void invalidateAllTiles() = 0;
// Remove all zones forcing at next pass a massive load
virtual void removeAllZones() = 0;
// @}
/// \name Lighting
// @{
* Setup the light color use for static illumination.
* NB: This setup will be visible only for new texture far/near computed (when player move or see dynamic lighting).
* \param diffuse is the color of the diffuse componante of the lighting.
* \param ambiant is the color of the ambiante componante of the lighting.
* \param multiply is the multiply factor. Final color is (diffuse*multiply*shading+ambiant*(1.0-shading))
virtual void setupStaticLight (const CRGBA &diffuse, const CRGBA &ambiant, float multiply) =0;
/** Setup the equivalent material diffuse component used for both Static and Dynamic PointLights.
* Default is White.
virtual void setPointLightDiffuseMaterial(CRGBA diffuse) =0;
/** \see setPointLightDiffuseMaterial
virtual CRGBA getPointLightDiffuseMaterial () const =0;
/** Set the frequency of lighting update. If freq==1, ALL patchs are updated each second.
* e.g: if 1/20, then every 20 seconds, all patchs are updated.
* If you set 0, no update will be done at all (this is the default setup!!).
virtual void setUpdateLightingFrequency(float freq) =0;
/** update the lighting of ALL patch (slow method). NB: work even if UpdateLightingFrequency==0
* Additionaly, vegetables are also ALL updated. WARNING!! If Scene Lighting is enabled (usual case),
* vegetable lighting setup take last Sun setup at UScene::render(). Hence, you should force the new lighting
* setup with ULandscape::setupVegetableLighting(), before calling updateLightingAll().
virtual void updateLightingAll() =0;
/** Set additive Lighting. Disabled by default.
* \param enable is true to activbe additive, false to disactive it.
virtual void enableAdditive (bool enable) =0;
/** Get additive Lighting
* \return true to if additive is actived, else false.
virtual bool isAdditiveEnabled () const =0;
// @}
/// \name Parameters
// @{
/// Set threshold for subdivsion quality. The lower is threshold, the more the landscape is subdivided. Default: 0.001.
virtual void setThreshold (float thre) =0;
/// Get threshold.
virtual float getThreshold () const =0;
/// Set tile near distance. Default 50.f. maximized to length of Far alpha transition).
virtual void setTileNear (float tileNear) =0;
/// Get tile near distance.
virtual float getTileNear () const =0;
/// Set Maximum Tile subdivision. Valid values must be in [0..4] (assert). Default is 0 (for now :) ).
virtual void setTileMaxSubdivision (uint tileDiv) =0;
/// Get Maximum Tile subdivision.
virtual uint getTileMaxSubdivision () =0;
/// Set all zones monochromatic or colored
virtual void setTileColor (bool mono, float factor) =0;
// @}
/// \name Misc
// @{
/// Return the name of the zone around a particular position (in NL3D basis!).
virtual std::string getZoneName(const CVector &pos) =0;
/// show the landscape. visible by default.
virtual void show() =0;
/// hide the landscape. It is nor refined, nor rendered (=> take 0 CPU time).
virtual void hide() =0;
/** if true, the refine Center is auto computed each frame from Camera Position. Else must be given by
* setRefineCenterUser()
* Default to true.
virtual void setRefineCenterAuto(bool mode) =0;
virtual bool getRefineCenterAuto() const =0;
/** \see setRefineCenterAuto
virtual void setRefineCenterUser(const CVector &refineCenter) =0;
virtual const CVector &getRefineCenterUser() const =0;
// @}
/// \name HeightField DeltaZ.
// @{
/// return the HeightField DeltaZ for the 2D position. (0,0,dZ) is returned.
virtual CVector getHeightFieldDeltaZ(float x, float y) const =0;
/** set the HeightField data. NB: take lot of place in memory.
* only one is possible. You should setup this heightfield around the zones which will be loaded.
* It is applied only when a zone is loaded, so you should setup it 2km around the user, each time you move too far
* from a previous place (eg 160m from last setup).
virtual void setHeightField(const CHeightMap &hf) =0;
// @}
/// Micro-Vegetation.
// @{
/** enable the vegetable management in landscape. Valid only if Hardware support VertexShader.
virtual void enableVegetable(bool enable) =0;
/** load a texture for the vegetable, lookup in CPath
virtual void loadVegetableTexture(const std::string &textureFileName) =0;
/** setup lighting ambient and diffuse for vegetable.
virtual void setupVegetableLighting(const CRGBA &ambient, const CRGBA &diffuse, const CVector &directionalLight) =0;
/** set the vegetable Wind for animation.
* All thoses variables may be modified each frame without penalty.
* \param windDir is the direction of the wind. NB: only XY direction is kept.
* \param windFreq is the frequency for the animation (speed)
* \param windPower is the power of the wind, and is a factor (0..1) of Bend
* \param windBendMin is a value in (0..1) which indicate how much the vegetables are bended at minimum
* (for very powerfull wind)
virtual void setVegetableWind(const CVector &windDir, float windFreq, float windPower, float windBendMin) =0;
/** set the frequency of Vegetable lighting update. If freq==1, ALL lighted igs are updated each second.
* e.g: if 1/20, then every 20 seconds, all Igs are updated.
* If you set 0, no update will be done at all (this is the default setup!!).
virtual void setVegetableUpdateLightingFrequency(float freq) =0;
/** Set a density ratio [0, 1] to possibly reduce the amount of micro vegetable drawn. Default to 1
virtual void setVegetableDensity(float density) =0;
/** Get the density ratio [0, 1] of micro vegetable drawn. Default to 1
virtual float getVegetableDensity() const =0;
// @}
/// \name Dynamic Lighting management
// @{
/** For Vegetable Dynamic ligthing only: this is an approximate color of all vegetables.
* Default is (180, 180, 180).
virtual void setDLMGlobalVegetableColor(CRGBA gvc) =0;
/** see setDLMGlobalVegetableColor()
virtual CRGBA getDLMGlobalVegetableColor() const =0;
// @}
/// \name ShadowMapping
// @{
/** By default, map shadow receiving is disabled. This enabled shadow for this model.
* Fails if the model don't support dynamic Map Shadow Receiving (eg Particle system)
virtual void enableReceiveShadowMap(bool state) =0;
/// true if the instance receive shadow. By default false
virtual bool canReceiveShadowMap() const =0;
// @}
/// \name Tile added/removed callback
// @{
// Add a new callback to know when a tile is added/removed.
virtual void addTileCallback(ULandscapeTileCallback *cb) = 0;
// Remove a tile callback
virtual void removeTileCallback(ULandscapeTileCallback *cb) = 0;
// Check cb is a tile callback
virtual bool isTileCallback(ULandscapeTileCallback *cb) = 0;
// @}
// modify ZBuffer test of landscape material
virtual void setZFunc(UMaterial::ZFunc val) = 0;
/// \name getZone
// @{
// Get a zone pointer.
virtual const CZone* getZone (sint zoneId) const = 0;
// @}
/// \name raytrace
// @{
/** Get the ray collision against the TileFaces (ie only under approx 50 m)
* return a [0,1] value. 0 => collision at start. 1 => no collision.
virtual float getRayCollision(const NLMISC::CVector &start, const NLMISC::CVector &end) = 0;
// @}
} // NL3D
#endif // NL_U_LANDSCAPE_H
/* End of u_landscape.h */