// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see .
#include "stdpch.h"
#include "nel/misc/bit_mem_stream.h"
#include "nel/misc/i18n.h"
#include "view_text.h"
#include "interface_manager.h"
#include "group_container.h" // CCtrlResizer
#include "ctrl_tooltip.h"
#include "nel/misc/xml_auto_ptr.h"
#include "nel/gui/lua_ihm.h"
#include "lua_ihm_ryzom.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace NLMISC;
using namespace NL3D;
typedef std::string::size_type TCharPos; // index of a chracter in a string
// ***************************************************************************
void CViewText::setupDefault ()
_CaseMode = CaseNormal;
_Underlined = false;
_ContinuousUpdate = false;
_Active = true;
_X = 0;
_Y = 0;
_W = 0;;
_H = 0;
_SizeRef = 0;
_SizeDivW = 10;
_SizeDivH = 10;
_ParentPosRef = Hotspot_BL;
_PosRef = Hotspot_BL;
_FontSize = 12+CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->getSystemOption(CInterfaceManager::OptionAddCoefFont).getValSInt32();
_Color = CRGBA(255,255,255,255);
_Shadow = false;
_ShadowColor = CRGBA(0,0,0,255);
_MultiLine = false;
_TextMode = DontClipWord;
_MultiLineSpace = 8;
_LineMaxW = 16384;
_MultiLineMaxWOnly = false;
_MultiLineClipEndSpace = false;
_LastMultiLineMaxW = 0;
_MultiMaxLine = 0;
_Index = 0xFFFFFFFF;
_FontWidth= 0;
_FontHeight = 0;
_FontLegHeight = 0;
_TextSelection= false;
_TextSelectionStart= 0;
_TextSelectionEnd= std::numeric_limits::max();
_InvalidTextContext= true;
_FirstLineX = 0;
computeFontSize ();
_SingleLineTextClamped= false;
_OverExtendViewText= false;
_OverExtendViewTextUseParentRect= false;
_AutoClamp = false;
_ClampRight = true; // clamp on the right of the text
_LetterColors = NULL;
_Setuped= false;
_AutoClampOffset = 0;
// ***************************************************************************
NLMISC_REGISTER_OBJECT(CViewBase, CViewText, std::string, "text");
CViewText::CViewText(const TCtorParam ¶m)
setupDefault ();
// ***************************************************************************
CViewText:: CViewText (const std::string& id, const std::string Text, sint FontSize,
NLMISC::CRGBA Color, bool Shadow)
_Id = id;
setupDefault ();
_FontSize = FontSize+CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->getSystemOption(CInterfaceManager::OptionAddCoefFont).getValSInt32();
_Color = Color;
_Shadow = Shadow;
computeFontSize ();
// ***************************************************************************
if (_Index != 0xFFFFFFFF)
CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->getTextContext()->erase (_Index);
if (!_Setuped)
for (uint i=0 ; i<_Tooltips.size() ; ++i)
delete _Tooltips[i];
// ***************************************************************************
CViewText &CViewText::operator=(const CViewText &vt)
if (_Index != 0xFFFFFFFF)
CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->getTextContext()->erase (_Index);
// Create database entries
_Active = vt._Active;
_X = vt._X;
_Y = vt._Y;
_W = vt._W;
_H = vt._H;
_SizeRef = vt._SizeRef;
_SizeDivW = vt._SizeDivW;
_SizeDivH = vt._SizeDivH;
_ParentPosRef = vt._ParentPosRef;
_PosRef = vt._PosRef;
_FontSize = vt._FontSize;
_Color = vt._Color;
_Shadow = vt._Shadow;
_ShadowColor = vt._ShadowColor;
_MultiLine = false;
_MultiLineSpace = 8;
_LineMaxW= 16384;
_MultiLineMaxWOnly = false;
_MultiLineClipEndSpace = false;
_LastMultiLineMaxW = 0;
_Index = 0xFFFFFFFF;
_ModulateGlobalColor= vt._ModulateGlobalColor;
// remove previous lines
_InvalidTextContext = true;
computeFontSize ();
return *this;
// ***************************************************************************
void CViewText::parseTextOptions (xmlNodePtr cur)
CXMLAutoPtr prop;
prop= (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"color" );
_Color = CRGBA(255,255,255,255);
if (prop)
_Color = convertColor(prop);
prop= (char*) xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"global_color");
_ModulateGlobalColor= convertBool(prop);
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"fontsize" );
_FontSize = 12+CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->getSystemOption(CInterfaceManager::OptionAddCoefFont).getValSInt32();
if (prop)
fromString((const char*)prop, _FontSize);
_FontSize += CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->getSystemOption(CInterfaceManager::OptionAddCoefFont).getValSInt32();
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"shadow" );
_Shadow = false;
if (prop)
_Shadow = convertBool(prop);
prop= (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"shadow_color" );
_ShadowColor = CRGBA(0,0,0,255);
if (prop)
_ShadowColor = convertColor(prop);
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"multi_line" );
_MultiLine = false;
if (prop)
_MultiLine = convertBool(prop);
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"justification" );
if (prop)
if (nlstricmp("clip_word", (const char *) prop) == 0) _TextMode = ClipWord;
else if (nlstricmp("dont_clip_word", (const char *) prop) == 0) _TextMode = DontClipWord;
else if (nlstricmp("justified", (const char *) prop) == 0) _TextMode = Justified;
else nlwarning(" bad text mode");
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"line_maxw" );
_LineMaxW = 16384;
if (prop)
fromString((const char*)prop, _LineMaxW);
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"multi_line_space" );
_MultiLineSpace = 8;
if (prop)
fromString((const char*)prop, _MultiLineSpace);
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"multi_line_maxw_only" );
_MultiLineMaxWOnly = false;
if (prop)
_MultiLineMaxWOnly = convertBool(prop);
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"multi_max_line" );
_MultiMaxLine = 0;
if (prop)
fromString((const char*)prop, _MultiMaxLine);
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"underlined" );
_Underlined = false;
if (prop)
_Underlined = convertBool(prop);
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"case_mode" );
_CaseMode = CaseNormal;
if (prop)
sint32 caseMode;
fromString((const char*)prop, caseMode);
_CaseMode = (TCaseMode)caseMode;
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"over_extend_view_text" );
_OverExtendViewText= false;
_OverExtendViewText= convertBool(prop);
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"over_extend_parent_rect" );
_OverExtendViewTextUseParentRect= false;
_OverExtendViewTextUseParentRect= convertBool(prop);
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"auto_clamp" );
_AutoClamp = false;
if (prop)
_AutoClamp = convertBool(prop);
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"clamp_right" );
_ClampRight = true;
if (prop)
_ClampRight = convertBool(prop);
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"auto_clamp_offset" );
_AutoClampOffset = 0;
if (prop)
fromString((const char*)prop, _AutoClampOffset);
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"continuous_update" );
if (prop)
_ContinuousUpdate = convertBool(prop);
computeFontSize ();
* parse an xml node and initialize the base view mambers. Must call CViewBase::parse
* \param cur : pointer to the xml node to be parsed
* \param parentGroup : the parent group of the view
* \partam id : a refence to the string that will receive the view ID
* \return true if success
// ***************************************************************************
bool CViewText::parse(xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup)
// const ucstring* tmp;
CXMLAutoPtr prop;
//try to get props that can be inherited from groups
//if a property is not defined, try to find it in the parent group.
//if it is undefined, set it to zero
if (! CViewBase::parse(cur,parentGroup) )
return false;
//set w and h to 0 : they depend on the string contained
_W = 0;
_H = 0;
//try to get the NEEDED specific props
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"hardtext" );
if (prop)
const char *propPtr = prop;
_Text = ucstring(propPtr);
if ((strlen(propPtr)>2) && (propPtr[0] == 'u') && (propPtr[1] == 'i'))
_Text = CI18N::get (propPtr);
setCase (_Text, _CaseMode);
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"hardtext_format" );
if (prop)
const char *propPtr = prop;
if (_MultiLine)
invalidateContent ();
return true;
// ***************************************************************************
sint CViewText::getCurrentMultiLineMaxW() const
return _LineMaxW;
sint parentWidth = std::min(_Parent->getMaxWReal(), _Parent->getWReal());
return std::min(parentWidth-(sint)(_XReal-_Parent->getXReal()), (sint)_LineMaxW);
// ***************************************************************************
void CViewText::checkCoords ()
if ((_MultiLine)&&(_Parent != NULL))
// If never setuped, and if text is not empty
if (_Lines.size() == 0 && !_Text.empty())
invalidateContent ();
sint currentMaxW= getCurrentMultiLineMaxW();
if ( _LastMultiLineMaxW != currentMaxW )
if (_ContinuousUpdate)
_LastMultiLineMaxW = currentMaxW;
CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance();
CCtrlBase *pCB = CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getCapturePointerLeft();
if (pCB != NULL)
CCtrlResizer *pCR = dynamic_cast(pCB);
if (pCR != NULL)
// We are resizing !!!!
_LastMultiLineMaxW = currentMaxW;
_LastMultiLineMaxW = currentMaxW;
if (_Index == 0xFFFFFFFF)
invalidateContent ();
* draw the view
// ***************************************************************************
void CViewText::draw ()
H_AUTO( RZ_Interface_CViewText_draw )
CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance();
CViewRenderer &rVR = *CViewRenderer::getInstance();
// *** Out Of Clip?
sint32 ClipX, ClipY, ClipW, ClipH;
rVR.getClipWindow (ClipX, ClipY, ClipW, ClipH);
if (((_XReal) > (ClipX+ClipW)) || ((_XReal+_WReal) < ClipX) ||
((_YReal) > (ClipY+ClipH)) || ((_YReal+_HReal) < ClipY))
// *** Screen Minimized?
uint32 w, h;
float oow, ooh;
rVR.getScreenSize (w, h);
if (rVR.isMinimized())
rVR.getScreenOOSize (oow, ooh);
NL3D::UTextContext *TextContext = CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->getTextContext();
// *** get current color
CRGBA col, shcol;
CRGBA gcfc = CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getGlobalColorForContent();
col.modulateFromColor (_Color, gcfc);
shcol.modulateFromColor (_ShadowColor, gcfc);
col = _Color;
shcol = _ShadowColor;
col.A = (uint8)(((sint)col.A*((sint)CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getGlobalColorForContent().A+1))>>8);
shcol.A = (uint8)(((sint)shcol.A*((sint)CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getGlobalColorForContent().A+1))>>8);
// *** Draw multiline
if ((_MultiLine)&&(_Parent != NULL))
if (_Lines.size() == 0) return;
NL3D::UTextContext *TextContext = CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->getTextContext();
TextContext->setHotSpot (UTextContext::BottomLeft);
TextContext->setShaded (_Shadow);
TextContext->setShadeColor (shcol);
TextContext->setFontSize (_FontSize);
float y = (float)(_YReal) * ooh; // y is expressed in scree, coordinates [0..1]
//y += _LinesInfos[_LinesInfos.size()-1].StringLine / h;
// Y is the base line of the string, so it must be grown up.
y += (float)_FontLegHeight * ooh;
sint y_line = _YReal+_FontLegHeight-2;
// special selection code
sint charIndex = 0;
for (sint i = 0; i<(sint)_Lines.size(); i++)
CLine &currLine = *_Lines[i];
for(uint k = 0; k < currLine.getNumWords(); ++k)
CWord &currWord = currLine.getWord(k);
charIndex += currWord.NumSpaces;
sint cStart= max(charIndex, (sint)_TextSelectionStart);
sint cEnd= min(charIndex+(sint)currWord.Text.length(), (sint)_TextSelectionEnd);
// range must be valid
if(cStartsetStringSelection(currWord.Index, 0, 0);
// next word
charIndex+= (sint)currWord.Text.length();
charIndex += currLine.getEndSpaces() + (currLine.getLF() ? 1 : 0);
// draw
for (sint i = (sint)_Lines.size()-1; i >= 0; --i)
CLine &currLine = *_Lines[i];
// current x position
float px = (float) (_XReal + ((i==0) ? (sint)_FirstLineX : 0));
// draw each words of the line
for(uint k = 0; k < currLine.getNumWords(); ++k)
CWord &currWord = currLine.getWord(k);
// Change the current color
TextContext->setStringColor(currWord.Index, col);
mCol.modulateFromColor(col, currWord.Format.Color);
TextContext->setStringColor(currWord.Index, mCol);
// skip spaces before current word
float firstSpace = currWord.NumSpaces * currLine.getSpaceWidth();
sint line_width = 0;
if (_Underlined)
line_width = (sint)floorf(currLine.getWidthWithoutSpaces() + currLine.getSpaceWidth());
line_width -= (sint)floorf(firstSpace);
px += firstSpace;
// skip tabulation before current word
px= max(px, (float)(_XReal + currWord.Format.TabX*_FontWidth));
// draw. We take floorf px to avoid filtering of letters that are not located on a pixel boundary
rVR.drawText (_RenderLayer, floorf(px) * oow, y, currWord.Index, (float)ClipX * oow, (float)ClipY * ooh,
(float)(ClipX+ClipW) * oow, (float)(ClipY+ClipH) * ooh, *TextContext);
// Draw a line
if (_Underlined)
rVR.drawRotFlipBitmap (_RenderLayer, (sint)floorf(px), y_line, line_width, 1, 0, false, rVR.getBlankTextureId(), col);
// skip word
px += currWord.Info.StringWidth;
// go one line up
y += (_FontHeight + _MultiLineSpace) * ooh;
y_line += _FontHeight+_MultiLineSpace;
// reset selection
for (sint i = 0; i<(sint)_Lines.size(); i++)
CLine &currLine = *_Lines[i];
for(uint k = 0; k < currLine.getNumWords(); ++k)
// *** Single Line Version (currently no support for text justification)
nlassert(_Index != 0xFFFFFFFF);
TextContext->setHotSpot (UTextContext::BottomLeft);
TextContext->setShaded (_Shadow);
TextContext->setShadeColor (shcol);
TextContext->setFontSize (_FontSize);
if(_LetterColors!=NULL && !TextContext->isSameLetterColors(_LetterColors, _Index))
TextContext->setLetterColors(_LetterColors, _Index);
float x = (float)(_XReal) * oow;
float y = (float)(_YReal) * ooh;
// Y is the base line of the string, so it must be grown up.
y += (float)_FontLegHeight * ooh;
// special selection code
// select subset. Arg, must skip spaces because not inserted in VertexBuffer.
setStringSelectionSkipingSpace(_Index, _Text, _TextSelectionStart, _TextSelectionEnd);
// Change the current color
TextContext->setStringColor(_Index, col);
// draw
rVR.drawText (_RenderLayer, x, y, _Index, (float)ClipX * oow, (float)ClipY * ooh,
(float)(ClipX+ClipW) * oow, (float)(ClipY+ClipH) * ooh, *TextContext);
// Draw a line
if (_Underlined)
rVR.drawRotFlipBitmap (_RenderLayer, _XReal, _YReal+_FontLegHeight-2, _WReal, 1, 0, false, rVR.getBlankTextureId(), col);
// reset selection
// if single line clamped, may allow to draw an over
if(isSingleLineTextClamped() && _OverExtendViewText && CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getPointer())
// but must check first if mouse is over
sint32 x = CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getPointer()->getX();
sint32 y = CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getPointer()->getY();
bool mouseIn;
// use parent clip or self clip?
mouseIn= _Parent && _Parent->isIn(x,y);
mouseIn= isIn(x,y);
// if the mouse cursor is in the clip area
// check the window under the mouse is the root window
CInterfaceGroup *pIG = CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getWindowUnder(x,y);
CInterfaceElement *pParent = this;
bool bFound = false;
while (pParent != NULL)
if (pParent == pIG)
bFound = true;
pParent = pParent->getParent();
// ok => let this view text be the extend over one
// last check: the window must not be currently moved
CGroupContainer *gc= dynamic_cast(pIG);
if(!gc || !gc->isMoving())
CRGBA col= pIM->getSystemOption(CInterfaceManager::OptionViewTextOverBackColor).getValColor();
pIM->setOverExtendViewText(this, col);
// ***************************************************************************
void CViewText::onAddToGroup()
// Add tooltips if not done
// ***************************************************************************
void CViewText::setTextMode(TTextMode mode)
if (mode != _TextMode)
_TextMode = mode;
invalidateContent ();
// ***************************************************************************
void CViewText::setText(const ucstring & text)
// common case: no special format, no case mode => easy cache test
if (_FormatTags.empty() && _CaseMode==CaseNormal)
if (text != _Text)
_Text = text;
// no need to call "setCase (_Text, _CaseMode);" since CaseNormal:
invalidateContent ();
// if the view text had some format before, no choice, must recompute all
_Text = text;
setCase (_Text, _CaseMode);
invalidateContent ();
// else test if after the case change the cache succeed
// compute the temp cased text
ucstring tempText= text;
setCase(tempText, _CaseMode);
_Text = tempText;
invalidateContent ();
// clear format tags if any
// ***************************************************************************
void CViewText::setFontSize (sint nFontSize)
_FontSize = nFontSize+CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->getSystemOption(CInterfaceManager::OptionAddCoefFont).getValSInt32();
computeFontSize ();
// ***************************************************************************
sint CViewText::getFontSize() const
return _FontSize - CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->getSystemOption(CInterfaceManager::OptionAddCoefFont).getValSInt32();
// ***************************************************************************
void CViewText::setColor(const NLMISC::CRGBA & color)
_Color = color;
// ***************************************************************************
void CViewText::setShadow (bool bShadow)
_Shadow = bShadow;
computeFontSize ();
// ***************************************************************************
void CViewText::setShadowColor(const NLMISC::CRGBA & color)
_ShadowColor = color;
// ***************************************************************************
void CViewText::setLineMaxW (sint nMaxW, bool invalidate)
_LineMaxW = nMaxW;
if (invalidate)
// ***************************************************************************
int CViewText::luaSetLineMaxW(CLuaState &ls)
CLuaIHM::checkArgCount(ls, "setLineMaxW", 1);
sint32 value;
if(CLuaIHM::popSINT32(ls, value))
return 0;
// ***************************************************************************
void CViewText::setMultiLine (bool bMultiLine)
_MultiLine = bMultiLine;
// ***************************************************************************
void CViewText::setMultiLineSpace (sint nMultiLineSpace)
_MultiLineSpace = nMultiLineSpace;
// ***************************************************************************
void CViewText::setMultiLineMaxWOnly (bool state)
_MultiLineMaxWOnly = state;
// ***************************************************************************
void CViewText::setMultiLineClipEndSpace (bool state)
_MultiLineClipEndSpace= state;
// ***************************************************************************
uint CViewText::getFontWidth() const
return _FontWidth;
// ***************************************************************************
uint CViewText::getFontHeight() const
return _FontHeight;
// ***************************************************************************
uint CViewText::getFontLegHeight() const
return _FontLegHeight;
// ***************************************************************************
void CViewText::flushWordInLine(ucstring &ucCurrentWord, bool &linePushed, const CFormatInfo &wordFormat)
// create a new line?
_Lines.push_back(TLineSPtr(new CLine));
linePushed= true;
// Append to the last line
_Lines.back()->addWord(ucCurrentWord, 0, wordFormat, _FontWidth);
// reset the word
ucCurrentWord = ucstring("");
// ***************************************************************************
void CViewText::updateTextContextMultiLine(uint nMaxWidth)
ucchar ucLetter;
UTextContext::CStringInfo si;
uint i;
// word state
ucstring ucCurrentWord;
CFormatInfo wordFormat;
// line state
float rWidthCurrentLine = 0, rWidthLetter;
bool linePushed= false;
// for all the text
uint textSize= (uint)_Text.size();
uint formatTagIndex= 0;
for (i = 0; i < textSize; ++i)
if(isFormatTagChange(i, formatTagIndex))
// If the word was not empty before this color tag
flushWordInLine(ucCurrentWord, linePushed, wordFormat);
// get new color and skip ctIndex.
getFormatTagChange(i, formatTagIndex, wordFormat);
// Ensure the line witdh count the tab
rWidthCurrentLine= max(rWidthCurrentLine, (float)wordFormat.TabX*_FontWidth);
NL3D::UTextContext *TextContext = CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->getTextContext();
// Parse the letter
ucLetter = _Text[i];
if (ucLetter == ucchar('\n'))
flushWordInLine(ucCurrentWord, linePushed, wordFormat);
// reset line state
linePushed= false;
rWidthCurrentLine = 0;
ucstring ucStrLetter;
ucStrLetter= ucLetter;
si = TextContext->getStringInfo (ucStrLetter);
rWidthLetter = (si.StringWidth);
if ((rWidthCurrentLine + rWidthLetter) > nMaxWidth)
flushWordInLine(ucCurrentWord, linePushed, wordFormat);
// reset line state, and begin with the cut letter
linePushed= false;
rWidthCurrentLine = rWidthLetter;
ucCurrentWord = ucLetter;
// Grow the current word
ucCurrentWord += ucLetter;
rWidthCurrentLine += rWidthLetter;
if (ucCurrentWord.length())
flushWordInLine(ucCurrentWord, linePushed, wordFormat);
// ***************************************************************************
void CViewText::addDontClipWordLine(std::vector &currLine)
// create a new line
_Lines.push_back(TLineSPtr(new CLine));
// Fill it with words. if all words of same color, create only one CWord
if (!currLine.empty())
CFormatInfo lineWordFormat= currLine[0].Format;
ucstring lineWord;
for(uint i=0;iaddWord(lineWord, 0, lineWordFormat, _FontWidth);
// get new lineWordFormat
lineWordFormat= currLine[i].Format;
// and clear
// Append the word with space to the lineWord.
ucstring blank;
blank.resize(currLine[i].NumSpaces, (ucchar) ' ');
lineWord += blank;
lineWord += currLine[i].Text;
_Lines.back()->addWord(lineWord, 0, lineWordFormat, _FontWidth);
// clear
// ***************************************************************************
void CViewText::updateTextContextMultiLineJustified(uint nMaxWidth, bool expandSpaces)
UTextContext::CStringInfo si;
TCharPos currPos = 0;
static const ucstring spaceStr(" ");
// precLineWidth valid only id precedent line is part of same paragraph.
float precLineWidth= 0;
float lineWidth = (float)_FirstLineX; // width of the current line
uint numWordsInLine = 0; // number of words in the current line
bool isParagraphStart = true; // A paragraph is a group of characters between 2 \n
bool lineFeed;
bool breakLine;
vector currLine; // if spaces are not expanded, all words of a line are inserted here (NB: index and stringInfo not filled)
ucstring wordValue;
CFormatInfo wordFormat;
uint formatTagIndex= 0;
while (currPos != _Text.length())
TCharPos spaceEnd;
TCharPos wordEnd;
uint numSpaces;
float newLineWidth;
breakLine = false;
if (_Text[currPos] == (ucchar) '\n')
lineFeed = true;
lineFeed = false;
// Skip spaces and count them
spaceEnd = _Text.find_first_not_of(spaceStr, currPos);
if (spaceEnd == std::string::npos)
spaceEnd = _Text.length();
numSpaces = (uint) (spaceEnd - currPos);
if (!isParagraphStart && numSpaces != 0 && numWordsInLine == 0) // Are these the first spaces of the line ?
if (!_Lines.empty())
/* Yoyo: I changed this (added the "cut space"), because in editBox, it is so strange when
the word hit the end of line, and if you add spaces just after, nothing happens because
cursor pos is clamped at end of line.
// Cannot put all of thoses spaces to the prec end of line?
if(_MultiLineClipEndSpace && precLineWidth + numSpaces * _SpaceWidth > nMaxWidth)
// put some of these spaces at the end of the previous line.
sint maxNumSpaces= (sint)floorf((nMaxWidth - precLineWidth) / _SpaceWidth);
// And start the new lines with the remaining spaces.
numSpaces-= maxNumSpaces;
currPos+= maxNumSpaces;
// ok, put all spaces to previous line
currPos = spaceEnd;
numSpaces= 0;
if(currPos >=_Text.length())
// Detect change of wordFormat at the begining of the word
if(isFormatTagChange((uint)spaceEnd, formatTagIndex))
getFormatTagChange((uint)spaceEnd, formatTagIndex, wordFormat);
// Get word until a space, a \n, or a FormatTagChange is encountered
uint i;
for(i= (uint)spaceEnd;i<(uint)_Text.length();i++)
ucchar c= _Text[i];
if(c==' ' || c=='\n')
// If change of color tag, stop the word, but don't take the new color now.
if(isFormatTagChange(i, formatTagIndex))
wordEnd = i;
// Get the word value.
wordValue = _Text.substr(spaceEnd, wordEnd - spaceEnd);
// compute width of word
si = CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->getTextContext()->getStringInfo(wordValue);
// compute size of spaces/Tab + word
newLineWidth = lineWidth + numSpaces * _SpaceWidth;
newLineWidth = max(newLineWidth, (float)wordFormat.TabX*_FontWidth);
newLineWidth+= si.StringWidth;
// Does the word go beyond the end of line ?
if (!lineFeed && newLineWidth > (float) nMaxWidth)
// Have we enough room for this word on a line ?
bool roomForThisWord = (numWordsInLine > 0) || ( (newLineWidth - lineWidth) < (float) nMaxWidth );
// not enough room for that word
// If it is the only word of the line, just split it
// Otherwise, scale the spaces between words so that the line as the maximum width
if (roomForThisWord)
if (expandSpaces)
nlassert(_Lines.size() > 0);
nlassert(_Lines.back()->getNumWords() > 0);
// Yoyo: if the line has tab, then don't justify
if(wordFormat.TabX > 0)
// Scale the width so that the line has the maximum width
float roomForSpaces = nMaxWidth - _Lines.back()->getWidthWithoutSpaces();
uint startNumSpaces = _Lines.back()->getNumSpaces();
if (startNumSpaces != 0)
_Lines.back()->setSpaceWidth(roomForSpaces / startNumSpaces);
breakLine = true;
// we dont change the position in the input string so that the current will be processed on the next line
else // it is the only word on the line..
// .. so split it
// 1) Check if spaces go beyond the end of line
if (numSpaces * _SpaceWidth > nMaxWidth)
uint maxNumSpaces = std::max(1U, (uint) (nMaxWidth / _SpaceWidth));
CWord spaceWord; // a word with only spaces in it
spaceWord.build (ucstring (""), maxNumSpaces);
spaceWord.Format= wordFormat;
_Lines.push_back(TLineSPtr(new CLine));
_Lines.back()->addWord(spaceWord, _FontWidth);
if (expandSpaces)
_Lines.back()->setSpaceWidth(nMaxWidth / (float) maxNumSpaces);
currPos = currPos + maxNumSpaces;
float px = numSpaces * _SpaceWidth;
uint currChar = 0;
ucstring oneChar(" ");
for(currChar = 0; currChar < wordValue.length(); ++currChar)
oneChar = wordValue[currChar];
si = CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->getTextContext()->getStringInfo(oneChar);
if ((uint) (px + si.StringWidth) > nMaxWidth) break;
px += si.StringWidth;
currChar = std::max((uint) 1, currChar); // must fit at least one character otherwise there's an infinite loop
wordValue = _Text.substr(spaceEnd, currChar);
CWord word;
word.build(wordValue, numSpaces);
word.Format= wordFormat;
_Lines.push_back(TLineSPtr(new CLine));
float roomForSpaces = (float) nMaxWidth - word.Info.StringWidth;
if (expandSpaces && numSpaces != 0)
_Lines.back()->setSpaceWidth(roomForSpaces / (float) numSpaces);
_Lines.back()->addWord(word, _FontWidth);
currPos = currPos + numSpaces + currChar;
// reset line
numWordsInLine = 0;
precLineWidth= lineWidth;
lineWidth = 0;
isParagraphStart = false;
else if (!lineFeed) // the end of line hasn't been reached
if (expandSpaces)
// add in the current line (and create one if necessary)
if (numWordsInLine == 0)
_Lines.push_back(TLineSPtr(new CLine));
if (!wordValue.empty() || numSpaces != 0)
CWord word;
word.build(wordValue, numSpaces);
word.Format= wordFormat;
// update line width
_Lines.back()->addWord(word, _FontWidth);
CWord word;
// Don't build here, this is used as temp data.
word.Text= wordValue;
word.NumSpaces= numSpaces;
word.Format= wordFormat;
// Append to the temp Data.
lineWidth = newLineWidth;
currPos = wordEnd;
// '\n' was encountered
++ currPos;
isParagraphStart = true;
if (lineFeed || breakLine) // '\n' was encoutered, or a linefeed has been asked
// !expandSpaces => insert minimum words according to word color.
if (!expandSpaces)
// Add the new line.
// LineFeed?
if (lineFeed)
// expandSpaces => just add a empty line.
if (numWordsInLine == 0)
// if nothing has been inserted in this line, create at least an empty line
_Lines.push_back(TLineSPtr(new CLine));
if (lineFeed)
lineWidth = 0.f;
numWordsInLine = 0;
// if current line hasn't been pushed, add it
if (!expandSpaces && !currLine.empty())
// Add new line
// if the text ends with \n, must insert the last line ourself
if (!_Text.empty() && _Text[_Text.length() - 1] == (ucchar) '\n')
_Lines.push_back(TLineSPtr(new CLine));
// ***************************************************************************
void CViewText::updateTextContext ()
NL3D::UTextContext *TextContext = CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->getTextContext();
TextContext->setHotSpot (UTextContext::BottomLeft);
TextContext->setShaded (_Shadow);
TextContext->setFontSize (_FontSize);
// default state
_SingleLineTextClamped= false;
if ((_MultiLine)&&(_Parent != NULL))
sint nMaxWidth = getCurrentMultiLineMaxW();
_LastMultiLineMaxW = nMaxWidth;
if (nMaxWidth <= 0)
// parent size may not be known yet
case ClipWord: updateTextContextMultiLine(nMaxWidth); break;
case DontClipWord: updateTextContextMultiLineJustified(nMaxWidth, false); break;
case Justified: updateTextContextMultiLineJustified(nMaxWidth, true); break;
// Special case for multiline limited in number of lines
if ((_Lines.size() > 0) && (_MultiMaxLine > 0) && (_Lines.size() > _MultiMaxLine))
while (_Lines.size() > _MultiMaxLine)
CViewText::CLine *endLine = new CViewText::CLine;
CViewText::CWord w;
endLine->addWord(w, _FontWidth);
// Calculate size
float rTotalW = 0;
for (uint i = 0; i < _Lines.size(); ++i)
rTotalW = std::max(_Lines[i]->getWidth() + ((i==0)?_FirstLineX:0), rTotalW);
_W = (sint)rTotalW;
_H = std::max(_FontHeight, uint(_FontHeight * _Lines.size() + std::max(0, sint(_Lines.size()) - 1) * _MultiLineSpace));
// Compute tooltips size
if (_Tooltips.size() > 0)
for (uint i=0 ; i<_Lines.size() ; ++i)
for (uint j=0 ; j<_Lines[i]->getNumWords() ; ++j)
CWord word = _Lines[i]->getWord(j);
// float w = _Lines[i]->getWidth();
if (word.Format.IndexTt != -1)
if (_Tooltips.size() > (uint)word.Format.IndexTt)
CCtrlToolTip *pTooltip = _Tooltips[word.Format.IndexTt];
sint y = (sint) ((_FontHeight + _MultiLineSpace) * (_Lines.size() - i - 1));
else // Single line code
if (_Index != 0xFFFFFFFF)
TextContext->erase (_Index);
// Common case: no W clamp
_Index = TextContext->textPush (_Text);
_Info = TextContext->getStringInfo (_Index);
_W = (sint)(_Info.StringWidth);
// Rare case: clamp W => recompute slowly, cut letters
TextContext->erase (_Index);
ucchar ucLetter;
UTextContext::CStringInfo si;
ucstring ucCurrentLine;
// Append ... to the end of line
si = TextContext->getStringInfo (ucstring("..."));
float dotWidth= si.StringWidth;
float rWidthCurrentLine = 0, rWidthLetter;
// for all the text
if (_ClampRight)
for (uint i = 0; i < _Text.size(); ++i)
ucLetter= _Text[i];
ucstring ucStrLetter;
ucStrLetter= ucLetter;
si = TextContext->getStringInfo (ucStrLetter);
rWidthLetter = (si.StringWidth);
if ((rWidthCurrentLine + rWidthLetter + dotWidth) > _LineMaxW)
// Grow the current line
ucCurrentLine += ucLetter;
rWidthCurrentLine += rWidthLetter;
// Add the dots
ucCurrentLine+= "...";
for (sint i = (sint)_Text.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
ucLetter= _Text[i];
ucstring ucStrLetter;
ucStrLetter= ucLetter;
si = TextContext->getStringInfo (ucStrLetter);
rWidthLetter = (si.StringWidth);
if ((rWidthCurrentLine + rWidthLetter + dotWidth) > _LineMaxW)
// Grow the current line
ucCurrentLine = ucLetter + ucCurrentLine;
rWidthCurrentLine += rWidthLetter;
// Add the dots
ucCurrentLine = "..." + ucCurrentLine;
// And so setup this trunc text
_Index = TextContext->textPush (ucCurrentLine);
_Info = TextContext->getStringInfo (_Index);
_W = (sint)(_Info.StringWidth);
_SingleLineTextClamped= true;
// same height always
_H = _FontHeight;
_InvalidTextContext= false;
// ***************************************************************************
void CViewText::updateCoords()
if (_AutoClamp)
CViewBase::updateCoords ();
if (_Parent)
CInterfaceGroup *parent = _Parent;
// avoid resizing parents to compute the limiter
while (parent && (parent->getResizeFromChildW() || dynamic_cast(parent)))
// NB nico : the dynamic_cast for CGroupList is bad!!
// can't avoid it for now, because, CGroupList implicitly does a "resize from child" in its update coords
// ...
parent = parent->getParent();
if (parent)
if (_ClampRight)
sint32 parentRight = parent->getXReal() + parent->getWReal() - (sint32) _AutoClampOffset;
setLineMaxW(std::max((sint32) 0, parentRight - _XReal));
sint32 parentLeft = parent->getXReal() + (sint32) _AutoClampOffset;
setLineMaxW(std::max((sint32) 0, _XReal + _WReal - parentLeft));
CViewBase::updateCoords ();
// ***************************************************************************
sint CViewText::getLineFromIndex(uint index, bool cursorDisplayedAtEndOfPreviousLine /* = true*/) const
if (index > _Text.length()) return -1;
if (_MultiLine)
uint charIndex = 0;
for(sint i = 0; i < (sint) _Lines.size(); ++i)
CLine &currLine = *_Lines[i];
uint newCharIndex = charIndex + currLine.getNumChars() + currLine.getEndSpaces() + (currLine.getLF() ? 1 : 0);
if (newCharIndex > index)
if (i != 0 && cursorDisplayedAtEndOfPreviousLine && charIndex == index)
return i - 1;
return i;
charIndex = newCharIndex;
return (sint)_Lines.size() - 1;
return 0;
// ***************************************************************************
sint CViewText::getLineStartIndex(uint line) const
uint charIndex = 0;
if (line >= _Lines.size()) return -1;
for(uint i = 0; i < line; ++i)
CLine &currLine = *_Lines[i];
charIndex += currLine.getNumChars() + currLine.getEndSpaces() + (currLine.getLF() ? 1 : 0);
// skip all spaces at start of line (unless there are only spaces in the line)
std::string::size_type nextPos = _Text.find_first_not_of((ucchar) ' ', charIndex);
if (nextPos != std::string::npos)
if (getLineFromIndex(charIndex) == (sint) line)
return (sint) nextPos;
return charIndex;
// ***************************************************************************
void CViewText::getLineEndIndex(uint line, sint &index, bool &endOfPreviousLine) const
sint startIndex = getLineStartIndex(line);
if (startIndex == -1)
index = -1;
endOfPreviousLine = false;
index = startIndex + _Lines[line]->getNumChars() + _Lines[line]->getEndSpaces();
endOfPreviousLine = !_Lines[line]->getLF();
// ***************************************************************************
void CViewText::setHardText (const std::string &ht)
// ucstring Text = ucstring(ht);
ucstring Text;
if ((ht.size()>2) && (ht[0] == 'u') && (ht[1] == 'i'))
Text = CI18N::get (ht);
// ***************************************************************************
string CViewText::getColorAsString() const
return NLMISC::toString(_Color.R) + " " + NLMISC::toString(_Color.G) + " " + NLMISC::toString(_Color.B) + " " + NLMISC::toString(_Color.A);
// ***************************************************************************
void CViewText::setColorAsString(const string &ht)
_Color = convertColor (ht.c_str());
// ***************************************************************************
NLMISC::CRGBA CViewText::getColorRGBA() const
return _Color;
// ***************************************************************************
void CViewText::setColorRGBA(NLMISC::CRGBA col)
_Color = col;
// ***************************************************************************
void CViewText::getCharacterPositionFromIndex(sint index, bool cursorAtPreviousLineEnd, sint &x, sint &y, sint &height) const
NLMISC::clamp(index, 0, (sint) _Text.length());
NL3D::UTextContext *TextContext = CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->getTextContext();
TextContext->setHotSpot (UTextContext::BottomLeft);
TextContext->setShaded (_Shadow);
TextContext->setFontSize (_FontSize);
// CViewRenderer &rVR = *CViewRenderer::getInstance();
height = getFontHeight();
if (_MultiLine)
uint charIndex = 0;
// special case for end of text
if (index == (sint) _Text.length())
y = 0;
if (_Lines.empty())
x = 0;
CLine &lastLine = *_Lines.back();
x = (sint) (lastLine.getWidth() + lastLine.getEndSpaces() * lastLine.getSpaceWidth());
sint nMaxWidth = getCurrentMultiLineMaxW();
x = std::min(x, nMaxWidth);
for(sint i = 0; i < (sint) _Lines.size(); ++i)
if (i != 0 && charIndex == (uint) index && cursorAtPreviousLineEnd)
// should display the character at the end of previous line
CLine &currLine = *_Lines[i - 1];
y = (sint) ((_FontHeight + _MultiLineSpace) * (_Lines.size() - i));
x = (sint) (currLine.getWidth() + currLine.getEndSpaces() * currLine.getSpaceWidth());
sint nMaxWidth = getCurrentMultiLineMaxW();
x = std::min(x, nMaxWidth);
CLine &currLine = *_Lines[i];
uint newCharIndex = charIndex + currLine.getNumChars() + currLine.getEndSpaces() + (_Lines[i]->getLF() ? 1 : 0);
if ((sint) newCharIndex > index)
// ok, this line contains the character, now, see which word contains it.
y = (sint) ((_FontHeight + _MultiLineSpace) * (_Lines.size() - 1 - i));
// see if the index is in the spaces at the end of line
if (index - charIndex >= currLine.getNumChars())
uint numSpaces = index - charIndex - currLine.getNumChars();
x = (sint) (currLine.getWidth() + numSpaces * _SpaceWidth);
sint nMaxWidth = getCurrentMultiLineMaxW();
x = std::min(x, nMaxWidth);
// now, search containing word in current line
float px = (float)_FirstLineX;
for(uint k = 0; k < currLine.getNumWords(); ++k)
CWord &currWord = currLine.getWord(k);
if ((sint) (charIndex + currWord.NumSpaces + currWord.Text.length()) >= index)
// character is in currWord or the in spaces preceding it
// check if the character is in the word
if ((uint) (index - charIndex) > currWord.NumSpaces)
// get the x position
ucstring subStr = currWord.Text.substr(0, index - charIndex - currWord.NumSpaces);
// compute the size
UTextContext::CStringInfo si = TextContext->getStringInfo(subStr);
x = (sint) (px + si.StringWidth + currWord.NumSpaces * currLine.getSpaceWidth());
height = getFontHeight();
// character is in the spaces preceding the word
x = (sint) (px + currLine.getSpaceWidth() * (index - charIndex));
height = getFontHeight();
charIndex += (uint)currWord.Text.length() + currWord.NumSpaces;
px += currWord.NumSpaces * currLine.getSpaceWidth() + currWord.Info.StringWidth;
charIndex = newCharIndex;
// get the x position
ucstring subStr = _Text.substr(0, index);
// compute the size
UTextContext::CStringInfo si = TextContext->getStringInfo(subStr);
y = 0;
x = (sint) si.StringWidth;
// ***************************************************************************
// Tool fct : From a word and a x coordinate, give the matching character index
static uint getCharacterIndex(const ucstring &textValue, float x)
float px = 0.f;
UTextContext::CStringInfo si;
ucstring singleChar(" ");
uint i;
for (i = 0; i < textValue.length(); ++i)
// get character width
singleChar[0] = textValue[i];
si = CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->getTextContext()->getStringInfo(singleChar);
px += si.StringWidth;
// the character is at the i - 1 position
if (px > x)
// if the half of the character is after the cursor, then prefer select the next one (like in Word)
if(px-si.StringWidth/2 < x)
return i;
// ***************************************************************************
void CViewText::getCharacterIndexFromPosition(sint x, sint y, uint &index, bool &cursorAtPreviousLineEnd) const
NL3D::UTextContext *TextContext = CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->getTextContext();
// setup the text context
TextContext->setHotSpot (UTextContext::BottomLeft);
TextContext->setShaded (_Shadow);
TextContext->setFontSize (_FontSize);
// find the line where the character is
// CViewRenderer &rVR = *CViewRenderer::getInstance();
uint charPos = 0;
if (_MultiLine)
// seek the line
float py = 0.f;
if (py > y)
index = (uint)_Text.length();
cursorAtPreviousLineEnd = false;
sint line;
for (line = (uint)_Lines.size() - 1; line >= 0; --line)
float newPy = py + _FontHeight + _MultiLineSpace;
if (newPy > y)
py = newPy;
if (line == -1)
index = 0;
cursorAtPreviousLineEnd = false;
return; // above the first line, so take character 0
// compute character index at start of line
sint i;
for (i = 0; i < line; ++i)
charPos += _Lines[i]->getNumChars() + _Lines[i]->getEndSpaces() + (_Lines[i]->getLF() ? 1 : 0);
// seek word that contains the character
CLine &currLine = *_Lines[line];
// See if character is in the ending spaces
if (x >= (sint) currLine.getWidth())
// Add _SpaceWidth/2 to select between chars
sint numSpaces = _SpaceWidth != 0 ? (sint) (((float) x + _SpaceWidth/2 - currLine.getWidth()) / _SpaceWidth)
: 0;
clamp(numSpaces, 0, (sint)currLine.getEndSpaces());
index = charPos + currLine.getNumChars() + numSpaces;
cursorAtPreviousLineEnd = !_Lines[i]->getLF();
float px = (float)_FirstLineX;
for(uint k = 0; k < currLine.getNumWords(); ++k)
CWord &currWord = currLine.getWord(k);
float spacesWidth = currLine.getSpaceWidth() * currWord.NumSpaces;
float newPx = px + currWord.Info.StringWidth + spacesWidth;
if (newPx >= x) // if the word contains the x position..
if (x < (px + spacesWidth))
// the coords x is in the spaces that are preceding the word
// Add spaceWidth/2 to select between chars
sint numSpaces = currLine.getSpaceWidth() != 0 ? (sint) ((x + currLine.getSpaceWidth()/2 - px) / currLine.getSpaceWidth())
: 0;
clamp(numSpaces, 0, (sint)currWord.NumSpaces);
index = numSpaces + charPos;
cursorAtPreviousLineEnd = false;
// the coord is in the word itself
index = charPos + currWord.NumSpaces + getCharacterIndex(currWord.Text, (float) x - (px + spacesWidth));
cursorAtPreviousLineEnd = false;
px = newPx;
charPos += (uint)currWord.Text.length() + currWord.NumSpaces;
index = charPos;
cursorAtPreviousLineEnd = false;
cursorAtPreviousLineEnd = false;
if (y < 0)
index = (uint)_Text.length();
if (y > (sint) _FontHeight)
index = 0;
index = getCharacterIndex(_Text, (float) x);
// ***************************************************************************
void CViewText::enableStringSelection(uint start, uint end)
_TextSelection= true;
_TextSelectionStart= start;
_TextSelectionEnd= end;
// ***************************************************************************
void CViewText::disableStringSelection()
_TextSelection= false;
_TextSelectionStart= 0;
_TextSelectionEnd= std::numeric_limits::max();
// ***************************************************************************
void CViewText::setStringSelectionSkipingSpace(uint stringId, const ucstring &text, sint charStart, sint charEnd)
sint quadStart= charStart;
sint quadSize= charEnd-charStart;
sint j;
for(j=0;jgetTextContext()->setStringSelection(stringId, quadStart, quadSize);
// ***************************************************************************
void CViewText::clearLines()
for(uint k = 0; k < _Lines.size(); ++k)
// ***************************************************************************
uint CViewText::getNumLine() const
if (_MultiLine)
return (uint)_Lines.size();
return _Text.empty() ? 0 : 1;
// ***************************************************************************
uint CViewText::getFirstLineX() const
return _FirstLineX;
// ***************************************************************************
uint CViewText::getLastLineW () const
if (!_Lines.empty())
return (uint)_Lines.back()->getWidth();
return 0;
// ***************************************************************************
void CViewText::setFirstLineX(uint firstLineX)
_FirstLineX = firstLineX;
// CViewText::CLine implementation //
// ***************************************************************************
CViewText::CLine::CLine() : _NumChars(0),
// ***************************************************************************
void CViewText::CLine::addWord(const ucstring &text, uint numSpaces, const CFormatInfo &wordFormat, uint fontWidth)
CWord word;
word.build(text, numSpaces);
word.Format= wordFormat;
addWord(word, fontWidth);
// ***************************************************************************
void CViewText::CLine::addWord(const CWord &word, uint fontWidth)
_NumChars += word.NumSpaces + uint(word.Text.length());
_NumSpaces += word.NumSpaces;
if (fabsf(word.Info.StringLine) > fabsf(_StringLine))
_StringLine = word.Info.StringLine;
// the width of the line must reach at least the Tab
_WidthWithoutSpaces= max(_WidthWithoutSpaces, word.Format.TabX * float(fontWidth));
// append the text space
_WidthWithoutSpaces += word.Info.StringWidth;
// ***************************************************************************
void CViewText::CLine::clear()
for(uint k = 0; k < _Words.size(); ++k)
if (_Words[k].Index != 0xffffffff)
_NumChars = 0;
_SpaceWidth = 0.f;
// ***************************************************************************
void CViewText::CLine::resetTextIndex()
for(uint k = 0; k < _Words.size(); ++k)
_Words[k].Index = 0xffffffff;
// ***************************************************************************
void CViewText::CWord::build(const ucstring &text, uint numSpaces/*=0*/)
Text = text;
NumSpaces = numSpaces;
NL3D::UTextContext *TextContext = CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->getTextContext();
Index = TextContext->textPush(text);
Info = TextContext->getStringInfo(Index);
// ***************************************************************************
void CViewText::removeEndSpaces()
sint i = (sint)_Text.size()-1;
while ((i>=0) && ((_Text[i] < 0x20) || (_Text[i] == ' ')))
_Text.resize (i+1);
// ***************************************************************************
sint32 CViewText::getMaxUsedW() const
static const ucstring spaceStr(" \t");
static const ucstring lineFeedStr("\n");
float maxWidth = 0;
NL3D::UTextContext *TextContext = CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->getTextContext();
TextContext->setHotSpot (UTextContext::BottomLeft);
TextContext->setShaded (_Shadow);
TextContext->setFontSize (_FontSize);
TCharPos linePos = 0;
while (linePos < _Text.length())
// Get the end of the line
float lineWidth = 0;
TCharPos lineEnd;
lineEnd = _Text.find_first_of(lineFeedStr, linePos);
if (lineEnd == std::string::npos)
lineEnd = _Text.length();
ucstring lineValue;
lineValue = _Text.substr(linePos, lineEnd - linePos);
TCharPos currPos = 0;
while (currPos != lineValue.length())
TCharPos spaceEnd;
TCharPos wordEnd;
uint numSpaces;
// Skip spaces and count them
spaceEnd = lineValue.find_first_not_of(spaceStr, currPos);
if (spaceEnd == std::string::npos)
spaceEnd = lineValue.length();
numSpaces = (uint) (spaceEnd - currPos);
// Get word until a space or a \n is encountered
wordEnd = lineValue.find_first_of(spaceStr, spaceEnd);
if (wordEnd == std::string::npos)
wordEnd = lineValue.length();
ucstring wordValue;
wordValue = lineValue.substr(spaceEnd, wordEnd - spaceEnd);
// compute width of word
UTextContext::CStringInfo si;
si = TextContext->getStringInfo(wordValue);
// compute size of spaces + word
lineWidth += numSpaces * _SpaceWidth + si.StringWidth;
currPos = wordEnd;
// Update line width
if (lineWidth > maxWidth)
maxWidth = lineWidth;
linePos = lineEnd+1;
return (sint32)maxWidth;
// ***************************************************************************
sint32 CViewText::getMinUsedW() const
static const ucstring spaceOrLineFeedStr(" \n\t");
sint32 maxWidth = 0;
// Not multi line ? Same size than min
if (!_MultiLine)
return getMaxUsedW();
// If we can clip word, size of the largest word
if (_TextMode == ClipWord)
// No largest font parameter, return the font height
return _FontHeight;
// If we can't clip the words, return the size of the largest word
else if ((_TextMode == DontClipWord) || (_TextMode == Justified))
NL3D::UTextContext *TextContext = CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->getTextContext();
TextContext->setHotSpot (UTextContext::BottomLeft);
TextContext->setShaded (_Shadow);
TextContext->setFontSize (_FontSize);
// Current position in text
TCharPos currPos = 0;
while (currPos < _Text.length())
// Current word
ucstring wordValue;
UTextContext::CStringInfo si;
TCharPos wordEnd;
// Get word until a space or a \n is encountered
currPos = _Text.find_first_not_of(spaceOrLineFeedStr, currPos);
if (currPos == std::string::npos)
wordEnd = _Text.find_first_of(spaceOrLineFeedStr, currPos);
if (wordEnd == std::string::npos)
wordEnd = _Text.length();
// Get the word
wordValue = _Text.substr(currPos, wordEnd - currPos);
// Compute width of word
si = TextContext->getStringInfo(wordValue);
// Larger ?
sint32 stringWidth = (sint32)si.StringWidth;
if (stringWidth>maxWidth)
maxWidth = stringWidth;
// Next word
currPos = wordEnd;
return maxWidth;
// ***************************************************************************
void CViewText::onInvalidateContent()
_InvalidTextContext= true;
// ***************************************************************************
void CViewText::computeFontSize ()
NL3D::UTextContext *TextContext = CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->getTextContext();
TextContext->setHotSpot (UTextContext::BottomLeft);
TextContext->setShaded (_Shadow);
TextContext->setFontSize (_FontSize);
// Letter size
UTextContext::CStringInfo si = TextContext->getStringInfo(ucstring("|")); // for now we can't now that directly from UTextContext
_FontHeight = (uint) si.StringHeight + (_Shadow?1:0);
_FontLegHeight = (uint) si.StringLine + (_Shadow?1:0);
// Space width
si = TextContext->getStringInfo(ucstring(" "));
_SpaceWidth = si.StringWidth;
// Font Width
si = TextContext->getStringInfo(ucstring("_"));
_FontWidth = (uint)si.StringWidth;
// ***************************************************************************
static inline bool isColorTag(const ucstring &s, uint index, uint textSize)
// Format is @{RGBA}
if( textSize>index+1 && s[index+1]=='{')
// verify 1st letter is a xdigit
if( textSize>index+2 && isxdigit(s[index+2]))
// We have good chance its a color tag. Do last verification
if(textSize>index+6 && s[index+6]=='}')
return true;
return false;
// ***************************************************************************
// isColorTag must be ok.
static inline CRGBA getColorTag(const ucstring &s, uint &index)
// extract the color string: "FABC"
char tmpCol[5];
for(uint i=0;i<4;i++)
tmpCol[i]= (char)s[index+2+i];
tmpCol[4]= 0;
// Convert to color
CRGBA color;
uint pCol;
sscanf(tmpCol, "%x", &pCol);
// Transform 4 bits to 8 bit.
color.R= (pCol>>12)&0xF; color.R+= color.R<<4;
color.G= (pCol>>8)&0xF; color.G+= color.G<<4;
color.B= (pCol>>4)&0xF; color.B+= color.B<<4;
color.A= (pCol)&0xF; color.A+= color.A<<4;
// skip tag
index+= 7;
return color;
// ***************************************************************************
const uint MaxTabDigit= 3;
static inline bool isTabTag(const ucstring &s, uint index, uint textSize)
// Format is @{Tvalue}, where value ,1,2,3 digit.
if( textSize>index+1 && s[index+1]=='{')
if( textSize>index+2 && s[index+2]=='T')
// We have good chance its a Tab tag. Do last verification
for(uint i=4;i<4+MaxTabDigit;i++)
if(textSize>index+i && s[index+i]=='}')
return true;
return false;
// ***************************************************************************
// isTabTag must be ok.
static inline sint getTabTag(const ucstring &s, uint &index)
// extract the tab min X value
char tmpTab[MaxTabDigit+1];
uint i;
for(i=0;iindex+1 && s[index+1]=='{')
if( textSize>index+2 && s[index+2]=='H')
uint i = 3;
while (textSize>index+i && s[index+i]!='}')
if (textSize>index+i && s[index+i]=='}')
return true;
return false;
// ***************************************************************************
// isTooltipTag must be ok.
static inline ucstring getTooltipTag(const ucstring &s, uint &index)
ucstring result;
uint i = 3;
while (s[index+i] != '}')
result += s[index+i];
// skip tag
index += i+1;
return result;
// ***************************************************************************
void CViewText::buildFormatTagText(const ucstring &text, ucstring &textBuild, std::vector &formatTags, std::vector &tooltips)
// Build the text without the formatTags, and get the color tags separately
uint textSize= (uint)text.size();
// Must herit all the props from old tags.
CViewText::CFormatTag precTag; // set default.
precTag.Index = 0;
for (uint i = 0; i < textSize;)
if(isColorTag(text, i, textSize))
// get old tag.
CViewText::CFormatTag ct= precTag;
// get new color and skip tag.
ct.Color= getColorTag(text, i);
ct.Index= (uint)textBuild.size();
else if(isTabTag(text, i, textSize))
// get old tag.
CViewText::CFormatTag ct= precTag;
// get new Tab and skip tag.
ct.TabX= getTabTag(text, i);
ct.Index= (uint)textBuild.size();
else if(isTooltipTag(text, i, textSize))
// get old tag.
CViewText::CFormatTag ct= precTag;
// get new Tab and skip tag.
ucstring uitt = getTooltipTag(text, i);
if (uitt.empty())
ct.IndexTt= -1;
ct.IndexTt= (uint)tooltips.size();
ct.Index= (uint)textBuild.size();
bool lineFeed= text[i]=='\n';
// append to textBuild
textBuild+= text[i];
// if \n, reset tabulations
CViewText::CFormatTag ct= precTag;
ct.TabX= 0;
ct.Index= (uint)textBuild.size();
// bkup
precTag= formatTags.back();
// ***************************************************************************
void CViewText::setTextFormatTaged(const ucstring &text)
// to allow cache (avoid infinite recurse in updateCoords() in some case), compute in temp
ucstring tempText;
// static to avoid reallocation
static std::vector tempFormatTags;
static std::vector tempTooltips;
buildFormatTagText(text, tempText, tempFormatTags, tempTooltips);
setCase (tempText, _CaseMode);
// compare Tag arrays
bool sameTagArray= false;
sameTagArray= true;
for(uint i=0;i<_FormatTags.size();i++)
sameTagArray= false;
// test transformed text with current one
if(tempText!=_Text || !sameTagArray )
// copy tags
_FormatTags= tempFormatTags;
// Copy to Text (preserve Memory)
_Text= tempText;
CInterfaceGroup *parent = getParent();
// Delete old dynamic tooltips
for (uint i=0 ; i<_Tooltips.size() ; ++i)
if (parent)
delete _Tooltips[i];
// Add new dynamic tooltips
for (uint i=0 ; isetId(_Id+"_tt"+toString(i));
if (parent)
if (parent)
_Setuped = true;
_Setuped = false;
invalidateContent ();
// color format is available only if multilined
if (!_MultiLine)
CLuaIHMRyzom::debugInfo(toString("ViewText isn't multilined : uc_hardtext_format will not act as wanted !\n%s", text.toString().c_str()));
void CViewText::setSingleLineTextFormatTaged(const ucstring &text)
// to allow cache (avoid infinite recurse in updateCoords() in some case), compute in temp
ucstring tempText;
static std::vector tempLetterColors;
static std::vector tempTooltips;
// parse text
buildFormatTagText(text, tempText, tempLetterColors, tempTooltips);
setCase (tempText, _CaseMode);
// decal for spaces (not inserted in VertexBuffer)
uint textIndex = 0;
uint spacesNb = 0;
for(uint i=0; igetTextContext();
ULetterColors * letterColors = TextContext->createLetterColors();
for(uint i=0; ipushLetterColor(formatTag.Index, formatTag.Color);
// test transformed text with current one
if(tempText!=_Text || !_LetterColors || !_LetterColors->isSameLetterColors(letterColors))
_LetterColors = letterColors;
TextContext->setLetterColors(letterColors, _Index);
// Copy to Text (preserve Memory)
_Text= tempText;
invalidateContent ();
// this color format is available only if not multilined
if (_MultiLine)
CLuaIHMRyzom::debugInfo(toString("ViewText is multilined : uc_hardtext_single_line_format will not act as wanted !\n%s", text.toString().c_str()));
// ***************************************************************************
bool CViewText::isFormatTagChange(uint textIndex, uint ctIndex) const
return false;
// return true if the textIndex is > (eg if some skip with spaces) or = (common case)
return _FormatTags[ctIndex].Index <= textIndex;
// ***************************************************************************
void CViewText::getFormatTagChange(uint textIndex, uint &ctIndex, CFormatInfo &wordFormat) const
// support the possible case with multiple color tags with same textIndex.
while(ctIndex<_FormatTags.size() && _FormatTags[ctIndex].Index<=textIndex)
// Take the last tag.
wordFormat.Color= _FormatTags[ctIndex].Color;
wordFormat.TabX= _FormatTags[ctIndex].TabX;
wordFormat.IndexTt= _FormatTags[ctIndex].IndexTt;
// skip it.
// ***************************************************************************
void CViewText::setCaseMode (TCaseMode caseMode)
_CaseMode = caseMode;
setCase (_Text, _CaseMode);
// ***************************************************************************
TCaseMode CViewText::getCaseMode () const
return _CaseMode;
// ***************************************************************************
void CViewText::resetTextIndex()
_Index = 0xffffffff;
for(uint k = 0; k < _Lines.size(); ++k)
// ***************************************************************************
void CViewText::setup()
_Setuped= true;
// Add dynamic tooltips
for (uint i=0 ; i<_Tooltips.size() ; ++i)
CInterfaceGroup *parent = getParent();
if (parent)
// ***************************************************************************
void CViewText::serial(NLMISC::IStream &f)
#define SERIAL_UINT(val) { uint32 tmp = (uint32) val; f.serial(tmp); val = (uint) tmp; }
#define SERIAL_SINT(val) { sint32 tmp = (sint32) val; f.serial(tmp); val = (sint) tmp; }
bool hasTag = !_FormatTags.empty();
if (f.isReading())
ucstring text;
if (hasTag)
if (_MultiLine)
// ***************************************************************************