// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "stdpch.h" #include "interface_manager.h" #include "ctrl_scroll.h" #include "nel/misc/xml_auto_ptr.h" #include "group_menu.h" #include "lua_ihm.h" using namespace NLMISC; using namespace std; NLMISC_REGISTER_OBJECT(CViewBase, CCtrlScroll, std::string, "scroll"); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCtrlScroll::CCtrlScroll(const TCtorParam ¶m) : CCtrlBase(param) { _Vertical = true; _Aligned = 1; _TrackPos = 0; _TrackDispPos = 0; _TrackSize = _TrackSizeMin = 16; _Min = 0; _Max = 100; _Value = 0; _InitialValue = 0; _MouseDown = false; _CallingAH = false; _Cancelable = false; _Target = NULL; _Inverted = false; _IsDBLink = false; _LastTargetHReal = 0; _LastTargetMaxHReal = 0; _LastTargetWReal = 0; _LastTargetMaxWReal = 0; _LastTargetOfsX = 0; _LastTargetOfsY = 0; _ObserverOn = true; _TargetStepX = 1; _TargetStepY = 1; _StepValue = 0; _TileM = false; _Frozen = false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CCtrlScroll::runAH(const std::string &name, const std::string ¶ms) { if (name.empty()) return; if (_CallingAH) return; // avoid infinite loop CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); _CallingAH = true; pIM->runActionHandler(name, this, params); _CallingAH = false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCtrlScroll::~CCtrlScroll() { if (_IsDBLink) { ICDBNode::CTextId textId; _DBLink.getNodePtr()->removeObserver(this, textId); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CCtrlScroll::parse(xmlNodePtr node, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup) { if (!CCtrlBase::parse(node, parentGroup)) return false; CXMLAutoPtr prop; // Read textures prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( node, (xmlChar*)"tx_bottomleft" ); if(prop) setTextureBottomOrLeft(string((const char*)prop)); else setTextureBottomOrLeft ("w_scroll_l0_b.tga"); prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( node, (xmlChar*)"tx_middle" ); if(prop) setTextureMiddle(string((const char*)prop)); else setTextureMiddle ("w_scroll_l0_m.tga"); prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( node, (xmlChar*)"tx_topright" ); if(prop) setTextureTopOrRight(string((const char*)prop)); else setTextureTopOrRight ("w_scroll_l0_t.tga"); // Read properties prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( node, (xmlChar*)"vertical" ); if (prop) _Vertical = convertBool((const char*)prop); prop = (char*) xmlGetProp (node, (xmlChar*)"align"); _Aligned = 1; if (prop) { if (stricmp(prop, "T") == 0) _Aligned = 0; else if (stricmp(prop, "B") == 0) _Aligned = 1; else if (stricmp(prop, "L") == 0) _Aligned = 2; else if (stricmp(prop, "R") == 0) _Aligned = 3; } prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( node, (xmlChar*)"min" ); if (prop) fromString((const char*)prop, _Min); prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( node, (xmlChar*)"max" ); if (prop) fromString((const char*)prop, _Max); prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( node, (xmlChar*)"value" ); if (prop) { if ( isdigit(*prop) || *prop=='-') { _IsDBLink = false; fromString((const char*)prop, _Value); } else { _IsDBLink = true; _DBLink.link(prop); ICDBNode::CTextId textId; _DBLink.getNodePtr()->addObserver(this, textId); } } prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( node, (xmlChar*)"tracksize" ); if (prop) fromString((const char*)prop, _TrackSize); // Read Action handlers prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( node, (xmlChar*)"onscroll" ); if (prop) _AHOnScroll = NLMISC::strlwr(prop); prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( node, (xmlChar*)"params" ); if (prop) _AHOnScrollParams = string((const char*)prop); // prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( node, (xmlChar*)"onscrollend" ); if (prop) _AHOnScrollEnd = NLMISC::strlwr(prop); prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( node, (xmlChar*)"end_params" ); if (prop) _AHOnScrollEndParams = string((const char*)prop); // prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( node, (xmlChar*)"onscrollcancel" ); if (prop) _AHOnScrollCancel = NLMISC::strlwr(prop); prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( node, (xmlChar*)"cancel_params" ); if (prop) _AHOnScrollCancelParams = string((const char*)prop); // auto-target prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( node, (xmlChar*)"target" ); if (prop) { CInterfaceManager *pIM= CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); CInterfaceGroup *group = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId(prop)); if(group == NULL) group = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId(this->getId(), prop)); if(group != NULL) setTarget (group); } // auto-step prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( node, (xmlChar*)"target_stepx" ); if(prop) fromString((const char*)prop, _TargetStepX); prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( node, (xmlChar*)"target_stepy" ); if(prop) fromString((const char*)prop, _TargetStepY); _TargetStepX= max((sint32)1, _TargetStepX); _TargetStepY= max((sint32)1, _TargetStepY); // Scroll Step prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( node, (xmlChar*)"step_value" ); if(prop) fromString((const char*)prop, _StepValue); prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( node, (xmlChar*)"cancelable" ); if (prop) _Cancelable = convertBool(prop); prop= (char*) xmlGetProp (node, (xmlChar*)"frozen"); _Frozen = false; if (prop) _Frozen = convertBool(prop); return true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int CCtrlScroll::luaSetTarget(CLuaState &ls) { const char *funcName = "setTarget"; CLuaIHM::checkArgCount(ls, funcName, 1); CLuaIHM::checkArgType(ls, funcName, 1, LUA_TSTRING); std::string targetId = ls.toString(1); CInterfaceManager *pIM= CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); CInterfaceGroup *group = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId(targetId)); if(group != NULL) { setTarget (group); } return 0; } void CCtrlScroll::updateCoords() { if (_Target) { // update only if visible if (_Target->getActive()) { CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); CViewRenderer &rVR = pIM->getViewRenderer(); sint32 w, h; rVR.getTextureSizeFromId (_TxIdB, w, h); if (_Vertical) { _W = w; _H = _Target->getMaxHReal(); } else { _W = _Target->getMaxWReal(); _H = h; } CCtrlBase::updateCoords (); if (_Vertical) { if(_Target->getHReal()!=_LastTargetHReal || _Target->getMaxHReal()!=_LastTargetMaxHReal || _Target->getOfsY() != _LastTargetOfsY ) { _LastTargetHReal= _Target->getHReal(); _LastTargetMaxHReal= _Target->getMaxHReal(); _LastTargetOfsY = _Target->getOfsY(); // Activate only if needed setActive(_Target->getHReal() > _Target->getMaxHReal()); CCtrlBase::updateCoords(); // Calculate size of the track button if ((_Target->getHReal() <= _Target->getMaxHReal()) || (_Target->getHReal() == 0)) { _TrackSize = _Target->getMaxHReal(); } else { float factor = (float)_Target->getMaxHReal() / (float)_Target->getHReal(); factor = _TrackSizeMin + factor * (this->getHReal() - _TrackSizeMin); _TrackSize = (sint32)factor; } // Calculate pos of the track button if (_Target->getHReal() <= _Target->getMaxHReal()) { if (_Aligned == 1) // BOTTOM _TrackPos = 0; else // TOP _TrackPos = getHReal()-_TrackSize; } else { if (_Aligned == 1) // BOTTOM { float factor = ((float)_Target->getHReal() - (float)_Target->getMaxHReal()); factor = -(float)_Target->getOfsY() / factor; if (factor < 0.0f) factor = 0.0f; if (factor > 1.0f) factor = 1.0f; factor = factor * (getHReal()-_TrackSize); _TrackPos = (sint32)factor; } else // TOP { float factor = ((float)_Target->getHReal() - (float)_Target->getMaxHReal()); factor = (float)_Target->getOfsY() / factor; if (factor < 0.0f) factor = 0.0f; if (factor > 1.0f) factor = 1.0f; sint32 hreal = getHReal(); factor = (1.0f-factor) * (hreal - _TrackSize); _TrackPos = (sint32)factor; } } // invalidate coords. computeTargetOfsFromPos(); } } else // Horizontal Tracker { if(_Target->getWReal()!=_LastTargetWReal || _Target->getMaxWReal()!=_LastTargetMaxWReal || _Target->getOfsX() != _LastTargetOfsX) { _LastTargetWReal= _Target->getWReal(); _LastTargetMaxWReal= _Target->getMaxWReal(); _LastTargetOfsX = _Target->getOfsX(); // Activate only if needed setActive(_Target->getWReal() > _Target->getMaxWReal()); CCtrlBase::updateCoords(); // Calculate size of the track button if ((_Target->getWReal() <= _Target->getMaxWReal()) || (_Target->getWReal() == 0)) { _TrackSize = _Target->getMaxWReal(); } else { float factor = (float)_Target->getMaxWReal() / (float)_Target->getWReal(); factor = _TrackSizeMin + factor * (this->getWReal() - _TrackSizeMin); _TrackSize = (sint32)factor; } // Calculate pos of the track button if (_Target->getWReal() <= _Target->getMaxWReal()) { if (_Aligned == 2) // LEFT _TrackPos = 0; else // RIGHT _TrackPos = getWReal()-_TrackSize; } else { if (_Aligned == 2) // LEFT { float factor = ((float)_Target->getWReal() - (float)_Target->getMaxWReal()); factor = -(float)_Target->getOfsX() / factor; if (factor < 0.0f) factor = 0.0f; if (factor > 1.0f) factor = 1.0f; factor = factor * (getWReal()-_TrackSize); _TrackPos = (sint32)factor; } else // RIGHT { float factor = ((float)_Target->getWReal() - (float)_Target->getMaxWReal()); factor = (float)_Target->getOfsX() / factor; if (factor < 0.0f) factor = 0.0f; if (factor > 1.0f) factor = 1.0f; sint32 hreal = getWReal(); factor = (1.0f-factor) * (hreal - _TrackSize); _TrackPos = (sint32)factor; } } // invalidate coords. computeTargetOfsFromPos(); } } } // reset cache else { _LastTargetHReal= 0; _LastTargetMaxHReal= 0; _LastTargetWReal= 0; _LastTargetMaxWReal= 0; _LastTargetOfsX = 0; _LastTargetOfsY = 0; setActive(false); } } else { CCtrlBase::updateCoords (); if (_IsDBLink) _Value = _DBLink.getSInt32(); if (_Vertical) { float factor; if (_Aligned == 1) // BOTTOM factor = ((float)_Value-_Min) / (_Max-_Min); else // TOP factor = 1.0f - ((float)_Value-_Min) / (_Max-_Min); factor *= (this->getHReal() - _TrackSize); _TrackDispPos = (sint32)factor; } else { float factor; if (_Aligned == 2) // LEFT factor = ((float)_Value-_Min) / (_Max-_Min); else // RIGHT factor = 1.0f - ((float)_Value-_Min) / (_Max-_Min); factor *= (this->getWReal() - _TrackSize); _TrackDispPos = (sint32)factor; } } CCtrlBase::updateCoords (); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CCtrlScroll::draw() { CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); CViewRenderer &rVR = pIM->getViewRenderer(); CRGBA col = pIM->getGlobalColorForContent(); if (_Target) { if (_Vertical) { rVR.drawRotFlipBitmap (_RenderLayer, _XReal, _YReal+_TrackPos, _WReal, 4, 0, false, _TxIdB, col ); if (_TileM == 0) rVR.drawRotFlipBitmap (_RenderLayer, _XReal, _YReal+_TrackPos+4, _WReal, _TrackSize-8, 0, false, _TxIdM, col ); else rVR.drawRotFlipBitmapTiled (_RenderLayer, _XReal, _YReal+_TrackPos+4, _WReal, _TrackSize-8, 0, false, _TxIdM, _TileM-1, col ); rVR.drawRotFlipBitmap (_RenderLayer, _XReal, _YReal+_TrackPos+_TrackSize-4, _WReal, 4, 0, false, _TxIdT, col ); } else { rVR.drawRotFlipBitmap (_RenderLayer, _XReal+_TrackPos, _YReal, 4, _HReal, 0, false, _TxIdB, col ); if (_TileM == 0) rVR.drawRotFlipBitmap (_RenderLayer, _XReal+_TrackPos+4, _YReal, _TrackSize-8, _HReal, 0, false, _TxIdM, col ); else rVR.drawRotFlipBitmapTiled (_RenderLayer, _XReal+_TrackPos+4, _YReal, _TrackSize-8, _HReal, 0, false, _TxIdM, _TileM-1, col ); rVR.drawRotFlipBitmap (_RenderLayer, _XReal+_TrackPos+_TrackSize-4, _YReal, 4, _HReal, 0, false, _TxIdT, col ); } } else { if (_Vertical) { rVR.drawRotFlipBitmap (_RenderLayer, _XReal, _YReal+_TrackDispPos, _WReal, 4, 0, false, _TxIdB, col ); if (_TileM == 0) rVR.drawRotFlipBitmap (_RenderLayer, _XReal, _YReal+_TrackDispPos+4, _WReal, _TrackSize-8, 0, false, _TxIdM, col ); else rVR.drawRotFlipBitmapTiled (_RenderLayer, _XReal, _YReal+_TrackDispPos+4, _WReal, _TrackSize-8, 0, false, _TxIdM, _TileM-1, col ); rVR.drawRotFlipBitmap (_RenderLayer, _XReal, _YReal+_TrackDispPos+_TrackSize-4, _WReal, 4, 0, false, _TxIdT, col ); } else { rVR.drawRotFlipBitmap (_RenderLayer, _XReal+_TrackDispPos, _YReal, 4, _HReal, 0, false, _TxIdB, col ); if (_TileM == 0) rVR.drawRotFlipBitmap (_RenderLayer, _XReal+_TrackDispPos+4, _YReal, _TrackSize-8, _HReal, 0, false, _TxIdM, col ); else rVR.drawRotFlipBitmapTiled (_RenderLayer, _XReal+_TrackDispPos+4, _YReal, _TrackSize-8, _HReal, 0, false, _TxIdM, _TileM-1, col ); rVR.drawRotFlipBitmap (_RenderLayer, _XReal+_TrackDispPos+_TrackSize-4, _YReal, 4, _HReal, 0, false, _TxIdT, col ); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CCtrlScroll::handleEvent (const CEventDescriptor &event) { if (CCtrlBase::handleEvent(event)) return true; if (!_Active || _Frozen) return false; if (event.getType() == CEventDescriptor::mouse) { const CEventDescriptorMouse &eventDesc = (const CEventDescriptorMouse &)event; if ((CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->getCapturePointerLeft() != this) && (!((eventDesc.getX() >= _XReal) && (eventDesc.getX() < (_XReal + _WReal))&& (eventDesc.getY() > _YReal) && (eventDesc.getY() <= (_YReal+ _HReal))))) return false; if (eventDesc.getEventTypeExtended() == CEventDescriptorMouse::mouseleftdown) { _MouseDown = true; _InitialValue = getValue(); if (!_Target) _TrackPos = _TrackDispPos; _MouseDownOffsetX = eventDesc.getX() - (getXReal() + (_Vertical ? 0 : _TrackPos)); _MouseDownOffsetY = eventDesc.getY() - (getYReal() + (_Vertical ? _TrackPos : 0)); // if target is a menu, hidde its sub menus if(_Target && _Target->getParent()) { CGroupSubMenu * menu = dynamic_cast(_Target->getParent()); if(menu) menu->hideSubMenus(); } return true; } if (eventDesc.getEventTypeExtended() == CEventDescriptorMouse::mouseleftup) { _MouseDown = false; runAH(_AHOnScrollEnd, _AHOnScrollEndParams.empty() ? _AHOnScrollParams : _AHOnScrollEndParams); // backward compatibility return true; } if (eventDesc.getEventTypeExtended() == CEventDescriptorMouse::mouserightdown && _MouseDown && _Cancelable) { _MouseDown = false; setValue(_InitialValue); runAH(_AHOnScrollCancel, _AHOnScrollCancelParams); // backward compatibility return true; } if (eventDesc.getEventTypeExtended() == CEventDescriptorMouse::mousemove) { if (_MouseDown) { sint32 dx = eventDesc.getX() - (getXReal() + (_Vertical ? 0 : _TrackPos) + _MouseDownOffsetX); sint32 dy = eventDesc.getY() - (getYReal() + (_Vertical ? _TrackPos : 0 ) + _MouseDownOffsetY); if (dx != 0) moveTrackX (dx); if (dy != 0) moveTrackY (dy); } return true; } if (eventDesc.getEventTypeExtended() == CEventDescriptorMouse::mousewheel && _Vertical) { moveTrackY (eventDesc.getWheel() * 12); return true; } } return false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CCtrlScroll::setTarget (CInterfaceGroup *pIG) { _Target = pIG; if (_Vertical) { if (_Target->getPosRef()&Hotspot_Tx) _Aligned = 0; else _Aligned = 1; if (_Target->getPosRef()&Hotspot_Tx) _Inverted = true; else _Inverted = true; } else { if (_Target->getPosRef()&Hotspot_xL) _Aligned = 2; else _Aligned = 3; if (_Target->getPosRef()&Hotspot_xL) _Inverted = true; else _Inverted = true; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sint32 CCtrlScroll::moveTrackX (sint32 dx) { if (_Vertical) return 0; if ((getWReal()-_TrackSize) <= 0) return 0; sint32 newtpos; sint32 tpos = _TrackPos; sint32 tsize = _TrackSize; // Limit the scroller to the defined area newtpos = tpos + dx; if (newtpos < 0) newtpos = 0; if (newtpos > (getWReal()-tsize)) newtpos = (getWReal()-tsize); dx = newtpos - tpos; if (_Target) { _TrackPos = newtpos; computeTargetOfsFromPos(); } else // This is a number scroller { float factor = (float)(_Max - _Min); if (_Aligned == 2) // LEFT factor = -factor * newtpos / (float)(getWReal()-tsize) - _Min; else // RIGHT factor = factor * (1.0f-(newtpos / (float)(getWReal()-tsize))) + _Min; _TrackPos = newtpos; if (_Aligned == 2) // LEFT _Value = (sint32) (_Inverted ? factor : -factor); else // RIGHT _Value = (sint32) (_Inverted ? factor : -factor); // step and clamp value normalizeValue(_Value); { float factor; if (_Aligned == 2) // LEFT factor = ((float)_Value-_Min) / (_Max-_Min); else // RIGHT factor = 1.0f - ((float)_Value-_Min) / (_Max-_Min); factor *= (this->getWReal() - _TrackSize); _TrackDispPos = (sint32)factor; } if (_IsDBLink) { _ObserverOn = false; _DBLink.setSInt32 (_Value); _ObserverOn = true; } } // Launch the scroller event if any runAH(_AHOnScroll, _AHOnScrollParams); return dx; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sint32 CCtrlScroll::moveTrackY (sint32 dy) { if (!_Vertical) return 0; if ((getHReal()-_TrackSize) <= 0) return 0; sint32 newtpos; sint32 tpos = _TrackPos; sint32 tsize = _TrackSize; // Limit the scroller to the defined area newtpos = tpos + dy; if (newtpos < 0) newtpos = 0; if (newtpos > (getHReal()-tsize)) newtpos = (getHReal()-tsize); dy = newtpos - tpos; if (_Target) { _TrackPos = newtpos; computeTargetOfsFromPos(); } else // This is a number scroller { float factor = (float)(_Max - _Min); if (_Aligned == 1) // BOTTOM factor = -factor * newtpos / (float)(getHReal()-tsize) - _Min; else // TOP factor = factor * (1.0f-(newtpos / (float)(getHReal()-tsize))) + _Min; _TrackPos = newtpos; if (_Aligned == 1) // BOTTOM _Value = (sint32) (_Inverted ? factor : -factor); else // TOP _Value = (sint32) (_Inverted ? factor : -factor); // step and clamp value normalizeValue(_Value); { float factor; if (_Aligned == 1) // BOTTOM factor = ((float)_Value-_Min) / (_Max-_Min); else // TOP factor = 1.0f - ((float)_Value-_Min) / (_Max-_Min); factor *= (this->getHReal() - _TrackSize); _TrackDispPos = (sint32)factor; } if (_IsDBLink) { _ObserverOn = false; _DBLink.setSInt32 (_Value); _ObserverOn = true; } } // Launch the scroller event if any runAH(_AHOnScroll, _AHOnScrollParams); return dy; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CCtrlScroll::setTextureBottomOrLeft (const std::string &txName) { CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); CViewRenderer &rVR = pIM->getViewRenderer(); _TxIdB = rVR.getTextureIdFromName(txName); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CCtrlScroll::setTextureMiddle (const std::string &txName) { CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); CViewRenderer &rVR = pIM->getViewRenderer(); _TxIdM = rVR.getTextureIdFromName(txName); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CCtrlScroll::setTextureTopOrRight (const std::string &txName) { CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); CViewRenderer &rVR = pIM->getViewRenderer(); _TxIdT = rVR.getTextureIdFromName(txName); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CCtrlScroll::setValue(sint32 value) { normalizeValue(value); if (_IsDBLink) { _ObserverOn = false; _DBLink.setSInt32(value); _ObserverOn = true; } else { _Value = value; } invalidateCoords(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CCtrlScroll::setTrackPos(sint32 pos) { if (_Vertical) { moveTrackY(pos - _TrackPos); } else { moveTrackX(pos - _TrackPos); } invalidateCoords(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CCtrlScroll::computeTargetOfsFromPos() { if(_Vertical) { float factor = ((float)_Target->getHReal() - (float)_Target->getMaxHReal()); if (_Aligned == 1) // BOTTOM factor = -factor * _TrackPos / favoid0((float)(getHReal()-_TrackSize)); else // TOP factor = factor * (1.0f-(_TrackPos / favoid0((float)(getHReal()-_TrackSize)))); // Compute Steped target sint32 nexOfsY= (sint32) (_Inverted ? factor : -factor); if(_TargetStepY>1) nexOfsY= ((nexOfsY+_TargetStepY/2)/_TargetStepY) * _TargetStepY; _Target->setOfsY (nexOfsY); _LastTargetOfsY = nexOfsY; // invalidate only XReal/YReal, doing only 1 pass _Target->invalidateCoords(1); } else { float factor = ((float)_Target->getWReal() - (float)_Target->getMaxWReal()); if (_Aligned == 2) // LEFT factor = -factor * _TrackPos / favoid0((float)(getWReal()-_TrackSize)); else // RIGHT factor = factor * (1.0f-(_TrackPos / favoid0((float)(getWReal()-_TrackSize)))); // Compute Steped target sint32 nexOfsX= (sint32) (_Inverted ? factor : -factor); if(_TargetStepX>1) nexOfsX= ((nexOfsX+_TargetStepX/2)/_TargetStepX) * _TargetStepX; _Target->setOfsX (nexOfsX); _LastTargetOfsX = nexOfsX; // invalidate only XReal/YReal, doing only 1 pass _Target->invalidateCoords(1); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CCtrlScroll::update(ICDBNode * /* node */) { if (!_ObserverOn) return; _Value = _DBLink.getSInt32(); // the value in the db changed invalidateCoords(1); if (_Target) _Target->invalidateCoords(1); } // *************************************************************************** void CCtrlScroll::moveTargetX (sint32 dx) { if(!_Target) return; sint32 maxWReal= _Target->getMaxWReal(); sint32 wReal= _Target->getWReal(); if(wReal <= maxWReal) return; // compute the new ofsX. sint32 ofsX= _Target->getOfsX(); ofsX+= dx; clamp(ofsX, 0, wReal-maxWReal); _Target->setOfsX(ofsX); // compute new trackPos. if (_Aligned == 2) // LEFT { float factor = (float)(wReal-maxWReal); factor = -(float)ofsX / factor; clamp(factor, 0.f, 1.f); factor = factor * (getWReal()-_TrackSize); _TrackPos = (sint32)factor; } else // RIGHT { float factor = (float)(wReal-maxWReal); factor = (float)ofsX / factor; clamp(factor, 0.f, 1.f); factor = (1.0f-factor) * (getWReal() - _TrackSize); _TrackPos = (sint32)factor; } // invalidate only position. 1 pass is sufficient invalidateCoords(1); } // *************************************************************************** void CCtrlScroll::moveTargetY (sint32 dy) { if(!_Target) return; sint32 maxHReal= _Target->getMaxHReal(); sint32 hReal= _Target->getHReal(); if(hReal <= maxHReal) return; // compute the new ofsY. sint32 ofsY= _Target->getOfsY(); ofsY+= dy; // compute new trackPos. if (_Aligned == 1) // BOTTOM { clamp(ofsY, maxHReal - hReal, 0); _Target->setOfsY(ofsY); float factor = (float)(hReal-maxHReal); factor = -(float)ofsY / factor; clamp(factor, 0.f, 1.f); factor = factor * (getHReal()-_TrackSize); _TrackPos = (sint32)factor; } else // TOP { clamp(ofsY, 0, hReal-maxHReal); _Target->setOfsY(ofsY); float factor = (float)(hReal-maxHReal); factor = (float)ofsY / factor; clamp(factor, 0.f, 1.f); factor = (1.0f-factor) * (getHReal() - _TrackSize); _TrackPos = (sint32)factor; } // invalidate only position. 1 pass is sufficient invalidateCoords(1); } // *************************************************************************** void CCtrlScroll::normalizeValue(sint32 &value) { // if, 0 no step if(_StepValue==0 || _StepValue==1) return; // if interval is null, force min! if(_Max==_Min) { value= _Min; return; } // get range of possible position // sint32 size= _Max - _Min; // step (round) sint32 val= (value + (_StepValue/2) -_Min) / _StepValue; val= _Min + val * _StepValue; clamp(val, _Min, _Max); value= val; } // *************************************************************************** void CCtrlScroll::setFrozen (bool state) { _Frozen = state; if (_Frozen) { _Value = 0; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int CCtrlScroll::luaEnsureVisible(CLuaState &ls) { const char *funcName = "ensureVisible"; CLuaIHM::checkArgCount(ls, funcName, 3); CLuaIHM::checkArgTypeUIElement(ls, funcName, 1); CLuaIHM::checkArgType(ls, funcName, 2, LUA_TSTRING); CLuaIHM::checkArgType(ls, funcName, 3, LUA_TSTRING); THotSpot hs[2]; std::string hsStr[] = { ls.toString(2), ls.toString(3) }; // for (uint hsIndex = 0; hsIndex < 2; ++ hsIndex) { if (_Vertical) { if (NLMISC::nlstricmp(hsStr[hsIndex], "T") == 0) { hs[hsIndex] = Hotspot_Tx; } else if (NLMISC::nlstricmp(hsStr[hsIndex], "M") == 0) { hs[hsIndex] = Hotspot_Mx; } else if (NLMISC::nlstricmp(hsStr[hsIndex], "B") == 0) { hs[hsIndex] = Hotspot_Bx; } else { CLuaIHM::fails(ls, "%s : couldn't parse hotspot for vertical scrollbar", funcName); } } else { if (NLMISC::nlstricmp(hsStr[hsIndex], "L") == 0) { hs[hsIndex] = Hotspot_xL; } else if (NLMISC::nlstricmp(hsStr[hsIndex], "M") == 0) { hs[hsIndex] = Hotspot_xM; } else if (NLMISC::nlstricmp(hsStr[hsIndex], "R") == 0) { hs[hsIndex] = Hotspot_xR; } else { CLuaIHM::fails(ls, "%s : couldn't parse hotspot for horizontal scrollbar", funcName); } } } ensureVisible(CLuaIHM::getUIOnStack(ls, 1), hs[0], hs[1]); return 0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CCtrlScroll::ensureVisible(CInterfaceElement *childElement, THotSpot childHotSpot, THotSpot parentHotSpot) { if (!_Target) return; // not connected to a target yet if (!childElement) return; // compute corners of interest for enclosed element & enclosing group sint32 childX, childY; childElement->getCorner(childX, childY, childHotSpot); if (_Vertical) { sint32 maxHReal= _Target->getMaxHReal(); sint32 hReal= _Target->getHReal(); if(hReal > maxHReal) { sint enclosingDY; switch (parentHotSpot) { case Hotspot_Bx: enclosingDY = maxHReal; break; case Hotspot_Mx: enclosingDY = maxHReal / 2; break; case Hotspot_Tx: enclosingDY = 0; break; default: nlassert(0); break; } if (_Aligned == 0) { // Top aligned case sint32 offsetY = (_Target->getYReal() + _Target->getHReal() - childY) - enclosingDY; NLMISC::clamp(offsetY, 0, hReal - maxHReal); _Target->setOfsY(offsetY); _Target->invalidateCoords(); } else if (_Aligned == 1) { // Bottom aligned case sint32 offsetY = (maxHReal - enclosingDY) - (childY - _Target->getYReal()); NLMISC::clamp(offsetY, maxHReal - hReal, 0); _Target->setOfsY(offsetY); _Target->invalidateCoords(); } } // else, ... fully visible (not occluded by parent group) } else { sint32 maxWReal= _Target->getMaxWReal(); sint32 wReal= _Target->getWReal(); if(wReal > maxWReal) { sint enclosingDX; switch (parentHotSpot) { case Hotspot_xL: enclosingDX = maxWReal; break; case Hotspot_xM: enclosingDX = maxWReal / 2; break; case Hotspot_xR: enclosingDX = 0; break; default: nlassert(0); break; } if (_Aligned == 3) { // right aligned case sint32 offsetX = (_Target->getXReal() + _Target->getWReal() - childX) - enclosingDX; NLMISC::clamp(offsetX, 0, wReal - maxWReal); _Target->setOfsX(offsetX); _Target->invalidateCoords(); } else if (_Aligned == 2) { // Left aligned case sint32 offsetX = (maxWReal - enclosingDX) - (childX - _Target->getXReal()); NLMISC::clamp(offsetX, maxWReal - wReal, 0); _Target->setOfsX(offsetX); _Target->invalidateCoords(); } } // else, ... fully visible (not occluded by parent group) } }