global  systempreferencefilename = "\\\Amiga\\3D\\Database\\system\\zs_sys_prefs.ini",
--global  systempreferencefilename = "c:\\zs_sys_prefs.ini",
		ProjectPath = (getINISetting systempreferencefilename "Filepath" "ProjectPath")
		error_list_file = "\\\Amiga\\3D\\Database\\system\\zonefiles_error_list.ini"  -- pour faire fichier de report
		error_array ; if error_array == undefined do error_array = #()

rollout dbase_cleaner_rollout "Database Zone Project Cleaner"

--		ui elements def	
group "The Checker "
	Button CheckTheDatabase "Check the Database" width:110
--	CheckBox CheckOnly "report only please" checked:true
--	Label textcheck "(Don't modify Database)" enabled:true
--	Label textclean "(Do Clean the Database)" enabled:false
	progressbar progress_bar color:blue width:588
	Label textcurrentproj "Current file : --" enabled:false align:#left

group "The Files "
	label Count_Files "--" align:#left across:2
	button reset_lists "Reset" width:50 
	listbox Files_listbox "Files with possible errors :" height:10 items:error_array
group "Manual "
	button load_proj "Load" width:50 across:2 enabled:false
	button save_proj "Save" width:50 enabled:false
	button basic_clean "Clean Loaded" width:100 enabled:false
group "Auto "
	button basic_clean_all "Basic Clean Listed Files " -- enabled:false
	button test_only_basic_clean_all "Tst Bazc Clean Listd Filz" -- enabled:false
	button collapse_nel_patch_all "Collapse all listed"
	progressbar progress_bar2 color:green height:8 width:588
group "The objects "
	listbox Objects_listbox "Objects in current File :" height:18 

--		Fonctions def
Fn backupfilezone nomdufichierzone =		-- backup a file named day and time and oldfilename in a subdir named (the number of the week 0-51)
	local	s=localtime , s1 , tabjourdesmois , nb_jours , i , semaineencours , file2backup , nouveaunomdefichier , sfinale="__" , directory4backup , s1= filterstring s "/ :" , tabjourdesmois=#("31","28","31","30","31","30","31","31","30","31","30","31")
	if s1[3]=="00" or s1[3]=="04" or s1[3]=="08" then tabjourdesmois[2]=((tabjourdesmois[2] as integer) +1) as string -- ann�es bisextiles
	nb_jours=0 	--determiner le numero de la semaine
	for i=1 to ((s1[2] as integer)-1) do 	-- ajouter les jours de chaque mois �coul�
		nb_jours=nb_jours + (tabjourdesmois[i] as integer)
	nb_jours=nb_jours + (s1[1] as integer)	-- ajouter les jours �coul�s du mois courant
	semaineencours = nb_jours/7
	if (getfiles (projectpath + (semaineencours as string) + "\\\\" + nomdufichierzone + ".max")).count == 0 -- creation du repertoire de backup
	then (makedir (projectpath + (semaineencours as string) + "\\" )) else (print "le repertoire existe d�j�, pas besoin de le cr�er")
	for i=1 to S1.count do ( sfinale=sfinale + "_" + s1[i]) 	--determiner le nouveau nom de fichier : date + heure
	copyfile (projectpath + nomdufichierzone + ".max") (projectpath + (semaineencours as string) + "\\\\" + nomdufichierzone + sfinale + ".max")	-- bouger le fichier dans le repertoire de backup
	print ("fin du backup")


Fn delete_unwanted_entitys =		-- materials / camera / shapes....
	-- undefined LM_DATA persistent array
	LM_DATA = undefined
	print "LM_Data array undefined"
	-- clean the material editor
	for i = 1 to meditMaterials.count do (meditMaterials[i]=standard())  -- reset material editor
	-- delete cameras
	delete cameras
	-- delete unwanted names
	obj_to_delete = #()
	for i in objects do	
		if ((matchpattern ( pattern:"* name")==true) AND ( matchpattern ( pattern:((getfilenamefile maxfilename)+" name"))==false  -- l'objet est un nom *ET* n'est pas celui du projet.
			append obj_to_delete i
	print "deleting objects : "
	print obj_to_delete
	delete obj_to_delete

--		ui process def
on CheckOnly changed arg do
	textcheck.enabled = arg
	textclean.enabled = NOT arg

fn lowercase instring =                -- beginning of function definition 
	local upper, lower, outstring       -- declare variables as local 
	upper="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"  -- set variables to literals 
	for i=1 to outstring.count do 
		j=findString upper outstring[i] 
		if (j != undefined) do outstring[i]=lower[j] 
	return outstring     -- value of outstring will be returned as function result 

fn findID node =

	-- Const
	NameTab = filterString "_"
	if (NameTab != undefined) and (NameTab.count == 2) then 
		Z_ID = -1
		alpha_letter1 = NameTab[2][1]
		alpha_letter2 = NameTab[2][2]
		alpha_letter1_value = findstring alphabet alpha_letter1 
		alpha_letter2_value = findstring alphabet alpha_letter2 

		-- Decompose theh name in an array array[1]=numeric string value  array[2]=alpha string value
		-- The index of the engine start at 0 but the script one at 1 so we sub 1 each time
		alpha_sub_id = (((alpha_letter1_value as integer - 1) * 26 + (alpha_letter2_value as integer)))-1
		num_sub_id = (NameTab[1] as integer)-1

			-- Array of 256 per 256
			--	0	1	2	3	...	255
			--	256	257	258	259	...	511 
			--	512	513	514	515	...	767
			--	...

		Z_ID = num_sub_id*256 + alpha_sub_id

		return Z_ID
		return 0

fn idToCoord coord =
	zoneX = floor (coord.x/160)
	zoneY = floor (-coord.y/160)
	return zoneY*256 + zoneX;

fn atTheGoodPosition node =
	-- Get the center
	center =

	-- Check position
	if (findID node) == (idToCoord center) then
		return true
		return false

on CheckTheDatabase pressed do 
	--remettre � zero
	error_array = #() 
	Files_listbox.items = error_array
	deletefile error_list_file
	progress_bar.value = 0

	textcurrentproj.enabled = true
	project_files = getFiles ( projectpath + "*.max" )
	counter = 0

	Files_listbox.items = error_array

	for f in project_files do
		-- Error ?
		bFound = false
		bMultiZone = false
		bWrongName = false
		bWrongMaterial = false
		bLoaded = false
		bWrongPosition = false

		-- Name of the file
		fileName = getFilenameFile f

		-- Load the project
			if (loadMaxFile f) == true then
				-- Zone loaded
				bLoaded  = true

				-- Check there is only one zone with the name of the file
				for node in geometry do
					-- It is a NeL zone ?
					if (classof node) == RklPatch then
						-- Already a zone ?
						if bFound == true then
							bMultiZone = true

						-- A zone has been found
						bFound = true

						-- The same name ?
						if (lowercase fileName) != (lowercase then
							bWrongName = true

						-- The position
						if (atTheGoodPosition node) == false then
							bWrongPosition = true

					-- The material..
					if (classof node.material) == MultiMaterial then
						-- Big material ?
						if (node.material.numsubs > 20) then
							bWrongMaterial = true

		-- Set error
		bError = (bWrongPosition == true) or (bWrongMaterial == true) or (bWrongName == true) or (bMultiZone == true) or (bFound == false) or (bLoaded == false)

		-- Set error message
		errorMessage = fileName
		if bLoaded == false then
			errorMessage += ", can't load it"
		if bFound == false then
			errorMessage += ", can't found a NeL patch object"
		if bMultiZone == true then
			errorMessage += ", multiple NeL zone"
		if bWrongName == true then
			errorMessage += ", NeL zone has a wrong name"
		if bWrongMaterial == true then
			errorMessage += ", NeL zone has a big material"
		if bWrongPosition == true then
			errorMessage += ", NeL zone position is wrong"

		-- Append error ?
		if bError == true then
			setinisetting error_list_file "Zone error" fileName errorMessage
			append error_array errorMessage

			Count_Files.text = error_array.count as string
			Files_listbox.items = error_array
			Files_listbox.selection += 1
			print (" ---> project : " + filenamefrompath f)

		progress_bar.value = 100.*counter/project_files.count
		counter += 1
	if counter >0 
		Files_listbox.selection = 1
		basic_clean_all.enabled = true
		test_only_basic_clean_all.enabled = true

on Files_listbox doubleClicked error_list_index do
	-- Load the project
	fileName = filterString Files_listbox.items[error_list_index] ","
	if (fileName != undefined) and (fileName.count != 0) then
		-- Make a file name
		fileName = ProjectPath+"\\"+fileName[1]+".max"
		loadMaxFile fileName

on Files_listbox selected error_list_index do 
	--load_proj.enabled = true
	--Objects_listbox.enabled = false		-- juste pour montrer que �a bosse
	--Files_listbox.enabled = false		-- juste pour montrer que �a bosse
	--Count_Files.enabled  = false		-- juste pour montrer que �a bosse

	--Current_proj = (ProjectPath + Files_listbox.selected )
	--Objects_listbox.items = (getMAXFileObjectNames current_proj)

	--Count_Files.enabled  = true			-- juste pour montrer que �a bosse
	--Files_listbox.enabled = true		-- juste pour montrer que �a bosse
	--Objects_listbox.enabled = true		-- juste pour montrer que �a bosse

on reset_lists pressed do 
	error_array = #() 
	Files_listbox.items = error_array

on load_proj pressed do 
	loadMaxFile (ProjectPath + Files_listbox.selected )
	messagebox ("Loaded project for zone : " + Files_listbox.selected + "\n \n Please Clean the project and save")
	max unhide all	
	save_proj.enabled = true
	basic_clean.enabled = true

on save_proj pressed do 
	if (querybox ("Do You Really want to overwrite this ZONE ?\n" + MaxFileName )) == true and querybox "Really sure ?" == true
		print ("saving zone : " + MaxFileName)
		save_proj.enabled = false
		backupfilezone (getfilenameFile MaxFileName)
		print (" zone backuped : " + MaxFileName)
		max file save
		print (" zone saved : " + MaxFileName)
		print ("no save for : " + MaxFileName)

on basic_clean pressed do 
--	basic_clean.enabled = false

on basic_clean_all pressed do 
	compteurdeligne = 0
	for proj_file in Files_listbox.items do
		compteurdeligne += 1
		progress_bar2.value = 100.*compteurdeligne/Files_listbox.items.count
		Files_listbox.selection = compteurdeligne 
		print ("processing file : " + proj_file)

		loadMaxFile (ProjectPath + Files_listbox.selected )

		backupfilezone (getfilenameFile MaxFileName)
		print (" zone backuped : " + MaxFileName)
		max file save
		print (" zone saved : " + MaxFileName)

	print ("nombre de projets trait�s : " + Files_listbox.items.count as string)

	if (querybox "Do you want to Build an updated list of possible errors ?" ) == true 
		print "faire mise � jour "

on collapse_nel_patch_all pressed do 
	compteurdeligne = 0
	for proj_file in Files_listbox.items do
		compteurdeligne += 1
		progress_bar2.value = 100.*compteurdeligne/Files_listbox.items.count
		Files_listbox.selection = compteurdeligne 
		print ("processing file : " + proj_file)

		loadMaxFile (ProjectPath + Files_listbox.selected )

		patch_name="$'"+(substring maxfilename 1 (maxfilename.count-4))+"'"
		execute (" obj_to_check = " + patch_name)
		if obj_to_check.modifiers.count != 0 
			collapsestack obj_to_check
			backupfilezone (getfilenameFile MaxFileName)
			print (" zone backuped : " + MaxFileName)
			max file save
			print (" zone saved : " + MaxFileName)
		else print ("nothing to do with " + proj_file)
	print ("nombre de projets trait�s : " + Files_listbox.items.count as string)

	if (querybox "Do you want to Build an updated list of possible errors ?" ) == true 
		print "faire mise � jour "


on test_only_basic_clean_all pressed do 
	compteurdeligne = 0
	for proj_file in Files_listbox.items do
		compteurdeligne += 1
		progress_bar2.value = 100.*compteurdeligne/Files_listbox.items.count
		Files_listbox.selection = compteurdeligne 
		print ("processing file : " + proj_file)
		loadMaxFile (ProjectPath + Files_listbox.selected )

		print (" zone tested : " + MaxFileName)
	print ("nombre de projets trait�s : " + Files_listbox.items.count as string)

on dbase_cleaner_rollout open do
	Count_Files.text = error_array.count as string



-- Find and log doubling names

fileType =			#(	"Shape",						"Animations",					"Skeleton",						"Swt" )
keyWords =			#(	#("shape_source_directory"),	#("anim_source_directory"),		#("skel_source_directory"),		#("swt_source_directory") )
checkMeshName =		#(	true,							false,							false,							false )
checkProjectName =	#(	true,							true,							true,							true )
objectDouble = #()
objectDoubleProject = #()
objectArray = #()
NEL3D_APPDATA_DONOTEXPORT = 1423062565		-- do not export me : "undefined" = export me
											--							  "0" = export me
											--							  "1" = DONT expo

rollout dbase_cleaner_double_rollout "Database Double Detector"
	-- A button to select the config file
	label ConfigFileLabel "Config files path:" align:#left
	edittext ConfigFile "" width:588
	button SelectConfigFile "Browse for config path" width:588
	dropdownlist TypeCheck "Type of project to check:" items:fileType selection:0
	listbox DirectoryList "List of directory to check:" width:588
	label ExcludeLabel "Excluded names:" align:#left
	edittext Exclude "" width:588
	button Refresh "Refresh list" width:588
	button Check "Check for double" width:588
	listbox DoubleObject "List of project with same object name:" width:588
	listbox DoubleProject "List of project with the same name:" width:588

	-- On select the config file
	on SelectConfigFile pressed do
		-- Open a file browser
		result = getOpenFileName caption:"Select the build process config file" filename:"config.cfg" types:"Config Files (*.cfg)|*.cfg|All Files (*.*)|*.*||"

		-- Ok ?
		if (result != undefined) then
			ConfigFile.text = getFilenamePath result

	-- Get a list of options
	fn getOptions filename keyword array =
		-- Open a file stream
		stream = openFile filename

		-- Success ?
		if (stream != undefined) then
			-- Look for the keyword
			while (skipToString stream keyword) != undefined do
				-- Remove the '=' caracter
				skipToString stream "="

				-- Get the option
				line = readLine stream

				-- Remove spaces
				while (line.count != 0) and (line[1] == " ") do
					line = substring line 2 (line.count-1) 

				-- Remove spaces
				while (line.count != 0) and (line[line.count] == " ") do
					line = substring line 1 (line.count-1) 

				-- Add the options
				append array line

			-- Close the file
			close stream

			-- Ok
			return true
			return false

	fn convertString instring =
		index = findString instring "/"
		while index != undefined do
			instring[index] = "\\"
			index = findString instring "/"
		return instring
	-- Add the object
	fn addObjectToList name path =
		append objectDouble (name + " - " + (filenameFromPath (convertString path)) + " - " + (getFilenamePath (convertString path)) )
		append objectDoubleProject path

	-- File type selected
	on TypeCheck selected selection do
		-- Config file path
		siteF = ConfigFile.text + "site.cfg"

		-- Get the database directory
		databaseDirectory = #()
		if (getOptions siteF "database_directory" databaseDirectory) == true then
			-- Ok ?
			if (databaseDirectory.count == 1) then
				-- Clean the directory list
				copyArray = #()
				DirectoryList.items = copyArray

				-- Look for the directories
				if selection != 0 then
					-- Directory file path
					directoryFile = ConfigFile.text + "directories.cfg"

					-- Array of keyword
					directoriesArray = #()
					for keyword in keyWords[selection] do
						if (getOptions directoryFile keyword directoriesArray) == false then
							-- Error message
							Messagebox ("Can't read directory file " + directoryFile)
							return undefined

					-- Add the directory
					for directory in directoriesArray do
						append copyArray (databaseDirectory[1] + "/" + directory)
					-- Set the array
					DirectoryList.items = copyArray
				-- Error message
				Messagebox ("Syntax error in config file " + configF)
			-- Error message
			Messagebox ("Can't read config file " + configF)

	fn lowercase instring =                -- beginning of function definition 
		local upper, lower, outstring       -- declare variables as local 
		upper="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"  -- set variables to literals 
		for i=1 to outstring.count do 
			j=findString upper outstring[i] 
			if (j != undefined) do outstring[i]=lower[j] 
		return outstring     -- value of outstring will be returned as function result 

	-- Refresh list
	fn refreshList = 
		objectDouble = #()
		objectDoubleProject = #()

		-- Get the keyword list
		keywords = filterString Exclude.text " "

		-- Search for double
		object = 1
		while object <= objectArray.count-1 do
			-- First names
			firstNames = filterString objectArray[object] ";"

			-- Filter first name
			same = false
			for keys in keywords do
				if (findString firstNames[1] keys) != undefined then
					same = true

			-- Not keyword
			if same == false then
				-- Second names
				secondNames = filterString objectArray[object+1] ";"

				-- Same name ?
				if firstNames[1] == secondNames[1] then
					-- Add the first
					addObjectToList firstNames[1] firstNames[2]

					-- Add the other
					while (firstNames[1] == secondNames[1]) do
						-- Add the second
						addObjectToList secondNames[1] secondNames[2]

						-- Next
						object = object + 1

						-- Last one ?
						if (object == objectArray.count) then

						-- Get the new second
						secondNames = filterString objectArray[object+1] ";"

			object = object + 1

		-- Copy the array
		DoubleObject.items = objectDouble

	-- Refresh
	on Refresh pressed do
		refreshList ()

	-- Check
	on Check pressed do
		-- Check double name in objects
		if checkMeshName[TypeCheck.selection] == true then
			-- Object array
			objectArray = #()

			-- For each directory
			for folder in DirectoryList.items do
				-- Get the max files
				files = getFiles (folder+"/*.max")
				for file in files do
					-- Get the object in the max file
					objectsMax = getMAXFileObjectNames file

					-- For each object
					for object in objectsMax do
						-- Insert a reference
						append objectArray ( (lowercase (object as string) ) + ";" + file)

			-- Sort the array
			sort objectArray

			-- Refresh list
			refreshList ()
			DoubleObject.items = #()

		-- Check double name in prject name
		if checkProjectName[TypeCheck.selection] == true then
			-- Object array
			objectArrayProject = #()
			projectDouble = #()

			-- For each directory
			for folder in DirectoryList.items do
				-- Get the max files
				files = getFiles (folder+"/*.max")
				for file in files do
					append objectArrayProject ( (filenameFromPath (convertString (lowercase file))) + ";" + (lowercase file) )

			-- Sort the array
			sort objectArrayProject

			-- Search for double
			object = 1
			while object <= objectArrayProject.count-1 do
				-- First names
				firstNames = filterString objectArrayProject[object] ";"

				-- Second names
				secondNames = filterString objectArrayProject[object+1] ";"

				-- Same name ?
				if firstNames[1] == secondNames[1] then
					-- Add the first
					append projectDouble firstNames[2]

					-- Add the other
					while (firstNames[1] == secondNames[1]) do
						-- Add the second
						append projectDouble secondNames[2]

						-- Next
						object = object + 1

						-- Last one ?
						if (object == objectArrayProject.count) then

						-- Get the new second
						secondNames = filterString objectArrayProject[object+1] ";"

				object = object + 1

			-- Copy the array
			DoubleProject.items = projectDouble
			DoubleProject.items = #()

	-- double click in the window
	on DoubleObject doubleClicked index do
		-- Check 
		if (index>0) and (index<=objectDoubleProject.count) then
			loadMaxFile objectDoubleProject[index]

	-- double click in the window
	on DoubleProject doubleClicked index do
		-- Check 
		if (index>0) and (index<=DoubleProject.items.count) then
			loadMaxFile DoubleProject.items[index]

--		macroscript begins

if dbase_cleaner_floater != undefined do
	closerolloutfloater dbase_cleaner_floater
dbase_cleaner_Floater = newRolloutFloater "Database Cleaner" 640 815 800 200
addrollout dbase_cleaner_rollout dbase_cleaner_Floater  rolledUp:true
addrollout dbase_cleaner_double_rollout dbase_cleaner_Floater  rolledUp:true