// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #ifndef NL_INTERFACE_ELEMENT_H #define NL_INTERFACE_ELEMENT_H #include "nel/misc/types_nl.h" #include "nel/misc/string_mapper.h" #include "nel/misc/smart_ptr.h" #include "interface_property.h" #include "reflect.h" // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CInterfaceGroup; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- enum THotSpot { Hotspot_BL = 36, // 100100, Hotspot_BM = 34, // 100010, Hotspot_BR = 33, // 100001, Hotspot_ML = 20, // 010100, Hotspot_MM = 18, // 010010 Hotspot_MR = 17, // 010001 Hotspot_TL = 12, // 001100 Hotspot_TM = 10, // 001010 Hotspot_TR = 9, // 001001 Hotspot_xR = 1, // 000001 Hotspot_xM = 2, // 000010 Hotspot_xL = 4, // 000100 Hotspot_Bx = 32, // 100000 Hotspot_Mx = 16, // 010000 Hotspot_Tx = 8, // 001000 Hotspot_TTAuto = 0, // Special For Tooltip PosRef. Auto mode. see CCtrlBase and tooltip info }; class CInterfaceLink; class CInterfaceElement; class CInterfaceGroup; class CViewBase; class CCtrlBase; class CGroupContainer; class IActionHandler; /** * A visitor to walk a tree of interface elements and apply a teartment on them. * * For each vsited element, visitElement() is called * If the element is a control, then visitCtrl() is called, and then visitElement() * If the element is a view, then visitView() is called, and then visitElement() * If the element is a group, then visitGoup() is called, and then visitElement() * * \author Nicolas Vizerie * \author Nevrax France * \date 2003 */ class CInterfaceElementVisitor { public: virtual void visit(CInterfaceElement * /* elem */) {} virtual void visitGroup(CInterfaceGroup * /* group */) {} virtual void visitView(CViewBase * /* view */) {} virtual void visitCtrl(CCtrlBase * /* ctrl */) {} }; /** Reflectable refcounted object * NB nico : added this intermediate class so that the binding from lua to the reflection * system that are found in CLuaIHM can be reused for other objects as well * NOTE: The class is named 'CReflectableRefPtrTarget' and not 'CReflectableRefCount' * because the refcount part is only used for ref pointing in the ui */ class CReflectableRefPtrTarget : public CReflectable, public NLMISC::CRefCount { public: virtual ~CReflectableRefPtrTarget(); }; #define DECLARE_UI_CLASS(_class_) \ virtual std::string getClassName() {return #_class_;} \ static NLMISC::IClassable *creator() {return new _class_(CViewBase::TCtorParam());} #define REGISTER_UI_CLASS(_class_) \ class CRegisterUIClassHelper_##_class_ \ { \ public: \ CRegisterUIClassHelper_##_class_() \ { \ NLMISC::CClassRegistry::init(); \ NLMISC::CClassRegistry::registerClass(#_class_, _class_::creator, typeid(_class_).name()); \ } \ } RegisterUIClassHelper_##_class_; /** * class describing a localisable interface element, i.e. : an element with coordinates * \author Nicolas Brigand * \author Nevrax France * \date 2002 */ class CInterfaceElement : public CReflectableRefPtrTarget, public NLMISC::IStreamable { public: enum EStrech { none=0, width=1, height=2 }; /// Constructor CInterfaceElement() { _Parent = NULL; _XReal = _YReal = _WReal = _HReal = 0; _X = _Y = _W = _H = 0; //_Snap = 1; _PosRef = Hotspot_BL; _ParentPosRef = Hotspot_BL; _ParentPos = NULL; _SizeRef = 0; _SizeDivW = 10; _SizeDivH = 10; _ParentSize = NULL; _Links = NULL; _Active= true; // default to 3 pass _InvalidCoords= 3; _ModulateGlobalColor= true; _RenderLayer= 0; _AvoidResizeParent= false; } // dtor virtual ~CInterfaceElement(); /** Cloning * Cloning is actually performed using a serial / unserial in a memory stream * NB Nico : if too slow, should use a CFastStream version instead, that is designedto work in memory only */ virtual CInterfaceElement *clone(); // help to serialize an action handler static void serialAH(NLMISC::IStream &f, IActionHandler *&ah); /// Parse the element and initalize it virtual bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup *parentGroup); /// Debug info on memory virtual uint32 getMemory () { return (uint32)(sizeof(*this)+_Id.size()); } /// helper: display a parse error with the id of the lement void parseError (CInterfaceGroup *parentGroup, const char *reason = NULL); /// Accessors : GET const std::string& getId() const { return _Id; } std::string getShortId() const; std::string getIdByValue() const { return _Id; } CInterfaceGroup* getParent() const { return _Parent; } CInterfaceElement* getParentPos() const { return _ParentPos; } CInterfaceElement* getParentSize() const { return _ParentSize; } /// Get the master group of this element (recurs call. CInterfaceElement* getMasterGroup() const; // get a possible group container CGroupContainer *getParentContainer(); bool getActive() const { return _Active; } sint32 getX() const { return _X; } sint32 getY() const { return _Y; } sint32 getW() const { return (_Active?_W:0); } sint32 getW(bool bTestActive) const { return (bTestActive?(_Active?_W:0):_W); } sint32 getH() const { return (_Active?_H:0); } sint32 getH(bool bTestActive) const { return (bTestActive?(_Active?_H:0):_H); } /** * Get the max width used by the window. * * The view must return the largest width its content can take if it will be resized at maximum. * Typical use : for a CTextView multiline, it returns the size of the whole string. * * This method is used by the container CCGroupTable that need to know this information about its children in its resizing algorithm. */ virtual sint32 getMaxUsedW() const { return INT_MAX; }; /** * Get the min width used by the window. * * The view must return the smallest width its content can take if it will be resized at minimum. * Typical use : for a CTextView multiline without word clipping, it returns the size of the largest word. * * This method is used by the container CCGroupTable that need to know this information about its children in its resizing algorithm. */ virtual sint32 getMinUsedW() const { return 0; }; //bool isSnapped() const { return (_Snap>1); } //sint32 getSnapping() const { return _Snap; } sint32 getXReal() const { return _XReal; } sint32 getYReal() const { return _YReal; } sint32 getWReal() const { return (_Active?_WReal:0); } sint32 getHReal() const { return (_Active?_HReal:0); } THotSpot getPosRef () const { return _PosRef; } THotSpot getParentPosRef () const { return _ParentPosRef; } sint32 getSizeRef() const { return _SizeRef; } // none == 0, w == 1, h == 2, wh == 3 void setSizeRef(sint32 value) { _SizeRef = value; } /// Accessors : SET void setId (const std::string &newID) { _Id = newID; } virtual void setIdRecurse(const std::string &newID); void setParent (CInterfaceGroup *pIG) { _Parent = pIG; } void setParentPos (CInterfaceElement *pIG) { _ParentPos = pIG; } void setParentSize (CInterfaceElement *pIG) { _ParentSize = pIG; } virtual void setActive (bool state); void setX (sint32 x) { _X = x; } void setXAndInvalidateCoords (sint32 x) { _X = x; invalidateCoords(); } void setY (sint32 y) { _Y = y; } void setYAndInvalidateCoords (sint32 y) { _Y = y; invalidateCoords(); } void setW (sint32 w); void setWAndInvalidateCoords (sint32 w) { setW(w); invalidateCoords(); } void setH (sint32 h); void setHAndInvalidateCoords (sint32 h) { setH(h); invalidateCoords(); } void setPosRef (THotSpot hs) { _PosRef = hs; } void setParentPosRef (THotSpot hs) { _ParentPosRef = hs; } // Get the coordinate of a corner on screen void getCorner(sint32 &px, sint32 &py, THotSpot hotSpot); /** Test if the given coordinates are inside this element */ bool isIn(sint x, sint y) const; /** Test if the given box intersect the element */ bool isIn(sint x, sint y, uint width, uint height) const; /** Test if another interface element intersect this one */ bool isIn(const CInterfaceElement &other) const; /** * get the window containing the element * \return NULL if the element is not on the window, otherwise returns a pointer to the window */ CInterfaceGroup* getRootWindow(); /** get the element Depth, ie the number of parent he has (0 if _Parent==NULL) * \warning slow test. don't take into account CCtrlBase::getDeltaDepth() (since method not virtual) */ uint getParentDepth() const; /** * true if the element and all its parents are active (recurs up to the root window) */ bool isActiveThroughParents() const; /** * move the element (add dx and dy to its coords) * \param dx : value added to _X * \param dy : value added to _Y */ virtual void move (sint32 dx, sint32 dy); //void resizeBR (sint32 sizex, sint32 sizey); //void stopResizeBR(); //void startResizeBR(); // Some tools void relativeSInt64Read (CInterfaceProperty &rIP, const std::string &prop, const char *val, const std::string &defVal); void relativeSInt32Read (CInterfaceProperty &rIP, const std::string &prop, const char *val, const std::string &defVal); void relativeBoolRead (CInterfaceProperty &rIP, const std::string &prop, const char *val, const std::string &defVal); void relativeRGBARead (CInterfaceProperty &rIP, const std::string &prop, const char *val, const std::string &defVal); // Parse tools static THotSpot convertHotSpot (const char *ptr); // static void convertHotSpotCouple (const char *ptr, THotSpot &parentPosRef, THotSpot &posRef); static NLMISC::CRGBA convertColor (const char *ptr); static bool convertBool (const char *ptr); static NLMISC::CVector convertVector (const char *ptr); /** Convert a value that is in the form like width="50" or width="10%" * if the value is absolute like '50' then 'pixels' is filled, else * the ratio is remapped to the [0, 1] range and is copied in 'ratio' */ static void convertPixelsOrRatio(const char *ptr, sint32 &pixels, float &ratio); // add an interface link to that element (kept in a smart ptr) void addLink(CInterfaceLink *link); // remove a link from that element; There's one less reference on the link (which is referenced by a smart ptr) void removeLink(CInterfaceLink *link); /** Update all links for this instance and its sons. * Derivers should override this to update their sons. */ virtual void updateAllLinks(); /** This allow to force opening an element. By default it just activate the element. * It allow to have different behaviour on more complex containers */ virtual void forceOpen() { setActive(true); } virtual void enableBlink(int /* numBlinks */ = 0) {} virtual void disableBlink() {} virtual bool getBlink() const { return false; } // Options for views to be modulated by interface global color or not. Parsed with "global_color". Default: true void setModulateGlobalColor(bool state) {_ModulateGlobalColor= state;} bool getModulateGlobalColor() const {return _ModulateGlobalColor;} void dummySet(sint32 value); void dummySet(const std::string &value); // lua methods int luaUpdateCoords(CLuaState &ls); int luaInvalidateCoords(CLuaState &ls); int luaInvalidateContent(CLuaState &ls); int luaCenter(CLuaState &ls); int luaSetPosRef(CLuaState &ls); int luaSetParentPos(CLuaState &ls); // set sizeref as a string, like "wh", "wh5" .... void setSizeRef(const std::string &sizeref); std::string getSizeRefAsString() const; // export some properties REFLECT_EXPORT_START(CInterfaceElement, CReflectable) REFLECT_BOOL ("active", getActive, setActive); REFLECT_BOOL ("global_color", getModulateGlobalColor, setModulateGlobalColor); REFLECT_SINT32 ("x", getX, setXAndInvalidateCoords); REFLECT_SINT32 ("y", getY, setYAndInvalidateCoords); REFLECT_SINT32 ("w", getW, setWAndInvalidateCoords); REFLECT_SINT32 ("h", getH, setHAndInvalidateCoords); REFLECT_SINT32 ("x_real", getXReal, dummySet); REFLECT_SINT32 ("y_real", getYReal, dummySet); REFLECT_SINT32 ("w_real", getWReal, dummySet); REFLECT_SINT32 ("h_real", getHReal, dummySet); REFLECT_STRING ("id", getIdByValue, dummySet); REFLECT_STRING ("sizeref", getSizeRefAsString, setSizeRef); REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("updateCoords", luaUpdateCoords); REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("invalidateCoords", luaInvalidateCoords); REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("invalidateContent", luaInvalidateContent); REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("center", luaCenter); REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("setPosRef", luaSetPosRef); REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("setParentPos", luaSetParentPos); REFLECT_EXPORT_END /* invalidate coords. set numPass==1 if you are SURE that only XReal/YReal need to be updated * Default 3 is needed for: * 1: update _W/_H and _WReal/_HReal according to Sons * 2: update XReal/YReal (eg: according to Scroll offset) */ void invalidateCoords(uint8 numPass= 2); uint8 getInvalidCoords() const {return _InvalidCoords;} /* Invalidates the content of the window. This method invalidate the content of the window (for CViewText or CGroupTable). * It invalidates the content of the parent too. */ void invalidateContent(); /* This call back is called when the content or the content of a child is been invalidated. */ virtual void onInvalidateContent() {} // called by interfaceManager for master window only void resetInvalidCoords(); /// Update the elements coords convert x,y,w,h (parentpos coord) to xreal,yreal,wreal,hreal (BL coord) virtual void updateCoords(); /// Called each frame before draw to possibly invalidateCoords(). virtual void checkCoords(); /// Test if this element is son of the given element bool isSonOf(const CInterfaceElement *other) const; /// Called after first frame initialised virtual void launch () {} void setRenderLayer(sint8 rl) {_RenderLayer= rl;} sint8 getRenderLayer() const { return _RenderLayer; } void copyOptionFrom(const CInterfaceElement &other); // center the element in middle of screen void center(); // for debug only: draw wired quad to see where groups and hotspots are enum TRenderWired { RenderView, RenderCtrl, RenderGroup }; // if uiFilter is not empty, draw a quad only if the element id match virtual void renderWiredQuads(TRenderWired type, const std::string &uiFilter); void drawHotSpot(THotSpot hs, NLMISC::CRGBA col); // Returns 'true' if that element can be downcasted to a view virtual bool isView() const { return false; } // Returns 'true' if that element can be downcasted to a ctrl virtual bool isCtrl() const { return false; } // Returns 'true' if that element can be downcasted to an interface group virtual bool isGroup() const { return false; } /** This is called before the config loading begins. This is the place to restore default state for config info. */ virtual void onLoadConfig() {} /** Tells wether that element wants to save info in a config stream. If this returns true, then serialConfig * is called. */ virtual bool wantSerialConfig() const { return false; } // Serial config info about that element. This is called only if wantSerialConfig() returns true virtual void serialConfig(NLMISC::IStream &f); // visit the node of the ui tree virtual void visit(CInterfaceElementVisitor *visitor); /** When user is quitting the interface, this is called. Then the interface config is saved * This is where the element get the opportunity to do some cleanup. */ virtual void onQuit() {} /// Whent an element is added to a CInterfaceGroup via addCtrl, addGroup or addView, this is called after the add. virtual void onAddToGroup() {} /** typically used only in conjunction with CGroupInScene. Such groups move every Frames. so * this function is called on each children elements to move the XReal/Yreal only (with a delta) */ virtual void onFrameUpdateWindowPos(sint dx, sint dy); /// if true, InterfaceGroup child resize won't take this element into account bool avoidResizeParent() const {return _AvoidResizeParent;} void setAvoidResizeParent(bool state) {_AvoidResizeParent= state;} virtual std::string getClassName() { nlassert(0); // forgot to implement serial & to register the class ? return ""; } protected: ///the parent CInterfaceGroup* _Parent; ///the id of the element std::string _Id; ///is the element active? bool _Active; // if 0, don't need updateCoords(), else tell the number of pass needed uint8 _InvalidCoords; // Real display coords sint32 _XReal, _YReal, _WReal, _HReal; // Relative coords sint32 _X; sint32 _Y; sint32 _W; sint32 _H; //sint32 _Snap; // position references e.g. : _PosRef=BL, _ParentPosref=MM : the bottom left corner of the element // will be placed on the center (middle middle) of the parent window THotSpot _PosRef; THotSpot _ParentPosRef; NLMISC::CRefPtr _ParentPos; // RefPtr in case of group destroyed in a parent group with posref on it sint32 _SizeRef; // none == 0, w == 1, h == 2, wh == 3 sint32 _SizeDivW, _SizeDivH; NLMISC::CRefPtr _ParentSize; // RefPtr in case of group destroyed in a parent group with posref on it // Friend Class friend class CGroupList; friend class CGroupParagraph; // True if must modulate the global color with the view bool _ModulateGlobalColor; // Index of layer to render it. sint8 _RenderLayer; // Used for CInterfaceGroup ChildResize feature bool _AvoidResizeParent; virtual void serial(NLMISC::IStream &f); void parseSizeRef(const char *sizeRef); void parseSizeRef(const char *sizeRefStr, sint32 &sizeref, sint32 &sizeDivW, sint32 &sizeDivH); private: //void snapSize(); typedef NLMISC::CSmartPtr TLinkSmartPtr; typedef std::vector TLinkVect; TLinkVect *_Links; // links, or NULL if no link }; extern NLMISC::CStringMapper *_UIStringMapper; /** * class to compress string usage in the interface * \author Matthieu 'Trap' Besson * \author Nevrax France * \date October 2003 */ class CStringShared { public: CStringShared() { _Id = NLMISC::CStringMapper::emptyId(); } const CStringShared& operator=(const std::string &str) { _Id = _UIStringMapper->localMap(str); return *this; } const CStringShared& operator=(const CStringShared &str) { _Id = str._Id; return *this; } const std::string &toString() const { return _UIStringMapper->localUnmap(_Id); } operator const std::string &() const { return _UIStringMapper->localUnmap(_Id); } bool empty() const { return _Id == NLMISC::CStringMapper::emptyId(); } static CStringShared emptyString() { return CStringShared(); } NLMISC::TStringId getStringId() const { return _Id; } void serial(NLMISC::IStream &f) { std::string str; if (f.isReading()) { f.serial(str); *this = str; } else { str = this->toString(); f.serial(str); } } private: NLMISC::TStringId _Id; }; inline bool operator==(const CStringShared &lhs, const CStringShared &rhs) { return lhs.getStringId() == rhs.getStringId(); } inline bool operator!=(const CStringShared &lhs, const CStringShared &rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); } #endif // NL_INTERFACE_ELEMENT_H /* End of interface_element.h */