// Condition.cpp: implementation of the CCondition class.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "logic_editor.h"
#include "condition.h"
#include "nel/logic/logic_condition.h"

#include <vector>

#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
#define new DEBUG_NEW

using namespace std;
using namespace NLLOGIC;

// CConditionNode implementation

CConditionNode::CConditionNode(const CConditionNode &node)
	this->m_dComparand = node.m_dComparand;
	this->m_pParentNode = node.m_pParentNode;
	this->m_sConditionName = node.m_sConditionName;
	this->m_sOperator = node.m_sOperator;
	this->m_sVariableName = node.m_sVariableName;
	this->m_type = node.m_type;

	// copy sub condition node tree
	CConditionNode *pNode, *newNode;
	POSITION pos = node.m_ctSubTree.GetHeadPosition();
	while (pos != NULL)
		pNode = m_ctSubTree.GetNext( pos );

		if (pNode != NULL)
			newNode = new CConditionNode( *pNode );
			this->m_ctSubTree.AddTail( newNode );
			newNode->m_pParentNode = this;


	CConditionNode *pNode = NULL;

	// delete all sub nodes
	POSITION pos = m_ctSubTree.GetHeadPosition();
	while (pos != NULL)
		pNode = m_ctSubTree.GetNext( pos );

		if (pNode != NULL)
			delete pNode;
			pNode = NULL;

const CString & CConditionNode::getNodeAsString() const

	if (m_type == NOT)
		m_sNodeString = "NOT";
	else if (m_type == TERMINATOR)
		m_sNodeString = "term";
	else if (m_type == SUB_CONDITION)
		m_sNodeString = m_sConditionName;
	else // comparison
		m_sNodeString.Format("%s %s %g",LPCTSTR(m_sVariableName),LPCTSTR(m_sOperator), m_dComparand );

	return m_sNodeString;

void CConditionNode::changeConditionName( const CString &old, const CString &newName)
	CConditionNode *pNode = NULL;

	POSITION pos = m_ctSubTree.GetHeadPosition();
	while (pos != NULL)
		pNode = m_ctSubTree.GetNext( pos );

		if (pNode != NULL)
			pNode->changeConditionName(old, newName);

	if ( m_sConditionName == old)
		m_sConditionName = newName;

void CConditionNode::conditionDeleted( const CString &name)
	CConditionNode *pNode = NULL;

	POSITION oldpos;
	POSITION pos = m_ctSubTree.GetHeadPosition();
	while (pos != NULL)
		oldpos = pos;
		pNode = m_ctSubTree.GetNext( pos );

		if (pNode != NULL)
			if ( pNode->m_sConditionName != name)
				this->m_ctSubTree.RemoveAt( oldpos );
				delete pNode;
				pNode = NULL;

// CCondition implementation

CCondition::CCondition( const CCondition &cond)
	this->m_sName = cond.m_sName;

	// copy sub condition node tree
	CConditionNode *pNode, *newNode;
	POSITION pos = cond.m_ctConditionTree.GetHeadPosition();
	while (pos != NULL)
		pNode = m_ctConditionTree.GetNext( pos );

		if (pNode != NULL)
			newNode = new CConditionNode( *pNode );
			this->m_ctConditionTree.AddTail( newNode );


	CConditionNode *pNode = NULL;

	// delete all sub nodes
	POSITION pos = m_ctConditionTree.GetHeadPosition();
	while (pos != NULL)
		pNode = m_ctConditionTree.GetNext( pos );

		if (pNode != NULL)
			delete pNode;
			pNode = NULL;

void CCondition::changeConditionName( CString old, const CString &newName) const
	CConditionNode *pNode = NULL;
	POSITION pos = m_ctConditionTree.GetHeadPosition();
	while (pos != NULL)
		pNode = m_ctConditionTree.GetNext( pos );

		if (pNode != NULL)
			pNode->changeConditionName( old, newName);

void CCondition::conditionDeleted( CString name)
	CConditionNode *pNode = NULL;

	POSITION oldpos;
	POSITION pos = m_ctConditionTree.GetHeadPosition();
	while (pos != NULL)
		oldpos = pos;
		pNode = m_ctConditionTree.GetNext( pos );

		if (pNode != NULL)
			if ( pNode->m_sConditionName != name)
				this->m_ctConditionTree.RemoveAt( oldpos );
				delete pNode;
				pNode = NULL;

//	cConditionNodeToCLogicConditionNode (Editor --> Service)
void cConditionNodeToCLogicConditionNode(CConditionNode * conditionNode, CLogicConditionNode * logicConditionNode )
	// if this node is a terminator node
	if( conditionNode->m_type == CConditionNode::TERMINATOR )
		logicConditionNode->Type = CLogicConditionNode::TERMINATOR; 		
	// this node is a logic node
		logicConditionNode->Type = CLogicConditionNode::LOGIC_NODE;
		// part 1 : a logic block(not/comparison/subcondition)
		switch( conditionNode->m_type )
			case CConditionNode::NOT :
				logicConditionNode->LogicBlock.Type = CLogicConditionLogicBlock::NOT;

			case CConditionNode::COMPARISON :
				logicConditionNode->LogicBlock.Type = CLogicConditionLogicBlock::COMPARISON;
				logicConditionNode->LogicBlock.ComparisonBlock.VariableName = string( (LPCSTR)conditionNode->m_sVariableName );
				logicConditionNode->LogicBlock.ComparisonBlock.Operator = string( (LPCSTR)conditionNode->m_sOperator );
				logicConditionNode->LogicBlock.ComparisonBlock.Comparand = (sint64)conditionNode->m_dComparand;
			case CConditionNode::SUB_CONDITION :
				logicConditionNode->LogicBlock.Type = CLogicConditionLogicBlock::SUB_CONDITION;
				logicConditionNode->LogicBlock.SubCondition = string( (LPCSTR)conditionNode->m_sConditionName );

		// part 2 : a condition sub tree
		for( pos = conditionNode->m_ctSubTree.GetHeadPosition(); pos != NULL; )
			CConditionNode * pConditionNode = conditionNode->m_ctSubTree.GetNext( pos );
			CLogicConditionNode * logicConditionNodeTmp = new CLogicConditionNode();
			cConditionNodeToCLogicConditionNode( pConditionNode, logicConditionNodeTmp );
			logicConditionNode->addNode( logicConditionNodeTmp );

} // cConditionNodeToCLogicConditionNode //

//	cConditionToCLogicCondition (Editor --> Service)
void cConditionToCLogicCondition( CCondition& condition, CLogicCondition& logicCondition )
	// condition name
	logicCondition.setName( string( (LPCSTR)condition.m_sName ) );

	// nodes
	for( pos = condition.m_ctConditionTree.GetHeadPosition(); pos != NULL; )
		// get the node
		CConditionNode * pConditionNode = condition.m_ctConditionTree.GetNext( pos );
		// convert the node
		CLogicConditionNode * logicConditionNode = new CLogicConditionNode();
		cConditionNodeToCLogicConditionNode( pConditionNode, logicConditionNode );

		// add the node
		logicCondition.addNode( *logicConditionNode );

} // cConditionToCLogicCondition //

//	cLogicConditionNodeToCConditionNode (Service --> Editor)
void cLogicConditionNodeToCConditionNode( const CLogicConditionNode * logicConditionNode, CConditionNode * node )
	// terminator node
	if(logicConditionNode->Type == CLogicConditionNode::TERMINATOR)
		node->m_type = CConditionNode::TERMINATOR;
	// logic block with condition sub tree
		// part 1 : a logic block(not/comparison/subcondition)
		switch( logicConditionNode->LogicBlock.Type )
			case CLogicConditionLogicBlock::NOT :
				node->m_type = CConditionNode::NOT;

			case CLogicConditionLogicBlock::COMPARISON :
				node->m_type = CConditionNode::COMPARISON;
				node->m_sVariableName = CString(logicConditionNode->LogicBlock.ComparisonBlock.VariableName.c_str());
				node->m_sOperator = CString(logicConditionNode->LogicBlock.ComparisonBlock.Operator.c_str());
				node->m_dComparand = (double)logicConditionNode->LogicBlock.ComparisonBlock.Comparand;


			case CLogicConditionLogicBlock::SUB_CONDITION :
				node->m_type = CConditionNode::SUB_CONDITION;
				node->m_sConditionName = CString(logicConditionNode->LogicBlock.SubCondition.c_str());

			default :
				node->m_type = CConditionNode::TERMINATOR;

		// part 2 : a condition sub tree
		vector<CLogicConditionNode *>::const_iterator itNode;
		for( itNode = logicConditionNode->_Nodes.begin(); itNode != logicConditionNode->_Nodes.end(); ++itNode )
			CConditionNode * nodeTmp = new CConditionNode();
			cLogicConditionNodeToCConditionNode( *itNode, nodeTmp );
			nodeTmp->m_pParentNode = node;
			node->m_ctSubTree.AddTail( nodeTmp );

} // cLogicConditionNodeToCConditionNode //

//	cLogicConditionToCCondition 
void cLogicConditionToCCondition( const CLogicCondition& logicCondition, CCondition& condition )
	// condition name
	condition.m_sName = CString( logicCondition.getName().c_str() );

	// condition tree
	vector<CLogicConditionNode>::const_iterator itNode;
	for( itNode = logicCondition.Nodes.begin(); itNode != logicCondition.Nodes.end(); ++itNode )
		// convert the node
		CConditionNode * node = new CConditionNode();
		cLogicConditionNodeToCConditionNode( &(*itNode), node );
		// add the node
		condition.m_ctConditionTree.AddTail( node );

} // cLogicConditionToCCondition //