  <!-- Used because the skill points are locally updated (at buy phrase time)     -->
  <branch name="USER"
    <branch name="SKILL_POINTS_"
      <leaf name="VALUE"
            type="I32" />
    <branch name="FACTION_POINTS_"
      <!-- game_share/pvp_clan.h (0 is BeginClans and size is EndClans-BeginClans+1 -->
      <leaf name="VALUE"
            type="I32" />
  <!-- The Inventory Local DB -->
  <branch name="INVENTORY"
    <branch name="HAND">
      <branch name=""
        <!-- 0 Right 1 Left -->
        <leaf name="INDEX_IN_BAG"
              type="I9" />
        <!-- 0 nothing 1-256 index in bag from 0 to 255 -->
    <branch name="BAG">
      <branch name=""
        <!-- Common Item Data -->
        <leaf name="SHEET"
              type="I32" />
        <leaf name="QUALITY"
              type="I10" />
        <leaf name="QUANTITY"
              type="I10" />
        <leaf name="USER_COLOR"
              type="I3" />
        <leaf name="LOCKED"
              type="I10" />
        <leaf name="WEIGHT"
              type="I16" />
        <!-- weight. see DB_WEIGHT_SCALE-->
        <leaf name="NAMEID"
              type="I32" />
        <!-- 0 or special name of item -->
        <leaf name="INFO_VERSION"
              type="I8" />
        <leaf name="ENCHANT"
              type="I10" />
        <leaf name="RM_CLASS_TYPE"
              type="I3" />
        <leaf name="RM_FABER_STAT_TYPE"
              type="I5" />
        <leaf name="PREREQUISIT_VALID"
              type="I1" />
        <leaf name="PRICE"
              type="I32" />
        <leaf name="RESALE_FLAG"
              type="I2" />
        <!-- TBotChatResaleFlag -->
        <leaf name="WORNED"
              type="I1" />
        <!-- true if item is worned (show a red cross) -->
    <branch name="PACK_ANIMAL"
      <branch name=""
        <!-- Common Item Data -->
        <leaf name="SHEET"
              type="I32" />
        <leaf name="QUALITY"
              type="I10" />
        <leaf name="QUANTITY"
              type="I10" />
        <leaf name="USER_COLOR"
              type="I3" />
        <leaf name="LOCKED"
              type="I10" />
        <leaf name="WEIGHT"
              type="I16" />
        <!-- weight. see DB_WEIGHT_SCALE-->
        <leaf name="NAMEID"
              type="I32" />
        <!-- 0 or special name of item -->
        <leaf name="INFO_VERSION"
              type="I8" />
        <leaf name="ENCHANT"
              type="I10" />
        <leaf name="RM_CLASS_TYPE"
              type="I3" />
        <leaf name="RM_FABER_STAT_TYPE"
              type="I5" />
        <leaf name="PREREQUISIT_VALID"
              type="I1" />
        <leaf name="PRICE"
              type="I32" />
        <leaf name="RESALE_FLAG"
              type="I2" />
        <!-- TBotChatResaleFlag -->
    <branch name="EQUIP">
      <!-- jewelry + armor -->
      <branch name=""
        <leaf name="INDEX_IN_BAG"
              type="I9" />
        <!-- same as hand -->
    <branch name="TEMP">
      <!-- used for harvest loot and bag full -->
      <leaf name="TYPE"
            type="I8" />
      <!-- Type of temp inv see temp_inventory_mode in game_share -->
      <branch name=""
        <!-- client/inventory_manager.h MAX_TEMPINV_ENTRIES and egs/player_inv_temp.h TempInvSize -->
        <!-- Common Item Data -->
        <leaf name="SHEET"
              type="I32" />
        <leaf name="QUALITY"
              type="I10" />
        <leaf name="QUANTITY"
              type="I10" />
        <leaf name="USER_COLOR"
              type="I3" />
        <!-- No LOCKED state -->
        <leaf name="WEIGHT"
              type="I16" />
        <!-- weight. see DB_WEIGHT_SCALE-->
        <leaf name="NAMEID"
              type="I32" />
        <!-- 0 or special name of item -->
        <leaf name="INFO_VERSION"
              type="I8" />
        <leaf name="ENCHANT"
              type="I10" />
        <leaf name="RM_CLASS_TYPE"
              type="I3" />
        <leaf name="RM_FABER_STAT_TYPE"
              type="I5" />
        <leaf name="PREREQUISIT_VALID"
              type="I1" />
      <leaf name="ENABLE_TAKE"
            type="I1" />
      <!-- Used only in forage -->
    <branch name="SHARE">
      <!-- used to share items between team members (up to 8 players) -->
      <leaf name="SESSION"
            type="I8" />
      <!-- session id -->
      <branch name=""
        <!-- Common Item Data -->
        <leaf name="SHEET"
              type="I32" />
        <leaf name="QUALITY"
              type="I10" />
        <leaf name="QUANTITY"
              type="I10" />
        <leaf name="USER_COLOR"
              type="I3" />
        <leaf name="WEIGHT"
              type="I16" />
        <!-- weight. see DB_WEIGHT_SCALE-->
        <leaf name="NAMEID"
              type="I32" />
        <!-- 0 or special name of item -->
        <leaf name="INFO_VERSION"
              type="I8" />
        <leaf name="ENCHANT"
              type="I10" />
        <leaf name="RM_CLASS_TYPE"
              type="I3" />
        <leaf name="RM_FABER_STAT_TYPE"
              type="I5" />
        <leaf name="PREREQUISIT_VALID"
              type="I1" />
        <!-- Additionnal info -->
        <leaf name="NB_MEMBER"
              type="I4" />
        <!-- Number of team member who wants this item or phrase -->
        <leaf name="WANTED"
              type="I1" />
        <!-- Does the player wants this item or phrase ? -->
        <leaf name="CHANCE"
              type="I7" />
        <!-- Chance in percentage the player has to obtain this item -->
      <branch name="TM_"
        <!-- all the team members -->
        <leaf name="NAME"
              type="TEXT" />
        <leaf name="VALID"
              type="I1" />
        <!-- is the team member has validated its own selection ? -->
    <branch name="ROOM">
      <leaf name="SESSION"
            type="I16" />
      <leaf name="BULK_MAX"
            type="I32" />
      <leaf name="MONEY"
            type="I64" />
      <branch name=""
        <!-- Common Item Data -->
        <leaf name="SHEET"
              type="I32" />
        <leaf name="QUALITY"
              type="I10" />
        <leaf name="QUANTITY"
              type="I10" />
        <leaf name="USER_COLOR"
              type="I3" />
        <leaf name="LOCKED"
              type="I10" />
        <leaf name="WEIGHT"
              type="I16" />
        <!-- weight. see DB_WEIGHT_SCALE-->
        <leaf name="NAMEID"
              type="I32" />
        <!-- 0 or special name of item -->
        <leaf name="INFO_VERSION"
              type="I8" />
        <leaf name="ENCHANT"
              type="I10" />
        <!-- 0=not enchanted, 1=enchanted nbcharge 0, 10=e. nbcharge 9 -->
        <leaf name="RM_CLASS_TYPE"
              type="I3" />
        <leaf name="RM_FABER_STAT_TYPE"
              type="I5" />
        <leaf name="PREREQUISIT_VALID"
              type="I1" />
    <leaf name="MONEY"
          type="I64" />
  <!-- gift from animator (dm) to player -->
  <branch name="DM_GIFT"
    <leaf name="TEXT"
          type="I32" />
    <!-- caption of the gift window -->
  <!-- player trade & gift to bot -->
  <branch name="EXCHANGE">
    <leaf name="TEXT"
          type="I32" />
    <leaf name="ID"
          type="I8" />
    <leaf name="BEGUN"
          type="I1" />
    <leaf name="ACCEPTED"
          type="I1" />
    <leaf name="MONEY"
          type="I64" />
    <branch name="GIVE">
      <branch name=""
        <!-- Common Item Data -->
        <leaf name="SHEET"
              type="I32" />
        <leaf name="QUALITY"
              type="I10" />
        <leaf name="QUANTITY"
              type="I10" />
        <leaf name="USER_COLOR"
              type="I3" />
        <!-- <leaf name="LOCKED"                        type="I10"/> No longer needed -->
        <leaf name="WEIGHT"
              type="I16" />
        <!-- weight. see DB_WEIGHT_SCALE-->
        <leaf name="NAMEID"
              type="I32" />
        <!-- 0 or special name of item -->
        <leaf name="INFO_VERSION"
              type="I8" />
        <leaf name="ENCHANT"
              type="I10" />
        <leaf name="RM_CLASS_TYPE"
              type="I3" />
        <leaf name="RM_FABER_STAT_TYPE"
              type="I5" />
        <leaf name="PREREQUISIT_VALID"
              type="I1" />
    <branch name="RECEIVE">
      <branch name=""
        <!-- Common Item Data -->
        <leaf name="SHEET"
              type="I32" />
        <leaf name="QUALITY"
              type="I10" />
        <leaf name="QUANTITY"
              type="I10" />
        <leaf name="USER_COLOR"
              type="I3" />
        <!-- <leaf name="LOCKED"                        type="I10"/> No longer needed -->
        <leaf name="WEIGHT"
              type="I16" />
        <!-- weight. see DB_WEIGHT_SCALE-->
        <leaf name="NAMEID"
              type="I32" />
        <!-- 0 or special name of item -->
        <leaf name="INFO_VERSION"
              type="I8" />
        <leaf name="ENCHANT"
              type="I10" />
        <leaf name="RM_CLASS_TYPE"
              type="I3" />
        <leaf name="RM_FABER_STAT_TYPE"
              type="I5" />
        <leaf name="PREREQUISIT_VALID"
              type="I1" />
  <!-- NB this is not a copy of the server db, but the concatenation of all ascensor pages -->
  <branch name="ASCENSOR">
    <branch name=""
      <leaf name="ICON"
            type="I64" />
      <leaf name="NAME"
            type="I32" />
  <!-- NB this is not a copy of the server db, but the concatenation of all items pages -->
  <branch name="TRADING">
    <branch name=""
      <!-- Common Item Data -->
      <leaf name="SHEET"
            type="I32" />
      <leaf name="QUALITY"
            type="I10" />
      <leaf name="QUANTITY"
            type="I10" />
      <!-- No LOCKED state -->
      <leaf name="USER_COLOR"
            type="I3" />
      <leaf name="WEIGHT"
            type="I16" />
      <!-- weight. see DB_WEIGHT_SCALE-->
      <leaf name="NAMEID"
            type="I32" />
      <!-- 0 or special name of item -->
      <leaf name="INFO_VERSION"
            type="I8" />
      <leaf name="ENCHANT"
            type="I10" />
      <leaf name="RM_CLASS_TYPE"
            type="I3" />
      <leaf name="RM_FABER_STAT_TYPE"
            type="I5" />
      <leaf name="PREREQUISIT_VALID"
            type="I1" />
      <!-- Special Trade -->
      <leaf name="PRICE"
            type="I32" />
      <leaf name="PRICE_RETIRE"
            type="I32" />
      <leaf name="RESALE_TIME_LEFT"
            type="I16" />
      <leaf name="VENDOR_NAMEID"
            type="I32" />
      <!-- name id of player vendor -->
      <leaf name="FACTION_TYPE"
            type="I4" />
      <!-- game_share/pvp_clan.h -->
      <leaf name="FACTION_POINT_PRICE"
            type="I32" />
      <!-- 0 for standard behaviour -->
      <!-- 1 if the sheet id is the one of an item, and if we got a plan for that item in the slot -->
      <!-- 2 if the slot is for a skill. In this case the sheet ID must be interpreted as an enum for that skill -->
      <!-- These values are defined as an enum in game_share/trade_slot_type.h -->
      <leaf name="SLOT_TYPE"
            type="I2" />
      <!-- see TBotChatSellerType -->
      <leaf name="SELLER_TYPE"
            type="I2" />
  <!-- NB this is not a copy of the server db, but the concatenation of all items pages -->
        <branch name="ITEMS_FOR_MISSIONS">
                <branch name="" count="512">
  <!--<leaf name="SHEET"                  type="I32"/>
                        <leaf name="QUALITY"            type="I16"/>
                        <leaf name="WEIGHT"                     type="I16"/>
                        <leaf name="NAMEID"                     type="I32"/>
                        <leaf name="INFO_VERSION"       type="I8"/>
  <!-- the same than for TRADING:x:SLOT_type -->
                        <leaf name="SLOT_TYPE"                  type="I2"/>
                        <leaf name="LOGIC_TEXT_ID"      type="I32"/>
                        <leaf name="DESC_TEXT_ID"      type="I32"/>
  <!-- NB this is not a copy of the server db, but the concatenation of all mission -->
  <branch name="CHOOSE_MISSIONS">
    <branch name=""
      <leaf name="ICON"
            type="I32" />
      <leaf name="TEXT"
            type="I32" />
      <leaf name="DETAIL_TEXT"
            type="I32" />
      <leaf name="PREREQ_STATE"
            type="I8" />
  <branch name="CHARACTER_INFO"
    <branch name="CAREER"
      <branch name="JOB"
        <leaf name="JOB_CAP"
              type="I12" />
        <!-- (0,no) (10-250,valid more later) -->
        <leaf name="STATUS"
              type="I1" />
        <!-- Bit 1 is the Frozen State. 1 for frozen -->
        <leaf name="BEGIN_FREEZE_TIME"
              type="I32" />
        <!-- Valide if STATUS (Frozen State) is 1 (frozen), in SERVER TICKS TIME, can unfreeze if gamecycle > FREEZE_TIME -->
        <leaf name="END_FREEZE_TIME"
              type="I32" />
        <!-- Valide if STATUS (Frozen State) is 1 (frozen), in SERVER TICKS TIME, can unfreeze if gamecycle > FREEZE_TIME -->
  <!-- context menu -->
  <branch name="TARGET"
    <branch name="CONTEXT_MENU"
      <leaf name="PROGRAMMES"
            type="I32" />
      <!-- options for missions in the context menu -->
      <branch name="MISSIONS_OPTIONS"
        <branch name=""
          <leaf name="TITLE"
                type="I32" />
          <!-- a text ID of 0 means there's no action. Text ID are reseted when a new character is targeted -->
          <leaf name="PLAYER_GIFT_NEEDED"
                type="I1" />
          <!-- want a player gift ? -->
          <leaf name="PRIORITY"
                type="I2" />
          <!-- priority of the option : the higher it is, the higher the option will be displayed in the menu -->
      <!-- A NPC may offer to view a webpage -->
      <leaf name="WEB_PAGE_URL"
            type="I32" />
      <!-- a text ID of 0 means there's no WebPage -->
      <leaf name="WEB_PAGE_TITLE"
            type="I32" />
      <!-- a text ID of 0 means there's no WebPage -->
      <!-- A NPC may offer to view an outpost -->
      <leaf name="OUTPOST"
            type="I32" />
      <!-- outpost this bot give access to (sheet id inside) -->
      <!-- Mission rings -->
      <branch name="MISSION_RING">
        <branch name=""
          <leaf name="TITLE"
                type="I32" />
          <!-- a text ID of 0 means there's no action. Text ID are reseted when a new character is targeted -->
          <leaf name="ID"
                type="I32" />
          <!-- the id of the action if selected -->
  <!-- R2 specific -->
  <branch name="R2">
    <branch name="PLOT_ITEMS">
      <!-- IMPORTANT : update the define in r2ed_scenario.xml if you change this value -->
      <branch name=""
        <leaf name="SHEET"
              type="I32" />
    <branch name="AVAILABLE_PLOT_ITEMS">
      <!-- IMPORTANT : update the define in r2ed_scenario.xml if you change this value -->
      <branch name=""
        <leaf name="SHEET"
              type="I32" />
    <branch name="REFERENCE_PLOT_ITEMS">
      <!-- IMPORTANT : update the define in r2ed_scenario.xml if you change this value -->
      <branch name=""
        <leaf name="SHEET"
              type="I32" />
    <branch name="CURR_PLOT_ITEM">
      <leaf name="SHEET"
            type="I32" />
    <!-- DM GIFT -->
    <branch name="DM_GIFT">
      <branch name=""
        <leaf name="SHEET"
              type="I32" />
        <leaf name="QUANTITY"
              type="I32" />