id = $data['aa_id']; $this->parent = $data['aa_parent']; $this->category = $data['aa_category']; $this->tie_race = $data['aa_tie_race']; $this->tie_civ = $data['aa_tie_civ']; $this->tie_cult = $data['aa_tie_cult']; $this->image = $data['aa_image']; $this->name = $data['aal_name']; $res = $db->sqlQuery("SELECT * FROM ach_perk LEFT JOIN (ach_perk_lang) ON (apl_lang='".$lang."' AND apl_achievement=ap_id) WHERE ap_achievement='".$this->id."' AND ap_parent IS NULL"); #MISSING: or parent is done $sz = sizeof($res); for($i=0;$i<$sz;$i++) { $tmp = new AchPerk($res[$i],$lang); $this->child_open[] = sizeof($this->nodes); $this->nodes[] = $tmp; /*if($res[$i]['']) { } else { }*/ #MISSING: divide into groups -> open/done } } function getID() { return $this->id; } function getParent() { return $this->parent; } function getTieRace() { return $this->tie_race; } function getTieCiv() { return $this->tie_civ; } function getTieCult() { return $this->tie_cult; } function getImage() { return $this->image; } function getName() { return $this->name; } function getValue() { $val = 0; foreach($this->child_done as $elem) { $val += $this->nodes[$elem]->getValue(); } return $val; } } ?>