// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "stdpch.h" #include "entity_container.h" #include "frontend_service.h" #include using namespace std; using namespace NLMISC; const TDataSetIndex LAST_VISION_CHANGE = LAST_CHANGED; CMirroredDataSet *CEntity::DataSet = NULL; CEntityContainer *CEntityContainer::I = NULL; TPropertyIndex CEntityContainer::_VisualPropIndexToDataSet[CLFECOMMON::NB_VISUAL_PROPERTIES]; // Property indices that are not in game_share/ryzom_mirror_properties.h TPropertyIndex DSPropertyTickPos; TPropertyIndex DSPropertyLocalX; TPropertyIndex DSPropertyLocalY; TPropertyIndex DSPropertyLocalZ; //TPropertyIndex DSPropertyStunned; TPropertyIndex DSFirstPropertyAvailableImpulseBitSize; // Use the callbacks in game_share/ryzom_mirror_properties.cpp extern std::string BehaviourToStringCb( void *value ); extern std::string ModeToStringCb( void *value ); /* * Constructor */ CEntityContainer::CEntityContainer() : EntityToClient(NULL), _DataSet(NULL) { nlassert( !I ); I = this; } /* * Initialisation 2 */ void cbMirrorIsReady( CMirror *mirror ) { CFrontEndService::instance()->postInit(); } /* * Fast check if an addition has been notified */ bool cbAdditionNotifiedCallback( const TDataSetRow& entityIndex ) { return CEntityContainer::I->getEntity(entityIndex)->TickPosition.isReadable(); } void cbNotificationCallback() { CEntityContainer::I->updateMirror(); } /* * Initialisation */ void CEntityContainer::init( CClientIdLookup *cl, void (*cbUpdate)(), void (*cbSync)() ) { EntityToClient = cl; // Init the mirror system vector datasetNames; datasetNames.push_back( "fe_temp" ); _Mirror.init( datasetNames, cbMirrorIsReady, cbUpdate, cbSync ); } /* * Initialisation of the properties */ void CEntityContainer::initMirror() { // Declare the property needed as readOnly, not notifying the changes _DataSet = &(_Mirror.getDataSet("fe_temp")); _DataSet->declareProperty( "X", PSOReadOnly | PSONotifyChanges ); // for mileage calculation _DataSet->declareProperty( "Y", PSOReadOnly | PSONotifyChanges ); // for mileage calculation _DataSet->declareProperty( "Z", PSOReadOnly ); _DataSet->declareProperty( "Theta", PSOReadOnly ); _DataSet->declareProperty( "Sheet", PSOReadOnly ); _DataSet->declareProperty( "NPCAlias", PSOReadOnly ); _DataSet->declareProperty( "Behaviour", PSOReadOnly ); _DataSet->declareProperty( "NameIndex", PSOReadOnly ); _DataSet->declareProperty( "Target", PSOReadOnly ); _DataSet->declareProperty( "Mode", PSOReadOnly ); _DataSet->declareProperty( "VisualPropertyA", PSOReadOnly ); _DataSet->declareProperty( "VisualPropertyB", PSOReadOnly ); _DataSet->declareProperty( "VisualPropertyC", PSOReadOnly ); _DataSet->declareProperty( "EntityMounted", PSOReadOnly ); _DataSet->declareProperty( "RiderEntity", PSOReadOnly ); _DataSet->declareProperty( "ContextualProperty", PSOReadOnly ); _DataSet->declareProperty( "TickPos", PSOReadOnly ); _DataSet->declareProperty( "LocalX", PSOReadOnly ); _DataSet->declareProperty( "LocalY", PSOReadOnly ); _DataSet->declareProperty( "LocalZ", PSOReadOnly ); _DataSet->declareProperty( "Bars", PSOReadOnly ); //_DataSet->declareProperty( "Stunned", PSOReadOnly ); // to block or not incoming messages from the client _DataSet->declareProperty( "AvailableImpulseBitSize", PSOWriteOnly ); // to avoid other FS to receive changes _DataSet->declareProperty( "TargetList", PSOReadOnly ); _DataSet->declareProperty( "VisualFX", PSOReadOnly ); _DataSet->declareProperty( "GuildSymbol", PSOReadOnly ); _DataSet->declareProperty( "GuildNameId", PSOReadOnly ); _DataSet->declareProperty( "EventFactionId", PSOReadOnly ); _DataSet->declareProperty( "PvpMode", PSOReadOnly ); _DataSet->declareProperty( "PvpClan", PSOReadOnly ); _DataSet->declareProperty( "OwnerPeople", PSOReadOnly ); _DataSet->declareProperty( "OutpostInfos", PSOReadOnly ); // All will be ready when _Mirror.mirrorIsReady() // and _Mirror.propIsAllocated("_EId_fe_temp") // and _Mirror.propIsAllocated(all the properties above) // Set the dataset CEntity::DataSet = _DataSet; // Map the property indices //_VisualPropIndexToDataSet.resize( _DataSet->nbProperties() ); DSPropertyPOSX = mapVisualPropIndex( "X", PROPERTY_POSX ); DSPropertyPOSY = mapVisualPropIndex( "Y", PROPERTY_POSY ); DSPropertyPOSZ = mapVisualPropIndex( "Z", PROPERTY_POSZ ); DSPropertyORIENTATION = mapVisualPropIndex( "Theta", PROPERTY_ORIENTATION ); DSPropertySHEET = mapVisualPropIndex( "Sheet", PROPERTY_SHEET ); DSPropertyBEHAVIOUR = mapVisualPropIndex( "Behaviour", PROPERTY_BEHAVIOUR ); DSPropertyNAME_STRING_ID = mapVisualPropIndex( "NameIndex", PROPERTY_NAME_STRING_ID ); DSPropertyTARGET_ID = mapVisualPropIndex( "Target", PROPERTY_TARGET_ID ); DSPropertyMODE = mapVisualPropIndex( "Mode", PROPERTY_MODE ); DSPropertyVPA = mapVisualPropIndex( "VisualPropertyA", PROPERTY_VPA ); DSPropertyVPB = mapVisualPropIndex( "VisualPropertyB", PROPERTY_VPB ); DSPropertyVPC = mapVisualPropIndex( "VisualPropertyC", PROPERTY_VPC ); DSPropertyENTITY_MOUNTED_ID = mapVisualPropIndex( "EntityMounted", PROPERTY_ENTITY_MOUNTED_ID ); DSPropertyRIDER_ENTITY_ID = mapVisualPropIndex( "RiderEntity", PROPERTY_RIDER_ENTITY_ID ); DSPropertyCONTEXTUAL = mapVisualPropIndex( "ContextualProperty", PROPERTY_CONTEXTUAL ); DSPropertyBARS = mapVisualPropIndex( "Bars", PROPERTY_BARS ); DSPropertyTickPos = getPropertyIndex( "TickPos" ); DSPropertyLocalX = getPropertyIndex( "LocalX" ); DSPropertyLocalY = getPropertyIndex( "LocalY" ); DSPropertyLocalZ = getPropertyIndex( "LocalZ" ); //DSPropertyStunned = getPropertyIndex( "Stunned" ); DSFirstPropertyAvailableImpulseBitSize = getPropertyIndex( "AvailableImpulseBitSize" ); DSPropertyTARGET_LIST = mapVisualPropIndex( "TargetList", PROPERTY_TARGET_LIST ); DSPropertyVISUAL_FX = mapVisualPropIndex( "VisualFX", PROPERTY_VISUAL_FX ); DSPropertyGUILD_SYMBOL = mapVisualPropIndex( "GuildSymbol", PROPERTY_GUILD_SYMBOL ); DSPropertyGUILD_NAME_ID = mapVisualPropIndex( "GuildNameId", PROPERTY_GUILD_NAME_ID ); DSPropertyEVENT_FACTION_ID = mapVisualPropIndex( "EventFactionId", PROPERTY_EVENT_FACTION_ID ); DSPropertyPVP_MODE = mapVisualPropIndex( "PvpMode", PROPERTY_PVP_MODE ); DSPropertyPVP_CLAN = mapVisualPropIndex( "PvpClan", PROPERTY_PVP_CLAN ); DSPropertyOWNER_PEOPLE = mapVisualPropIndex( "OwnerPeople", PROPERTY_OWNER_PEOPLE ); DSPropertyOUTPOST_INFOS = mapVisualPropIndex( "OutpostInfos", PROPERTY_OUTPOST_INFOS ); DSPropertyNPC_ALIAS = getPropertyIndex( "NPCAlias" ); // Resize the entity container _Entities.resize( _DataSet->maxNbRows() ); EntityToClient->init( _DataSet->maxNbRows() ); // Set the display callbacks (because not using initRyzomVisualPropertyIndices()) _DataSet->setDisplayCallback( DSPropertyBEHAVIOUR, BehaviourToStringCb ); _DataSet->setDisplayCallback( DSPropertyMODE, ModeToStringCb ); _Mirror.setNotificationCallback( cbNotificationCallback ); } /* * Set the mapping and return the dataset property index */ TPropertyIndex CEntityContainer::mapVisualPropIndex( const std::string& propName, TPropIndex vPropIndex ) { nlassert ( vPropIndex < CLFECOMMON::NB_VISUAL_PROPERTIES ); _VisualPropIndexToDataSet[vPropIndex] = _DataSet->getPropertyIndex( propName ); if ( _VisualPropIndexToDataSet[vPropIndex] == INVALID_PROPERTY_INDEX ) nlerror( "ERROR: Property %s not found in dataset", propName.c_str() ); return _VisualPropIndexToDataSet[vPropIndex]; } /* * Return the property index at startup */ TPropertyIndex CEntityContainer::getPropertyIndex( const std::string& propName ) const { TPropertyIndex propertyIndex = _DataSet->getPropertyIndex( propName ); if ( propertyIndex == INVALID_PROPERTY_INDEX ) nlerror( "ERROR: Property %s not found in dataset", propName.c_str() ); return propertyIndex; } /*uint32 NbcX, NbcY; NLMISC_VARIABLE( uint32, NbcX, "" ); NLMISC_VARIABLE( uint32, NbcY, "" ); CValueSmootherTemplate Nbcx(20); CValueSmootherTemplate Nbcy(20); NLMISC_DYNVARIABLE( uint32, NbcX, "" ) { if ( get ) { *pointer = Nbcx.getSmoothValue(); } } NLMISC_DYNVARIABLE( uint32, NbcY, "" ) { if ( get ) { *pointer = Nbcy.getSmoothValue(); } }*/ /* * Update (called every cycle by the mirror system) */ void CEntityContainer::updateMirror() { //nldebug( "%u: updateMirror", CTickEventHandler::getGameCycle() ); H_AUTO(UpdateEntities) // Process added entities _DataSet->beginAddedEntities(); TDataSetRow entityIndex = _DataSet->getNextAddedEntity(); while ( entityIndex != LAST_CHANGED ) { // The front-end is not aware of the entity index. Use the CEntityId to map it. // This is done here because the vision provider needs it when scanning the changed properties // of a client to send the discrete ones to himself. Note: MapSidToUid for this client // must be called before (receiving CL_ID from the EGS) const CEntityId& entityId = _DataSet->getEntityId( entityIndex ); TClientId clientid = EntityToClient->getClientId( entityId ); if ( clientid != INVALID_CLIENT ) { CClientHost *clienthost = CFrontEndService::instance()->sendSub()->clientIdCont()[clientid]; //#ifdef NL_DEBUG if ( clienthost ) { //#endif clienthost->setEntityIndex( entityIndex ); EntityToClient->addEntityIndex( entityIndex, clientid ); nlinfo( "%u: Setting mirror row to C%hu uid %u E%u", CTickEventHandler::getGameCycle(), clientid, clienthost->Uid, entityIndex.getIndex() ); CFrontEndService::instance()->receiveSub()->ConnectionStatLog->displayNL( "Setting mirror row to C%hu uid %u E%u", clientid, clienthost->Uid, entityIndex.getIndex() ); //nldebug( "dataset %s, maxNbRows %d", _DataSet->name().c_str(), _DataSet->maxNbRows() ); //#ifdef NL_DEBUG } else { // Should not occur nlwarning( "No client corresponding to C%hu E%u", clientid, entityIndex.getIndex() ); } //#endif } // Init entity structure _Entities[entityIndex.getIndex()].initFields( entityIndex, entityId ); /* // TEMP workaround for vision with entityIds (not entityIndices) pair range = EarlyVisionIns.equal_range( entityId ); if ( range.first != EarlyVisionIns.end() ) { TMapOfEarlyVisionAssociations::iterator ite; for ( ite=range.first; ite!=range.second; ++ite ) { // Reinsert in vision now we know the entityIndex (works because VisionIn not cleared before next processVision) nldebug( "Reinserting %s into vision of E%u", entityId.toString().c_str(), (*ite).second.first.getIndex() ); _Entities[(*ite).second.first.getIndex()].insertIntoVisionIn( (*ite).second.first, entityId, (*ite).second.second.first, (*ite).second.second.second ); } EarlyVisionIns.erase( range.first, range.second ); } */ // Get next entityIndex = _DataSet->getNextAddedEntity(); } _DataSet->endAddedEntities(); // Process removed entities _DataSet->beginRemovedEntities(); CEntityId *entityId; entityIndex = _DataSet->getNextRemovedEntity( &entityId ); while ( entityIndex != LAST_CHANGED ) { // Check if the entity is a client on this FE (unspawning) TClientId clientid = EntityToClient->getClientId( entityIndex ); if ( clientid != INVALID_CLIENT ) { // Unset the entity index LOG_VISION( "FEVIS:%u: Removing entity index %u for client %hu (%s)", CTickEventHandler::getGameCycle(), entityIndex.getIndex(), clientid, entityId->toString().c_str() ); EntityToClient->removeEntityIndex( entityIndex ); CClientHost *clienthost = CFrontEndService::instance()->sendSub()->clientIdCont()[clientid]; if ( clienthost ) { clienthost->setEntityIndex( TEntityIndex() ); // Reset the vision of the client CFrontEndService::instance()->PrioSub.VisionProvider.resetVision( clienthost ); } // Set properties to uninitialized state _Entities[entityIndex.getIndex()].invalidateProperties(); } entityIndex = _DataSet->getNextRemovedEntity( &entityId ); } _DataSet->endRemovedEntities(); //uint nbx, nby = 0; //H_BEFORE(ScanPosXY); // Compute mileages with X and Y TODO: mileage computation may be useless now //H_BEFORE(beginChangeX) _DataSet->beginChangedValuesForProp( DSPropertyPOSX ); //H_AFTER(beginChangeX) while( (entityIndex = _DataSet->getNextChangedValueForProp()) != LAST_CHANGED ) { //H_BEFORE(InsideWhileX) _Entities[entityIndex.getIndex()].updateMileageX( entityIndex ); //++nbx; //H_AFTER(InsideWhileX) } //H_BEFORE(endChangeX) _DataSet->endChangedValuesForProp(); //H_AFTER(endChangeX) //H_BEFORE(beginChangeY) _DataSet->beginChangedValuesForProp( DSPropertyPOSY ); //H_AFTER(beginChangeY) while( (entityIndex = _DataSet->getNextChangedValueForProp()) != LAST_CHANGED ) { //H_BEFORE(InsideWhileY) _Entities[entityIndex.getIndex()].updateMileageY( entityIndex ); //++nby; //H_AFTER(InsideWhileY) } //H_BEFORE(endChangeY) _DataSet->endChangedValuesForProp(); //H_AFTER(endChangeY) //H_AFTER(ScanPosXY); //Nbcx.addValue( nbx ); //Nbcy.addValue( nby ); } /* * Insert entityId, slot into VisionIn */ //void CEntity::insertIntoVisionIn( TEntityIndex iviewer, const NLMISC::CEntityId& entityId, CLFECOMMON::TCLEntityId slot, bool replace ) void CEntity::insertIntoVisionIn( const TEntityIndex& iviewer, const TDataSetRow& entityIndex, CLFECOMMON::TCLEntityId slot, bool replace ) { // Find the index of the id //TEntityIndex iviewed = TheEntityContainer->entityIdToIndex( entityId ); const TEntityIndex& iviewed = entityIndex; if ( !iviewed.isValid() ) { //nldebug( "New viewed entity id %s not in mirror yet, storing for viewer E%u", entityId.toString().c_str(), iviewer.getIndex() ); nlwarning( "Received invalid entity index for vision of E%u", iviewed.getIndex() ); // TEMP Workaround (until GPMS vision uses entityindices) // removed, entityIndex will always be valid (according to Olivier) //CEntityContainer::I->EarlyVisionIns.insert( std::make_pair( entityId, std::make_pair( iviewer, std::make_pair( slot, replace ) ) ) ); return; } //nlinfo( "* Add E%u to VisionIn", iviewed ); VisionIn.insert( std::make_pair( iviewed, std::make_pair( slot, replace ) ) ); } // Property value #define PV(propIndex) properties[propIndex] #define dispDist(s,t) s += string(" \t - ") + ((dist mmm( TheDataset, entityIndex, DSPropertyORIENTATION ); uint64 properties[NB_VISUAL_PROPERTIES]; fillVisualPropertiesFromMirror( properties, entityIndex ); string lsTheta, lsSheet, lsBehav, lsName, lsTarget, lsMode, lsVPA, lsVPB, lsVPC, lsMount, lsRider, lsContextual, lsBars, lsEventFactionId, lsPvpMode, lsPvpClan, lsOwnerPeople, lsOutpostInfos; string sdist; if ( (optClientId != INVALID_CLIENT) && (optSlot != INVALID_SLOT) ) { TPairState& pairState = CFrontEndService::instance()->PrioSub.VisionArray.getPairState( optClientId, optSlot ); TCoord dist = pairState.DistanceCE; sdist = toString( " Dist %g m", ((float)dist)/1000.0f ); CHistory *history = CFrontEndService::instance()->history(); bool histohasvalue; TPropertiesValue lastsent_value = history->getPropertyEntry( optClientId, optSlot, PROPERTY_ORIENTATION, histohasvalue ).LastSent; lsTheta = histohasvalue ? toString( "%.2f", *(float*)&lastsent_value ) : "NOT SENT YET"; dispDist(lsTheta,THRESHOLD_ORIENTATION); lastsent_value = history->getPropertyEntry( optClientId, optSlot, PROPERTY_SHEET, histohasvalue ).LastSent; lsSheet = histohasvalue ? toString( "%u", (uint32)lastsent_value ) : "NOT SENT YET"; dispDist(lsSheet,THRESHOLD_SHEET); lastsent_value = history->getPropertyEntry( optClientId, optSlot, PROPERTY_BEHAVIOUR, histohasvalue ).LastSent; lsBehav = histohasvalue ? toString( "%"NL_I64"u", (uint64)lastsent_value ) : "NOT SENT YET"; dispDist(lsBehav,THRESHOLD_BEHAVIOUR); lastsent_value = history->getPropertyEntry( optClientId, optSlot, PROPERTY_NAME_STRING_ID, histohasvalue ).LastSent; lsName = histohasvalue ? toString( "%u", (uint32)lastsent_value ) : "NOT SENT YET"; dispDist(lsName,THRESHOLD_NAME_STRING_ID); lastsent_value = history->getPropertyEntry( optClientId, optSlot, PROPERTY_TARGET_ID, histohasvalue ).LastSent; lsTarget = histohasvalue ? toString( "%u", (uint32)lastsent_value ) : "NOT SENT YET"; dispDist(lsTarget,THRESHOLD_TARGET_ID); lastsent_value = history->getPropertyEntry( optClientId, optSlot, PROPERTY_MODE, histohasvalue ).LastSent; lsMode = histohasvalue ? toString( "%hu", (uint32)lastsent_value ) : "NOT SENT YET"; dispDist(lsMode,THRESHOLD_MODE); lastsent_value = history->getPropertyEntry( optClientId, optSlot, PROPERTY_VPA, histohasvalue ).LastSent; lsVPA = histohasvalue ? toString( "%"NL_I64"u", lastsent_value ) : "NOT SENT YET"; dispDist(lsVPA,THRESHOLD_VPA); lastsent_value = history->getPropertyEntry( optClientId, optSlot, PROPERTY_VPB, histohasvalue ).LastSent; lsVPB = histohasvalue ? toString( "%"NL_I64"u", lastsent_value ) : "NOT SENT YET"; dispDist(lsVPB,THRESHOLD_VPB); lastsent_value = history->getPropertyEntry( optClientId, optSlot, PROPERTY_VPC, histohasvalue ).LastSent; lsVPC = histohasvalue ? toString( "%"NL_I64"u", lastsent_value ) : "NOT SENT YET"; dispDist(lsVPC,THRESHOLD_VPC); lastsent_value = history->getPropertyEntry( optClientId, optSlot, PROPERTY_ENTITY_MOUNTED_ID, histohasvalue ).LastSent; lsMount = histohasvalue ? toString( "%d", (uint32)lastsent_value ) : "NOT SENT YET"; dispDist(lsMount,THRESHOLD_ENTITY_MOUNTED_ID); lastsent_value = history->getPropertyEntry( optClientId, optSlot, PROPERTY_RIDER_ENTITY_ID, histohasvalue ).LastSent; lsRider = histohasvalue ? toString( "%d", (uint32)lastsent_value ) : "NOT SENT YET"; dispDist(lsRider,THRESHOLD_RIDER_ENTITY_ID); lastsent_value = history->getPropertyEntry( optClientId, optSlot, PROPERTY_CONTEXTUAL, histohasvalue ).LastSent; lsContextual = histohasvalue ? toString( "%u", (uint32)lastsent_value ) : "NOT SENT YET"; dispDist(lsContextual,THRESHOLD_CONTEXTUAL); lsBars = histohasvalue ? toString( "%u", (uint32)lastsent_value ) : "NOT SENT YET"; dispDist(lsBars,THRESHOLD_BARS); lastsent_value = history->getPropertyEntry( optClientId, optSlot, PROPERTY_EVENT_FACTION_ID, histohasvalue ).LastSent; lsEventFactionId = histohasvalue ? toString( "%u", (uint32)lastsent_value ) : "NOT SENT YET"; dispDist(lsEventFactionId,THRESHOLD_EVENT_FACTION_ID); lastsent_value = history->getPropertyEntry( optClientId, optSlot, PROPERTY_PVP_MODE, histohasvalue ).LastSent; lsEventFactionId = histohasvalue ? toString( "%u", (uint32)lastsent_value ) : "NOT SENT YET"; dispDist(lsPvpMode,THRESHOLD_PVP_MODE); lastsent_value = history->getPropertyEntry( optClientId, optSlot, PROPERTY_PVP_CLAN, histohasvalue ).LastSent; lsPvpClan = histohasvalue ? toString( "%u", (uint32)lastsent_value ) : "NOT SENT YET"; dispDist(lsPvpClan,THRESHOLD_PVP_CLAN); lastsent_value = history->getPropertyEntry( optClientId, optSlot, PROPERTY_OWNER_PEOPLE, histohasvalue ).LastSent; lsOwnerPeople = histohasvalue ? toString( "%u", (uint32)lastsent_value ) : "NOT SENT YET"; dispDist(lsOwnerPeople,PROPERTY_OWNER_PEOPLE); lastsent_value = history->getPropertyEntry( optClientId, optSlot, PROPERTY_OUTPOST_INFOS, histohasvalue ).LastSent; lsOutpostInfos = histohasvalue ? toString( "%u", (uint32)lastsent_value ) : "NOT SENT YET"; dispDist(lsOutpostInfos,PROPERTY_OUTPOST_INFOS); } CMirrorPropValue sheetValue( TheDataset, entityIndex, DSPropertySHEET ); TGameCycle sheetTimestamp = sheetValue.getTimestamp(), deltaTSheet = CTickEventHandler::getGameCycle()-sheetTimestamp; string sheetSet = (sheetTimestamp!=0) ? toString( "set %u ticks (%.3f hours) ago", deltaTSheet, ((float)deltaTSheet)/36000.0f ) : "not set yet"; log->displayNL( "| E%u: TickPos %u Mileage %u %s", entityIndex.getIndex(), TickPosition(), Mileage, sdist.c_str() ); log->displayNL( "| Sheet %u \t %s (sheet %s)", (uint32)PV(PROPERTY_SHEET), lsSheet.c_str(), sheetSet.c_str() ); log->displayNL( "| AbsPos: %d %d %d", (sint32)PV(PROPERTY_POSX), (sint32)PV(PROPERTY_POSY), (sint32)PV(PROPERTY_POSZ) );; log->displayNL( "| Theta %.2f \t %s", *(float*)(&PV(PROPERTY_ORIENTATION)), lsTheta.c_str() ); log->displayNL( "| Behav %u \t %s", (uint32)PV(PROPERTY_BEHAVIOUR), lsBehav.c_str() ); log->displayNL( "| Name %u \t %s", (uint32)PV(PROPERTY_NAME_STRING_ID), lsName.c_str() ); TDataSetIndex target = (TDataSetIndex)PV(PROPERTY_TARGET_ID), mount = (TDataSetIndex)PV(PROPERTY_ENTITY_MOUNTED_ID), rider = (TDataSetIndex)PV(PROPERTY_RIDER_ENTITY_ID); log->displayNL( "| Target %d \t %s", target, lsTarget.c_str() ); log->displayNL( "| Mode %hu \t %s", (uint8)PV(PROPERTY_MODE), lsMode.c_str() ); log->displayNL( "| VPA %"NL_I64"u \t %s", PV(PROPERTY_VPA), lsVPA.c_str() ); log->displayNL( "| VPB %"NL_I64"u \t %s", PV(PROPERTY_VPB), lsVPB.c_str() ); log->displayNL( "| VPC %"NL_I64"u \t %s", PV(PROPERTY_VPC), lsVPC.c_str() ); log->displayNL( "| Mount %d \t %s", mount, lsMount.c_str() ); log->displayNL( "| Rider %d \t \t %s", rider, lsRider.c_str() ); log->displayNL( "| Contextual %hu \t %s", (uint16)PV(PROPERTY_CONTEXTUAL), lsContextual.c_str() ); log->displayNL( "| EventFactionId %u \t %s", (uint32)PV(PROPERTY_EVENT_FACTION_ID), lsEventFactionId.c_str() ); log->displayNL( "| PvpMode %u \t %s", (uint32)PV(PROPERTY_PVP_MODE), lsPvpMode.c_str() ); log->displayNL( "| PvpClan %u \t %s", (uint32)PV(PROPERTY_PVP_CLAN), lsPvpClan.c_str() ); log->displayNL( "| OwnerPeople %u \t %s", (uint32)PV(PROPERTY_OWNER_PEOPLE), lsOwnerPeople.c_str() ); log->displayNL( "| OutpostInfos %u \t %s", (uint32)PV(PROPERTY_OUTPOST_INFOS), lsOutpostInfos.c_str() ); } #define FILL_PROP( name ) \ { \ CMirrorPropValueRO prop( TheDataset, entityIndex, DSProperty##name ); \ TYPE_##name *pt = (TYPE_##name*)&(properties[PROPERTY_##name]); \ *pt = prop(); \ } void CEntity::fillVisualPropertiesFromMirror( uint64 properties[], const TEntityIndex& entityIndex ) { for ( sint i=0; i!=NB_VISUAL_PROPERTIES; ++i ) properties[i] = 0; FILL_PROP( POSX ); FILL_PROP( POSY ); FILL_PROP( POSZ ); FILL_PROP( ORIENTATION ); FILL_PROP( SHEET ); FILL_PROP( BEHAVIOUR ); FILL_PROP( NAME_STRING_ID ); FILL_PROP( TARGET_ID ); FILL_PROP( MODE ); FILL_PROP( VPA ); FILL_PROP( VPB ); FILL_PROP( VPC ); FILL_PROP( ENTITY_MOUNTED_ID ); FILL_PROP( RIDER_ENTITY_ID ); FILL_PROP( CONTEXTUAL ); FILL_PROP( GUILD_SYMBOL ); FILL_PROP( GUILD_NAME_ID ); FILL_PROP( EVENT_FACTION_ID ); FILL_PROP( PVP_MODE ); FILL_PROP( PVP_CLAN ); } /* * Helper for positionIsInitialized() */ /* bool CEntity::checkPositionInitialized( const TEntityIndex& entityIndex ) { if ( ! ((X() == 0) && (Y() == 0)) ) // not local pos because can be 0 0 { PropInitialized[PROPERTY_POSITION] = true; #ifdef NL_DEBUG nldebug( "%u: E%u: Position initialized to %d %d", CTickEventHandler::getGameCycle(), entityIndex.getIndex(), X(), Y() ); #endif return true; } else return false; } */