LanguageName [English]

// Window
WindowTitle [NeL Qt]

// DebugBar
DebugBarTitle [NeL Qt]

// Widgets
WidgetGraphicsConfig [Graphics Configuration]
WidgetCommandLog [Console]

// Menus
MenuFile [&File]
MenuEdit [&Edit]
MenuViewport [&Viewport]
MenuWidgets [&Widgets]
MenuHelp [&Help]

// Actions
ActionQuit [&Exit]
ActionQuitStatusTip [Close the NeL Qt application.]
ActionSaveScreenshot [Save &Screenshot]
ActionSaveScreenshotStatusTip [Make a screenshot of the current viewport and save it to the default screenshot directory.]
ActionAbout [&About]
ActionAboutStatusTip [Show the about box.]
ActionUndo [&Undo]
ActionUndoStatusTip [Undo the last action.]
ActionRedo [&Redo]
ActionRedoStatusTip [Redo the last undone action.]

// Status
StatusReady [Ready]

// GraphicsConfig
GraphicsConfigDriverGroup [Driver Settings]
GraphicsConfigEnabled [Enabled]
GraphicsConfigDriver [Driver: ]
GraphicsConfigFontName [Font: ]
GraphicsConfigApply [Apply]
GraphicsConfigRenderGroup [Render Settings]
GraphicsConfigBackgroundColor [Background Color]
GraphicsConfigFontShadow [Font Shadow]
GraphicsConfigScreenshotGroup [Screenshot Settings]

// About
AboutTitle [About NeL Qt]
AboutText [It is vaporware, indeed.]

// end of file