2010-06-12 10:17:29 +00:00
// NeL - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/nel/>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# include "color_modifier.h"
# include "color_mask.h"
# include "hls_bank_texture_info.h"
# include "info_color_generation.h"
# include "info_mask_generation.h"
# endif
# include <nel/misc/types_nl.h>
# include <nel/misc/config_file.h>
# include <nel/misc/path.h>
# include <nel/misc/file.h>
# include <nel/misc/bitmap.h>
# include <nel/misc/debug.h>
# include <time.h>
using namespace NLMISC ;
using namespace std ;
string DivideBy2Dir = " /d4/ " ;
string HlsInfoDir = " hlsInfo/ " ;
// ========================================================================================================
// This tool is for creating various colored texture from a base texture.
// Parts of a base texture can have hue, contrast, luminosity shifting etc.
// Each part is defined by a mask. The red component of it is considered as an alpha value (not the alpha, because it is faster to create a grey texture with photoshop..)
// The result is serialized in png or tga files.
// ========================================================================================================
// why this tool ? : it is useful to create various colored cloth and skin textures
// Not all hardware allow it to manage that at runtime (lack for palettized textures or pixel shaders...)
/// describes the building infos
struct CBuildInfo
std : : string InputPath ;
std : : string OutputPath ;
std : : string CachePath ;
std : : vector < std : : string > BitmapExtensions ; // the supported extension for bitmaps
std : : string OutputFormat ; // png or tga
std : : string DefaultSeparator ;
TColorMaskVect ColorMasks ;
// how to shift right the size of the src Bitmap for the .hlsinfo
uint LowDefShift ;
} ;
/// Temporary
static void validateCgiInfo ( ) ;
static void validateGtmInfo ( ) ;
/// Temporary
/** Build the infos we need from a config file
* It build a list of masks infos
static void BuildMasksFromConfigFile ( NLMISC : : CConfigFile & cf ,
TColorMaskVect & colorMasks ) ;
/// Build the colored versions
static void BuildColoredVersions ( const CBuildInfo & bi ) ;
static void BuildColoredVersionForOneBitmap ( const CBuildInfo & bi , const std : : string & fileNameWithExtension , bool mustDivideBy2 ) ;
/** Check if building if reneeded by looking in the cache directory.
* If the texture is found in the cache it is just copied
static bool CheckIfNeedRebuildColoredVersionForOneBitmap ( const CBuildInfo & bi , const std : : string & fileNameWithExtension , bool mustDivideBy2 ) ;
/// replace slashes by the matching os value in a file name
static std : : string replaceSlashes ( const std : : string & src )
std : : string result = src ;
for ( uint k = 0 ; k < result . size ( ) ; + + k )
if ( result [ k ] = = ' / ' ) result [ k ] = ' \\ ' ;
# else
if ( result [ k ] = = ' \\ ' ) result [ k ] = ' / ' ;
# endif
return result ;
int main ( int argc , char * argv [ ] )
// Filter addSearchPath
NLMISC : : createDebug ( ) ;
//"panoply.cfg" "gtm" "fyros"
if ( ! strcmp ( argv [ 2 ] , " gtm " ) | | ! strcmp ( argv [ 2 ] , " cgi " ) )
NLMISC : : CConfigFile cf ;
std : : string _Path_Input_TexBases ;
std : : string _Path_Input_Masks ;
std : : string _Path_Output_MaksOptimized ;
std : : string _Path_Output_Gtm ;
std : : string _Path_Output_Cgi ;
/// load the config file
cf . load ( argv [ 1 ] ) ;
/// look paths
NLMISC : : CConfigFile : : CVar & additionnal_paths = cf . getVar ( " additionnal_paths " ) ;
for ( uint k = 0 ; k < ( uint ) additionnal_paths . size ( ) ; + + k )
NLMISC : : CPath : : addSearchPath ( NLMISC : : CPath : : standardizePath ( additionnal_paths . asString ( k ) ) , true , false ) ;
catch ( NLMISC : : EUnknownVar & )
/// repertory of textures bases (no-colorized)
_Path_Input_TexBases = NLMISC : : CPath : : standardizePath ( cf . getVar ( " input_path_texbase " ) . asString ( ) ) ;
catch ( NLMISC : : EUnknownVar & )
/// repertory of masks (original)
_Path_Input_Masks = NLMISC : : CPath : : standardizePath ( cf . getVar ( " input_path_mask " ) . asString ( ) ) ;
catch ( NLMISC : : EUnknownVar & )
/// repertory output of masks optimized created
_Path_Output_MaksOptimized = NLMISC : : CPath : : standardizePath ( cf . getVar ( " output_path_mask_optimized " ) . asString ( ) ) ;
catch ( NLMISC : : EUnknownVar & )
/// file of infos about colorization average for the client
_Path_Output_Cgi = NLMISC : : CPath : : standardizePath ( cf . getVar ( " output_path_cgi " ) . asString ( ) ) ;
catch ( NLMISC : : EUnknownVar & )
/// file of infos about multiplexing texture for the client
_Path_Output_Gtm = NLMISC : : CPath : : standardizePath ( cf . getVar ( " output_path_gtm " ) . asString ( ) ) ;
catch ( NLMISC : : EUnknownVar & )
catch ( std : : exception & e )
nlwarning ( " Panoply building failed. " ) ;
nlwarning ( e . what ( ) ) ;
return - 1 ;
/// oriented program
if ( ! strcmp ( argv [ 2 ] , " gtm " ) ) /// masks optimized
CInfoMaskGeneration infoMaskGen ( _Path_Input_TexBases ,
_Path_Input_Masks ,
_Path_Output_MaksOptimized ,
_Path_Output_Gtm ,
argv [ 3 ] ,
1 ) ;
infoMaskGen . init ( ) ;
infoMaskGen . process ( ) ;
2010-06-13 14:58:11 +00:00
else if ( ! strcmp ( argv [ 2 ] , " cgi " ) ) /// colorized information
2010-06-12 10:17:29 +00:00
CInfoColorGeneration infoColor ( _Path_Input_TexBases ,
_Path_Input_Masks ,
_Path_Output_Cgi ,
argv [ 3 ] ,
1 ) ;
infoColor . init ( ) ;
infoColor . process ( ) ;
# endif
NLMISC : : InfoLog - > addNegativeFilter ( " adding the path " ) ;
if ( argc ! = 2 )
nlwarning ( " usage : %s [config_file name] " , argv [ 0 ] ) ;
return - 1 ;
CBuildInfo bi ;
// reads infos from the config files //
NLMISC : : CConfigFile cf ;
/// load the config file
cf . load ( argv [ 1 ] ) ;
/// colors masks
BuildMasksFromConfigFile ( cf , bi . ColorMasks ) ;
/// look paths
NLMISC : : CConfigFile : : CVar & additionnal_paths = cf . getVar ( " additionnal_paths " ) ;
for ( uint k = 0 ; k < ( uint ) additionnal_paths . size ( ) ; + + k )
NLMISC : : CPath : : addSearchPath ( NLMISC : : CPath : : standardizePath ( additionnal_paths . asString ( k ) ) ) ;
catch ( NLMISC : : EUnknownVar & )
/// input
bi . InputPath = NLMISC : : CPath : : standardizePath ( cf . getVar ( " input_path " ) . asString ( ) ) ;
catch ( NLMISC : : EUnknownVar & )
/// output
bi . OutputPath = NLMISC : : CPath : : standardizePath ( cf . getVar ( " output_path " ) . asString ( ) ) ;
catch ( NLMISC : : EUnknownVar & )
/// output
bi . CachePath = NLMISC : : CPath : : standardizePath ( cf . getVar ( " cache_path " ) . asString ( ) ) ;
catch ( NLMISC : : EUnknownVar & )
/// output format
bi . OutputFormat = " . " + cf . getVar ( " output_format " ) . asString ( ) ;
catch ( NLMISC : : EUnknownVar & )
bi . OutputFormat = " .tga " ;
/// default ascii character for unused masks
bi . DefaultSeparator = cf . getVar ( " default_separator " ) . asString ( ) ;
catch ( NLMISC : : EUnknownVar & )
bi . DefaultSeparator = ' _ ' ;
/// extension for bitmaps
NLMISC : : CConfigFile : : CVar & bitmap_extensions = cf . getVar ( " bitmap_extensions " ) ;
for ( uint k = 0 ; k < ( uint ) bitmap_extensions . size ( ) ; + + k )
std : : string ext = " . " + bitmap_extensions . asString ( k ) ;
ext = NLMISC : : strupr ( ext ) ;
if ( std : : find ( bi . BitmapExtensions . begin ( ) , bi . BitmapExtensions . end ( ) , ext ) = = bi . BitmapExtensions . end ( ) )
bi . BitmapExtensions . push_back ( ext ) ;
catch ( NLMISC : : EUnknownVar & )
bi . BitmapExtensions [ 0 ] . resize ( 1 ) ;
bi . BitmapExtensions [ 0 ] = bi . OutputFormat ;
bi . LowDefShift = cf . getVar ( " low_def_shift " ) . asInt ( ) ;
catch ( NLMISC : : EUnknownVar & )
// tranform 512*512 to 64*64 by default
bi . LowDefShift = 3 ;
catch ( std : : exception & e )
nlwarning ( " Panoply building failed. " ) ;
nlwarning ( e . what ( ) ) ;
return - 1 ;
// Build the colored versions //
BuildColoredVersions ( bi ) ;
catch ( std : : exception & e )
nlwarning ( " Something went wrong while building bitmap : %s " , e . what ( ) ) ;
return - 1 ;
return 0 ;
# endif
static void validateCgiInfo ( )
NLMISC : : CIFile f ;
vector < StrInfoTexColor > temp ;
uint version ;
f . open ( CPath : : lookup ( " info_color_texbase_fyros.cgi " ) ) ;
f . serialCont ( temp ) ;
catch ( std : : exception & e )
nlwarning ( " Panoply building failed. " ) ;
uint16 a = temp . size ( ) ;
f . close ( ) ;
static void validateGtmInfo ( )
# endif
static void BuildMasksFromConfigFile ( NLMISC : : CConfigFile & cf ,
TColorMaskVect & colorMasks )
/// get a list of the alpha mask extensions
NLMISC : : CConfigFile : : CVar & mask_extensions = cf . getVar ( " mask_extensions " ) ;
colorMasks . resize ( mask_extensions . size ( ) ) ;
/// For each kind of mask, build a list of the color modifiers
for ( uint k = 0 ; k < ( uint ) mask_extensions . size ( ) ; + + k )
colorMasks [ k ] . MaskExt = mask_extensions . asString ( k ) ;
NLMISC : : CConfigFile : : CVar & luminosities = cf . getVar ( colorMasks [ k ] . MaskExt + " _luminosities " ) ;
NLMISC : : CConfigFile : : CVar & contrasts = cf . getVar ( colorMasks [ k ] . MaskExt + " _constrasts " ) ;
NLMISC : : CConfigFile : : CVar & hues = cf . getVar ( colorMasks [ k ] . MaskExt + " _hues " ) ;
NLMISC : : CConfigFile : : CVar & lightness = cf . getVar ( colorMasks [ k ] . MaskExt + " _lightness " ) ;
NLMISC : : CConfigFile : : CVar & saturation = cf . getVar ( colorMasks [ k ] . MaskExt + " _saturations " ) ;
NLMISC : : CConfigFile : : CVar & colorIDs = cf . getVar ( colorMasks [ k ] . MaskExt + " _color_id " ) ;
if ( luminosities . size ( ) ! = contrasts . size ( )
| | luminosities . size ( ) ! = hues . size ( )
| | luminosities . size ( ) ! = lightness . size ( )
| | luminosities . size ( ) ! = saturation . size ( )
| | luminosities . size ( ) ! = colorIDs . size ( )
throw NLMISC : : Exception ( " All color descriptors must have the same number of arguments " ) ;
colorMasks [ k ] . CMs . resize ( luminosities . size ( ) ) ;
for ( uint l = 0 ; l < ( uint ) luminosities . size ( ) ; + + l )
CColorModifier & cm = colorMasks [ k ] . CMs [ l ] ;
cm . Contrast = contrasts . asFloat ( l ) ;
cm . Luminosity = luminosities . asFloat ( l ) ;
cm . Hue = hues . asFloat ( l ) ;
cm . Lightness = lightness . asFloat ( l ) ;
cm . Saturation = saturation . asFloat ( l ) ;
cm . ColID = colorIDs . asString ( l ) ;
static void BuildColoredVersions ( const CBuildInfo & bi )
if ( ! NLMISC : : CFile : : isExists ( bi . InputPath ) )
nlwarning ( ( " Path not found : " + bi . InputPath ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return ;
for ( uint sizeVersion = 0 ; sizeVersion < 2 ; sizeVersion + + )
std : : vector < std : : string > files ;
if ( sizeVersion = = 0 )
// get the original (not to dvide) dir
NLMISC : : CPath : : getPathContent ( bi . InputPath , false , false , true , files ) ;
// get the dir content with texture that must be divided by 2.
NLMISC : : CPath : : getPathContent ( bi . InputPath + DivideBy2Dir , false , false , true , files ) ;
// For all files found
for ( uint k = 0 ; k < files . size ( ) ; + + k )
for ( uint l = 0 ; l < bi . BitmapExtensions . size ( ) ; + + l )
std : : string fileExt = " . " + NLMISC : : strupr ( NLMISC : : CFile : : getExtension ( files [ k ] ) ) ;
if ( fileExt = = bi . BitmapExtensions [ l ] )
//nlwarning("Processing : %s ", files[k].c_str());
if ( CheckIfNeedRebuildColoredVersionForOneBitmap ( bi , NLMISC : : CFile : : getFilename ( files [ k ] ) ,
sizeVersion = = 1 ) )
BuildColoredVersionForOneBitmap ( bi ,
NLMISC : : CFile : : getFilename ( files [ k ] ) ,
sizeVersion = = 1 ) ;
//nlwarning(("No need to rebuild " + NLMISC::CFile::getFilename(files[k])).c_str());
catch ( std : : exception & e )
nlwarning ( " Processing of %s failed : %s \n " , files [ k ] . c_str ( ) , e . what ( ) ) ;
/// used to loop throiugh the process, avoiding unused masks
struct CLoopInfo
NLMISC : : CBitmap Mask ;
uint Counter ;
uint MaskID ;
} ;
static bool CheckIfNeedRebuildColoredVersionForOneBitmap ( const CBuildInfo & bi , const std : : string & fileNameWithExtension ,
bool mustDivideBy2 )
if ( bi . CachePath . empty ( ) ) return true ;
uint32 srcDate = ( uint32 ) NLMISC : : CFile : : getFileModificationDate ( replaceSlashes ( bi . InputPath + fileNameWithExtension ) ) ;
static std : : vector < CLoopInfo > masks ;
/// check the needed masks
masks . clear ( ) ;
std : : string fileName = NLMISC : : CFile : : getFilenameWithoutExtension ( fileNameWithExtension ) ;
std : : string fileExt = NLMISC : : strupr ( NLMISC : : CFile : : getExtension ( fileNameWithExtension ) ) ;
for ( uint k = 0 ; k < bi . ColorMasks . size ( ) ; + + k )
std : : string maskName = fileName + " _ " + bi . ColorMasks [ k ] . MaskExt + " . " + fileExt ;
std : : string maskFileName = NLMISC : : CPath : : lookup ( maskName ,
false , false ) ;
if ( ! maskFileName . empty ( ) ) // found the mask ?
CLoopInfo li ;
li . Counter = 0 ;
li . MaskID = k ;
if ( NLMISC : : CFile : : fileExists ( maskFileName ) )
srcDate = std : : max ( srcDate , ( uint32 ) NLMISC : : CFile : : getFileModificationDate ( replaceSlashes ( maskFileName ) ) ) ;
masks . push_back ( li ) ;
// get hls info version that is in the cache. if not possible, must rebuild
std : : string outputHLSInfo = HlsInfoDir + fileName + " .hlsinfo " ;
std : : string cacheHLSInfo = bi . CachePath + fileName + " .hlsinfo " ;
if ( ! NLMISC : : CFile : : fileExists ( cacheHLSInfo . c_str ( ) ) )
return true ;
// Must now if was moved beetween normal dir and d4/ dir.
CHLSBankTextureInfo hlsInfo ;
// read .hlsInfo cache
CIFile f ;
if ( ! f . open ( cacheHLSInfo ) )
return true ;
f . serial ( hlsInfo ) ;
f . close ( ) ;
// check if same DividedBy2 Flag.
if ( hlsInfo . DividedBy2 ! = mustDivideBy2 )
return true ;
// ok, can move the cache
if ( ! NLMISC : : CFile : : moveFile ( outputHLSInfo . c_str ( ) , cacheHLSInfo . c_str ( ) ) )
nlwarning ( ( " Couldn't move " + cacheHLSInfo + " to " + outputHLSInfo ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
/// check is each generated texture has the same date or is more recent
for ( ; ; )
uint l ;
std : : string outputFileName = fileName ;
/// build current tex name
for ( l = 0 ; l < masks . size ( ) ; + + l )
uint maskID = masks [ l ] . MaskID ;
uint colorID = masks [ l ] . Counter ;
/// complete the file name
outputFileName + = bi . DefaultSeparator + bi . ColorMasks [ maskID ] . CMs [ colorID ] . ColID ;
// compare date
std : : string searchName = replaceSlashes ( bi . CachePath + outputFileName + bi . OutputFormat ) ;
if ( ( uint32 ) NLMISC : : CFile : : getFileModificationDate ( searchName ) < srcDate )
return true ; // not found or more old => need rebuild
// get version that is in the cache
std : : string cacheDest = bi . OutputPath + outputFileName + bi . OutputFormat ;
if ( ! NLMISC : : CFile : : moveFile ( cacheDest . c_str ( ) , searchName . c_str ( ) ) )
nlwarning ( ( " Couldn't move " + searchName + " to " + cacheDest ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
/// increment counters
for ( l = 0 ; l < ( uint ) masks . size ( ) ; + + l )
+ + ( masks [ l ] . Counter ) ;
/// check if we have done all colors for this mask
if ( masks [ l ] . Counter = = bi . ColorMasks [ masks [ l ] . MaskID ] . CMs . size ( ) )
masks [ l ] . Counter = 0 ;
break ;
if ( l = = masks . size ( ) ) break ; // all cases dones
return false ; // nothing to rebuild
static void BuildColoredVersionForOneBitmap ( const CBuildInfo & bi , const std : : string & fileNameWithExtension ,
bool mustDivideBy2 )
uint32 depth ;
NLMISC : : CBitmap srcBitmap ;
NLMISC : : CBitmap resultBitmap ;
/// **** load the src bitmap
// where to load it.
string actualInputPath ;
if ( mustDivideBy2 )
actualInputPath = bi . InputPath + DivideBy2Dir ;
actualInputPath = bi . InputPath ;
// load
NLMISC : : CIFile is ;
if ( is . open ( actualInputPath + fileNameWithExtension ) )
depth = srcBitmap . load ( is ) ;
if ( depth = = 0 | | srcBitmap . getPixels ( ) . empty ( ) )
throw NLMISC : : Exception ( std : : string ( " Failed to load bitmap " ) + actualInputPath + fileNameWithExtension ) ;
if ( srcBitmap . PixelFormat ! = NLMISC : : CBitmap : : RGBA )
srcBitmap . convertToType ( NLMISC : : CBitmap : : RGBA ) ;
nlwarning ( " Unable to open %s. Processing next " , ( actualInputPath + fileNameWithExtension ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return ;
catch ( NLMISC : : Exception & )
nlwarning ( " File or format error with : %s. Processing next... " , fileNameWithExtension . c_str ( ) ) ;
return ;
/// **** Build and prepare build of the .hlsinfo to write.
CHLSBankTextureInfo hlsInfo ;
CBitmap hlsInfoSrcBitmap ;
hlsInfoSrcBitmap = srcBitmap ;
// reduce size of the bitmap of LowDef shift
uint reduceShift = bi . LowDefShift ;
if ( reduceShift > 0 )
uint w = hlsInfoSrcBitmap . getWidth ( ) > > reduceShift ;
uint h = hlsInfoSrcBitmap . getHeight ( ) > > reduceShift ;
w = max ( w , 1U ) ;
h = max ( h , 1U ) ;
hlsInfoSrcBitmap . resample ( w , h ) ;
// Compress DXTC5 src bitmap
hlsInfo . SrcBitmap . build ( hlsInfoSrcBitmap ) ;
// Store info about if where in d4/ dir or not
hlsInfo . DividedBy2 = mustDivideBy2 ;
/// **** check the needed masks
static std : : vector < CLoopInfo > masks ;
masks . clear ( ) ;
std : : string fileName = NLMISC : : CFile : : getFilenameWithoutExtension ( fileNameWithExtension ) ;
std : : string fileExt = NLMISC : : strupr ( NLMISC : : CFile : : getExtension ( fileNameWithExtension ) ) ;
uint k ;
for ( k = 0 ; k < bi . ColorMasks . size ( ) ; + + k )
std : : string maskName = fileName + " _ " + bi . ColorMasks [ k ] . MaskExt + " . " + fileExt ;
std : : string maskFileName = NLMISC : : CPath : : lookup ( maskName ,
false , false ) ;
if ( ! maskFileName . empty ( ) ) // found the mask ?
CLoopInfo li ;
li . Counter = 0 ;
li . MaskID = k ;
/// try to load the bitmap
NLMISC : : CIFile is ;
if ( is . open ( maskFileName ) )
if ( li . Mask . load ( is ) = = 0 )
throw NLMISC : : Exception ( std : : string ( " Failed to load mask " ) + maskFileName ) ;
if ( li . Mask . getPixels ( ) . empty ( ) )
throw NLMISC : : Exception ( std : : string ( " Failed to load mask " ) + maskFileName ) ;
if ( li . Mask . PixelFormat ! = NLMISC : : CBitmap : : RGBA )
li . Mask . convertToType ( NLMISC : : CBitmap : : RGBA ) ;
/// make sure the mask has the same size
if ( li . Mask . getWidth ( ) ! = srcBitmap . getWidth ( )
| | li . Mask . getHeight ( ) ! = srcBitmap . getHeight ( ) )
throw NLMISC : : Exception ( " Bitmap and mask do not have the same size " ) ;
masks . push_back ( li ) ;
nlwarning ( " Unable to open %s. Processing next " , maskFileName . c_str ( ) ) ;
return ;
catch ( std : : exception & e )
nlwarning ( " Error with : %s : %s. Aborting this bitmap processing " , maskFileName . c_str ( ) , e . what ( ) ) ;
return ;
// **** Add the masks to the .hlsInfo
hlsInfo . Masks . resize ( masks . size ( ) ) ;
for ( k = 0 ; k < masks . size ( ) ; + + k )
CLoopInfo & li = masks [ k ] ;
CBitmap tmp = li . Mask ;
tmp . resample ( hlsInfoSrcBitmap . getWidth ( ) , hlsInfoSrcBitmap . getHeight ( ) ) ;
hlsInfo . Masks [ k ] . build ( tmp ) ;
// **** generate each texture
// NB : if there are no masks the texture just will be copied
for ( ; ; )
resultBitmap = srcBitmap ;
uint l ;
std : : string outputFileName = fileName ;
// Add an instance entry to the hlsInfo
uint instId = ( uint ) hlsInfo . Instances . size ( ) ;
hlsInfo . Instances . resize ( instId + 1 ) ;
CHLSBankTextureInfo : : CTextureInstance & hlsTextInstance = hlsInfo . Instances [ instId ] ;
hlsTextInstance . Mods . resize ( masks . size ( ) ) ;
/// build current tex
for ( l = 0 ; l < masks . size ( ) ; + + l )
uint maskID = masks [ l ] . MaskID ;
uint colorID = masks [ l ] . Counter ;
/// get the color modifier
const CColorModifier & cm = bi . ColorMasks [ maskID ] . CMs [ colorID ] ;
/// apply the mask
float deltaHueApplied ;
cm . convertBitmap ( resultBitmap , resultBitmap , masks [ l ] . Mask , deltaHueApplied ) ;
/// save the setup in hlsInfo
hlsTextInstance . Mods [ l ] . DHue = deltaHueApplied ;
hlsTextInstance . Mods [ l ] . DLum = cm . Lightness ;
hlsTextInstance . Mods [ l ] . DSat = cm . Saturation ;
/// complete the file name
outputFileName + = bi . DefaultSeparator + bi . ColorMasks [ maskID ] . CMs [ colorID ] . ColID ;
// save good hlsInfo instance name
hlsTextInstance . Name = outputFileName + bi . OutputFormat ;
nlwarning ( " Writing %s " , outputFileName . c_str ( ) ) ;
/// Save the result. We let propagate exceptions (if there's no more space disk it useless to continue...)
NLMISC : : COFile os ;
if ( os . open ( bi . OutputPath + " / " + outputFileName + bi . OutputFormat ) )
// divide by 2 when needed.
if ( mustDivideBy2 )
resultBitmap . resample ( ( resultBitmap . getWidth ( ) + 1 ) / 2 , ( resultBitmap . getHeight ( ) + 1 ) / 2 ) ;
// write the file
if ( bi . OutputFormat = = " .png " )
resultBitmap . writePNG ( os , depth ) ;
resultBitmap . writeTGA ( os , depth ) ;
nlwarning ( ( " Couldn't open " + bi . OutputPath + outputFileName + bi . OutputFormat + " for writing " ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
catch ( NLMISC : : EStream & e )
nlwarning ( ( " Couldn't write " + bi . OutputPath + outputFileName + bi . OutputFormat + " : " + e . what ( ) ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
/// increment counters
for ( l = 0 ; l < ( uint ) masks . size ( ) ; + + l )
+ + ( masks [ l ] . Counter ) ;
/// check if we have done all colors for this mask
if ( masks [ l ] . Counter = = bi . ColorMasks [ masks [ l ] . MaskID ] . CMs . size ( ) )
masks [ l ] . Counter = 0 ;
break ;
if ( l = = masks . size ( ) ) break ; // all cases dones
// **** save the TMP hlsInfo
NLMISC : : COFile os ;
if ( os . open ( HlsInfoDir + fileName + " .hlsinfo " ) )
os . serial ( hlsInfo ) ;
nlwarning ( ( " Couldn't write " + HlsInfoDir + fileName + " .hlsinfo " ) . c_str ( ) ) ;