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// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
NOTE: The file format for storing trees to disk is line based. It follows the following rules:
NOTE too that this file format is intended as an alternative for storage of PDR data and that the PDR
format doesn't differentiate between single values and array elements
- Leading spaces are ignored when scanning lines, as are all spaces preceding the '=' or '==' signs
- Any component of the paths may be quote encapsulated
- Blank lines + those starting with '//' or with '#' are ignored
- lines of format <path>'='<value> contain raw values
- lines of format <path>'=='<value> contain values that will be stripped and unquoted if they were previously quoted
- lines of format <path> declare the start of a new record for the given path
- paths take the form: <component>'.'<component>'.'<component>...
- components take one of the following forms:
# a little example
# the data format that we are representing looks like this:
# class ClassA { vector<int> b; int c; string d; }
# class ClassTheWholeFile { vector<ClassA> a; map<string,vector<string>> m; }
// start a first record
a.d== "hello \" world"
// create a seond record
a.d=hello world
// append a new element to the first record
// change an element from the first record
// add a couple of map entries
// add a value to the array 'm:bcd'
// Includes
#include "stdpch.h"
#include "persistent_data_tree.h"
// Namespaces
using namespace std;
using namespace NLMISC;
// handy utility routines
static bool needsQuotes(const CSString& src)
for (uint32 i=0;i<src.size();++i)
char c= src[i];
if (c<=32 || c=='.' || c==':' || c=='#' || c=='\"' || c=='=')
return true;
return false;
static CSString cleanQuotes(CSString src)
src= src.strip().unquoteIfQuoted();
return (needsQuotes(src))? src.quote(): src;
// methods CPersistentDataTreeNode
CPersistentDataTreeNode::CPersistentDataTreeNode(const NLMISC::CSString& name,CPersistentDataTreeNode* parent)
_Name= name;
_IsMap= false;
_IsValue= false;
CPersistentDataTreeNode::CPersistentDataTreeNode(const NLMISC::CSString& name,CPersistentDataTreeNode* parent,uint32 idx)
_Name= name;
_IsMap= false;
_IsValue= false;
bool CPersistentDataTreeNode::attachToParent(CPersistentDataTreeNode* parent)
return attachToParent(parent,parent==NULL?~0u:parent->_Children.size());
bool CPersistentDataTreeNode::attachToParent(CPersistentDataTreeNode* parent,uint32 idx)
// check value of 'idx'
BOMB_IF(parent!=NULL && idx>1024*1024,"Implausibly high number of children requested ("+NLMISC::toString("%d",idx)+") for persistent data tree node: "+parent->getNodeName(),return false);
// check for attachment to previous parent
BOMB_IF(_Parent!=NULL,"Attempting to attach a persistent data node to parent '"+(parent==NULL?"NULL":parent->getNodeName())+"' when it's already attached to another parent as: "+getNodeName(),return false);
// split the name into its component parts
CSString mapIndex= _Name;
CSString nameBase= cleanQuotes(mapIndex.splitToSeparator('#',true,false,true,true,false));
// get rid of any odd spaces floating about the map index
bool hasExplicitIndex= false;
if (!mapIndex.empty())
hasExplicitIndex= true;
mapIndex= mapIndex.leftCrop(1).strip();
// add self to parent's children
if (parent!=NULL)
// check parent isn't a value
BOMB_IF(parent->_IsValue,"Attempting to attach a persistent data node to parent that has a value '"+parent->getNodeName()+"' = "+parent->_Value,return false);
if (hasExplicitIndex)
// there is an explicit '#' number so ensure that it really is followed by a valid number
sint32 num= mapIndex.atoi();
WARN("WARNING: Strange node name detected after last '#' - truncating and replacing with a number: "+getNodeName());
// if this is the highest '#' number for this root node name then ajust the _NextPoundValue value
if (num>=parent->_NextPoundValue[nameBase])
parent->_NextPoundValue[nameBase]= num+1;
// ensure that there isn't already a node with the same '#' value attached to the same parent
DROP_IF(parent->_ChildIndex.find(nameBase+'#'+mapIndex)!=parent->_ChildIndex.end(),"Failed to add child '"+_Name+"' to parent '"+parent->getNodeName()+"' because another child of same name already exists",return false);
if (!hasExplicitIndex)
// we don't have an explicit '#' number in the name, so we need to generate one
uint32 number= parent->_NextPoundValue[nameBase]++;
// construct our cleaned up name from its constituent parts
_Name= nameBase+'#'+mapIndex;
// setup own _Parent property and ensure that there are no trailing spaces round the _Name
_Parent= parent;
// grow the parent's _Children vector if needed
if (_Parent->_Children.size()<=idx)
// ensure that there isn't another child already assigned to this parent slot
BOMB_IF(_Parent->_Children[idx]!=NULL,"Ignoring attempt to add second child to same slot ("+NLMISC::toString("%d",idx)+") in persistent data tree node's children: "+_Parent->getNodeName(),return false);
// write own pointer into parent's _Children vector
_Parent->_Children[idx]= this;
return true;
bool CPersistentDataTreeNode::readFromPdr(CPersistentDataRecord& pdr)
static uint16 mapKeyToken= (uint16)~0u; pdr.addString("__Key__",mapKeyToken);
static uint16 mapValToken= (uint16)~0u; pdr.addString("__Val__",mapValToken);
while (!pdr.isEndOfData())
if (pdr.isStartOfStruct())
// get the token corresponding to this start of block
uint16 token=pdr.peekNextToken();
// create a new sub-node for the block in question
CSString structName= pdr.lookupString(token);
if (needsQuotes(structName))
structName= structName.quote();
TNodePtr newNode= new CPersistentDataTreeNode(structName,this);
// recurse into new block
bool ok= newNode->readFromPdr(pdr);
if (!ok || pdr.isEndOfData())
return false;
// pop the end of block token for the block we just finished processing
DROP_IF(pdr.peekNextToken()!=token,"ERROR: End of "+pdr.lookupString(token)+" block expected but not found at: "+getNodeName(),return false);
else if (pdr.isEndOfStruct())
return true;
uint16 nextToken=pdr.peekNextToken();
if (nextToken==mapKeyToken)
// we've matched a map key so we need to extract both key and related value (or child block)
// ensure the node is either a map or struct but not mixed
if (!flagAsMap()) return false;
// extract the map key and ensure that it's followed by a valid __Val__ entry
CSString mapKey;
DROP_IF(pdr.isEndOfData() || pdr.peekNextToken()!=mapValToken,"ERROR: Ignoring map key (__Key__) because __Val__ token expected but not found at: "+getNodeName()+":"+mapKey,continue);
if (needsQuotes(mapKey))
// create the new node for the map entry
TNodePtr newNode= new CPersistentDataTreeNode(mapKey,this);
// see whether this is a struct entry or a simple value
if (pdr.isStartOfStruct())
// struct entry - pop the start of struct marker
// recurse into the new block
bool ok= newNode->readFromPdr(pdr);
if (!ok || pdr.isEndOfData())
return false;
// pop the end of struct marker
DROP_IF(pdr.peekNextToken()!=mapValToken,"ERROR: End of __Val__ block expected but not found at: "+getNodeName()+":"+mapKey,return false);
// we've got a classic value so create a new node and set it's value
CSString valName= pdr.lookupString(nextToken);
if (needsQuotes(valName))
valName= valName.quote();
TNodePtr newNode= new CPersistentDataTreeNode(valName,this);
return true;
static bool isFloat(double d,float f)
return (double(f)==d);
static void pdrPushCompactValue(CPersistentDataRecord& pdr,uint16 token,const NLMISC::CSString& value)
// if this is an empty string or doesn't begin with a valid numeric character then just push it to the pdr and return
if ( value.empty() || ( ((uint32)(value[0]-'0')>9) && (value[0]!='-') ) )
// not numeric so try storing as an eid
NLMISC::CEntityId eid;
if (eid!=NLMISC::CEntityId::Unknown && eid.toString()==value)
if (value[0]=='-')
// see if we can treat this value as a signed int
sint64 si64= value.atosi64();
if (si64!=0)
// we can store this value as a signed int so decide how big an int we need
sint32 si= (sint32)si64;
if (si==si64) pdr.push(token,si);
else pdr.push(token,si64);
// not a signed int so try storing as an unsigned int
uint64 ui64= value.atoui64();
if (ui64!=0 || value=="0")
// we can store this value as a signed int so decide how big an int we need
uint32 ui= (uint32)ui64;
if (ui==ui64) pdr.push(token,ui);
else pdr.push(token,ui64);
// failed to store as an int so try a float
double d = (double)value.atof();
if (NLMISC::toString(d)==value)
float f= (float)d;
if (isFloat(d,f)) pdr.push(token, f);
else pdr.push(token, d);
// default to save as a string
bool CPersistentDataTreeNode::writeToPdr(CPersistentDataRecord& pdr) const
// extract the sub-part of the name that precedes the '#' token
CSString name= _Name.splitToSeparator('#').unquoteIfQuoted();
uint16 token= pdr.addString(name);
// if this is a map entry then split into map key and value
if (isMapEntry())
static uint16 mapKeyToken= (uint16)~0u; pdr.addString("__Key__",mapKeyToken);
static uint16 mapValToken= (uint16)~0u; pdr.addString("__Val__",mapValToken);
// write a value - try to match a reasonably compact format if one exists
// setup the valToken for writing value using common code...
token= mapValToken;
if (_IsValue)
// write a value - try to match a reasonably compact format if one exists
// open a new block in the pdr
// iterate over children recursing...
bool ok=true;
for (uint32 i=0;i<_Children.size() && ok;++i)
BOMB_IF(_Children[i]==NULL,"ERROR: NULL pointer in persistent data tree node children",return false);
ok= _Children[i]->writeToPdr(pdr);
// close the block inthe pdr
BOMB_IF(!ok,"Giving up writeToPdr() "+_Name,return false);
return true;
bool CPersistentDataTreeNode::writeToBuffer(NLMISC::CSString& buffer) const
if (_IsValue)
// write a value
if (needsQuotes(_Value))
buffer+= getNodeName()+"=="+_Value.quote()+"\n";
buffer+= getNodeName()+"="+_Value+"\n";
if (_Children.empty())
// write an empty block
buffer+= getNodeName()+"\n";
// iterate over children recursing...
for (uint32 i=0;i<_Children.size();++i)
BOMB_IF(_Children[i]==NULL,"ERROR: NULL pointer in persistent data tree node children",return false);
bool ok= _Children[i]->writeToBuffer(buffer);
BOMB_IF(!ok,"Giving up writeToBuffer() "+_Name,return false);
return true;
const CSString& CPersistentDataTreeNode::getName() const
return _Name;
CSString CPersistentDataTreeNode::getNodeName() const
// extract the sub-part of the name that precedes the '#' token
CSString name=_Name.splitToSeparator('#');
// if we have no parent then our name is obviously just the 'name' value
if (_Parent==NULL)
return name;
// check to see whether there are more then one child in our parent that match our base name
if (_Parent->_NextPoundValue[name]>1)
// other siblings exist so we need to retain th full name including the '#' segment
// recurse trhough parents to build the name root
CSString parentName= _Parent->getNodeName();
// return one of name, parentName.name and parentName:name
if (parentName.empty()) return name;
if (isMapEntry()) return parentName+":"+name;
else return parentName+"."+name;
void CPersistentDataTreeNode::setValue(const TValue& value)
DROP_IF(!_Children.empty(),"Ignoring attempt to set value of a node that has children: "+getNodeName(),return);
_Value= value;
_IsValue= true;
const CPersistentDataTreeNode::TValue& CPersistentDataTreeNode::getValue() const
WARN_IF(!_IsValue,"Attempting to get value of a node that isn't flagged as being one: "+getNodeName());
return _Value;
const CPersistentDataTreeNode::TValue& CPersistentDataTreeNode::getValue(const CSString& nameList) const
// get hold of the named node, or NULL if it doesn't exist
CPersistentDataTreeNode* node= const_cast<CPersistentDataTreeNode*>(this)->getDescendant(nameList,false);
// check whether the node exists
static TValue nullValue;
// DROP_IF(node==NULL,"Failed to locate node in getValue("+nameList+")",return nullValue);
return nullValue;
// return the node's value
return node->getValue();
bool CPersistentDataTreeNode::isMapEntry() const
return (_Parent!=NULL) && (_Parent->_IsMap);
bool CPersistentDataTreeNode::flagAsMap()
DROP_IF(_IsValue,"ERROR: Failed to flag persistent data tree node '"+getNodeName()+"' as a map as it already has a value: "+_Value,return false);
if (_IsMap)
return true;
DROP_IF(!_Children.empty(),"ERROR: Failed to flag persistent data tree node '"+getNodeName()+"' as a map as it already has children: ",return false);
_IsMap= true;
return true;
const CPersistentDataTreeNode* CPersistentDataTreeNode::getChild(const NLMISC::CSString& name) const
return const_cast<CPersistentDataTreeNode*>(this)->getChild(name);
CPersistentDataTreeNode* CPersistentDataTreeNode::getChild(const NLMISC::CSString& name)
TChildIndex::iterator it= _ChildIndex.find(name);
return (it==_ChildIndex.end())? NULL: (*it).second;
const CPersistentDataTreeNode::TChildren& CPersistentDataTreeNode::getChildren() const
WARN_IF(!_Value.empty(),"Attempting to access children of a node that has a value: "+getNodeName());
return _Children;
CPersistentDataTreeNode* CPersistentDataTreeNode::getDescendant(const NLMISC::CSString& nameList,bool createIfNotExist)
CSString s=nameList.strip();
// if the node name is empty then this is the node we're after...
if (s.empty())
return this;
// extract the next chunk from the name list and get a pointer to the identified node
CSString nextChunk= s.splitToSeparator('.',true,false,true,true,true).strip();
// break the chunk into elements and perform a syntax check
CVectorSString elements;
switch (elements.size())
case 7:
DROP_IF(elements[1]!='#'||elements[3]!=':'||elements[5]!='#',"SYNTAX ERROR in persistent data tree node name: "+nextChunk,return NULL);
case 5:
DROP_IF(elements[3]!='#'&&elements[3]!=':',"SYNTAX ERROR in persistent data tree node name: "+nextChunk,return NULL);
DROP_IF(elements[1]==':'&&elements[3]==':',"SYNTAX ERROR in persistent data tree node name: "+nextChunk,return NULL);
// drop through (no break)
case 3:
DROP_IF(elements[1]!='#'&&elements[1]!=':',"SYNTAX ERROR in persistent data tree node name: "+nextChunk,return NULL);
// drop through (no break)
case 1:
DROP("SYNTAX ERROR in persistent data tree node name: "+nextChunk,return NULL);
uint32 elementsToSkip=0;
// if this is a map entry then get the parent element
CPersistentDataTreeNode* container= this;
if (elements.size()>=5 || (elements.size()>=3 && elements[1]==":"))
// compose the map name
CSString mapName= cleanQuotes(elements[0]);
if (elements[1]=='#')
// this is a true map entry so it's composed of 2 parts ... we treat the first part here and drop through to the
// normal code to treat the second part
container= getDescendant(mapName.strip(),createIfNotExist);
if (container==NULL || !container->flagAsMap())
return NULL;
// compose the chunk name
for (uint32 i=elementsToSkip;i<elements.size();++i)
nextChunk+= ((i&1)==1)? elements[i]: cleanQuotes(elements[i]);
CPersistentDataTreeNode* nextNode= container->getChild(nextChunk);
// if the node didn't exist...
if (nextNode==NULL)
// if we're not allowed to create non-existant nodes then return NULL
if (createIfNotExist==false)
return NULL;
// create a new node...
nextNode= new CPersistentDataTreeNode(nextChunk,container);
// recurse...
return nextNode->getDescendant(s,createIfNotExist);
bool CPersistentDataTreeNode::operator==(const CPersistentDataTreeNode& other) const
// make sure the names match
if (_Name != other._Name)
return false;
// make sure the 'type' booleans match
if (_IsMap != other._IsMap)
return false;
if (_IsValue != other._IsValue)
return false;
// are we a node or a value?
if (_IsValue)
// check that values match
if (_Value != other._Value)
return false;
// check that children match
if (_Children.size() != other._Children.size())
return false;
for (uint32 i=0;i<_Children.size();++i)
// Check whether this child matches the other tree node's equivalent child
if (!(*_Children[i]==*other._Children[i]))
return false;
return true;
// methods CPersistentDataTree
_Child= new CPersistentDataTreeNode;
bool CPersistentDataTree::readFromBuffer(const CSString& buffer)
// generate a new _Child object and implicitly liberate the previous one
_Child= new CPersistentDataTreeNode;
// convert the buffer to lines
CVectorSString lines;
// iterate over the lines...
for (uint32 i=0;i<lines.size();++i)
// make sure this isn't a blank or comment line
CSString line= lines[i].leftStrip();
if (line.empty()||line[0]=='#'||line.left(2)=="//")
// split the line into key (s0) and value (s1)
CSString s1=line;
CSString s0=s1.splitToSeparator('=',true,false,true,true,false).strip();
// we need to create a new tree node (eg a new struct, array entry or value)
// split the key string into its component parts
CVectorSString components;
// extract the child name
CSString childName= components.back();
// construct the parent name
CSString parentName;
// if the child name is a map entry then we have a special case to deal with
CSString mapName= childName.splitToSeparator(':',true,false,true,true,true);
if (childName.empty())
if (!parentName.empty())
parentName+= mapName;
// get hold of a pointer to the parent node, creating new tree structure if need be
CPersistentDataTreeNode* parent= _Child->getDescendant(parentName,true);
DROP_IF(parent==NULL,"ERROR Failed to get handle to node in readFromBuffer: "+parentName,return false);
// if this is a map entry then try to flag the parent as a map
if (!mapName.empty())
if (!parent->flagAsMap())
return false;
// create the new child node and attach it to the parent
// note that by using a smart ptr (TNodePtr) we avoid memory leakage if attach fails
CPersistentDataTree::TNodePtr child= new CPersistentDataTreeNode(childName,parent);
// if there is a value then add it
if (!s1.empty())
// note that we use the 2 parameter version of setValue here and NOT child->setValue because
// it is possible that the attempt to attach a child failed and that there is another node
// in the tree that will accept the 'setValue()' instead
if (s1.left(2)=="==")
else /* in this case we have a single "=" and not an "==" */
return true;
bool CPersistentDataTree::readFromFile(const CSString& fileName)
// generate a new _Child object and implicitly liberate the previous one
_Child= new CPersistentDataTreeNode;
CSString buffer;
DROP_IF(buffer.empty(),"Failed to read input file for persistent data tree: "+fileName,return false);
return readFromBuffer(buffer);
bool CPersistentDataTree::readFromPdr(CPersistentDataRecord& pdr)
// generate a new _Child object and implicitly liberate the previous one
_Child= new CPersistentDataTreeNode;
bool ok= _Child->readFromPdr(pdr);
if (!ok || !pdr.isEndOfData())
// we've had a problem so give up cleanly
// delete the child object and create a new empty one
_Child= new CPersistentDataTreeNode;
return false;
return true;
bool CPersistentDataTree::writeToBuffer(CSString& buffer) const
// clear out the buffer before starting
// write the tree to the buffer
bool ok= _Child->writeToBuffer(buffer);
// if there was an error then clear out the buffer before returning
if (!ok)
return ok;
bool CPersistentDataTree::writeToFile(const CSString& fileName) const
// create a new text buffer and call writeToBuffer() to do the work
CSString buffer;
bool ok= writeToBuffer(buffer);
// in the case of an error display a warning and drop throught to write an empty buffer to the output file
WARN_IF(!ok,"Failed to build output buffer for persistent data tree to write to file: "+fileName);
// write the output file
return buffer.writeToFile(fileName);
bool CPersistentDataTree::writeToPdr(CPersistentDataRecord& pdr) const
// clear out the pdr before starting
// iterate over children recursing...
bool ok=true;
for (uint32 i=0;i<_Child->getChildren().size() && ok;++i)
BOMB_IF(_Child->getChildren()[i]==NULL,"ERROR: NULL pointer in persistent data tree node children",return false);
ok= _Child->getChildren()[i]->writeToPdr(pdr);
// if an error occured during write then clear out the result pdr and return false
if (!ok)
return ok;
void CPersistentDataTree::setValue(const TValue& nodeName,const CSString& value)
// get hold of the named node, creating it if need be
CPersistentDataTreeNode* node= _Child->getDescendant(nodeName,true);
DROP_IF(node==NULL,"ERROR: Failed get to handle to node in order to set value: "+nodeName,return);
// set the node's value
const CPersistentDataTree::TValue& CPersistentDataTree::getValue(const CSString& nodeName) const
return _Child->getValue(nodeName);
CPersistentDataTreeNode* CPersistentDataTree::getNode(const NLMISC::CSString& nodeName)
return (_Child==NULL)? NULL: _Child->getDescendant(nodeName,false);
bool CPersistentDataTree::operator==(const CPersistentDataTree& other) const
return *_Child == *other._Child;