2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
<?xml version="1.0"?>
< xsl:stylesheet version = "1.0" xmlns:xsl = "http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" >
< xsl:output method = "text" indent = "no" / >
<!-- Output : can be 'header', 'cpp' or 'php' -->
< xsl:param name = "output" / > <!-- select="'header' -->
< xsl:param name = "side" / > <!-- The generation side (my be 'server' or 'client' -->
< xsl:param name = "filename" / >
< xsl:param name = "bank" / > <!-- The database bank to generate (must meet an entry in <bank_superclass> banks) -->
<!-- A special template applyer that is mode aware -->
< xsl:template name = "myApplyTemplate" >
< xsl:choose >
< xsl:when test = "$output = 'header'" >
< xsl:if test = "$side = 'server'" >
< xsl:apply-templates mode = "header-server" / >
< / xsl:if >
< xsl:if test = "$side = 'client'" >
< xsl:apply-templates mode = "header-client" / >
< / xsl:if >
< / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$output = 'cpp'" >
< xsl:if test = "$side = 'server'" >
< xsl:apply-templates mode = "cpp-server" / >
< / xsl:if >
< xsl:if test = "$side = 'client'" >
< xsl:apply-templates mode = "cpp-client" / >
< / xsl:if >
< / xsl:when >
< / xsl:choose >
< / xsl:template >
<!-- some stupide template to remove unwanted text from output -->
< xsl:template match = "text()" mode = "cpp-server" / >
< xsl:template match = "text()" mode = "header-server" / >
< xsl:template match = "text()" mode = "cpp-client" / >
< xsl:template match = "text()" mode = "header-client" / >
< xsl:template match = "/" > < xsl:call-template name = "myApplyTemplate" / > < / xsl:template >
<!-- ######################################################### -->
<!-- ##### Recursive build of full class name ####### -->
<!-- ######################################################### -->
< xsl:template name = "makeFullClassName" >
< xsl:if test = "name() = 'branch'" >
< xsl:for-each select = ".." >
< xsl:call-template name = "makeFullClassName" / >
< / xsl:for-each >
< xsl:text > ::< / xsl:text > < xsl:call-template name = "makeBranchType" / >
< / xsl:if >
< xsl:if test = "name() = 'database_description'" >
< xsl:text > CBankAccessor_< / xsl:text > < xsl:value-of select = "$bank" / >
< / xsl:if >
< / xsl:template >
<!-- ######################################################### -->
<!-- ##### Root template matcher (cpp - server) ####### -->
<!-- ######################################################### -->
< xsl:template match = "database_description" mode = "cpp-server" >
// WARNING : this is a generated file, don't change it !
#include "stdpch.h"
#include "database_< xsl:value-of select = "translate($bank, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')" / > .h"
< xsl:for-each select = "bank_superclass/bank[@name = $bank]" >
< xsl:variable name = "bankName" select = "@name" / >
TCDBBank CBankAccessor_< xsl:value-of select = "@name" / > ::BankTag;
<!-- generate root class members -->
< xsl:for-each select = "/*/branch[@bank = $bankName and not(@clientonly)]" >
< xsl:call-template name = "makeFullClassName" / > < xsl:text > < / xsl:text > < xsl:for-each select = ".." > < xsl:call-template name = "makeFullClassName" / > < / xsl:for-each > ::_< xsl:call-template name = "makeBranchName" / > < xsl:if test = "@count" > [< xsl:value-of select = "@count" / > ]< / xsl:if > < xsl:text > ;
< / xsl:text >
< / xsl:for-each >
<!-- generate init method -->
void CBankAccessor_< xsl:value-of select = "@name" / > ::init()
static bool inited = false;
if (!inited)
// retreive the bank structure
CCDBStructBanks *bank = CCDBStructBanks::instance();
BankTag = CCDBStructBanks::readBankName("< xsl:value-of select = "$bankName" / > ");
ICDBStructNode *node;
// branch init
< xsl:for-each select = "/*/branch[@bank = $bankName and not(@clientonly)]" >
< xsl:if test = "not(@count)" >
node = bank->getICDBStructNodeFromName( BankTag, "< xsl:value-of select = "@name" / > " );
nlassert(node != NULL);
// call sub branch init
_< xsl:call-template name = "makeBranchName" / > .init(node);
< / xsl:if >
< xsl:if test = "@count" >
for (uint i=0; i< < xsl:value-of select = "@count" / > ; ++i)
node = bank->getICDBStructNodeFromName( BankTag, NLMISC::toString("< xsl:value-of select = "@name" / > %u", i) );
nlassert(node != NULL);
// call sub branch init
_< xsl:call-template name = "makeBranchName" / > [i].init(node, i);
< / xsl:if >
< / xsl:for-each >
inited = true;
<!-- generate inner classes methods -->
< xsl:for-each select = "/*/branch[@bank = $bankName and not(@clientonly)]" >
< xsl:call-template name = "branch_cpp" / >
< / xsl:for-each >
< / xsl:for-each >
< / xsl:template >
<!-- ######################################################### -->
<!-- ##### Root template matcher ####### -->
<!-- ######################################################### -->
< xsl:template match = "database_description" mode = "header-server" >
#ifndef INCLUDED_< xsl:value-of select = "concat($filename, '_', $bank)" / > _H
#define INCLUDED_< xsl:value-of select = "concat($filename, '_', $bank)" / > _H
// WARNING : this is a generated file, don't change it !
#include "nel/misc/string_common.h"
#include "cdb_group.h"
#include "player_manager/cdb.h"
#include "player_manager/cdb_synchronised.h"
< xsl:for-each select = "bank_superclass/bank[@name = $bank]" >
< xsl:for-each select = "include" >
#include "< xsl:value-of select = "@file" / > "
< / xsl:for-each >
<!-- copy any verbatime code -->
< xsl:value-of select = "verbatime" / >
< / xsl:for-each >
< ![CDATA[
inline void _setProp(CCDBSynchronised & db, ICDBStructNode *node, bool value, bool forceSending = false)
db.x_setProp(node, uint64(value), forceSending);
inline void _setProp(CCDBSynchronised & db, ICDBStructNode *node, uint8 value, bool forceSending = false)
db.x_setProp(node, uint64(value), forceSending);
inline void _setProp(CCDBSynchronised & db, ICDBStructNode *node, uint16 value, bool forceSending = false)
db.x_setProp(node, uint64(value), forceSending);
inline void _setProp(CCDBSynchronised & db, ICDBStructNode *node, uint32 value, bool forceSending = false)
db.x_setProp(node, uint64(value), forceSending);
inline void _setProp(CCDBSynchronised & db, ICDBStructNode *node, uint64 value, bool forceSending = false)
db.x_setProp(node, uint64(value), forceSending);
inline void _setProp(CCDBSynchronised & db, ICDBStructNode *node, sint8 value, bool forceSending = false)
db.x_setProp(node, uint64(value), forceSending);
inline void _setProp(CCDBSynchronised & db, ICDBStructNode *node, sint16 value, bool forceSending = false)
db.x_setProp(node, uint64(value), forceSending);
inline void _setProp(CCDBSynchronised & db, ICDBStructNode *node, sint32 value, bool forceSending = false)
db.x_setProp(node, uint64(value), forceSending);
inline void _setProp(CCDBSynchronised & db, ICDBStructNode *node, sint64 value, bool forceSending = false)
db.x_setProp(node, uint64(value), forceSending);
inline void _setProp(CCDBSynchronised & db, ICDBStructNode *node, const std::string & value, bool forceSending = false)
db.x_setPropString(node, value, forceSending);
inline void _setProp(CCDBSynchronised & db, ICDBStructNode *node, const ucstring & value, bool forceSending = false)
db.x_setPropString(node, value, forceSending);
inline void _setProp(CCDBSynchronised & db, ICDBStructNode *node, const NLMISC::CSheetId & value, bool forceSending = false)
db.x_setProp(node, uint64(value.asInt()), forceSending);
inline void _getProp(const CCDBSynchronised & db, ICDBStructNode *node, bool & value)
value = db.x_getProp(node) != 0;
inline void _getProp(const CCDBSynchronised & db, ICDBStructNode *node, uint8 & value)
value = uint8(db.x_getProp(node));
inline void _getProp(const CCDBSynchronised & db, ICDBStructNode *node, uint16 & value)
value = uint16(db.x_getProp(node));
inline void _getProp(const CCDBSynchronised & db, ICDBStructNode *node, uint32 & value)
value = uint32(db.x_getProp(node));
inline void _getProp(const CCDBSynchronised & db, ICDBStructNode *node, uint64 & value)
value = db.x_getProp(node);
inline void _getProp(const CCDBSynchronised & db, ICDBStructNode *node, sint8 & value)
value = uint8(db.x_getProp(node));
inline void _getProp(const CCDBSynchronised & db, ICDBStructNode *node, sint16 & value)
value = uint16(db.x_getProp(node));
inline void _getProp(const CCDBSynchronised & db, ICDBStructNode *node, sint32 & value)
value = uint32(db.x_getProp(node));
inline void _getProp(const CCDBSynchronised & db, ICDBStructNode *node, sint64 & value)
value = db.x_getProp(node);
inline void _getProp(const CCDBSynchronised & db, ICDBStructNode *node, std::string & value)
value = db.x_getPropString(node);
inline void _getProp(const CCDBSynchronised & db, ICDBStructNode *node, ucstring & value)
value = db.x_getPropUcstring(node);
inline void _getProp(const CCDBSynchronised & db, ICDBStructNode *node, NLMISC::CSheetId & value)
value = uint32(db.x_getProp(node));
< xsl:for-each select = "bank_superclass/bank[@name = $bank]" >
< xsl:variable name = "bankName" select = "@name" / >
class CBankAccessor_< xsl:value-of select = "@name" / > : public < xsl:value-of select = "@class" / >
static TCDBBank BankTag;
<!-- generate inner classes -->
< xsl:for-each select = "/*/branch[@bank = $bankName and not(@clientonly)]" >
< xsl:call-template name = "branch_header" / >
< / xsl:for-each >
<!-- generate branch class instance -->
< xsl:for-each select = "/*/branch[@bank = $bankName and not(@clientonly)]" >
static < xsl:call-template name = "makeBranchType" / > _< xsl:call-template name = "makeBranchName" / > < xsl:if test = "@count" > [< xsl:value-of select = "@count" / > ]< / xsl:if > < xsl:text > ;
< / xsl:text >
< / xsl:for-each >
// Constructor
CBankAccessor_< xsl:value-of select = "@name" / > ()
// make sure the static tree is initialised (some kind of lazy initialisation)
// init the base class
< xsl:value-of select = "@class" / > ::init(BankTag);
<!-- generate init method -->
static void init();
<!-- generate branch accessors -->
< xsl:for-each select = "/*/branch[@bank = $bankName and not(@clientonly)]" >
< xsl:call-template name = "branchAccess" / >
< / xsl:for-each >
< / xsl:for-each >
< xsl:call-template name = "myApplyTemplate" / >
#endif // INCLUDED_< xsl:value-of select = "concat($filename, '_', $bank)" / > < xsl:text > _H
< / xsl:text >
< / xsl:template >
<!-- ######################################################### -->
<!-- ##### branch template (header) ####### -->
<!-- ######################################################### -->
2011-10-31 12:48:43 +00:00
< xsl:template name = "branch_header" match = "IDONTKNOWWHATSHOULDGOHERE" mode = "header-server" >
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
< xsl:if test = "not(@clientonly='1')" >
class < xsl:call-template name = "makeBranchType" / >
<!-- generate sub class member -->
2011-10-31 12:48:43 +00:00
< xsl:for-each select = "branch[not(@clientonly)]" > < xsl:call-template name = "branch_header" / > < / xsl:for-each >
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
ICDBStructNode *_BranchNode;
<!-- generate leaf -->
< xsl:for-each select = "leaf[not(@clientonly)]" >
< xsl:call-template name = "leaf" / >
< / xsl:for-each >
<!-- generate branch -->
< xsl:for-each select = "branch[not(@clientonly)]" >
< xsl:call-template name = "branchInstance" / >
< / xsl:for-each >
void init(ICDBStructNode *parent< xsl:if test = "@count" > , uint index< / xsl:if > );
// accessor to branch node
ICDBStructNode *getCDBNode()
return _BranchNode;
<!-- generate accessors -->
< xsl:for-each select = "leaf[not(@clientonly)]" >
< xsl:call-template name = "leafAccess" / >
< / xsl:for-each >
< xsl:for-each select = "branch[not(@clientonly)]" >
< xsl:call-template name = "branchAccess" / >
< / xsl:for-each >
< / xsl:if >
< / xsl:template >
<!-- ######################################################### -->
<!-- ##### branch template (cpp) ####### -->
<!-- ######################################################### -->
< xsl:template name = "branch_cpp" >
< xsl:if test = "not(@clientonly='1')" >
<!-- ICDBStructNode *<xsl:call - template name="makeFullClassName"/>::_BranchNode; -->
<!-- generate class members -->
< xsl:for-each select = "branch[not(@clientonly)]" >
< xsl:call-template name = "makeFullClassName" / > < xsl:text > < / xsl:text > < xsl:for-each select = ".." > < xsl:call-template name = "makeFullClassName" / > < / xsl:for-each > ::_< xsl:call-template name = "makeBranchName" / > < xsl:if test = "@count" > [< xsl:value-of select = "@count" / > ]< / xsl:if > < xsl:text > ;
< / xsl:text >
< / xsl:for-each >
< xsl:for-each select = "leaf[not(@clientonly)]" >
ICDBStructNode *< xsl:for-each select = ".." > < xsl:call-template name = "makeFullClassName" / > ::< / xsl:for-each > _< xsl:value-of select = "@name" / > < xsl:if test = "@count" > [< xsl:value-of select = "@count" / > ]< / xsl:if > < xsl:text > ;
< / xsl:text >
< / xsl:for-each >
<!-- generate init method -->
void < xsl:call-template name = "makeFullClassName" / > ::init(ICDBStructNode *parent< xsl:if test = "@count" > , uint index< / xsl:if > )
ICDBStructNode *node = parent;
_BranchNode = node;
// leaf init
< xsl:for-each select = "leaf[not(@clientonly)]" >
< xsl:if test = "not(@count)" >
node = parent->getNode( ICDBStructNode::CTextId("< xsl:value-of select = "@name" / > "), false );
nlassert(node != NULL);
_< xsl:value-of select = "@name" / > = node;
< / xsl:if >
< xsl:if test = "@count" >
for (uint i=0; i< < xsl:value-of select = "@count" / > ; ++i)
node = parent->getNode( ICDBStructNode::CTextId(NLMISC::toString("< xsl:value-of select = "@name" / > %u", i)), false );
nlassert(node != NULL);
_< xsl:value-of select = "@name" / > [i] = node;
< / xsl:if >
< / xsl:for-each >
// branch init
< xsl:for-each select = "branch[not(@clientonly)]" >
< xsl:if test = "not(@count)" >
node = parent->getNode( ICDBStructNode::CTextId("< xsl:value-of select = "@name" / > "), false );
nlassert(node != NULL);
_< xsl:call-template name = "makeBranchName" / > .init(node);
< / xsl:if >
< xsl:if test = "@count" >
for (uint i=0; i< < xsl:value-of select = "@count" / > ; ++i)
node = parent->getNode( ICDBStructNode::CTextId(NLMISC::toString("< xsl:value-of select = "@name" / > %u", i)), false );
nlassert(node != NULL);
_< xsl:call-template name = "makeBranchName" / > [i].init(node, i);
< / xsl:if >
< / xsl:for-each >
<!-- generate inner classes methods -->
< xsl:for-each select = "branch[not(@clientonly)]" >
< xsl:call-template name = "branch_cpp" / >
< / xsl:for-each >
< / xsl:if >
< / xsl:template >
<!-- ######################################################### -->
<!-- ##### generate branch accessor ###### -->
<!-- ######################################################### -->
< xsl:template name = "branchAccess" >
< xsl:if test = "not(@count)" >
< xsl:if test = "name(..) = 'database_description'" > static < / xsl:if > < xsl:call-template name = "makeBranchType" / > & get< xsl:call-template name = "makeBranchName" / > ()
return _< xsl:call-template name = "makeBranchName" / > ;
< / xsl:if >
< xsl:if test = "@count" >
< xsl:if test = "name(..) = 'database_description'" > static < / xsl:if > < xsl:call-template name = "makeBranchType" / > & get< xsl:call-template name = "makeBranchName" / > (uint32 index)
nlassert(index < < xsl:value-of select = "@count" / > );
return _< xsl:call-template name = "makeBranchName" / > [index];
< / xsl:if >
< / xsl:template >
<!-- ######################################################### -->
<!-- ##### generate leaf accessor ###### -->
<!-- ######################################################### -->
< xsl:template name = "leafAccess" >
< xsl:variable name = "bankName" select = "ancestor::*/@bank" / >
void set< xsl:value-of select = "@name" / > (< xsl:value-of select = "/*/bank_superclass/bank[@name = $bankName]/@class" / > & dbGroup, < xsl:call-template name = "makeLeafParamType" > < xsl:with-param name = "leafType" select = "@type" / > < xsl:with-param name = "cppType" select = "@cppType" / > < / xsl:call-template > value, bool forceSending = false)
< xsl:if test = "not(@cppType) and not(substring(@type, 2) = '1' or substring(@type, 2) = '8' or substring(@type, 2) = '16' or substring(@type, 2) = '32' or substring(@type, 2) = '64')" >
<!-- we can only test validity on simple types that are not of standard bit size -->
< xsl:if test = "(substring(@type, 1, 1) = 'I' or substring(@type, 1, 1) = 'U')" >
<!-- unsigned value -->
// Check that the value is not out of database precision
STOP_IF(value > (1< < < xsl:value-of select = "substring(@type, 2)" / > )-1, "set< xsl:value-of select = "@name" / > : Value out of bound : trying to store "< < value< < " in a unsigned field limited to < xsl:value-of select = "substring(@type, 2)" / > bits");
< / xsl:if >
< xsl:if test = "substring(@type, 1, 1) = 'S'" >
<!-- signed value -->
// Check that the value is not out of database precision
if (value > 0)
STOP_IF(value > (1< < (< xsl:value-of select = "substring(@type, 2)" / > -1))-1, "set< xsl:value-of select = "@name" / > : Value out of bound : trying to store "< < value< < " in a signed field limited to < xsl:value-of select = "substring(@type, 2)" / > bits");
STOP_IF(value < -(1< < (< xsl:value-of select = "substring(@type, 2)" / > -1)), "set< xsl:value-of select = "@name" / > : Value out of bound : trying to store "< < value< < " in a signed field limited to < xsl:value-of select = "substring(@type, 2)" / > bits");
< / xsl:if >
< / xsl:if >
_setProp(dbGroup< xsl:value-of select = "/*/bank_superclass/bank[@name = $bankName]/@dbAccessor" / > , _< xsl:value-of select = "@name" / > , value, forceSending);
< xsl:call-template name = "makeLeafParamType" > < xsl:with-param name = "leafType" select = "@type" / > < xsl:with-param name = "cppType" select = "@cppType" / > < / xsl:call-template > get< xsl:value-of select = "@name" / > (const < xsl:value-of select = "/*/bank_superclass/bank[@name = $bankName]/@class" / > & dbGroup)
< xsl:call-template name = "makeLeafType" > < xsl:with-param name = "leafType" select = "@type" / > < xsl:with-param name = "cppType" select = "@cppType" / > < / xsl:call-template > value;
_getProp(dbGroup< xsl:value-of select = "/*/bank_superclass/bank[@name = $bankName]/@dbAccessor" / > , _< xsl:value-of select = "@name" / > , value);
return value;
< xsl:if test = "@type = 'TEXT'" >
<!-- generate int accessor for text type -->
void set< xsl:value-of select = "@name" / > (< xsl:value-of select = "/*/bank_superclass/bank[@name = $bankName]/@class" / > & dbGroup, uint32 stringId, bool forceSending = false)
_setProp(dbGroup< xsl:value-of select = "/*/bank_superclass/bank[@name = $bankName]/@dbAccessor" / > , _< xsl:value-of select = "@name" / > , stringId, forceSending);
uint32 get< xsl:value-of select = "@name" / > _id(const < xsl:value-of select = "/*/bank_superclass/bank[@name = $bankName]/@class" / > & dbGroup)
uint32 value;
_getProp(dbGroup< xsl:value-of select = "/*/bank_superclass/bank[@name = $bankName]/@dbAccessor" / > , _< xsl:value-of select = "@name" / > , value);
return value;
< / xsl:if >
ICDBStructNode *get< xsl:value-of select = "@name" / > CDBNode()
return _< xsl:value-of select = "@name" / > ;
< / xsl:template >
<!-- ######################################################### -->
<!-- ##### generate leaf declaration ###### -->
<!-- ######################################################### -->
< xsl:template name = "leaf" >
< xsl:if test = "@count" >
< xsl:text > ICDBStructNode *_< / xsl:text > < xsl:value-of select = "@name" / > [< xsl:value-of select = "@count" / > ];
< / xsl:if >
< xsl:if test = "not(@count)" >
< xsl:text > ICDBStructNode *_< / xsl:text > < xsl:value-of select = "@name" / > ;
< / xsl:if >
< / xsl:template >
<!-- ######################################################### -->
<!-- ##### generate branch declaration ###### -->
<!-- ######################################################### -->
< xsl:template name = "branchInstance" >
< xsl:if test = "@count" >
< xsl:text > < / xsl:text > < xsl:call-template name = "makeBranchType" / > _< xsl:call-template name = "makeBranchName" / > [< xsl:value-of select = "@count" / > ];
< / xsl:if >
< xsl:if test = "not(@count)" >
< xsl:text > < / xsl:text > < xsl:call-template name = "makeBranchType" / > _< xsl:call-template name = "makeBranchName" / > ;
< / xsl:if >
< / xsl:template >
<!-- ################################################################## -->
<!-- ##### generate leaf C++ group name (mainly for anonimous group ## -->
<!-- ################################################################## -->
< xsl:template name = "makeBranchName" >
< xsl:if test = "@name = ''" > < xsl:text > Array< / xsl:text > < / xsl:if >
< xsl:if test = "@name != ''" > < xsl:value-of select = "@name" / > < / xsl:if >
< / xsl:template >
< xsl:template name = "makeBranchType" >
< xsl:if test = "@name = ''" > < xsl:text > TArray< / xsl:text > < / xsl:if >
< xsl:if test = "@name != ''" > T< xsl:value-of select = "@name" / > < / xsl:if >
< / xsl:template >
<!-- ######################################################### -->
<!-- ##### generate leaf C++ convertion ###### -->
<!-- ######################################################### -->
< xsl:template name = "convToUint64" >
< xsl:choose >
< xsl:when test = "@type = 'TEXT'" > < xsl:text > std::string< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< / xsl:choose >
< / xsl:template >
<!-- ######################################################### -->
<!-- ##### generate C++ param type ###### -->
<!-- ######################################################### -->
< xsl:template name = "makeLeafParamType" >
< xsl:param name = "leafType" / >
< xsl:param name = "cppType" / >
< xsl:if test = "$cppType = 'TEXT'" > < xsl:text > const < / xsl:text > < / xsl:if >
< xsl:call-template name = "makeLeafType" > < xsl:with-param name = "leafType" select = "$leafType" / > < xsl:with-param name = "cppType" select = "$cppType" / > < / xsl:call-template >
< xsl:if test = "$cppType = 'TEXT'" > < xsl:text > & < / xsl:text > < / xsl:if >
< / xsl:template >
<!-- ######################################################### -->
<!-- ##### generate leaf C++ type ###### -->
<!-- ######################################################### -->
< xsl:template name = "makeLeafType" >
< xsl:param name = "leafType" / >
< xsl:param name = "cppType" / >
< xsl:if test = "$cppType" > < xsl:value-of select = "$cppType" / > < / xsl:if >
< xsl:if test = "not($cppType)" >
< xsl:choose >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I1'" > < xsl:text > bool< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I2'" > < xsl:text > uint8< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I3'" > < xsl:text > uint8< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I4'" > < xsl:text > uint8< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I5'" > < xsl:text > uint8< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I6'" > < xsl:text > uint8< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I7'" > < xsl:text > uint8< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I8'" > < xsl:text > uint8< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I9'" > < xsl:text > uint16< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I10'" > < xsl:text > uint16< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I11'" > < xsl:text > uint16< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I12'" > < xsl:text > uint16< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I13'" > < xsl:text > uint16< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I14'" > < xsl:text > uint16< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I15'" > < xsl:text > uint16< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I16'" > < xsl:text > uint16< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I17'" > < xsl:text > uint32< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I18'" > < xsl:text > uint32< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I19'" > < xsl:text > uint32< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I20'" > < xsl:text > uint32< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I21'" > < xsl:text > uint32< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I22'" > < xsl:text > uint32< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I23'" > < xsl:text > uint32< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I24'" > < xsl:text > uint32< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I25'" > < xsl:text > uint32< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I26'" > < xsl:text > uint32< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I27'" > < xsl:text > uint32< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I28'" > < xsl:text > uint32< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I29'" > < xsl:text > uint32< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I30'" > < xsl:text > uint32< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I31'" > < xsl:text > uint32< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I32'" > < xsl:text > uint32< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I33'" > < xsl:text > uint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I34'" > < xsl:text > uint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I35'" > < xsl:text > uint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I36'" > < xsl:text > uint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I37'" > < xsl:text > uint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I38'" > < xsl:text > uint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I39'" > < xsl:text > uint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I40'" > < xsl:text > uint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I41'" > < xsl:text > uint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I42'" > < xsl:text > uint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I43'" > < xsl:text > uint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I44'" > < xsl:text > uint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I45'" > < xsl:text > uint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I46'" > < xsl:text > uint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I47'" > < xsl:text > uint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I48'" > < xsl:text > uint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I49'" > < xsl:text > uint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I50'" > < xsl:text > uint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I51'" > < xsl:text > uint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I52'" > < xsl:text > uint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I53'" > < xsl:text > uint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I54'" > < xsl:text > uint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I55'" > < xsl:text > uint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I56'" > < xsl:text > uint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I57'" > < xsl:text > uint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I58'" > < xsl:text > uint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I59'" > < xsl:text > uint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I59'" > < xsl:text > uint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I60'" > < xsl:text > uint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I61'" > < xsl:text > uint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I62'" > < xsl:text > uint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I63'" > < xsl:text > uint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'I64'" > < xsl:text > uint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S1'" > < xsl:text > sint8< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S2'" > < xsl:text > sint8< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S3'" > < xsl:text > sint8< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S4'" > < xsl:text > sint8< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S5'" > < xsl:text > sint8< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S6'" > < xsl:text > sint8< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S7'" > < xsl:text > sint8< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S8'" > < xsl:text > sint8< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S9'" > < xsl:text > sint16< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S10'" > < xsl:text > sint16< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S11'" > < xsl:text > sint16< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S12'" > < xsl:text > sint16< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S13'" > < xsl:text > sint16< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S14'" > < xsl:text > sint16< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S15'" > < xsl:text > sint16< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S16'" > < xsl:text > sint16< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S17'" > < xsl:text > sint32< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S18'" > < xsl:text > sint32< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S19'" > < xsl:text > sint32< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S20'" > < xsl:text > sint32< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S21'" > < xsl:text > sint32< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S22'" > < xsl:text > sint32< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S23'" > < xsl:text > sint32< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S24'" > < xsl:text > sint32< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S25'" > < xsl:text > sint32< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S26'" > < xsl:text > sint32< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S27'" > < xsl:text > sint32< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S28'" > < xsl:text > sint32< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S29'" > < xsl:text > sint32< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S30'" > < xsl:text > sint32< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S31'" > < xsl:text > sint32< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S32'" > < xsl:text > sint32< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S33'" > < xsl:text > sint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S34'" > < xsl:text > sint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S35'" > < xsl:text > sint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S36'" > < xsl:text > sint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S37'" > < xsl:text > sint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S38'" > < xsl:text > sint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S39'" > < xsl:text > sint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S40'" > < xsl:text > sint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S41'" > < xsl:text > sint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S42'" > < xsl:text > sint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S43'" > < xsl:text > sint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S44'" > < xsl:text > sint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S45'" > < xsl:text > sint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S46'" > < xsl:text > sint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S47'" > < xsl:text > sint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S48'" > < xsl:text > sint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S49'" > < xsl:text > sint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S50'" > < xsl:text > sint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S51'" > < xsl:text > sint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S52'" > < xsl:text > sint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S53'" > < xsl:text > sint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S54'" > < xsl:text > sint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S55'" > < xsl:text > sint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S56'" > < xsl:text > sint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S57'" > < xsl:text > sint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S58'" > < xsl:text > sint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S59'" > < xsl:text > sint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S59'" > < xsl:text > sint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S60'" > < xsl:text > sint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S61'" > < xsl:text > sint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S62'" > < xsl:text > sint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S63'" > < xsl:text > sint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'S64'" > < xsl:text > sint64< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:when test = "$leafType = 'TEXT'" > < xsl:text > ucstring< / xsl:text > < / xsl:when >
< xsl:otherwise > < xsl:message terminate = "yes" > Unsupported leaf type < xsl:value-of select = "$leafType" / > < / xsl:message > < / xsl:otherwise >
< / xsl:choose >
< / xsl:if >
< / xsl:template >
< / xsl:stylesheet >