2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# ifndef NL_LUA_IHM_H
# define NL_LUA_IHM_H
# include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
# include "lua_helper.h"
namespace NLMISC
class CPolygon2D ;
class CVector2f ;
class CReflectable ;
class CReflectedProperty ;
// ***************************************************************************
/* Use this Exception for all LUA Error (eg: scripted passes bad number of paramters).
* Does not herit from Exception because avoid nlinfo , because sent twice ( catch then resent )
* This is special to lua and IHM since it works with CLuaStackChecker , and also append to the error msg
* the FileName / LineNumber
class ELuaIHMException : public ELuaWrappedFunctionException
private :
static CLuaState * getLuaState ( ) ;
public :
ELuaIHMException ( ) : ELuaWrappedFunctionException ( getLuaState ( ) )
ELuaIHMException ( const std : : string & reason ) : ELuaWrappedFunctionException ( getLuaState ( ) , reason )
ELuaIHMException ( const char * format , . . . ) : ELuaWrappedFunctionException ( getLuaState ( ) )
std : : string reason ;
NLMISC_CONVERT_VARGS ( reason , format , NLMISC : : MaxCStringSize ) ;
init ( getLuaState ( ) , reason ) ;
} ;
// ***************************************************************************
# define IHM_LUA_METATABLE "__ui_metatable"
# define IHM_LUA_ENVTABLE "__ui_envtable"
// ***************************************************************************
* Define Functions to export from C to LUA
* \ author Lionel Berenguier
* \ author Nevrax France
* \ date 2004
class CLuaIHM
public :
static void registerAll ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
// CInterfaceElement management on stack, stored by a CRefPtr.
static void pushUIOnStack ( CLuaState & ls , class CInterfaceElement * pIE ) ;
static bool isUIOnStack ( CLuaState & ls , sint index ) ;
static CInterfaceElement * getUIOnStack ( CLuaState & ls , sint index ) ;
/** CReflectableInterfaceElement management on stack, stored by a CRefPtr.
* May be called as well for ui element , because they derive from CReflectableRefPtrTarget
static void pushReflectableOnStack ( CLuaState & ls , class CReflectableRefPtrTarget * pRPT ) ;
static bool isReflectableOnStack ( CLuaState & ls , sint index ) ;
static CReflectableRefPtrTarget * getReflectableOnStack ( CLuaState & ls , sint index ) ;
// ucstring
static bool pop ( CLuaState & ls , ucstring & dest ) ;
static void push ( CLuaState & ls , const ucstring & value ) ;
static bool isUCStringOnStack ( CLuaState & ls , sint index ) ;
static bool getUCStringOnStack ( CLuaState & ls , sint index , ucstring & dest ) ;
static bool pop ( CLuaState & ls , NLMISC : : CRGBA & dest ) ;
// CVector2f
static bool pop ( CLuaState & ls , NLMISC : : CVector2f & dest ) ;
// helper : get a 2D poly (a table of cvector2f) from a lua table (throw on fail)
static void getPoly2DOnStack ( CLuaState & ls , sint index , NLMISC : : CPolygon2D & dest ) ;
// Print a message in the log.
// Lua messages must be enabled (with ClientCfg.DisplayLuaDebugInfo = 1)
// Additionnally, if ClientCfg.LuaDebugInfoGotoButtonEnabled is set, then
// a button will be created near the line to allow to goto the lua line that issued the message
// by using an external editor
static void debugInfo ( const std : : string & dbg ) ;
// Print a message in the log
// No 'goto file' button is created
// Lua messages must be enabled (with ClientCfg.DisplayLuaDebugInfo = 1)
static void rawDebugInfo ( const std : : string & dbg ) ;
// Dump callstack in the console
// Additionnally, if ClientCfg.LuaDebugInfoGotoButtonEnabled is set, then
// buttons will be created in fonr of eahc line to allow to goto the lua line that issued the message
// by using an external editor
static void dumpCallStack ( int startStackLevel = 0 ) ;
static void getCallStackAsString ( int startStackLevel , std : : string & result ) ;
// Create a special tag that will add a 'goto' button for the given file and line
// The tag should be appended in front of a string to use with 'rawDebugInfo'.
// when the final string will be printed, a button will be created in front of it
// Requires that 'ClientCfg.LuaDebugInfoGotoButtonEnabled' is set to 1, else
// a, empty tag is returned
static std : : string createGotoFileButtonTag ( const char * fileName , uint line ) ;
// argument checkin helpers
static void checkArgCount ( CLuaState & ls , const char * funcName , uint nArgs ) ; // check that number of argument is exactly the one required
static void checkArgMin ( CLuaState & ls , const char * funcName , uint nArgs ) ; // check that number of argument is at least the one required
static void checkArgMax ( CLuaState & ls , const char * funcName , uint nArgs ) ; // check that number of argument is at most the one required
static void check ( CLuaState & ls , bool ok , const std : : string & failReason ) ;
static void checkArgType ( CLuaState & ls , const char * funcName , uint index , int argType ) ;
static void checkArgTypeRGBA ( CLuaState & ls , const char * funcName , uint index ) ;
static void checkArgTypeUIElement ( CLuaState & ls , const char * funcName , uint index ) ;
static void checkArgTypeUCString ( CLuaState & ls , const char * funcName , uint index ) ;
/** throw a lua expection (inside a C function called from lua) with the given reason, and the current call stack
* The various check . . . function call this function when their test fails
static void fails ( CLuaState & ls , const char * format , . . . ) ;
/** execute function that is currently on the stack, possibly outputing error messages to the log
* \ return true if execution succeeded
static bool executeFunctionOnStack ( CLuaState & ls , int numArgs , int numRet ) ;
// pop a sint32 from a lua stack, throw an exception on fail
static bool popSINT32 ( CLuaState & ls , sint32 & dest ) ;
bool popString ( CLuaState & ls , std : : string & dest ) ;
/** read/write between values on a lua stack & a property exported from a 'CReflectable' derived object
* ( throws on error )
static void luaValueToReflectedProperty ( CLuaState & ls , int stackIndex , CReflectable & target , const CReflectedProperty & property ) throw ( ELuaIHMException ) ;
// push a reflected property on the stack
// NB : no check is done that 'property' is part of the class info of 'reflectedObject'
static void luaValueFromReflectedProperty ( CLuaState & ls , CReflectable & reflectedObject , const CReflectedProperty & property ) ;
private :
static void registerBasics ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static void registerIHM ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static void createLuaEnumTable ( CLuaState & ls , const std : : string & str ) ;
// Functions for the ui metatable
static class CInterfaceElement * getUIRelative ( class CInterfaceElement * pIE , const std : : string & propName ) ;
static int luaUIIndex ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int luaUINewIndex ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int luaUIEq ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int luaUINext ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int luaUIDtor ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int luaClientCfgIndex ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int luaClientCfgNewIndex ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
/// \name Exported Functions
// @{
// LUA exported Functions with luabind
static sint32 getPlayerLevel ( ) ; // get max level among player skills (magi, combat, crafting ,foraging)
static sint32 getTargetLevel ( ) ; // get current, precise level of the selected target, or -1 if there's no such selected target
static sint32 getTargetForceRegion ( ) ; // get 'force region' for current target, or -1 if there's no selected target
static sint32 getTargetLevelForce ( ) ; // get 'level force' for current target, or -1 if there's no selected target
static bool isTargetNPC ( ) ; // return 'true' if the target is an npc
static bool isTargetPlayer ( ) ; // return 'true' if the target is a player
static bool isTargetUser ( ) ; // return 'true' if the target is the user
static bool isPlayerInPVPMode ( ) ;
static bool isTargetInPVPMode ( ) ;
static void pauseBGDownloader ( ) ;
static void unpauseBGDownloader ( ) ;
static void requestBGDownloaderPriority ( uint priority ) ;
static sint getBGDownloaderPriority ( ) ;
static ucstring getPatchLastErrorMessage ( ) ;
static bool isInGame ( ) ;
static uint32 getPlayerSelectedSlot ( ) ;
static bool isPlayerSlotNewbieLand ( uint32 slot ) ; // test if one of the player slot is a newbieland one, if not so, client must be patched in order to continue
static uint32 getLocalTime ( ) ;
static double getPreciseLocalTime ( ) ;
static sint32 getDbProp ( const std : : string & dbProp ) ; // return 0 if not found.
static void setDbProp ( const std : : string & dbProp , sint32 value ) ; // Nb: the db prop is not created if not present.
static std : : string getDefine ( const std : : string & def ) ;
static void messageBox ( const ucstring & text ) ;
static void messageBox ( const ucstring & text , const std : : string & masterGroup ) ;
static void messageBox ( const ucstring & text , const std : : string & masterGroup , int caseMode ) ;
static void messageBox ( const std : : string & text ) ;
static void messageBoxWithHelp ( const ucstring & text ) ;
static void messageBoxWithHelp ( const ucstring & text , const std : : string & masterGroup ) ;
static void messageBoxWithHelp ( const ucstring & text , const std : : string & masterGroup , int caseMode ) ;
static void messageBoxWithHelp ( const std : : string & text ) ;
static std : : string findReplaceAll ( const std : : string & str , const std : : string & search , const std : : string & replace ) ;
static ucstring findReplaceAll ( const ucstring & str , const ucstring & search , const ucstring & replace ) ;
static bool fileExists ( const std : : string & fileName ) ;
// just for ease of use
static ucstring findReplaceAll ( const ucstring & str , const std : : string & search , const std : : string & replace ) ;
static ucstring findReplaceAll ( const ucstring & str , const std : : string & search , const ucstring & replace ) ;
static ucstring findReplaceAll ( const ucstring & str , const ucstring & search , const std : : string & replace ) ;
static void setContextHelpText ( const ucstring & text ) ;
// GameInfo
static sint32 getSkillIdFromName ( const std : : string & def ) ;
static ucstring getSkillLocalizedName ( sint32 skillId ) ;
static sint32 getMaxSkillValue ( sint32 skillId ) ;
static sint32 getBaseSkillValueMaxChildren ( sint32 skillId ) ;
static sint32 getMagicResistChance ( bool elementalSpell , sint32 casterSpellLvl , sint32 victimResistLvl ) ;
static sint32 getDodgeParryChance ( sint32 attLvl , sint32 defLvl ) ;
static void browseNpcWebPage ( const std : : string & htmlId , const std : : string & url , bool addParameters , double timeout ) ;
static void clearHtmlUndoRedo ( const std : : string & htmlId ) ;
static ucstring getDynString ( sint32 dynStringId ) ;
static bool isDynStringAvailable ( sint32 dynStringId ) ;
static bool isFullyPatched ( ) ;
static std : : string getSheetType ( const std : : string & sheet ) ;
static std : : string getSheetName ( uint32 sheetId ) ;
static sint32 getFameIndex ( const std : : string & factionName ) ;
static std : : string getFameName ( sint32 fameIndex ) ;
static sint32 getFameDBIndex ( sint32 fameIndex ) ; // convert from the fame index
static sint32 getFirstTribeFameIndex ( ) ; // fame index of the 1st tribe
static sint32 getNbTribeFameIndex ( ) ; // number of tribe fame index (which are contiguous)
static std : : string getClientCfg ( const std : : string & varName ) ;
static void sendMsgToServer ( const std : : string & msgName ) ;
static void sendMsgToServerPvpTag ( bool pvpTag ) ;
static ucstring replacePvpEffectParam ( const ucstring & str , sint32 parameter ) ;
static std : : string getRegionByAlias ( uint32 alias ) ;
static void tell ( const ucstring & player , const ucstring & msg ) ; // open the window to do a tell to 'player', if 'msg' is not empty, then the message will be sent immediatly
// else, current command of the chat window will be replaced with tell 'player'
static bool isGuildQuitAvailable ( ) ;
static void sortGuildMembers ( ) ;
static sint32 getNbGuildMembers ( ) ;
static std : : string getGuildMemberName ( sint32 nMemberId ) ;
static std : : string getGuildMemberGrade ( sint32 nMemberId ) ;
static sint32 secondsSince1970ToHour ( sint32 seconds ) ;
// sheet access
// TODO nico : using the reflection system on sheets would allow to export them to lua without these functions ...
static std : : string getCharacterSheetSkel ( const std : : string & sheet , bool isMale ) ;
static sint32 getSheetId ( const std : : string & itemName ) ;
static bool isR2Player ( const std : : string & sheet ) ;
static std : : string getR2PlayerRace ( const std : : string & sheet ) ;
static bool isR2PlayerMale ( const std : : string & sheet ) ;
static sint getCharacterSheetRegionForce ( const std : : string & sheet ) ;
static sint getCharacterSheetRegionLevel ( const std : : string & sheet ) ;
static bool isCtrlKeyDown ( ) ; // test if the ctrl key is down (NB nico : I didn't add other key,
// because it would be too easy to write a key recorder ...)
static std : : string encodeURLUnicodeParam ( const ucstring & text ) ;
static bool isRingAccessPointInReach ( ) ;
static void updateTooltipCoords ( ) ;
// LUA exported Functions with standard lua (because use ui object, use variable param number, or return dynamic-typed object)
static int setCaptureKeyboard ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int resetCaptureKeyboard ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int setOnDraw ( CLuaState & ls ) ; // params: CInterfaceGroup*, "script". return: none
static int addOnDbChange ( CLuaState & ls ) ; // params: CInterfaceGroup*, "dblist", "script". return: none
static int removeOnDbChange ( CLuaState & ls ) ; // params: CInterfaceGroup*. return: none
static int getUICaller ( CLuaState & ls ) ; // params: none. return: CInterfaceElement* (nil if error)
static int getCurrentWindowUnder ( CLuaState & ls ) ; // params: none. return: CInterfaceElement* (nil if none)
static int getUI ( CLuaState & ls ) ; // params: "ui:interface:...". return: CInterfaceElement* (nil if error), an additionnal boolean parameter
// can specify verbose display when the element is note found (default is true)
static int createGroupInstance ( CLuaState & ls ) ; // params : param 1 = template name,
// param 2 = id of parent where the instance will be inserted
// param 3 = table with ("template_param", "template_param_value") key/value pairs
// such as { id="foo", x="10" } etc. -> returns a new instance of the template, or nil on fail
static int createUIElement ( CLuaState & ls ) ; // params : param 1 = template name,
// param 2 = id of parent where the instance will be inserted
// param 3 = table with ("template_param", "template_param_value") key/value pairs
// such as { id="foo", x="10" } etc. -> returns a new instance of the template, or nil on fail
static int getIndexInDB ( CLuaState & ls ) ; // params: CDBCtrlSheet*.... return: index, or 0 if error
static int getUIId ( CLuaState & ls ) ; // params: CInterfaceElement*. return: ui id (empty if error)
static int runAH ( CLuaState & ls ) ; // params: CInterfaceElement *, "ah", "params". return: none
static int runExpr ( CLuaState & ls ) ; // params: "expr". return: any of: nil,bool,string,number, RGBA, UCString
static int runFct ( CLuaState & ls ) ; // params: "expr", param1, param2.... return: any of: nil,bool,string,number, RGBA, UCString
static int runCommand ( CLuaState & ls ) ; // params: "command name", param1, param2 ... return true or false
static int formatUI ( CLuaState & ls ) ; // params: "expr", param1, param2.... return: string with # and % parsed
static int formatDB ( CLuaState & ls ) ; // params: param1, param2.... return: string with @ and , added
static int launchContextMenuInGame ( CLuaState & ls ) ; // params : menu name
static int parseInterfaceFromString ( CLuaState & ls ) ; // params : intreface script
static int updateAllLocalisedElements ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int breakPoint ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int getWindowSize ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int i18n ( CLuaState & ls ) ; // retrieve an unicode string from CI18N
static int setTextFormatTaged ( CLuaState & ls ) ; // set a text that may contains Tag Format infos
static int validMessageBox ( CLuaState & ls ) ; // ok/cancel type message box (can't get it to work through luabind)
static int concatUCString ( CLuaState & ls ) ; // workaround for + operator that don't work in luabind for ucstrings ...
static int concatString ( CLuaState & ls ) ; // speedup concatenation of several strings
static int tableToString ( CLuaState & ls ) ; // concat element of a table to build a string
static int setTopWindow ( CLuaState & ls ) ; // set the top window
static int initEmotesMenu ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int isUCString ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int hideAllWindows ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int hideAllNonSavableWindows ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int getDesktopIndex ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int setLuaBreakPoint ( CLuaState & ls ) ; // set a breakpoint in lua external debugger (file, line)
static int getMainPageURL ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int getCharSlot ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int displaySystemInfo ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int setWeatherValue ( CLuaState & ls ) ; // first value is a boolean to say automatic, second value ranges from of to 1 and gives the weather
static int getWeatherValue ( CLuaState & ls ) ; // get current real weather value (blend between server driven value & predicted value). Manual weather value is ignored
static int disableContextHelpForControl ( CLuaState & ls ) ; // params: CCtrlBase*. return: none
static int disableContextHelp ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int getPathContent ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int getServerSeason ( CLuaState & ls ) ; // get the last season sent by the server
// 0->auto, computed locally from the current day (or not received from server yet)
// 1->server force spring
// 2->' ' ' summer
// 3->' ' ' autumn
// 4->' ' ' winter
static int computeCurrSeason ( CLuaState & ls ) ; // compute current displayed season (1->spring, etc .)
static int getAutoSeason ( CLuaState & ls ) ; // compute automatic season that would be at this time (1->spring, etc .)
static int getTextureSize ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int enableModalWindow ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int disableModalWindow ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int getPlayerPos ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
2010-11-05 08:45:24 +00:00
static int addSearchPathUser ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
static int getClientCfgVar ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int isPlayerFreeTrial ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int isPlayerNewbie ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int isInRingMode ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int getUserRace ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
2011-05-26 12:33:04 +00:00
static int getSheet2idx ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
// LUA functions exported for Dev only (debug)
static int deleteUI ( CLuaState & ls ) ; // params: CInterfaceElement*.... return: none
static int deleteReflectable ( CLuaState & ls ) ; // params: CInterfaceElement*.... return: none
static int dumpUI ( CLuaState & ls ) ; // params: CInterfaceElement*.... return: none
static int setKeyboardContext ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
// @}
// Function export tools
static int runExprAndPushResult ( CLuaState & ls , const std : : string & expr ) ; // Used by runExpr and runFct
// Function to forward lua call to C++ to a 'lua method' exported from a reflected object
static int luaMethodCall ( lua_State * ls ) ;
static int getCompleteIslands ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int getIslandId ( CLuaState & ls ) ; //TEMP
} ;
# endif // NL_LUA_IHM_H
/* End of lua_ihm.h */