2010-07-01 07:34:20 +00:00
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
# include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
# include "nel/misc/path.h"
# include "nel/misc/file.h"
# include "nel/misc/algo.h"
# include "nel/misc/time_nl.h"
# include "nel/misc/sheet_id.h"
# include "game_share/backup_service_messages.h"
# include "server_share/backup_service_itf.h"
# include "server_share/handy_commands.h"
# include "backup_service.h"
# include "web_connection.h"
2010-09-04 16:30:10 +00:00
# define NOMINMAX
# include <windows.h>
# endif // NL_OS_WINDOWS
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
// force admin module to link in
extern void admin_modules_forceLink ( ) ;
void foo ( )
admin_modules_forceLink ( ) ;
// struct CBackupMsgSaveFile
// For receiving only: first construct a CBackupMsgSaveFile object, then you have access to
// the Filename and the stream
struct CBackupMsgSaveFileRecv
// Constructor
CBackupMsgSaveFileRecv ( NLMISC : : IStream & streamFrom )
streamFrom . serial ( FileName ) ;
// Filename
std : : string FileName ;
} ;
extern CDirectoryRateStat DirStats ;
extern NLMISC : : CVariable < std : : string > SaveShardRoot ;
using namespace NLNET ;
using namespace NLMISC ;
using namespace std ;
void cbReadState ( IVariable & ) ;
CVariable < std : : string > MasterBSHost ( " backup " , " MasterBSHost " , " Master backup Host address " , " " , 0 , true ) ;
CVariable < bool > BSReadState ( " backup " , " BSReadState " , " Current read files state " , false , 0 , false , cbReadState ) ;
CVariable < uint16 > L3ListeningPort ( " backup " , " L3ListeningPort " , " Port used for layer 3 listen socket " , 0 , 0 , true ) ;
bool MasterBSUp = false ;
bool BSIsSlave = false ;
NLMISC : : TTime LastMasterPing = 0 ;
bool PongReceived = false ;
static void cbConnection ( const string & serviceName , NLNET : : TServiceId serviceId , void * arg )
if ( serviceName = = " BS " & & BSIsSlave & & serviceId ! = IService : : getInstance ( ) - > getServiceId ( ) )
nlinfo ( " SLAVE BS: Master BS is up. " ) ;
MasterBSUp = true ;
PongReceived = true ;
IService : : getInstance ( ) - > clearCurrentStatus ( " WaitingMaster " ) ;
IService : : getInstance ( ) - > removeStatusTag ( " WaitingMaster " ) ;
IService : : getInstance ( ) - > addStatusTag ( " MasterRunning " ) ;
IService : : getInstance ( ) - > removeStatusTag ( " MasterDown " ) ;
// notify file manager a service connected
CBackupService : : getInstance ( ) - > FileManager . notifyServiceConnection ( serviceId , serviceName ) ;
} // cbConnection //
static void cbDisconnection ( const string & serviceName , NLNET : : TServiceId serviceId , void * arg )
if ( serviceName = = " BS " & & ! MasterBSHost . get ( ) . empty ( ) )
nlwarning ( " SLAVE BS: MASTER BS IS DOWN!! File reading allowed! " ) ;
MasterBSUp = false ;
BSReadState = true ;
IService : : getInstance ( ) - > addStatusTag ( " MasterDown " ) ;
IService : : getInstance ( ) - > removeStatusTag ( " MasterRunning " ) ;
} // cbDisconnection //
void cbReadState ( IVariable & v )
if ( ! BSIsSlave )
return ;
CBackupService : : getInstance ( ) - > FileManager . forbidStall ( ! BSReadState . get ( ) ) ;
static void cbBSPing ( CMessage & msgin , const std : : string & serviceName , NLNET : : TServiceId serviceId )
CMessage msgout ( " BS_PONG " ) ;
CUnifiedNetwork : : getInstance ( ) - > send ( serviceId , msgout ) ;
static void cbBSPong ( CMessage & msgin , const std : : string & serviceName , NLNET : : TServiceId serviceId )
// don't acknowledge my own pong
if ( serviceId = = IService : : getInstance ( ) - > getServiceId ( ) )
return ;
PongReceived = true ;
CVariable < string > StatDirFilter ( " Stats " , " StatDirFilter " , " filter of the backup files path to be used " , " save_shard " , 0 , true ) ;
// cbSaveFile
// message format:
// - std::string: fileName
// - remaining of the stream: fileData
static void cbSaveFile ( CMessage & msgin , const std : : string & serviceName , NLNET : : TServiceId serviceId )
CBackupMsgSaveFileRecv msg ( msgin ) ;
CWriteFile * access = new CWriteFile ( msg . FileName , serviceId , 0 , /*msg.Data*/ msgin ) ;
access - > FailureMode = CWriteFile : : MajorFailureIfFileUnwritable | CWriteFile : : MajorFailureIfFileUnbackupable ;
access - > BackupFile = false ;
access - > Append = false ;
CBackupService : : getInstance ( ) - > FileManager . stackFileAccess ( access ) ;
catch ( . . . )
nlwarning ( " WARNING: caught exception in cbSaveFile() " ) ;
// cbAppendFile
// message format:
// - std::string: fileName
// - remaining of the stream: fileData
static void cbAppendFile ( CMessage & msgin , const std : : string & serviceName , NLNET : : TServiceId serviceId )
CBackupMsgSaveFileRecv msg ( msgin ) ;
CWriteFile * access = new CWriteFile ( msg . FileName , serviceId , 0 , /*msg.Data*/ msgin ) ;
access - > FailureMode = CWriteFile : : MajorFailureIfFileUnwritable | CWriteFile : : MajorFailureIfFileUnbackupable ;
access - > BackupFile = false ;
access - > Append = true ;
CBackupService : : getInstance ( ) - > FileManager . stackFileAccess ( access ) ;
catch ( . . . )
nlwarning ( " WARNING: caught exception in cbAppendFile() " ) ;
// cbAppendFileCheck
// message format:
// - std::string: fileName
// - remaining of the stream: fileData
static void cbAppendFileCheck ( CMessage & msgin , const std : : string & serviceName , NLNET : : TServiceId serviceId )
CBackupMsgSaveFileRecv msg ( msgin ) ;
CWriteFile * access = new CWriteFile ( msg . FileName , serviceId , 0 , msgin ) ;
access - > CreateDir = true ;
access - > FailureMode = CWriteFile : : MajorFailureIfFileUnwritable | CWriteFile : : MajorFailureIfFileUnbackupable ;
access - > BackupFile = false ;
access - > Append = true ;
CBackupService : : getInstance ( ) - > FileManager . stackFileAccess ( access ) ;
catch ( . . . )
nlwarning ( " WARNING: caught exception in cbAppendFileCheck() " ) ;
// cbLoadFile
static void cbLoadFile ( CMessage & msgin , const std : : string & serviceName , NLNET : : TServiceId serviceId )
if ( ! BSReadState . get ( ) )
return ;
CBackupMsgRequestFile msg ;
msgin . serial ( msg ) ;
CLoadFile * access = new CLoadFile ( msg . FileName , serviceId , msg . RequestId ) ;
CBackupService : : getInstance ( ) - > FileManager . stackFileAccess ( access ) ;
catch ( . . . )
nlwarning ( " WARNING: caught exception in cbLoadFile() " ) ;
static void cbReadMode ( CMessage & msgin , TSockId from , CCallbackNetBase & netbase )
// encode the read mode and return
CMessage msgout ( " BS_READ_MODE " ) ;
bool readMode = BSReadState . get ( ) ;
nlWrite ( msgout , serial , readMode ) ;
// send it back to sender
netbase . send ( msgout , from ) ;
static void cbSyncLoadFile ( CMessage & msgin , TSockId from , CCallbackNetBase & netbase )
if ( ! BSReadState . get ( ) )
return ;
CBackupMsgRequestFile msg ;
msgin . serial ( msg ) ;
CLoadFile * access = new CLoadFile ( msg . FileName , TRequester ( from , & netbase ) , msg . RequestId ) ;
CBackupService : : getInstance ( ) - > FileManager . stackFileAccess ( access ) ;
catch ( . . . )
nlwarning ( " WARNING: caught exception in cbLoadFile() " ) ;
// cbDeleteFile
static void cbDeleteFile ( CMessage & msgin , const std : : string & serviceName , NLNET : : TServiceId serviceId )
std : : string fileToDelete ;
msgin . serial ( fileToDelete ) ;
CDeleteFile * access = new CDeleteFile ( fileToDelete , serviceId , 0 ) ;
access - > BackupFile = true ;
CBackupService : : getInstance ( ) - > FileManager . stackFileAccess ( access ) ;
catch ( . . . )
nlwarning ( " WARNING: caught exception in cbDeleteFile() " ) ;
// cbDeleteFileNoBackup
static void cbDeleteFileNoBackup ( CMessage & msgin , const std : : string & serviceName , NLNET : : TServiceId serviceId )
std : : string fileToDelete ;
msgin . serial ( fileToDelete ) ;
CDeleteFile * access = new CDeleteFile ( fileToDelete , serviceId , 0 ) ;
access - > BackupFile = false ;
CBackupService : : getInstance ( ) - > FileManager . stackFileAccess ( access ) ;
catch ( . . . )
nlwarning ( " WARNING: caught exception in cbDeleteFile() " ) ;
// cbSaveCheckFile
static void cbSaveCheckFile ( CMessage & msgin , const std : : string & serviceName , NLNET : : TServiceId serviceId )
CBackupMsgSaveFileRecv msg ( msgin ) ;
CWriteFile * access = new CWriteFile ( msg . FileName , serviceId , 0 , /*msg.Data*/ msgin ) ;
access - > FailureMode = CWriteFile : : MajorFailureIfFileUnwritable | CWriteFile : : MajorFailureIfFileUnbackupable ;
access - > BackupFile = false ;
access - > Append = false ;
access - > CreateDir = true ;
CBackupService : : getInstance ( ) - > FileManager . stackFileAccess ( access ) ;
catch ( . . . )
nlwarning ( " WARNING: caught exception in cbSaveFile() " ) ;
if ( CBackupService : : getInstance ( ) - > getStall ( ) = = true )
// stall shard
CBackupService : : getInstance ( ) - > stallShard ( std : : string ( ) ) ;
return ;
CBackupMsgSaveFile msg ;
H_AUTO ( SaveCheckNetSerial ) ;
msgin . serial ( msg ) ;
nlinfo ( " SAVE: Saving file '%s' size %u " , msg . FileName . c_str ( ) , msg . Data . length ( ) ) ;
std : : string path = CFile : : getPath ( msg . FileName ) ;
if ( ( ! CFile : : isExists ( path ) | | ! CFile : : isDirectory ( path ) ) & & ( ! CFile : : createDirectoryTree ( path ) | | ! CFile : : setRWAccess ( path ) ) )
nlwarning ( " Can't check directory '%s' existence (to write file '%s'), shard stalled until problem are resolved !!! " , path . c_str ( ) , msg . FileName . c_str ( ) ) ;
// stall shard
CBackupService : : getInstance ( ) - > stallShard ( msg . FileName ) ;
return ;
2010-07-01 09:51:27 +00:00
NLMISC : : CFile : : copyFile ( msg . FileName + string ( " .backup " ) , msg . FileName ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
2011-06-02 16:31:40 +00:00
catch ( const Exception & e )
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
nlwarning ( " Can't write file '%s' size %u : '%s', shard stalled until problem are resolved !!! " , ( msg . FileName + string ( " .backup " ) ) . c_str ( ) , msg . Data . length ( ) , e . what ( ) ) ;
// stall shard
CBackupService : : getInstance ( ) - > stallShard ( msg . FileName ) ;
return ;
COFile f ;
H_AUTO ( SaveCheckFileOpen ) ;
if ( ! f . open ( msg . FileName ) )
nlwarning ( " Can't open file '%s' size %u, shard stalled until problem are resolved !!! " , msg . FileName . c_str ( ) , msg . Data . length ( ) ) ;
// stall shard
CBackupService : : getInstance ( ) - > stallShard ( msg . FileName ) ;
return ;
H_AUTO ( SaveCheckFileSerial ) ;
f . serialBuffer ( ( uint8 * ) msg . Data . buffer ( ) , msg . Data . length ( ) ) ;
DirStats . writeFile ( msg . FileName , msg . Data . length ( ) ) ;
2011-06-02 16:31:40 +00:00
catch ( const Exception & e )
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
nlwarning ( " Can't write file '%s' size %u : '%s', shard stalled until problem are resolved !!! " , msg . FileName . c_str ( ) , msg . Data . length ( ) , e . what ( ) ) ;
// stall shard
CBackupService : : getInstance ( ) - > stallShard ( msg . FileName ) ;
H_AUTO ( SaveCheckFileClose ) ;
f . close ( ) ;
// cbGetFileClass
struct CClassResult
CClassResult ( ) : Timestamp ( 0 ) { }
CClassResult ( const std : : string & file , uint32 stamp ) : Timestamp ( stamp ) , File ( file ) { }
uint32 Timestamp ;
std : : string File ;
bool operator < ( const CClassResult & b ) const { return Timestamp > b . Timestamp ; }
} ;
static CMessage getFileClassImp ( CMessage & msgin )
// retrieve the info from the input message
CBackupMsgFileClass inMsg ;
msgin . serial ( inMsg ) ;
// setup the output message;
CBackupMsgReceiveFileClass outMsg ;
outMsg . RequestId = inMsg . RequestId ;
bool hasWildcard = false ;
H_AUTO ( GetFileClass_CheckWildcard ) ;
for ( uint j = 0 ; ! hasWildcard & & j < inMsg . Classes . size ( ) ; + + j )
const CBackupFileClass & fclass = inMsg . Classes [ j ] ;
uint k ;
for ( k = 0 ; k < fclass . Patterns . size ( ) ; + + k )
if ( fclass . Patterns [ k ] . find ( ' * ' ) ! = std : : string : : npos )
hasWildcard = true ;
break ;
std : : vector < std : : vector < CClassResult > > classes ;
classes . resize ( inMsg . Classes . size ( ) ) ;
if ( hasWildcard )
H_AUTO ( GetFileClass_GetContent ) ;
std : : vector < std : : string > files ;
NLMISC : : CPath : : getPathContent ( getBackupFileName ( inMsg . Directory ) , false , false , true , files ) ; // caution: it returns full path names
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < files . size ( ) ; + + i )
uint32 fstamp = CFile : : getFileModificationDate ( files [ i ] ) ;
std : : string fname = NLMISC : : CFile : : getFilename ( files [ i ] ) ;
for ( uint j = 0 ; j < inMsg . Classes . size ( ) ; + + j )
const CBackupFileClass & fclass = inMsg . Classes [ j ] ;
uint k ;
for ( k = 0 ; k < fclass . Patterns . size ( ) ; + + k )
if ( NLMISC : : testWildCard ( fname , fclass . Patterns [ k ] ) )
classes [ j ] . push_back ( CClassResult ( files [ i ] , fstamp ) ) ;
break ;
if ( k < fclass . Patterns . size ( ) )
break ;
H_AUTO ( GetFileClass_GetFiles ) ;
for ( uint j = 0 ; j < inMsg . Classes . size ( ) ; + + j )
const CBackupFileClass & fclass = inMsg . Classes [ j ] ;
uint k ;
for ( k = 0 ; k < fclass . Patterns . size ( ) ; + + k )
string file = CPath : : standardizePath ( inMsg . Directory ) + fclass . Patterns [ k ] ; // relative filename
string rfile = getBackupFileName ( file ) ; // full filename
if ( CFile : : isExists ( rfile ) )
classes [ j ] . push_back ( CClassResult ( file , CFile : : getFileModificationDate ( rfile ) ) ) ;
CFileDescriptionContainer & fdc = outMsg . Fdc ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < classes . size ( ) ; + + i )
std : : sort ( classes [ i ] . begin ( ) , classes [ i ] . end ( ) ) ;
for ( uint j = 0 ; j < classes [ i ] . size ( ) ; + + j )
std : : string rfile = getBackupFileName ( classes [ i ] [ j ] . File ) ;
fdc . addFile ( classes [ i ] [ j ] . File , CFile : : getFileModificationDate ( rfile ) , CFile : : getFileSize ( rfile ) ) ;
// In case something like getPathContent() has returned full paths, make paths relative to match the requested filenames
fdc . stripFilename ( SaveShardRoot . get ( ) ) ;
// compose the output message
CMessage msgout ( " BS_FILE_CLASS " ) ;
msgout . serial ( outMsg ) ;
return msgout ;
static void cbGetFileClass ( CMessage & msgin , const std : : string & serviceName , NLNET : : TServiceId serviceId )
if ( ! BSReadState . get ( ) )
return ;
CMessage msgOut = getFileClassImp ( msgin ) ;
// send the output message
CUnifiedNetwork : : getInstance ( ) - > send ( serviceId , msgOut ) ;
static void cbSyncGetFileClass ( CMessage & msgin , TSockId from , CCallbackNetBase & netbase )
if ( ! BSReadState . get ( ) )
return ;
CMessage msgOut = getFileClassImp ( msgin ) ;
// send the output message
netbase . send ( msgOut , from ) ;
// cbAppend
static void cbAppend ( CMessage & msgin , const std : : string & serviceName , NLNET : : TServiceId serviceId )
CBackupMsgAppend inMsg ;
msgin . serial ( inMsg ) ;
std : : string append = inMsg . Append + ' \n ' ;
uint8 * data = ( uint8 * ) ( const_cast < char * > ( append . c_str ( ) ) ) ;
2010-05-18 14:53:47 +00:00
uint dataSize = ( uint ) append . size ( ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
CWriteFile * access = new CWriteFile ( inMsg . FileName , serviceId , 0 , data , dataSize ) ;
access - > FailureMode = CWriteFile : : MajorFailureIfFileUnwritable ;
access - > BackupFile = false ;
access - > Append = true ;
CBackupService : : getInstance ( ) - > FileManager . stackFileAccess ( access ) ;
catch ( . . . )
nlwarning ( " WARNING: caught exception in cbAppendFile() " ) ;
bool CBackupService : : update ( )
TTime ptime = CTime : : getLocalTime ( ) ;
if ( BSIsSlave & & MasterBSUp & & ptime - LastMasterPing > 60 * 1000 )
CMessage msgout ( " BS_PING " ) ;
CUnifiedNetwork : : getInstance ( ) - > send ( " BS " , msgout ) ;
PongReceived = false ;
LastMasterPing = ptime ;
FileManager . update ( ) ;
updateWebConnection ( ) ;
_CallbackServer - > update ( ) ;
if ( BSReadState = = true )
IService : : getInstance ( ) - > addStatusTag ( " ReadWrite " ) ;
IService : : getInstance ( ) - > removeStatusTag ( " WriteOnly " ) ;
IService : : getInstance ( ) - > removeStatusTag ( " ReadWrite " ) ;
IService : : getInstance ( ) - > addStatusTag ( " WriteOnly " ) ;
return true ;
void CBackupService : : release ( )
FileManager . release ( ) ;
releaseWebConnection ( ) ;
delete _CallbackServer ;
void CBackupService : : stallShard ( const std : : string & fileName )
/* CMessage msgOut("STALL_SHARD");
std : : string s = fileName ;
msgOut . serial ( s ) ;
CUnifiedNetwork : : getInstance ( ) - > send ( " EGS " , msgOut ) ;
_SaveStall = true ;
fileName . empty ( ) ? nlwarning ( " BackupService are in stall mode ! " ) : nlwarning ( " Backup service enter in stall mode when trying save file %s " , fileName . c_str ( ) ) ;
void CBackupService : : onModuleDown ( NLNET : : IModuleProxy * proxy )
TUnifiedCallbackItem CbArray [ ] =
{ " save_file " , cbSaveFile } ,
{ " load_file " , cbLoadFile } ,
{ " append_file " , cbAppendFile } ,
{ " append_file_check " , cbAppendFileCheck } ,
{ " SAVE_CHECK_FILE " , cbSaveCheckFile } ,
{ " DELETE_FILE " , cbDeleteFile } ,
{ " DELETE_FILE_NO_BACKUP " , cbDeleteFileNoBackup } ,
{ " GET_FILE_CLASS " , cbGetFileClass } ,
{ " APPEND " , cbAppend } ,
{ " BS_PING " , cbBSPing } ,
{ " BS_PONG " , cbBSPong } ,
} ;
TCallbackItem cbSyncArray [ ] =
{ " GET_READ_MODE " , cbReadMode } , // TODO : implement me !
{ " load_file " , cbSyncLoadFile } ,
{ " GET_FILE_CLASS " , cbSyncGetFileClass } ,
} ;
void CBackupService : : init ( )
FileManager . init ( ) ;
setUpdateTimeout ( 100 ) ;
_SaveStall = false ;
// set the connection and disconnection callbacks
CUnifiedNetwork : : getInstance ( ) - > setServiceUpCallback ( string ( " * " ) , cbConnection , 0 ) ;
CUnifiedNetwork : : getInstance ( ) - > setServiceDownCallback ( string ( " * " ) , cbDisconnection , 0 ) ;
CUnifiedNetwork : : getInstance ( ) - > setServiceUpCallback ( string ( " BS " ) , cbConnection , 0 ) ;
CUnifiedNetwork : : getInstance ( ) - > setServiceDownCallback ( string ( " BS " ) , cbDisconnection , 0 ) ;
// Init the sheet Id
CSheetId : : init ( false ) ;
if ( ! MasterBSHost . get ( ) . empty ( ) )
IService : : getInstance ( ) - > addStatusTag ( " SlaveMode " ) ;
IService : : getInstance ( ) - > setCurrentStatus ( " WaitingMaster " ) ;
BSIsSlave = true ;
FileManager . forbidStall ( ) ;
// I'm a slave, try to contact master
string host = MasterBSHost ;
if ( host . find ( " : " ) = = string : : npos )
host + = " :49990 " ;
CUnifiedNetwork : : getInstance ( ) - > addService ( " BS " , CInetAddress ( host ) ) ;
// set the initial read state from the config file
CConfigFile : : CVar * readState = ConfigFile . getVarPtr ( " BSReadState " ) ;
if ( readState ! = NULL )
BSReadState = readState - > asBool ( ) ;
initWebConnection ( ) ;
_CallbackServer = new NLNET : : CCallbackServer ;
_CallbackServer - > addCallbackArray ( cbSyncArray , sizeofarray ( cbSyncArray ) ) ;
// open the layer 3 callback server if required
if ( L3ListeningPort ! = 0 )
_CallbackServer - > init ( L3ListeningPort ) ;
static const char * getCompleteServiceName ( const IService * theService , const char * defaultName )
static std : : string s ;
s = defaultName ;
if ( theService - > haveLongArg ( " name " ) )
s + = " _ " + theService - > getLongArg ( " name " ) ;
if ( theService - > haveLongArg ( " fullname " ) )
s = theService - > getLongArg ( " fullname " ) ;
return s . c_str ( ) ;
static const char * getShortServiceName ( const IService * theService , const char * defaultName )
static std : : string s ;
s = defaultName ;
if ( theService - > haveLongArg ( " shortname " ) )
s = theService - > getLongArg ( " shortname " ) ;
return s . c_str ( ) ;
NLNET_SERVICE_MAIN ( CBackupService , getShortServiceName ( scn , " BS " ) , getCompleteServiceName ( scn , " backup_service " ) , 49990 , CbArray , " " , " " )
void CDirectoryRateStat : : clear ( )
TDirectoryMap : : iterator first = _DirectoryMap . begin ( ) , last = _DirectoryMap . end ( ) ;
for ( ; first ! = last ; + + first )
( * first ) . second . clear ( ) ;
void CDirectoryRateStat : : readFile ( const std : : string & filename , uint32 filesize )
NLMISC : : TTime now = NLMISC : : CTime : : getLocalTime ( ) ;
if ( filename . find ( " www " ) ! = std : : string : : npos )
_DirectoryMap [ " www " ] . read ( now , filesize ) ;
else if ( filename . find ( StatDirFilter . get ( ) ) ! = std : : string : : npos )
_DirectoryMap [ NLMISC : : CFile : : getPath ( filename ) ] . read ( now , filesize ) ;
void CDirectoryRateStat : : writeFile ( const std : : string & filename , uint32 filesize )
NLMISC : : TTime now = NLMISC : : CTime : : getLocalTime ( ) ;
if ( filename . find ( " www " ) ! = std : : string : : npos )
_DirectoryMap [ " www " ] . write ( now , filesize ) ;
else if ( filename . find ( StatDirFilter . get ( ) ) ! = std : : string : : npos )
_DirectoryMap [ NLMISC : : CFile : : getPath ( filename ) ] . write ( now , filesize ) ;
uint CDirectoryRateStat : : getMeanReadRate ( )
NLMISC : : TTime limit = NLMISC : : CTime : : getLocalTime ( ) - 60 * 1000 ;
uint64 read = 0 ;
TDirectoryMap : : iterator first = _DirectoryMap . begin ( ) , last = _DirectoryMap . end ( ) ;
for ( ; first ! = last ; + + first )
( * first ) . second . updateTime ( limit ) ;
read + = ( * first ) . second . ReadBytes ;
return ( uint ) ( read / 60 ) ;
uint CDirectoryRateStat : : getMeanWriteRate ( )
NLMISC : : TTime limit = NLMISC : : CTime : : getLocalTime ( ) - 60 * 1000 ;
uint64 write = 0 ;
TDirectoryMap : : iterator first = _DirectoryMap . begin ( ) , last = _DirectoryMap . end ( ) ;
for ( ; first ! = last ; + + first )
( * first ) . second . updateTime ( limit ) ;
write + = ( * first ) . second . WrittenBytes ;
return ( uint ) ( write / 60 ) ;
void CDirectoryRateStat : : display ( NLMISC : : CLog & log )
uint pathsize = 0 ;
TDirectoryMap : : iterator first = _DirectoryMap . begin ( ) , last = _DirectoryMap . end ( ) ;
for ( ; first ! = last ; + + first )
if ( ( * first ) . first . size ( ) > pathsize )
2010-05-18 14:53:47 +00:00
pathsize = ( uint ) ( * first ) . first . size ( ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
NLMISC : : TTime limit = NLMISC : : CTime : : getLocalTime ( ) - 60 * 1000 ;
std : : string format = " %- " + NLMISC : : toString ( pathsize ) + " s %6s %10s %6s %10s " ;
log . displayNL ( format . c_str ( ) , " directory " , " rdfile " , " read " , " wrfile " , " write " ) ;
for ( first = _DirectoryMap . begin ( ) ; first ! = last ; + + first )
( * first ) . second . updateTime ( limit ) ;
uint64 rdrate = ( * first ) . second . ReadBytes / 60 ;
uint64 wrrate = ( * first ) . second . WrittenBytes / 60 ;
log . displayNL ( format . c_str ( ) ,
( * first ) . first . c_str ( ) ,
NLMISC : : toString ( ( * first ) . second . ReadFiles ) . c_str ( ) ,
( NLMISC : : bytesToHumanReadable ( uint32 ( rdrate ) ) + " /s " ) . c_str ( ) ,
NLMISC : : toString ( ( * first ) . second . WrittenFiles ) . c_str ( ) ,
( NLMISC : : bytesToHumanReadable ( uint32 ( wrrate ) ) + " /s " ) . c_str ( ) ) ;