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// NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/misc/smart_ptr.h"
#include "nel/3d/animatable.h"
#include "nel/3d/material.h"
#include "nel/3d/track.h"
#include <map>
namespace NL3D
// ***************************************************************************
* An material Reference for Animated reference. This object is stored in the mesh, and is serialised.
* NB: formated for 3ds Max :). Emissive anim is a float, with a constant RGB factor.
* \author Cyril 'Hulud' Corvazier
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2001
class CMaterialBase : public NLMISC::CRefCount
/** setup the default tracks from a material
* This method:
* - copy the material contents into the Defaults tracks values.
* NB: for emissive part, emissive defaut track value is set to 1, and emissive factor is set to the
* RGB emissive value stored into pMat.
void copyFromMaterial(CMaterial *pMat);
// Name of this material, for Animation access.
std::string Name;
// Default tracks.
CTrackDefaultRGBA DefaultAmbient;
CTrackDefaultRGBA DefaultDiffuse;
CTrackDefaultRGBA DefaultSpecular;
CTrackDefaultFloat DefaultShininess;
CTrackDefaultRGBA DefaultEmissive;
CTrackDefaultFloat DefaultOpacity;
CTrackDefaultInt DefaultTexture;
// Texture animation
struct CTexAnimTracks
CTrackDefaultFloat DefaultUTrans; // u translation
CTrackDefaultFloat DefaultVTrans; // v translation
CTrackDefaultFloat DefaultUScale; // u scale
CTrackDefaultFloat DefaultVScale; // u scale
CTrackDefaultFloat DefaultWRot; // v scale
// number of default tracks
enum { NumTexAnimatedValues = 5 };
void setDefaultValue()
void serial(NLMISC::IStream &f)
f.serial(DefaultUTrans, DefaultVTrans, DefaultUScale, DefaultVScale);
CTexAnimTracks DefaultTexAnimTracks[IDRV_MAT_MAXTEXTURES];
/// save/load.
void serial(NLMISC::IStream &f);
/// \name Texture Animation mgt.
/** Animated materials support Texture animation. This is the place where you define your list of texture.
* This list of animated texture is serialised. AnimatedMaterial animate texture with sint32 Tracks. If the id is not
* found in CMaterialBase, then the CMaterial texture is left as before.
* NB: id 0x7FFFFFFF is a reserved id, used as default to indicate no valid Animated texture.
// @{
/// assign a specific texture for an id (a uint32). It is valid to give a NULL ptr (=> untextured). Sorted as a SmartPtr.
void setAnimatedTexture(uint32 id, CSmartPtr<ITexture> pText);
/// is this Id valid?
bool validAnimatedTexture(uint32 id);
/// return the texture for this Id. return NULL either if NULL texture for this id or if(!validAnimatedTexture()).
ITexture* getAnimatedTexture(uint32 id);
// @}
// *********************
struct CAnimatedTexture
CSmartPtr<ITexture> Texture;
// serial.
void serial(NLMISC::IStream &f);
typedef std::map<uint32, CAnimatedTexture> TAnimatedTextureMap;
TAnimatedTextureMap _AnimatedTextures;
// ***************************************************************************
* An animated material Instance of CMaterialBase
* NB: formated for 3ds Max :). Emissive anim is a float, with a constant RGB factor.
* Texture animation: see update().
* \author Cyril 'Hulud' Corvazier
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2001
class CAnimatedMaterial : public IAnimatable
/// \name ctor / setup.
// @{
/** Constructor.
* This ctor:
* - store a RefPtr on the BaseMaterial (for getDefaultTracks() method).
* - copy the material default track value into Animated Values.
CAnimatedMaterial(CMaterialBase *baseMat);
/** setup the material context for this animated material.
* This method:
* - store a RefPtr on the material, for future anim update.
void setMaterial(CMaterial *pMat);
/** Return the name of this material (stored in CMaterialBase).
std::string getMaterialName() const;
// @}
/** Check if the animated material is touched, and if necessary update the stored material (if any).
* Texture animation: for now, texture animation is possible only on stage 0. If TextureValue flag is touched (ie
* a texture anim track is linked to the animated value), update() look into the CMaterialBase what texture to set.
* If the track gives a bad Id for the texture, no-op.
void update();
/// \name Get some track name
// @{
static const char *getAmbientValueName() {return "ambient";}
static const char *getDiffuseValueName() {return "diffuse";}
static const char *getSpecularValueName() {return "specular";}
static const char *getShininessValueName() {return "shininess";}
static const char *getEmissiveValueName() {return "emissive";}
static const char *getOpacityValueName() {return "opacity";}
static const char *getTextureValueName() {return "texture";}
static const char *getTexMatUTransName(uint stage);
static const char *getTexMatVTransName(uint stage);
static const char *getTexMatUScaleName(uint stage);
static const char *getTexMatVScaleName(uint stage);
static const char *getTexMatWRotName(uint stage);
// @}
/// number of animated values for each animated texture, taken from CMaterialBase
enum { NumTexAnimatedValues = CMaterialBase::CTexAnimTracks::NumTexAnimatedValues };
/// \name Herited from IAnimatable
// @{
/// Added values.
enum TAnimValues
OwnerBit= IAnimatable::AnimValueLast,
AnimValueLast = TextureMatValues + NumTexAnimatedValues * IDRV_MAT_MAXTEXTURES /* texture matrix anim */
/// From IAnimatable
virtual IAnimatedValue* getValue (uint valueId);
/// From IAnimatable
virtual const char *getValueName (uint valueId) const;
/// From IAnimatable.
virtual ITrack* getDefaultTrack (uint valueId);
/// From IAnimatable.
virtual void registerToChannelMixer(CChannelMixer *chanMixer, const std::string &prefix);
// @}
// ********************
// The material instantiator.
CRefPtr<CMaterialBase> _MaterialBase;
// The material.
CRefPtr<CMaterial> _Material;
// AnimValues.
CAnimatedValueRGBA _Ambient;
CAnimatedValueRGBA _Diffuse;
CAnimatedValueRGBA _Specular;
CAnimatedValueFloat _Shininess;
CAnimatedValueRGBA _Emissive;
CAnimatedValueFloat _Opacity;
CAnimatedValueInt _Texture;
struct CTexAnimatedMatValues
CAnimatedValueFloat _UTrans;
CAnimatedValueFloat _VTrans;
CAnimatedValueFloat _UScale;
CAnimatedValueFloat _VScale;
CAnimatedValueFloat _WRot;
void affect(CMaterialBase::CTexAnimTracks &at)
_UTrans.Value= at.DefaultUTrans.getDefaultValue();
_VTrans.Value= at.DefaultVTrans.getDefaultValue();
_UScale.Value= at.DefaultUScale.getDefaultValue();
_VScale.Value= at.DefaultVScale.getDefaultValue();
_WRot.Value= at.DefaultWRot.getDefaultValue();
CTexAnimatedMatValues _TexAnimatedMatValues[IDRV_MAT_MAXTEXTURES];
} // NL3D
/* End of animated_material.h */