
473 lines
12 KiB

// NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "stdmisc.h"
#include "nel/misc/big_file.h"
#include "nel/misc/path.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace NLMISC;
namespace NLMISC {
//CBigFile *CBigFile::_Singleton = NULL;
// ***************************************************************************
void CBigFile::releaseInstance()
if (_Instance)
NLMISC::INelContext::getInstance().releaseSingletonPointer("CBigFile", _Instance);
delete _Instance;
_Instance = NULL;
// ***************************************************************************
_CurrentId= 0;
// ***************************************************************************
uint32 CBigFile::CThreadFileArray::allocate()
return _CurrentId++;
// ***************************************************************************
CBigFile::CHandleFile &CBigFile::CThreadFileArray::get(uint32 index)
// If the thread struct ptr is NULL, must allocate it.
vector<CHandleFile> *ptr= (vector<CHandleFile>*)_TDS.getPointer();
ptr= new vector<CHandleFile>;
// if the vector is not allocated, allocate it (empty entries filled with NULL => not opened FILE* in this thread)
return (*ptr)[index];
// ***************************************************************************
void CBigFile::currentThreadFinished()
// ***************************************************************************
void CBigFile::CThreadFileArray::currentThreadFinished()
vector<CHandleFile> *ptr= (vector<CHandleFile>*)_TDS.getPointer();
if (ptr==NULL) return;
for (uint k = 0; k < ptr->size(); ++k)
if ((*ptr)[k].File)
(*ptr)[k].File = NULL;
delete ptr;
// ***************************************************************************
//CBigFile::CBigFile ()
//// ***************************************************************************
//CBigFile &CBigFile::getInstance ()
// if (_Singleton == NULL)
// {
// _Singleton = new CBigFile();
// }
// return *_Singleton;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CBigFile::add (const std::string &sBigFileName, uint32 nOptions)
// Is already the same bigfile name ?
string bigfilenamealone = toLower(CFile::getFilename (sBigFileName));
if (_BNPs.find(bigfilenamealone) != _BNPs.end())
nlwarning ("CBigFile::add : bigfile %s already added.", bigfilenamealone.c_str());
return false;
// Create the new bnp entry
BNP &bnp = _BNPs[bigfilenamealone];
bnp.BigFileName= sBigFileName;
// Allocate a new ThreadSafe FileId for this bnp.
bnp.ThreadFileId= _ThreadFileArray.allocate();
// Get a ThreadSafe handle on the file
CHandleFile &handle= _ThreadFileArray.get(bnp.ThreadFileId);
// Open the big file.
handle.File = fopen (sBigFileName.c_str(), "rb");
if (handle.File == NULL)
return false;
uint32 nFileSize=CFile::getFileSize (handle.File);
//nlfseek64 (handle.File, 0, SEEK_END);
//uint32 nFileSize = ftell (handle.File);
// Result
if (nlfseek64 (handle.File, nFileSize-4, SEEK_SET) != 0)
fclose (handle.File);
handle.File = NULL;
return false;
uint32 nOffsetFromBeginning;
if (fread (&nOffsetFromBeginning, sizeof(uint32), 1, handle.File) != 1)
fclose (handle.File);
handle.File = NULL;
return false;
if (nlfseek64 (handle.File, nOffsetFromBeginning, SEEK_SET) != 0)
fclose (handle.File);
handle.File = NULL;
return false;
// Read the file count
uint32 nNbFile;
if (fread (&nNbFile, sizeof(uint32), 1, handle.File) != 1)
fclose (handle.File);
handle.File = NULL;
return false;
map<string,BNPFile> tempMap;
for (uint32 i = 0; i < nNbFile; ++i)
char FileName[256];
uint8 nStringSize;
if (fread (&nStringSize, 1, 1, handle.File) != 1)
fclose (handle.File);
handle.File = NULL;
return false;
if (fread (FileName, nStringSize, 1, handle.File) != 1)
fclose (handle.File);
handle.File = NULL;
return false;
FileName[nStringSize] = 0;
uint32 nFileSize2;
if (fread (&nFileSize2, sizeof(uint32), 1, handle.File) != 1)
fclose (handle.File);
handle.File = NULL;
return false;
uint32 nFilePos;
if (fread (&nFilePos, sizeof(uint32), 1, handle.File) != 1)
fclose (handle.File);
handle.File = NULL;
return false;
BNPFile bnpfTmp;
bnpfTmp.Pos = nFilePos;
bnpfTmp.Size = nFileSize2;
tempMap.insert (make_pair(toLower(string(FileName)), bnpfTmp));
if (nlfseek64 (handle.File, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0)
fclose (handle.File);
handle.File = NULL;
return false;
// Convert temp map
if (nNbFile > 0)
uint nSize = 0, nNb = 0;
map<string,BNPFile>::iterator it = tempMap.begin();
while (it != tempMap.end())
nSize += (uint)it->first.size() + 1;
bnp.FileNames = new char[nSize];
memset(bnp.FileNames, 0, nSize);
it = tempMap.begin();
nSize = 0;
nNb = 0;
while (it != tempMap.end())
strcpy(bnp.FileNames+nSize, it->first.c_str());
bnp.Files[nNb].Name = bnp.FileNames+nSize;
bnp.Files[nNb].Size = it->second.Size;
bnp.Files[nNb].Pos = it->second.Pos;
nSize += (uint)it->first.size() + 1;
// End of temp map conversion
bnp.CacheFileOnOpen = true;
bnp.CacheFileOnOpen = false;
if (!(nOptions&BF_ALWAYS_OPENED))
fclose (handle.File);
handle.File = NULL;
bnp.AlwaysOpened = false;
bnp.AlwaysOpened = true;
nldebug("BigFile : added bnp '%s' to the collection", bigfilenamealone.c_str());
return true;
// ***************************************************************************
void CBigFile::remove (const std::string &sBigFileName)
if (_BNPs.find (sBigFileName) != _BNPs.end())
map<string, BNP>::iterator it = _BNPs.find (sBigFileName);
BNP &rbnp = it->second;
// Get a ThreadSafe handle on the file
CHandleFile &handle= _ThreadFileArray.get(rbnp.ThreadFileId);
// close it if needed
if (handle.File != NULL)
fclose (handle.File);
handle.File= NULL;
delete [] rbnp.FileNames;
_BNPs.erase (it);
// ***************************************************************************
bool CBigFile::isBigFileAdded(const std::string &sBigFileName)
// Is already the same bigfile name ?
string bigfilenamealone = CFile::getFilename (sBigFileName);
return _BNPs.find(bigfilenamealone) != _BNPs.end();
// ***************************************************************************
void CBigFile::list (const std::string &sBigFileName, std::vector<std::string> &vAllFiles)
string lwrFileName = toLower(sBigFileName);
if (_BNPs.find (lwrFileName) == _BNPs.end())
vAllFiles.clear ();
BNP &rbnp = _BNPs.find (lwrFileName)->second;
vector<BNPFile>::iterator it = rbnp.Files.begin();
while (it != rbnp.Files.end())
vAllFiles.push_back (string(it->Name)); // Add the name of the file to the return vector
// ***************************************************************************
void CBigFile::removeAll ()
while (_BNPs.begin() != _BNPs.end())
remove (_BNPs.begin()->first);
// ***************************************************************************
bool CBigFile::getFileInternal (const std::string &sFileName, BNP *&zeBnp, BNPFile *&zeBnpFile)
string zeFileName, zeBigFileName, lwrFileName = toLower(sFileName);
string::size_type i, nPos = sFileName.find ('@');
if (nPos == string::npos)
return false;
for (i = 0; i < nPos; ++i)
zeBigFileName += lwrFileName[i];
++i; // Skip @
for (; i < lwrFileName.size(); ++i)
zeFileName += lwrFileName[i];
if (_BNPs.find (zeBigFileName) == _BNPs.end())
return false;
BNP &rbnp = _BNPs.find (zeBigFileName)->second;
if (rbnp.Files.size() == 0)
return false;
vector<BNPFile>::iterator itNBPFile;
BNPFile temp_bnp_file;
temp_bnp_file.Name = (char*)zeFileName.c_str();
itNBPFile = lower_bound(rbnp.Files.begin(), rbnp.Files.end(), temp_bnp_file, CBNPFileComp());
if (itNBPFile != rbnp.Files.end())
if (strcmp(itNBPFile->Name, zeFileName.c_str()) != 0)
return false;
return false;
BNPFile &rbnpfile = *itNBPFile;
// set ptr on found bnp/bnpFile
zeBnp= &rbnp;
zeBnpFile= &rbnpfile;
return true;
// ***************************************************************************
FILE* CBigFile::getFile (const std::string &sFileName, uint32 &rFileSize,
uint32 &rBigFileOffset, bool &rCacheFileOnOpen, bool &rAlwaysOpened)
BNP *bnp= NULL;
BNPFile *bnpFile= NULL;
if(!getFileInternal(sFileName, bnp, bnpFile))
nlwarning ("BF: Couldn't load '%s'", sFileName.c_str());
return NULL;
nlassert(bnp && bnpFile);
// Get a ThreadSafe handle on the file
CHandleFile &handle= _ThreadFileArray.get(bnp->ThreadFileId);
/* If not opened, open it now. There is 2 reason for it to be not opened:
rbnp.AlwaysOpened==false, or it is a new thread which use it for the first time.
if(handle.File== NULL)
handle.File = fopen (bnp->BigFileName.c_str(), "rb");
if (handle.File == NULL)
return NULL;
rCacheFileOnOpen = bnp->CacheFileOnOpen;
rAlwaysOpened = bnp->AlwaysOpened;
rBigFileOffset = bnpFile->Pos;
rFileSize = bnpFile->Size;
return handle.File;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CBigFile::getFileInfo (const std::string &sFileName, uint32 &rFileSize, uint32 &rBigFileOffset)
BNP *bnp= NULL;
BNPFile *bnpFile= NULL;
if(!getFileInternal(sFileName, bnp, bnpFile))
nlwarning ("BF: Couldn't find '%s' for info", sFileName.c_str());
return false;
nlassert(bnp && bnpFile);
// get infos
rBigFileOffset = bnpFile->Pos;
rFileSize = bnpFile->Size;
return true;
// ***************************************************************************
char *CBigFile::getFileNamePtr(const std::string &sFileName, const std::string &sBigFileName)
string bigfilenamealone = CFile::getFilename (sBigFileName);
if (_BNPs.find(bigfilenamealone) != _BNPs.end())
BNP &rbnp = _BNPs.find (bigfilenamealone)->second;
vector<BNPFile>::iterator itNBPFile;
if (rbnp.Files.size() == 0)
return NULL;
string lwrFileName = toLower(sFileName);
BNPFile temp_bnp_file;
temp_bnp_file.Name = (char*)lwrFileName.c_str();
itNBPFile = lower_bound(rbnp.Files.begin(), rbnp.Files.end(), temp_bnp_file, CBNPFileComp());
if (itNBPFile != rbnp.Files.end())
if (strcmp(itNBPFile->Name, lwrFileName.c_str()) == 0)
return itNBPFile->Name;
return NULL;
// ***************************************************************************
void CBigFile::getBigFilePaths(std::vector<std::string> &bigFilePaths)
for(std::map<std::string, BNP>::iterator it = _BNPs.begin(); it != _BNPs.end(); ++it)
} // namespace NLMISC