// NeL - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . // // Includes // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "camera.h" #include "snowballs_client.h" #include "commands.h" #include "mouse_listener.h" #include "entities.h" // // Namespaces // using namespace NLMISC; using namespace NL3D; using namespace std; namespace SBCLIENT { // // Variables // // These variables are automatically set with the config file static float RadarPosX, RadarPosY, RadarWidth, RadarHeight; static uint RadarMinDistance, RadarMaxDistance; static CRGBA RadarBackColor, RadarFrontColor, RadarSelfColor, RadarOtherColor, RadarPlaceColor; static float RadarEntitySize; static uint RadarFontSize; static float RadarLittlePosX, RadarLittlePosY, RadarLittleRadius; static NL3D::UMaterial RadarMaterial = NULL; uint RadarState; uint RadarDistance; // // Functions // // Structure for particular places struct RadarParticularPlace { RadarParticularPlace (float X, float Y, string Name) : x(X), y(Y), name(Name) { } float x, y; string name; }; // Container for the particular places (automatically filled by the config file) vector RadarParticularPlaces; /*********************************************************\ displayRadar() \*********************************************************/ void displayRadar () { float xLeft = RadarPosX; float xRight = RadarPosX + RadarWidth; float yTop = RadarPosY + RadarHeight; float yBottom = RadarPosY; float xCenter = RadarPosX + RadarWidth/2.0f; float yCenter = RadarPosY + RadarHeight/2.0f; Driver->setMatrixMode2D11 (); // Background RadarMaterial.setColor(RadarBackColor); CQuad quad; quad.V0.set(xLeft,yBottom,0); quad.V1.set(xRight,yBottom,0); quad.V2.set(xRight,yTop,0); quad.V3.set(xLeft,yTop,0); Driver->drawQuad (quad, RadarMaterial); // Print radar's range TextContext->setHotSpot(UTextContext::TopRight); TextContext->setColor(RadarFrontColor); TextContext->setFontSize(RadarFontSize); TextContext->printfAt(xRight-0.01f,yTop-0.01f,"%d m",RadarDistance); // Radar unit float stepV = 50.0f; float stepH = stepV*3.f/4.f; // Changing scale stepV = 0.8f*stepV/RadarDistance; stepH = 0.8f*stepH/RadarDistance; // Drawing radar's lines float gapV = stepV/2; float gapH = stepH/2; CLine line; RadarMaterial.setColor(RadarFrontColor); while(gapH<=RadarWidth/2.0) { // v lines line.V0.set(xCenter+gapH, yTop, 0); line.V1.set(xCenter+gapH, yBottom, 0); Driver->drawLine(line, RadarMaterial); //Driver->drawLine (xCenter+gapH,yTop,xCenter+gapH,yBottom,RadarFrontColor); line.V0.set(xCenter-gapH, yTop, 0); line.V1.set(xCenter-gapH, yBottom, 0); Driver->drawLine(line, RadarMaterial); //Driver->drawLine (xCenter-gapH,yTop,xCenter-gapH,yBottom,RadarFrontColor); gapH += stepH; } while(gapV<=RadarHeight/2.0) { // h lines line.V0.set(xLeft, yCenter+gapV, 0); line.V1.set(xRight, yCenter+gapV, 0); Driver->drawLine(line, RadarMaterial); //Driver->drawLine (xLeft,yCenter+gapV,xRight,yCenter+gapV,RadarFrontColor); line.V0.set(xLeft, yCenter-gapV, 0); line.V1.set(xRight, yCenter-gapV, 0); Driver->drawLine(line, RadarMaterial); //Driver->drawLine (xLeft,yCenter-gapV,xRight,yCenter-gapV,RadarFrontColor); gapV += stepV; } float scale = 1.0f; float xscreen = xCenter; float yscreen = yCenter; Driver->setFrustum (CFrustum(0.f, 1.0f, 0.f, 1.f, -1.f, 1.f, false)); // distance between user and neighbour player float myPosx = Self->Position.x; float myPosy = Self->Position.y; // Quads size float radius = RadarEntitySize; // Arrow in center (user) RadarMaterial.setColor(RadarSelfColor); CTriangle triangle; triangle.V0.set(xscreen-2*radius, yscreen-2*radius, 0); triangle.V1.set(xscreen, yscreen-radius, 0); triangle.V2.set(xscreen, yscreen+2*radius, 0); Driver->drawTriangle(triangle, RadarMaterial); //Driver->drawTriangle(xscreen-2*radius,yscreen-2*radius, xscreen,yscreen-radius, xscreen,yscreen+2*radius, RadarSelfColor); triangle.V0.set(xscreen, yscreen-radius, 0); triangle.V1.set(xscreen+2*radius, yscreen-2*radius, 0); triangle.V2.set(xscreen, yscreen+2*radius, 0); Driver->drawTriangle(triangle, RadarMaterial); //Driver->drawTriangle(xscreen,yscreen-radius, xscreen+2*radius,yscreen-2*radius, xscreen,yscreen+2*radius, RadarSelfColor); TextContext->setColor(RadarOtherColor); RadarMaterial.setColor(RadarOtherColor); for(EIT eit=Entities.begin(); eit!=Entities.end(); eit++) { if((*eit).second.Type == CEntity::Other) { CVector playerPos = (*eit).second.Position; // position of neighbour float posx = playerPos.x; float posy = playerPos.y; // relative position posx = (posx-myPosx)*0.4f/RadarDistance; posy = (posy-myPosy)*0.4f/RadarDistance; float dist = (float) sqrt((posx*posx)+(posy*posy)); // Display a quad to show a player float an; float az; float x; float y; az = MouseListener->getOrientation (); if(posx==0) { if(posy==0) { x = xscreen; y = yscreen; } else { if(posy>0) { x = (float) (xscreen - dist*cos(Pi-az)*3.f/4.f); y = (float) (yscreen - dist*sin(Pi-az)); } else { x = (float) (xscreen - dist*cos(-az)*3.f/4.f); y = (float) (yscreen - dist*sin(-az)); } } } else { an = (float) atan(posy/posx); if(posx<0) an = an + (float)Pi; x = (float) (xscreen - dist*cos(-Pi/2 + an-az)*3.f/4.f); y = (float) (yscreen - dist*sin(-Pi/2 + an-az)); } // Players out of range are not displayed if(xxRight || y>yTop || ysetColor(RadarOtherColor); quad.V0.set(x-radius, y+radius, 0); quad.V1.set(x+radius, y+radius, 0); quad.V2.set(x+radius, y-radius, 0); quad.V3.set(x-radius, y-radius, 0); Driver->drawQuad(quad, RadarMaterial); //Driver->drawQuad (x-radius,y-radius, x+radius,y+radius,RadarOtherColor); // Print his name TextContext->setFontSize(RadarFontSize); if(x>=xCenter) { if(y>=yCenter) { TextContext->setHotSpot(UTextContext::BottomLeft); TextContext->printfAt(x+2*radius, y+2*radius, (*eit).second.Name.c_str()); } else { TextContext->setHotSpot(UTextContext::TopLeft); TextContext->printfAt(x+2*radius, y-2*radius, (*eit).second.Name.c_str()); } } else { if(y>=yCenter) { TextContext->setHotSpot(UTextContext::BottomRight); TextContext->printfAt(x-2*radius, y+2*radius, (*eit).second.Name.c_str()); } else { TextContext->setHotSpot(UTextContext::TopRight); TextContext->printfAt(x-2*radius, y-2*radius, (*eit).second.Name.c_str()); } } } } // display particular places RadarMaterial.setColor(RadarPlaceColor); for(uint i = 0; i < RadarParticularPlaces.size(); i++) { // relative position float posx = (RadarParticularPlaces[i].x-myPosx)*0.4f/RadarDistance; float posy = (RadarParticularPlaces[i].y-myPosy)*0.4f/RadarDistance; float dist = (float) sqrt((posx*posx)+(posy*posy)); // Display a quad to show a player float an; float az; float x; float y; az = MouseListener->getOrientation (); if(posx==0) { if(posy==0) { x = xscreen; y = yscreen; } else { if(posy>0) { x = (float) (xscreen - dist*cos(Pi-az)*3.f/4.f); y = (float) (yscreen - dist*sin(Pi-az)); } else { x = (float) (xscreen - dist*cos(-az)*3.f/4.f); y = (float) (yscreen - dist*sin(-az)); } } } else { an = (float) atan(posy/posx); if(posx<0) an = an + (float)Pi; x = (float) (xscreen - dist*cos(-Pi/2 + an-az)*3.f/4.f); y = (float) (yscreen - dist*sin(-Pi/2 + an-az)); } if(xxRight || y>yTop || ydrawTriangle(triangle, RadarMaterial); //Driver->drawTriangle(x-radius,y-radius, x+radius,y-radius, x,y+radius, RadarPlaceColor); TextContext->setFontSize(RadarFontSize); TextContext->setColor(RadarPlaceColor); if(x>=xCenter) { if(y>=yCenter) { TextContext->setHotSpot(UTextContext::BottomLeft); TextContext->printfAt(x+2*radius, y+2*radius, RadarParticularPlaces[i].name.c_str()); } else { TextContext->setHotSpot(UTextContext::TopLeft); TextContext->printfAt(x+2*radius, y-2*radius, RadarParticularPlaces[i].name.c_str()); } } else { if(y>=yCenter) { TextContext->setHotSpot(UTextContext::BottomRight); TextContext->printfAt(x-2*radius, y+2*radius, RadarParticularPlaces[i].name.c_str()); } else { TextContext->setHotSpot(UTextContext::TopRight); TextContext->printfAt(x-2*radius, y-2*radius, RadarParticularPlaces[i].name.c_str()); } } } } /*********************************************************\ displayLittleRadar() \*********************************************************/ void displayLittleRadar() { float radius = RadarLittleRadius; float xLeft = RadarLittlePosX - radius*3.f/4.f; float yBottom = RadarLittlePosY - radius; float xRight = RadarLittlePosX + radius*3.f/4.f; float yTop = RadarLittlePosY + radius; Driver->setMatrixMode2D11 (); // Background RadarMaterial.setColor(RadarBackColor); CQuad quad; quad.V0.set(xLeft,yBottom,0); quad.V1.set(xRight,yBottom,0); quad.V2.set(xRight,yTop,0); quad.V3.set(xLeft,yTop,0); //Driver->drawQuad (xLeft,yBottom,xRight,yTop,RadarBackColor); Driver->drawQuad(quad, RadarMaterial); // Print radar's range TextContext->setHotSpot(UTextContext::MiddleBottom); TextContext->setColor(RadarFrontColor); TextContext->setFontSize(RadarFontSize); TextContext->printfAt(xLeft+radius*3.f/4.f,yTop+0.01f,"%d m",RadarDistance); // Radar unit float stepV = 50.0f; float stepH = stepV*3.f/4.f; // Changing scale stepV = radius*stepV/RadarDistance; stepH = radius*stepH/RadarDistance; // Drawing radar's lines // h lines RadarMaterial.setColor(RadarFrontColor); CLine line; line.V0.set(xLeft, yTop, 0); line.V1.set(xRight, yTop, 0); Driver->drawLine(line, RadarMaterial); line.V0.set(xLeft, yBottom+radius, 0); line.V1.set(xRight, yBottom+radius, 0); Driver->drawLine(line, RadarMaterial); line.V0.set(xLeft, yBottom, 0); line.V1.set(xRight, yBottom, 0); Driver->drawLine(line, RadarMaterial); //Driver->drawLine (xLeft, yTop, xRight, yTop, RadarFrontColor); //Driver->drawLine (xLeft, yBottom+radius,xRight, yBottom+radius, RadarFrontColor); //Driver->drawLine (xLeft, yBottom, xRight, yBottom, RadarFrontColor); // v lines (assuming 4:3 screen) line.V0.set(xLeft, yTop, 0); line.V1.set(xLeft, yBottom, 0); Driver->drawLine(line, RadarMaterial); line.V0.set(xLeft + radius*0.75f, yTop, 0); line.V1.set(xLeft + radius*0.75f, yBottom, 0); Driver->drawLine(line, RadarMaterial); line.V0.set(xRight, yTop, 0); line.V1.set(xRight, yBottom, 0); Driver->drawLine(line, RadarMaterial); //Driver->drawLine (xLeft, yTop, xLeft, yBottom, RadarFrontColor); //Driver->drawLine (xLeft+radius*3.f/4.f, yTop, xLeft+radius*3.f/4.f, yBottom, RadarFrontColor); //Driver->drawLine (xRight, yTop, xRight, yBottom, RadarFrontColor); float scale = 1.0f; float xscreen = xLeft + radius*3.f/4.f; float yscreen = yBottom + radius; Driver->setFrustum (CFrustum(0.f, 1.0f, 0.f, 1.f, -1.f, 1.f, false)); // distance between user and neighbour player float myPosx = Self->Position.x; float myPosy = Self->Position.y; // Quads size float entitySize = RadarEntitySize/2.0f; TextContext->setColor(RadarOtherColor); for(EIT eit=Entities.begin(); eit!=Entities.end(); eit++) { if((*eit).second.Type == CEntity::Other) { CVector playerPos = (*eit).second.Position; // position of neighbour float posx = playerPos.x; float posy = playerPos.y; // relative position posx = (posx-myPosx)*radius/RadarDistance; posy = (posy-myPosy)*radius/RadarDistance; float dist = (float) sqrt((posx*posx)+(posy*posy)); // Display a quad to show a player float an; float az; float x; float y; az = MouseListener->getOrientation (); if(posx==0) { if(posy==0) { x = xscreen; y = yscreen; } else { if(posy>0) { x = (float) (xscreen - dist*cos(Pi-az)*3.f/4.f); y = (float) (yscreen - dist*sin(Pi-az)); } else { x = (float) (xscreen - dist*cos(-az)*3.f/4.f); y = (float) (yscreen - dist*sin(-az)); } } } else { an = (float) atan(posy/posx); if(posx<0) an = an + (float)Pi; x = (float) (xscreen - dist*cos(-Pi/2 + an-az)*3.f/4.f); y = (float) (yscreen - dist*sin(-Pi/2 + an-az)); } // Players out of range are not displayed if(xxRight || y>yTop || ysetColor(RadarOtherColor); quad.V0.set(x-entitySize, y+entitySize, 0); quad.V1.set(x+entitySize, y+entitySize, 0); quad.V2.set(x+entitySize, y-entitySize, 0); quad.V3.set(x-entitySize, y-entitySize, 0); RadarMaterial.setColor(RadarOtherColor); Driver->drawQuad(quad, RadarMaterial); //Driver->drawQuad (x-entitySize,y-entitySize,x+entitySize,y+entitySize,RadarOtherColor); } } // display particular places CTriangle triangle; for(uint i = 0; i < RadarParticularPlaces.size(); i++) { // relative position float posx = (RadarParticularPlaces[i].x-myPosx)*radius/RadarDistance; float posy = (RadarParticularPlaces[i].y-myPosy)*radius/RadarDistance; float dist = (float) sqrt((posx*posx)+(posy*posy)); // Display a quad to show a player float an; float az; float x; float y; az = MouseListener->getOrientation (); if(posx==0) { if(posy==0) { x = xscreen; y = yscreen; } else { if(posy>0) { x = (float) (xscreen - dist*cos(Pi-az)*3.f/4.f); y = (float) (yscreen - dist*sin(Pi-az)); } else { x = (float) (xscreen - dist*cos(-az)*3.f/4.f); y = (float) (yscreen - dist*sin(-az)); } } } else { an = (float) atan(posy/posx); if(posx<0) an = an + (float)Pi; x = (float) (xscreen - dist*cos(-Pi/2 + an-az)*3.f/4.f); y = (float) (yscreen - dist*sin(-Pi/2 + an-az)); } if(xxRight || y>yTop || ydrawTriangle(triangle, RadarMaterial); //Driver->drawTriangle(x-entitySize,y-entitySize, x+entitySize,y-entitySize, x,y+entitySize, RadarPlaceColor); } } void cbUpdateRadar (CConfigFile::CVar &var) { if (var.Name == "RadarPosX") RadarPosX = var.asFloat (); else if (var.Name == "RadarPosY") RadarPosY = var.asFloat (); else if (var.Name == "RadarWidth") RadarWidth = var.asFloat (); else if (var.Name == "RadarHeight") RadarHeight = var.asFloat (); else if (var.Name == "RadarBackColor") RadarBackColor.set (var.asInt(0), var.asInt(1), var.asInt(2), var.asInt(3)); else if (var.Name == "RadarFrontColor") RadarFrontColor.set (var.asInt(0), var.asInt(1), var.asInt(2), var.asInt(3)); else if (var.Name == "RadarSelfColor") RadarSelfColor.set (var.asInt(0), var.asInt(1), var.asInt(2), var.asInt(3)); else if (var.Name == "RadarOtherColor") RadarOtherColor.set (var.asInt(0), var.asInt(1), var.asInt(2), var.asInt(3)); else if (var.Name == "RadarPlaceColor") RadarPlaceColor.set (var.asInt(0), var.asInt(1), var.asInt(2), var.asInt(3)); else if (var.Name == "RadarEntitySize") RadarEntitySize = var.asFloat (); else if (var.Name == "RadarState") RadarState = var.asInt (); else if (var.Name == "RadarDistance") RadarDistance = var.asInt (); else if (var.Name == "RadarMinDistance") RadarMinDistance = var.asInt (); else if (var.Name == "RadarMaxDistance") RadarMaxDistance = var.asInt (); else if (var.Name == "RadarParticularPlaces") { RadarParticularPlaces.clear (); for (uint i = 0; i < var.size(); i += 3) { RadarParticularPlaces.push_back (RadarParticularPlace(var.asFloat(i), var.asFloat(i+1), var.asString(i+2))); } } else if (var.Name == "RadarFontSize") RadarFontSize = var.asInt (); else if (var.Name == "RadarLittlePosX") RadarLittlePosX = var.asFloat (); else if (var.Name == "RadarLittlePosY") RadarLittlePosY = var.asFloat (); else if (var.Name == "RadarLittleRadius") RadarLittleRadius = var.asFloat (); else nlwarning ("Unknown variable update %s", var.Name.c_str()); } void initRadar () { ConfigFile->setCallback ("RadarPosX", cbUpdateRadar); ConfigFile->setCallback ("RadarPosY", cbUpdateRadar); ConfigFile->setCallback ("RadarWidth", cbUpdateRadar); ConfigFile->setCallback ("RadarHeight", cbUpdateRadar); ConfigFile->setCallback ("RadarBackColor", cbUpdateRadar); ConfigFile->setCallback ("RadarFrontColor", cbUpdateRadar); ConfigFile->setCallback ("RadarSelfColor", cbUpdateRadar); ConfigFile->setCallback ("RadarOtherColor", cbUpdateRadar); ConfigFile->setCallback ("RadarPlaceColor", cbUpdateRadar); ConfigFile->setCallback ("RadarEntitySize", cbUpdateRadar); ConfigFile->setCallback ("RadarState", cbUpdateRadar); ConfigFile->setCallback ("RadarDistance", cbUpdateRadar); ConfigFile->setCallback ("RadarMinDistance", cbUpdateRadar); ConfigFile->setCallback ("RadarMaxDistance", cbUpdateRadar); ConfigFile->setCallback ("RadarParticularPlaces", cbUpdateRadar); ConfigFile->setCallback ("RadarFontSize", cbUpdateRadar); ConfigFile->setCallback ("RadarLittlePosX", cbUpdateRadar); ConfigFile->setCallback ("RadarLittlePosY", cbUpdateRadar); ConfigFile->setCallback ("RadarLittleRadius", cbUpdateRadar); cbUpdateRadar (ConfigFile->getVar ("RadarPosX")); cbUpdateRadar (ConfigFile->getVar ("RadarPosY")); cbUpdateRadar (ConfigFile->getVar ("RadarWidth")); cbUpdateRadar (ConfigFile->getVar ("RadarHeight")); cbUpdateRadar (ConfigFile->getVar ("RadarFrontColor")); cbUpdateRadar (ConfigFile->getVar ("RadarBackColor")); cbUpdateRadar (ConfigFile->getVar ("RadarSelfColor")); cbUpdateRadar (ConfigFile->getVar ("RadarOtherColor")); cbUpdateRadar (ConfigFile->getVar ("RadarPlaceColor")); cbUpdateRadar (ConfigFile->getVar ("RadarEntitySize")); cbUpdateRadar (ConfigFile->getVar ("RadarState")); cbUpdateRadar (ConfigFile->getVar ("RadarDistance")); cbUpdateRadar (ConfigFile->getVar ("RadarMinDistance")); cbUpdateRadar (ConfigFile->getVar ("RadarMaxDistance")); cbUpdateRadar (ConfigFile->getVar ("RadarParticularPlaces")); cbUpdateRadar (ConfigFile->getVar ("RadarFontSize")); cbUpdateRadar (ConfigFile->getVar ("RadarLittlePosX")); cbUpdateRadar (ConfigFile->getVar ("RadarLittlePosY")); cbUpdateRadar (ConfigFile->getVar ("RadarLittleRadius")); RadarMaterial = Driver->createMaterial (); RadarMaterial.initUnlit (); RadarMaterial.setBlendFunc (UMaterial::srcalpha, UMaterial::invsrcalpha); RadarMaterial.setBlend(true); } void updateRadar () { if (RadarDistance > RadarMaxDistance) RadarDistance = RadarMaxDistance; else if (RadarDistance < RadarMinDistance) RadarDistance = RadarMinDistance; switch (RadarState) { case 0: break; case 1: displayRadar (); break; case 2: displayLittleRadar(); break; } } void releaseRadar () { ConfigFile->setCallback ("RadarPosX", NULL); ConfigFile->setCallback ("RadarPosY", NULL); ConfigFile->setCallback ("RadarWidth", NULL); ConfigFile->setCallback ("RadarHeight", NULL); ConfigFile->setCallback ("RadarBackColor", NULL); ConfigFile->setCallback ("RadarFrontColor", NULL); ConfigFile->setCallback ("RadarSelfColor", NULL); ConfigFile->setCallback ("RadarOtherColor", NULL); ConfigFile->setCallback ("RadarPlaceColor", NULL); ConfigFile->setCallback ("RadarEntitySize", NULL); ConfigFile->setCallback ("RadarState", NULL); ConfigFile->setCallback ("RadarDistance", NULL); ConfigFile->setCallback ("RadarMinDistance", NULL); ConfigFile->setCallback ("RadarMaxDistance", NULL); ConfigFile->setCallback ("RadarParticularPlaces", NULL); ConfigFile->setCallback ("RadarFontSize", NULL); ConfigFile->setCallback ("RadarLittlePosX", NULL); ConfigFile->setCallback ("RadarLittlePosY", NULL); ConfigFile->setCallback ("RadarLittleRadius", NULL); Driver->deleteMaterial(RadarMaterial); RadarMaterial = NULL; } NLMISC_COMMAND(go,"change position of the player with a player name or location","|") { // check args, if there s not the right number of parameter, return bad if (args.size() == 1) { bool gotoplayer = true; vector::iterator itpp; for(itpp = RadarParticularPlaces.begin(); itpp != RadarParticularPlaces.end(); itpp++) { if((*itpp).name==args[0]) { string cmd = "goto " + toString ((*itpp).x) + " " + toString ((*itpp).y); ICommand::execute (cmd, CommandsLog); gotoplayer = false; break; } } if(gotoplayer) { EIT itre; for(itre=Entities.begin(); itre!=Entities.end(); itre++) { if((*itre).second.Type != CEntity::Snowball) { if((*itre).second.Name == args[0]) { string cmd = "goto " + toString ((*itre).second.Position.x) + " " + toString ((*itre).second.Position.y); ICommand::execute (cmd, CommandsLog); break; } } } } } else return false; return true; } } /* namespace SBCLIENT */ /* end of file */