setParent($parent); $this->setID($data['ap_id']); $this->achievement = $data['ap_achievement']; $this->value = $data['ap_value']; $this->name = $data['apl_name']; $this->done = $data['app_date']; $this->dev = $data['ap_dev']; $res = $DBc->sqlQuery("SELECT * FROM ach_objective LEFT JOIN (ach_objective_lang) ON (aol_lang='".$_USER->getLang()."' AND aol_objective=ao_id) LEFT JOIN (ach_player_objective) ON (apo_objective=ao_id AND apo_player='".$_USER->getID()."') LEFT JOIN (ach_achievement) ON (aa_id=ao_metalink) WHERE ao_perk='".$this->id."'"); $sz = sizeof($res); for($i=0;$i<$sz;$i++) { $this->addChild($this->makeChild($res[$i])); } } protected function makeChild($a) { return new AchObjective($a,$this); } function getAchievement() { return $this->achievement; } function getValue() { return $this->value; } function getName() { return $this->parent->getTemplate(explode(";",$this->name)); } function objDrawable() { $iter = $this->getIterator(); while($iter->hasNext()) { $curr = $iter->getNext(); if($curr->getDisplay() != "hidden") { return true; } } return false; } function isDone() { return ($this->done > 0); } function getDone() { return $this->done; } function inDev() { return ($this->dev == 1); } } ?>