var g_theApp = parent.g_theApp; var layerRef=""; var layerStyleRef = ""; var styleSwitch = ""; var FILEProtocol = "file://"; var HTTPProtocol = "http://"; if (navigator.appName == "Netscape") { layerStyleRef="layer."; layerRef="document.layers"; styleSwitch=""; } else { layerStyleRef=""; layerRef="document.all"; styleSwitch=".style"; } function CImage(id) { = id; if ( g_theApp.isIE ) this.image = eval('document.images.' +; else this.image = eval('document.images["' + + '"]'); this.put_Source = SetSource; this.get_Source = GetSource; this.put_Title = put_Title; this.get_Title = get_Title; } function SetSource(newsrc) { if ( this.image ) this.image.src = newsrc; } function GetSource() { if ( this.image ) return this.image.src; } function put_Title(txt) { if ( this.image && g_theApp.isIE ) this.image.title = txt; } function get_Title(txt) { if ( this.image && g_theApp.isIE ) return this.image.title; } function CDiv(id, doc) { = id; this.layer = FindLayer(id, doc); this.Show = Show; this.Hide = Hide; this.IsHidden = IsHidden; this.put_innerHTML = put_innerHTML; } function Show() { if ( this.layer ) eval('this.' + layerStyleRef + 'visibility' + '= "visible"'); } function Hide() { if ( this.layer ) eval('this.' + layerStyleRef + 'visibility' + '= "hidden"'); } function IsHidden() { if ( this.layer && (-1 != eval('this.' + layerStyleRef + 'visibility').indexOf("hid")) ) return true; return false; } function put_innerHTML(txt) { if ( this.layer ) { if ( g_theApp.isIE ) this.layer.innerHTML = txt; else { this.layer.document.writeln(txt); this.layer.document.close(); } } } function SetZoomControl(f) { if ( !parent.g_NavBarLoaded ) return; var formZoom = FindForm("zoomForm", parent.frmZoomBox.document); if (formZoom != null) { s = formZoom.zoomFactor; if ( -1 != f ) f *= 100; for ( i = 0 ; i < s.options.length ; i++ ) { if ( s.options[i].value == f ) { s.selectedIndex = i; break; } } } } function zoom_onchange(val) { if ( g_theApp.ActiveViewMgr ) { if ( g_theApp.ActiveViewMgr.ZoomIsPresent == true) { g_theApp.ActiveViewMgr.put_Zoom(parseInt(val)); } } } function CViewMgr() { //Set all zoom functions to null assuming the addons related //to the data will provide their own functions. this.onResize = null; this.put_Zoom = null; this.get_Zoom = null; this.ApplyZoom = null; //General functions. this.onLoad = ViewMgrOnLoad; this.put_Location = ViewMgrDefaultFind; //MUST BE SET FOR FIND FEATURE this.ZoomIsPresent = false; } function ViewMgrOnLoad() { = "ConvertedImage"; this.zoomFactor = -1; this.zoomLast = -1; this.origWH = 1; this.origWidth = 100; if ( g_theApp.isIE ) { p = document.all; this.s = document.all(; if ( this.s ) { this.s.position = "absolute"; this.origWidth = this.s.pixelWidth; this.origWH = this.s.pixelWidth / this.s.pixelHeight; } } else { this.s = null; } SetZoomControl(this.zoomFactor); } function ViewMgrDefaultFind() { return; } function handleResize() { location.reload(); return false; } function IsFrame(frameName) { return == frameName; } function UpdNavBar() { if (g_theApp.PageUpdateFunc != null) g_theApp.PageUpdateFunc (); if ( parent.g_NavBarLoaded ) //parent.frmZoomBox.UpdateNavBar(); parent.frmNavBar.UpdateNavBar(); } function UpdZoom() { if (g_theApp.ZoomResetFunc != null) g_theApp.ZoomResetFunc (); } function UpdCPViewer() { if (g_theApp.CPResetFunc != null) g_theApp.CPResetFunc (); } function UpdTitleBar() { if ( parent.g_TitleBarLoaded ) parent.frmTitleBar.UpdateTitleBar(); } function GetCurPageNum() { return g_theApp.CurrentPageIX; } function GetNumPages() { return g_theApp.FileList.length; } function GoToNextPage() { GoToPage(g_theApp.CurrentPageIX + 1); } function GoToPrevPage() { GoToPage(g_theApp.CurrentPageIX - 1); } function GoToFirstPage() { GoToPage(0); } function GoToLastPage() { GoToPage(gDocTable.length - 1) }; function GoToPage(ix) { var entry; if ( (g_theApp != null) && (ix != g_theApp.CurrentPageIX) && (null != (entry = g_theApp.FileList[ix])) ) { var newPage; if (SupportsPriOutputType ()) { newPage = entry.PriImage; if ( "" == newPage ) newPage = newPage = entry.SecImage; } else newPage = entry.SecImage; if (frames["frmPageView"] != null) { frames["frmPageView"].window.location = newPage; } else { parent.frmPageView.location = newPage; } PageUpdated (ix); } } function PageUpdated (ix) { g_theApp.CurrentPageIX = ix; NotifyPageSyncs(ix); } function GoToPageByName(pageName) { var pageIndex = PageIndexFromName (pageName); if (pageIndex >= 0) { GoToPage (pageIndex); } } function GoToPageByID(pageID) { var pageIndex = PageIndexFromID (pageID); if (pageIndex >= 0) { GoToPage (pageIndex); } } function PageIndexFromName (pageName) { if (g_theApp != null) { var entry; var count; var fileEntry; var bFoundEntry = false; for (count = 0; count < g_theApp.FileList.length && !bFoundEntry; count++) { fileEntry = g_theApp.FileList[count]; if (pageName == fileEntry.PageName) { return count; } } } return -1; } function PageIndexFromID (pageID) { if (g_theApp != null) { var entry; var count; var fileEntry; var bFoundEntry = false; for (count = 0; count < g_theApp.FileList.length && !bFoundEntry; count++) { fileEntry = g_theApp.FileList[count]; if (pageID == fileEntry.PageID) { return count; } } } return -1; } function ZoomAvailable() { if (SupportsPriOutputType () && g_theApp.FileList[0].PriImage != "") { return g_theApp.PriFormatSupportsZoom; } else { return (g_theApp.SecFormatSupportsZoom && g_theApp.FileList[0].SecImage != ""); } } function NotifyPageSyncs(ix) { UpdNavBar(); UpdTitleBar(); UpdZoom(); UpdCPViewer(); } function HasPrevSld() { return (GetCurPageNum() > 0); } function HasNextSld() { return ((GetCurPageNum() + 1) < GetNumPages()); } function CancelDrag() { window.event.cancelBubble=true; window.event.returnValue=false } function html_escape(txt) { var result = ""; for ( var i = 0 ; i < txt.length ; i++ ) { if ( txt.charAt(i) == '&' ) result += "&"; else if ( txt.charAt(i) == '<' ) result += "<"; else if ( txt.charAt(i) == '>' ) result += ">"; else result += txt.charAt(i); } return result; } function FindForm(form, doc) { if ( g_theApp.isIE ) return doc.forms[form]; else if ( null != doc ) { if ( null != doc.forms ) { for ( i = 0 ; i < doc.forms.length ; i++ ) { if ( form == doc.forms[i].name ) return doc.forms[i]; } } if ( null != doc.layers ) { for ( i = 0 ; i < doc.layers.length ; i++ ) { result = FindForm(form, doc.layers[i].document); if ( null != result ) return result; } } } return null; } function FindLayer(layer, doc) { var result = null; if ( g_theApp.isIE ) return doc.all(layer); else if ( (null != doc) && (null != doc.layers) ) { for ( i = 0 ; i < doc.layers.length ; i++ ) { result = doc.layers[i]; if ( layer == ) return result; result = FindLayer(layer, result.document); if ( null != result ) return result; } } return null; } function Unquote (str) { var nStartIndex = 0; var nEndIndex = str.length; if (str.charAt (0) == '"') { nStartIndex = 1; } if (str.charAt (nEndIndex - 1) == '"') { nEndIndex -= 1; } return str.substring (nStartIndex, nEndIndex); } function ConvertXorYCoordinate(PosValue, OldMin, OldMax, NewMin, NewMax, MapBackwards) { //This is a simple conversion routine that changes from one system to another. var OldMid = (OldMax - OldMin) / 2; var NewMid = (NewMax - NewMin) / 2; var ConvertResult = 1 * PosValue; ConvertResult = ConvertResult - (OldMin + OldMid); ConvertResult = ConvertResult / OldMid; if(MapBackwards != 0) { ConvertResult = 0 - ConvertResult; } ConvertResult = ConvertResult * NewMid; ConvertResult = ConvertResult + (NewMin + NewMid); return ConvertResult; } function GoToURL (defURL) { if ((g_theApp == null) || !SupportsXML () || (g_theApp.objParser == null)) { if (defURL.indexOf ("javascript:") == 0) { // This is actually a function call, not a URL. eval (defURL); return; } parent.location = defURL; } } var el; function showMenu(pageID, shapeID) { if (SupportsXML ()) { var shapeXML = FindShapeXML (pageID, shapeID); if (shapeXML != null) { CreateHLMenu (shapeXML); //ContextElement=window.event.srcElement; += 10; = event.clientX; = event.clientY; = ""; var clientWidth = event.srcElement.document.body.clientWidth; var clientHeight = event.srcElement.document.body.clientHeight; var menuWidth = parseInt (; var margin = 10; // Figure out where to place the menu (X). var menuX = event.clientX; if (event.clientX + parent.frmPageView.menu1.clientWidth > clientWidth) { menuX = clientWidth - parent.frmPageView.menu1.clientWidth - margin; if (menuX < margin) { menuX = margin; } } // Figure out where to place the menu (Y). var menuY = event.clientY; if (event.clientY + parent.frmPageView.menu1.clientHeight > clientHeight) { menuY = clientHeight - parent.frmPageView.menu1.clientHeight - margin; if (menuY < margin) { menuY = margin; } } = menuX; = menuY; parent.frmPageView.menu1.setCapture(); event.cancelBubble = true; } } } function toggleMenu() { el=event.srcElement; if (el.className=="menuItem") { el.className="highlightItem"; } else if (el.className=="highlightItem") { el.className="menuItem"; } } function clickMenu() { if ( != "none") { parent.frmPageView.menu1.releaseCapture();"none"; el=event.srcElement; if (el.doFunction != null) { eval(el.doFunction); } } } function CreateHLMenu (shapeNode) { // Create the HTML string. var strHLMenuHTML = ""; if (shapeNode != null) { // Look up all the Hyperlink nodes. var hlColl = shapeNode.selectNodes ("Scratch/B/SolutionXML/HLURL:Hyperlinks/HLURL:Hyperlink"); // Walk the list of Hyperlink nodes to generate the menu. var hlCount = hlColl.length; for (var count = 0; count < hlCount; count++) { var strDoFunction = ""; var strDesc = ""; var strAddress = ""; var hlAddress = hlColl.item(count).selectSingleNode("HLURL:Address/textnode()"); if (hlAddress != null && hlAddress.text.length > 0 && IsValidAddress (hlAddress.text)) { strDoFunction = "'parent.location.href="; // Get the absolute URL. var absoluteURL = hlColl.item(count).selectSingleNode("HLURL:AbsoluteURL/textnode()"); if (g_theApp.DocHasBaseHL && absoluteURL != null && absoluteURL.text.length > 0) { // Use the absolute URL for our hyperlink. strAddress = absoluteURL.text; } else { // Just use the address field. strAddress = hlAddress.text; } strDoFunction += '"' + EscapePath (strAddress) + '"' + ";'"; // Now try to get the description field. If empty, use the address as the description. hlDesc = hlColl.item(count).selectSingleNode("HLURL:Description/textnode()"); if (hlDesc != null && hlDesc.text.length > 0) { strDesc = hlDesc.text; } else { strDesc = strAddress; } } else // Address is not present, assume it's a link into a different page in this document. { hlAddress = hlColl.item(count).selectSingleNode("HLURL:SubAddress/textnode()"); if (hlAddress != null && hlAddress.text.length > 0) { strAddress = hlAddress.text; // Strip off the shape id (if present). var pageShapeSep = strAddress.lastIndexOf ('/'); if (pageShapeSep > 0) { strAddress = strAddress.substring (0, pageShapeSep); } strAddress = unescape(strAddress); var pageIndex = PageIndexFromName (strAddress); strDoFunction = "'GoToPage (" + pageIndex + ");'"; // Just set the description to the page name as well. strDesc = strAddress; } } if (strDoFunction.length > 0 && strDesc.length > 0) { strHLMenuHTML += "<div class='menuItem' doFunction=" + strDoFunction + ">"; strHLMenuHTML += strDesc + "</div>"; } } } parent.frmPageView.menu1.innerHTML = strHLMenuHTML; } function IsValidAddress (strAddress) { var ret = false; if (strAddress != null && strAddress.length > 0) { var strFullPath = g_theApp.VisDocPath + g_theApp.VisDocName; if (strAddress != strFullPath && strAddress != g_theApp.VisDocName) { // Points to something other than this file, go ahead // and consider it valid. ret = true; } } return ret; } function FindShapeXML (pageID, shapeID) { var shapeObj = null; if (g_theApp != null && g_theApp.objParser != null) { // Get the Pages collection. var pagesObj = g_theApp.objParser.selectSingleNode("VisioDocument/Pages"); if(!pagesObj) { return null; } // Get the correct page. var pageQuerryString = './/Page[@ID = "' + pageID + '"]'; var pageObj = pagesObj.selectSingleNode(pageQuerryString); if(!pageObj) { return null; } // Get the correct shape. var shapeQuerryString = './/Shape[@ID = "' + shapeID + '"]'; shapeObj = pageObj.selectSingleNode(shapeQuerryString); } return shapeObj; } function UpdateProps(pageID, shapeID) { // Check to see if we should ignore this event. if (window.event != null && window.event.ctrlKey) { // If the control key is down, do nothing! return; } if (SupportsXML ()) { var shape = FindShapeXML (pageID, shapeID); if (g_theApp.custPropEntryPoint != null) g_theApp.custPropEntryPoint (shape); } } function SupportsXML () { return (g_theApp != null && g_theApp.isIE && g_theApp.verIE >= 5.0); } function SupportsPriOutputType () { if (g_theApp.isIE) // IE { return ((g_theApp.verIE >= g_theApp.PriFormatMinIE) && (g_theApp.PriFormatMinIE > 0.0)); } else if (g_theApp.isNav) // Nav { return ((g_theApp.verNav >= g_theApp.PriFormatMinNav) && (g_theApp.PriFormatMinNav > 0.0)); } // Unsupported browser. return false; } function EscapePath (strPath) { var strResult = ""; for ( var i = 0 ; i < strPath.length ; i++ ) { if ( strPath.charAt(i) == '\\' ) { strResult += "\\\\"; } else { strResult += strPath.charAt(i); } } return strResult; }