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2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
// NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "std3d.h"
#include "nel/3d/lighting_manager.h"
#include "nel/3d/point_light.h"
#include "nel/3d/transform.h"
#include "nel/misc/fast_floor.h"
#include "nel/3d/logic_info.h"
#include "nel/misc/aabbox.h"
#include "nel/misc/algo.h"
using namespace NLMISC;
using namespace std;
namespace NL3D {
// ***************************************************************************
/* LightQuadGrid setup. This is the same setup for StaticLightedModelQuadGrid setup.
NB: with this setup, a light will lies into 4*4=16 squares of a quadGrid at max.
// Factor for a level to the next: size/=factor, eltSize*=factor, and radiusLimit*=factor.
// this is a big radius for light that don't have attenuation
// this is used when the model is out of attBegin/attEnd, to modulate the influence
// Defualt LightTransitionThreshold
// ***************************************************************************
CLightingManager::CLightingManager(bool bSmallScene)
// Init the lightQuadGrids and StaticLightedModelQuadGrid
// finer level.
if (bSmallScene)
qgSize = 4;
// for all levels
for(uint i=0;i<NL3D_QUADGRID_LIGHT_NUM_LEVEL;i++)
// init _LightQuadGrid and _StaticLightedModelQuadGrid
_LightQuadGrid[i].create(qgSize, eltSize);
_StaticLightedModelQuadGrid[i].create(qgSize, eltSize);
_LightQuadGridRadiusLimit[i]= radiusLimit;
// coarser quadGrid level
qgSize= max(qgSize, 1U);
// default paramters
// Default number of pointLight on an object.
// ***************************************************************************
void CLightingManager::setMaxLightContribution(uint nlights)
_MaxLightContribution= min(nlights, (uint)NL3D_MAX_LIGHT_CONTRIBUTION);
// ***************************************************************************
void CLightingManager::setNoAttLightRadius(float noAttLightRadius)
_NoAttLightRadius= noAttLightRadius;
// ***************************************************************************
void CLightingManager::setOutOfAttLightInfFactor(float outOfAttLightInfFactor)
outOfAttLightInfFactor= max(0.f, outOfAttLightInfFactor);
_OutOfAttLightInfFactor= outOfAttLightInfFactor;
// ***************************************************************************
void CLightingManager::setLightTransitionThreshold(float lightTransitionThreshold)
clamp(lightTransitionThreshold, 0.f, 1.f);
_LightTransitionThreshold= lightTransitionThreshold;
// ***************************************************************************
void CLightingManager::clearDynamicLights()
// for all levels
for(uint i=0;i<NL3D_QUADGRID_LIGHT_NUM_LEVEL;i++)
// clear all the lights in the quadGrid.
// clear the list.
// ***************************************************************************
void CLightingManager::addDynamicLight(CPointLight *light)
// Insert the light in the quadGrid.
CPointLightInfo plInfo;
plInfo.Light= light;
// build the bounding sphere for this light, with the AttenuationEnd of the light
float radius=light->getAttenuationEnd();
// if attenuation is disabled (ie getAttenuationEnd() return 0), then have a dummy radius
radius= _NoAttLightRadius;
plInfo.Sphere.Center= light->getPosition();
plInfo.Sphere.Radius= radius;
// build a bbox, so it includes the sphere
CVector bbmin= light->getPosition();
bbmin-= CVector(radius, radius, radius);
CVector bbmax= light->getPosition();
bbmax+= CVector(radius, radius, radius);
// choose the correct quadgrid according to the radius of the light.
uint qgId;
for(qgId= 0; qgId<NL3D_QUADGRID_LIGHT_NUM_LEVEL-1; qgId++)
// if radius is inferior to the requested radius for this quadGrid, ok!
// insert this light in the correct quadgrid.
_LightQuadGrid[qgId].insert(bbmin, bbmax, plInfo);
// touch the objects around the lights.
// Select the static lightedModels to update around this light.
// Use the same level of _StaticLightedModelQuadGrid than me to not select too many squares in the quadGrid
_StaticLightedModelQuadGrid[qgId].select(bbmin, bbmax);
// For all those models.
CQuadGrid<CTransform*>::CIterator itModel= _StaticLightedModelQuadGrid[qgId].begin();
while(itModel != _StaticLightedModelQuadGrid[qgId].end() )
CTransform *model= *itModel;
const CVector &modelPos= model->getWorldMatrix().getPos();
// test first if this model is in the area of the light.
if( plInfo.Sphere.include(modelPos) )
// yes, then this model must recompute his lighting, because a dynamic light touch him.
// next.
// insert the light in the list.
// ***************************************************************************
CLightingManager::CQGItLightedModel CLightingManager::eraseStaticLightedModel(CQGItLightedModel ite)
// Erase the iterator for all levels
for(uint i=0;i<NL3D_QUADGRID_LIGHT_NUM_LEVEL;i++)
// NB: it is possible here that the iterator is NULL (ie end()).
// return end(), ie NULL iterators
return CQGItLightedModel();
// ***************************************************************************
CLightingManager::CQGItLightedModel CLightingManager::insertStaticLightedModel(CTransform *model)
CQGItLightedModel ite;
const CVector &worldPos= model->getWorldMatrix().getPos();
// Insert the models in all levels, because addDynamicLight() may choose the best suited level to select
for(uint i=0;i<NL3D_QUADGRID_LIGHT_NUM_LEVEL;i++)
ite.QgItes[i]= _StaticLightedModelQuadGrid[i].insert(worldPos, worldPos, model);
// return the iterator
return ite;
// ***************************************************************************
struct CSortLight
CPointLight *PointLight;
float Influence;
// ***************************************************************************
void CLightingManager::computeModelLightContributions(NLMISC::CRGBA sunAmbient, CTransform *model, CLightContribution &lightContrib,
ILogicInfo *logicInfo)
sint i;
// This is the list of light which touch this model.
static std::vector<CPointLightInfluence> lightList;
// static, for malloc perf.
// the position of the model.
CVector modelPos;
float modelRadius;
// depends on model
model->getLightHotSpotInWorld(modelPos, modelRadius);
// First pass, fill the list of light which touch this model.
// get the dynamic lights around the model
getDynamicPointLightList(modelPos, lightList);
// if not already precomputed, append staticLights to this list.
if( !lightContrib.FrozenStaticLightSetup )
// If no logicInfo provided
// Default: suppose full SunLight and no PointLights.
lightContrib.SunContribution= 255;
// Take full SunAmbient.
lightContrib.LocalAmbient= sunAmbient;
// do not append any pointLight to the setup
// NB: SunContribution is computed by logicInfo
logicInfo->getStaticLightSetup(sunAmbient, lightList, lightContrib.SunContribution, lightContrib.LocalAmbient);
// Second pass, in the lightList, choose the best suited light to lit this model
// for each light, modulate the factor of influence
for(i=0; i<(sint)lightList.size();i++)
CPointLight *pl= lightList[i].PointLight;
// get the distance from the light to the model
float dist= (pl->getPosition() - modelPos).norm();
float distMinusRadius= dist - modelRadius;
// modulate the factor by the distance and the attenuation distance.
float inf;
float attBegin= pl->getAttenuationBegin();
float attEnd= pl->getAttenuationEnd();
// if no attenuation
if( attEnd==0 )
// influence is awlays 1.
inf= 1;
// If SpotLight, must modulate with SpotAttenuation.
if(pl->getType() == CPointLight::SpotLight)
inf*= pl->computeLinearAttenuation(modelPos, dist, modelRadius);
// if correct attenuation radius
// NB: we are sure that attBegin>0, because dist>=0.
// if < attBegin, inf should be ==1, but must select the nearest lights; for better
// understanding of the scene
inf= 1 + _OutOfAttLightInfFactor * (attBegin - distMinusRadius); // inf E [1, +oo[
// NB: this formula favour big lights (ie light with big attBegin).
// If SpotLight, must modulate with SpotAttenuation.
if(pl->getType() == CPointLight::SpotLight)
inf*= pl->computeLinearAttenuation(modelPos, dist, modelRadius);
else if(distMinusRadius<attEnd)
// we are sure attEnd-attBegin>0 because of the test
// compute influence of the light: attenuation and SpotAttenuation
inf= pl->computeLinearAttenuation(modelPos, dist, modelRadius);
// if >= attEnd, inf should be ==0, but must select the nearest lights; for better
// understanding of the scene
inf= _OutOfAttLightInfFactor * (attEnd - distMinusRadius); // inf E ]-oo, 0]
// modulate the influence with this factor
lightList[i].BkupInfluence= lightList[i].Influence;
lightList[i].Influence*= inf;
// Bkup distance to model.
lightList[i].DistanceToModel= dist;
// sort the light by influence
sort(lightList.begin(), lightList.end());
// prepare Light Merging.
static std::vector<float> lightToMergeWeight;
lightToMergeWeight.resize(lightList.size(), 1);
// and choose only max light.
uint startId= 0;
uint ligthSrcId= 0;
// skip already setuped light (statically)
startId= lightContrib.NumFrozenStaticLight;
// If there is still place for unFrozen static lights or dynamic lights.
if(startId < _MaxLightContribution)
// setup the transition.
float deltaMinInfluence= _LightTransitionThreshold;
float minInfluence= 0;
sint doMerge= 0;
sint firstLightToMergeFull= _MaxLightContribution-startId;
// If there is more light than we can accept in not merged mode, Must merge
if((sint)lightList.size() > firstLightToMergeFull)
doMerge= 1;
// the minInfluence is the influence of the first light not taken.
minInfluence= lightList[firstLightToMergeFull].Influence;
// but must still be >=0.
minInfluence= max(minInfluence, 0.f);
// Any light under this minInfluence+deltaMinInfluence will be smoothly darken.
float minInfluenceStart = minInfluence + deltaMinInfluence;
float OOdeltaMinInfluence= 1.0f / deltaMinInfluence;
/* NB: this is not an error if we have only 3 light for example (assuming _MaxLightContribution=3),
and still have minInfluenceStart>0.
It's to have a continuity in the case of for example we have 3 lights in lightLists at frame T0,
resulting in "doMerge=0" and at frame T1 we have 4 lights, the farthest having an influence of 0
or nearly 0.
// fill maxLight at max.
for(i=startId;i<(sint)_MaxLightContribution; i++)
// if not so many pointLights found, end!!
CPointLight *pl= lightList[ligthSrcId].PointLight;
float inf= lightList[ligthSrcId].Influence;
float bkupInf= lightList[ligthSrcId].BkupInfluence;
float distToModel= lightList[ligthSrcId].DistanceToModel;
// else fill it.
lightContrib.PointLight[i]= pl;
// Compute the Final factor of influence of the light.
if(inf >= minInfluenceStart)
// For Static LightSetup BiLinear to work correctly, modulate with BkupInfluence
// don't worry about the precision of floor, because of *255.
lightContrib.Factor[i]= (uint8)NLMISC::OptFastFloor(bkupInf*255);
// Indicate that this light don't need to be merged at all!
lightToMergeWeight[ligthSrcId]= 0;
float f= (inf-minInfluence) * OOdeltaMinInfluence;
// For Static LightSetup BiLinear to work correctly, modulate with BkupInfluence
// don't worry about the precision of floor, because of *255.
sint fi= NLMISC::OptFastFloor( bkupInf*f*255 );
clamp(fi, 0, 255);
lightContrib.Factor[i]= fi;
// The rest of the light contribution is to be merged.
lightToMergeWeight[ligthSrcId]= 1-f;
// Compute the Final Att factor for models using Global Attenuation. NB: modulate with Factor
// don't worry about the precision of floor, because of *255.
// NB: compute att on the center of the model => modelRadius==0
sint attFactor= NLMISC::OptFastFloor( lightContrib.Factor[i] * pl->computeLinearAttenuation(modelPos, distToModel) );
lightContrib.AttFactor[i]= (uint8)attFactor;
// must append this lightedModel to the list in the light.
lightContrib.TransformIterator[i]= pl->appendLightedModel(model);
// next light.
// Compute LightToMerge.
CRGBAF mergedAmbient(0,0,0);
uint j;
// For all lights in the lightList, merge Diffuse and Ambient term to mergedAmbient.
if(lightToMergeWeight[j] && lightList[j].Influence>0)
CPointLight *pl= lightList[j].PointLight;
// Get the original influence (ie for static PLs, biLinear influence)
float bkupInf= lightList[j].BkupInfluence;
// Get the attenuation of the pointLight to the model
float distToModel= lightList[j].DistanceToModel;
float attInf= pl->computeLinearAttenuation(modelPos, distToModel);
// Attenuate the color of the light by biLinear and distance/spot attenuation.
float lightInf= attInf * bkupInf;
// Modulate also by the percentage to merge
lightInf*= lightToMergeWeight[j];
// Add the full ambient term of the light, attenuated by light attenuation and WeightMerge
mergedAmbient.R+= pl->getAmbient().R * lightInf;
mergedAmbient.G+= pl->getAmbient().G * lightInf;
mergedAmbient.B+= pl->getAmbient().B * lightInf;
// Add 0.25f of the diffuse term of the light, attenuated by light attenuation and WeightMerge
// mul by 0.25f, because this is the averaged contribution of the diffuse part of a
// light to a sphere (do the maths...).
float f= lightInf*0.25f;
mergedAmbient.R+= pl->getDiffuse().R * f;
mergedAmbient.G+= pl->getDiffuse().G * f;
mergedAmbient.B+= pl->getDiffuse().B * f;
// Setup the merged Light
CRGBA amb;
sint v;
// Because of floating point error, it appears that sometime result may be slightly below 0.
// => clamp necessary
v= NLMISC::OptFastFloor(mergedAmbient.R); fastClamp8(v); amb.R= v;
v= NLMISC::OptFastFloor(mergedAmbient.G); fastClamp8(v); amb.G= v;
v= NLMISC::OptFastFloor(mergedAmbient.B); fastClamp8(v); amb.B= v;
amb.A = 255;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
lightContrib.MergedPointLight= amb;
// Indicate we use the merged pointLight => the model must recompute lighting each frame
lightContrib.UseMergedPointLight= true;
// If the model is freezeHRC(), need to test each frame only if MergedPointLight is used.
lightContrib.UseMergedPointLight= false;
// point to end the list
i= startId;
// End the list.
lightContrib.PointLight[i]= NULL;
// ***************************************************************************
void CLightingManager::getDynamicPointLightList(const CVector &worldPos, std::vector<CPointLightInfluence> &lightList)
// For all quadGrids.
for(uint qgId=0; qgId<NL3D_QUADGRID_LIGHT_NUM_LEVEL; qgId++)
CQuadGrid<CPointLightInfo> &quadGrid= _LightQuadGrid[qgId];
// select the lights around this position in the quadGrids., worldPos);
// for all possible found lights
CQuadGrid<CPointLightInfo>::CIterator itLight;
for(itLight= quadGrid.begin(); itLight!=quadGrid.end(); itLight++)
// verify it includes the entity
if( (*itLight).Sphere.include(worldPos) )
// ok, insert in list.
CPointLightInfluence pli;
pli.PointLight= (*itLight).Light;
// No special Influence degradation scheme for Dynamic lighting
pli.Influence= 1;
lightList.push_back( pli );
} // NL3D