2012-04-15 23:31:21 +00:00
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# include "stdpch.h"
// Misc.
# include "nel/misc/path.h"
# include "nel/misc/i18n.h"
# include "nel/misc/hierarchical_timer.h"
# include "nel/misc/displayer.h"
# include "nel/misc/value_smoother.h"
# include "nel/misc/geom_ext.h"
// Net
# include "nel/net/module_manager.h"
// 3D Interface.
# include "nel/3d/bloom_effect.h"
# include "nel/3d/u_driver.h"
# include "nel/3d/u_scene.h"
# include "nel/3d/u_landscape.h"
# include "nel/3d/u_camera.h"
# include "nel/3d/u_text_context.h"
# include "nel/3d/u_instance.h"
# include "nel/3d/u_material.h"
# include "nel/3d/u_instance_material.h"
# include "nel/3d/u_cloud_scape.h"
// game share
# include "game_share/brick_types.h"
# include "game_share/light_cycle.h"
# include "game_share/time_weather_season/time_and_season.h"
# include "game_share/ryzom_version.h"
# include "game_share/bot_chat_types.h"
# include "nel/pacs/u_global_position.h"
// client sheets
# include "client_sheets/weather_function_params_sheet.h"
// std
# include <string>
// Client
# include "game_share/constants.h"
# include "main_loop.h"
# include "input.h"
# include "client_cfg.h"
# include "actions_client.h"
# include "motion/user_controls.h"
# include "entity_animation_manager.h"
# include "pacs_client.h"
# include "view.h"
# include "time_client.h"
# include "cursor_functions.h"
# include "pacs_client.h"
# include "entity_fx.h"
# include "light_cycle_manager.h"
# include "weather_manager_client.h"
# include "weather.h"
# include "game_share/time_weather_season/weather_predict.h"
# include "entities.h"
# include "net_manager.h"
# include "world_database_manager.h"
# include "continent_manager.h"
# include "ig_callback.h"
# include "fog_map.h"
# include "movie_shooter.h"
# include "sound_manager.h"
# include "graph.h"
# include "interface_v3/interface_manager.h"
# include "demo.h"
# include "color_slot_manager.h"
# include "interface_v3/input_handler_manager.h"
# include "ingame_database_manager.h"
# include "sky_render.h"
# include "prim_file.h"
# include "misc.h"
# include "interface_v3/people_interraction.h"
# include "debug_client.h"
2012-06-08 23:37:43 +00:00
# include "nel/gui/action_handler.h"
2012-04-15 23:31:21 +00:00
# include "interface_v3/action_handler_misc.h"
# include "interface_v3/action_handler_item.h"
# include "fx_manager.h"
# include "ground_fx_manager.h"
# include "string_manager_client.h"
# include "interface_v3/group_in_scene_bubble.h"
# include "game_context_menu.h"
# include "init_main_loop.h"
# include "micro_life_manager.h"
# include "timed_fx_manager.h"
# include "interface_v3/sphrase_manager.h"
# include "outpost_manager.h"
# include "sky.h" // new-style sky
# include "sky_render.h" // new-style sky
# include "interface_v3/music_player.h"
# include "permanent_ban.h"
# include "camera_recorder.h"
# include "connection.h"
# include "landscape_poly_drawer.h"
2012-05-23 02:13:58 +00:00
# include "nel/gui/lua_ihm.h"
2012-05-23 00:41:43 +00:00
# include "interface_v3/lua_ihm_ryzom.h"
2012-04-15 23:31:21 +00:00
# include "far_tp.h"
# include "session_browser_impl.h"
# include "bg_downloader_access.h"
# include "login_progress_post_thread.h"
# include "npc_icon.h"
// R2ED
# include "r2/editor.h"
# include "nel/misc/check_fpu.h"
2012-06-16 00:55:19 +00:00
# include "nel/gui/ctrl_polygon.h"
2012-04-15 23:31:21 +00:00
# include "game_share/scenario_entry_points.h"
# include "nel/3d/driver.h"
# include "nel/3d/texture_file.h"
# include "nel/3d/packed_world.h"
# include "nel/3d/packed_zone.h"
# include "nel/3d/driver_user.h"
# include "water_env_map_rdr.h"
# endif
// temp
# include "precipitation.h"
# include "interface_v3/bot_chat_manager.h"
# include "string_manager_client.h"
2012-05-23 02:13:58 +00:00
# include "nel/gui/lua_manager.h"
2012-05-23 00:41:43 +00:00
2012-04-15 23:31:21 +00:00
// USING //
using namespace NLMISC ;
using namespace NL3D ;
using namespace NLPACS ;
using namespace NLNET ;
using namespace std ;
static void viewportToScissor ( const CViewport & vp , CScissor & scissor )
scissor . X = vp . getX ( ) ;
scissor . Y = vp . getY ( ) ;
scissor . Width = vp . getWidth ( ) ;
scissor . Height = vp . getHeight ( ) ;
// EXTERN //
extern std : : set < std : : string > LodCharactersNotFound ;
extern UDriver * Driver ;
extern IMouseDevice * MouseDevice ;
extern UScene * Scene ;
extern UScene * SceneRoot ;
extern ULandscape * Landscape ;
extern UCloudScape * CloudScape ;
extern bool InitCloudScape ;
extern CLandscapeIGManager LandscapeIGManager ;
extern UTextContext * TextContext ;
extern CEntityAnimationManager * EAM ;
extern TTime UniversalTime ;
extern UMaterial GenericMat ;
extern UCamera MainCam ;
extern CEventsListener EventsListener ;
extern uint32 NbDatabaseChanges ;
extern CMatrix MainSceneViewMatrix ;
extern CMatrix InvMainSceneViewMatrix ;
extern std : : vector < UTextureFile * > LogoBitmaps ;
extern bool IsInRingSession ;
extern std : : string UsedFSAddr ;
void loadBackgroundBitmap ( TBackground background ) ;
void destroyLoadingBitmap ( ) ;
void drawLoadingBitmap ( float progress ) ;
void updateStatReport ( ) ;
CFogState MainFogState ;
CFogState RootFogState ;
const float CANOPY_DEPTH_RANGE_START = 0.95f ;
const float SKY_DEPTH_RANGE_START = 0.99f ;
CRGBA ThunderColor ;
float SimulatedServerDate = 0.f ;
uint64 SimulatedServerTick = 0 ;
// CLASS //
* Class to manage the ping computed with the database .
* \ author Guillaume PUZIN
* \ author Nevrax France
* \ date 2003
class CPing : public ICDBNode : : IPropertyObserver
private :
uint32 _Ping ;
bool _RdyToPing ;
public :
// Constructor.
CPing ( ) { _Ping = 0 ; _RdyToPing = true ; }
// Destructor.
~ CPing ( ) { ; }
// Add an observer on the database for the ping.
void init ( )
CInterfaceManager * pIM = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
if ( pIM )
2012-05-24 03:02:24 +00:00
CCDBNodeLeaf * pNodeLeaf = NLGUI : : CDBManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getDbProp ( " SERVER:DEBUG_INFO:Ping " , false ) ;
2012-04-15 23:31:21 +00:00
if ( pNodeLeaf )
ICDBNode : : CTextId textId ;
pNodeLeaf - > addObserver ( this , textId ) ;
// nlwarning("CPing: cannot add the observer");
nlwarning ( " CPing: 'SERVER:DEBUG_INFO:Ping' does not exist. " ) ;
// Release the observer on the database for the ping.
void release ( )
CInterfaceManager * pIM = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
if ( pIM )
2012-05-24 03:02:24 +00:00
CCDBNodeLeaf * pNodeLeaf = NLGUI : : CDBManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getDbProp ( " SERVER:DEBUG_INFO:Ping " , false ) ;
2012-04-15 23:31:21 +00:00
if ( pNodeLeaf )
ICDBNode : : CTextId textId ;
pNodeLeaf - > removeObserver ( this , textId ) ;
nlwarning ( " CPing: 'SERVER:DEBUG_INFO:Ping' does not exist. " ) ;
// Method called when the ping message is back.
virtual void update ( ICDBNode * node )
CCDBNodeLeaf * leaf = safe_cast < CCDBNodeLeaf * > ( node ) ;
uint32 before = ( uint32 ) leaf - > getValue32 ( ) ;
uint32 current = ( uint32 ) ( 0xFFFFFFFF & ryzomGetLocalTime ( ) ) ;
if ( before > current )
//nlwarning("DB PING Pb before '%u' after '%u'.", before, current);
if ( ClientCfg . Check )
nlstop ;
_Ping = current - before ;
_RdyToPing = true ;
// return the ping in ms.
uint32 getValue ( ) { return _Ping ; }
void rdyToPing ( bool rdy ) { _RdyToPing = rdy ; }
bool rdyToPing ( ) const { return _RdyToPing ; }
} ;
bool game_exit = false ;
bool ryzom_exit = false ;
bool game_exit_request = false ;
bool ryzom_exit_request = false ;
bool paying_account_request = false ;
bool paying_account_already_request = false ;
bool game_exit_after_paying_account_request = false ;
bool Render = true ;
float MouseX ; // Mouse pos X for the frame.
float MouseY ; // Mouse pos Y for the frame.
float OldMouseX ; // Mouse pos X of the last frame.
float OldMouseY ; // Mouse pos Y of the last frame.
uint32 Width ; // Width of the window.
uint32 Height ; // Height of the window.
uint32 OldWidth ; // Last Width of the window.
uint32 OldHeight ; // Last Height of the window.
bool ShowInterface = true ; // Do the Chat OSD have to be displayed.
bool DebugUICell = false ;
bool DebugUIView = false ;
bool DebugUICtrl = false ;
bool DebugUIGroup = false ;
std : : string DebugUIFilter ;
bool ShowHelp = false ; // Do the Help have to be displayed.
uint8 ShowInfos = 0 ; // 0=no info 1=text info 2=graph info
bool bZeroCpu = false ; // For no Cpu use if application is minimize TODO: intercept minimize message, called by CTRL + Z at this
bool Profiling = false ; // Are we in Profile mode?
uint ProfileNumFrame = 0 ;
bool WantProfiling = false ;
bool ProfilingVBLock = false ;
bool WantProfilingVBLock = false ;
bool MovieShooterSaving = false ; // Are we in Shooting mode?
bool DisplayWeatherFunction = false ;
// temp
float DelayBeforeCloudUpdate = 0.f ; // delay in s before cloud state must be recomputed
const float CloudUpdatePeriod = 45.f ; // period used for clouds update
TScreenshotRequest ScreenshotRequest = ScreenshotRequestNone ;
// First frames to skip
bool FirstFrame = false ;
uint SkipFrame = 0 ;
// temp : for timed fxs test
bool ShowTimedFX = false ;
CTimedFXManager : : TDebugDisplayMode ShowTimedFXMode = CTimedFXManager : : NoText ;
//CGraph FpsGraph ("frame rate (fps)", 10.0f, 110.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, CRGBA(128,0,0,128), 1000, 60.0f);
//CGraph SpfGraph ("mspf", 10.0f, 10.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, CRGBA(0,128,0,128), 0, 800.0f);
// TestYoyo
//CGraph CameraThirPersonGraph ("Camera Thir Person", 300.0f, 460.0f, 200.0f, 200.0f, CRGBA(0,64,128,128), 0, 5.0f, 1);
bool PACSBorders = false ;
bool DebugClusters = false ;
CVector LastDebugClusterCameraThirdPersonStart = CVector : : Null ;
CVector LastDebugClusterCameraThirdPersonEnd = CVector : : Null ;
CVector LastDebugClusterCameraThirdPersonTestStart = CVector : : Null ;
CVector LastDebugClusterCameraThirdPersonPelvisPos = CVector : : Null ;
CVector LastDebugClusterCameraThirdPersonResult = CVector : : Null ;
bool LastDebugClusterCameraThirdPersonForceFPV = false ;
bool SoundBox = false ;
CPing Ping ;
sint CompassMode = 0 ; // 0: compass with regard to the user front, 1: to the camera direction.
float BanMsgCountdown = 0.f ;
const float BanMsgRepeatTime = 5.f ;
CGameContextMenu GameContextMenu ;
NLMISC : : CValueSmoother smoothFPS ;
NLMISC : : CValueSmoother moreSmoothFPS ( 64 ) ;
// Profile
0 : AllMeshNoVP
1 : AllMeshVP
2 : FX
3 : Landscape
4 : Vegetable
5 : Skeleton
6 : Water
7 : Cloud
8 : CoarseMesh */
bool Filter3D [ RYZOM_MAX_FILTER_3D ] = { true , true , true , true , true , true , true , true , true , true } ;
bool Scene_Profile = false ;
// Hierarchical timer
H_AUTO_DECL ( RZ_Client_Check_Actions )
H_AUTO_DECL ( RZ_Client_Main_Loop )
H_AUTO_DECL ( RZ_Client_Main_Loop_Zero_Cpu )
H_AUTO_DECL ( RZ_Client_Main_Loop_Cursor )
H_AUTO_DECL ( RZ_Client_Main_Loop_Time_Update )
H_AUTO_DECL ( RZ_Client_Main_Loop_Selection_FX )
H_AUTO_DECL ( RZ_Client_Main_Loop_Sky_And_Weather )
H_AUTO_DECL ( RZ_Client_Main_Loop_Render_Root )
H_AUTO_DECL ( RZ_Client_Main_Loop_Render_Main )
H_AUTO_DECL ( RZ_Client_Main_Loop_Anim_Cloud_Scape )
H_AUTO_DECL ( RZ_Client_Main_Loop_Update_Cloud_Scape )
H_AUTO_DECL ( RZ_Client_Main_Loop_Render_Cloud_Scape )
H_AUTO_DECL ( RZ_Client_Main_Loop_Debug )
H_AUTO_DECL ( RZ_Client_Main_Loop_Guild_Symbol )
H_AUTO_DECL ( RZ_Client_Main_Loop_Render_Thunder )
H_AUTO_DECL ( RZ_Client_Main_Loop_Interface )
H_AUTO_DECL ( RZ_Client_Main_Loop_Sound )
H_AUTO_DECL ( RZ_Client_Main_Loop_Net )
// Display some debug infos.
void displayDebug ( ) ;
void displayDebugFps ( ) ;
void displayDebugUIUnderMouse ( ) ;
// Display an Help.
void displayHelp ( ) ;
//update the sound manager (listener pos, user walk/run sound...)
void updateSound ( ) ;
void displaySpecialTextProgress ( const char * text ) ;
void endMovieShooting ( ) ;
void updateMovieShooting ( ) ;
void updateLightDesc ( ) ;
void updateClouds ( ) ;
void displayPACSBorders ( ) ;
void displayPACSPrimitive ( ) ;
void displaySoundBox ( ) ;
void displayDebugClusters ( ) ;
void displaySceneProfiles ( ) ;
// validate current dialogs (end them if the player is too far from its interlocutor)
void validateDialogs ( const CGameContextMenu & gcm ) ;
void buildCameraClippingPyramid ( vector < CPlane > & planes )
// Compute pyramid in view basis.
CVector pfoc ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
const CFrustum & frustum = MainCam . getFrustum ( ) ;
InvMainSceneViewMatrix = MainCam . getMatrix ( ) ;
MainSceneViewMatrix = InvMainSceneViewMatrix ;
MainSceneViewMatrix . invert ( ) ;
CVector lb ( frustum . Left , frustum . Near , frustum . Bottom ) ;
CVector lt ( frustum . Left , frustum . Near , frustum . Top ) ;
CVector rb ( frustum . Right , frustum . Near , frustum . Bottom ) ;
CVector rt ( frustum . Right , frustum . Near , frustum . Top ) ;
CVector lbFar ( frustum . Left , ClientCfg . CharacterFarClip , frustum . Bottom ) ;
CVector ltFar ( frustum . Left , ClientCfg . CharacterFarClip , frustum . Top ) ;
CVector rtFar ( frustum . Right , ClientCfg . CharacterFarClip , frustum . Top ) ;
planes . resize ( 4 ) ;
// planes[0].make(lbFar, ltFar, rtFar);
planes [ 0 ] . make ( pfoc , lt , lb ) ;
planes [ 1 ] . make ( pfoc , rt , lt ) ;
planes [ 2 ] . make ( pfoc , rb , rt ) ;
planes [ 3 ] . make ( pfoc , lb , rb ) ;
// Compute pyramid in World basis.
// The vector transformation M of a plane p is computed as p*M-1.
// Here, ViewMatrix== CamMatrix-1. Hence the following formula.
uint i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + )
planes [ i ] = planes [ i ] * MainSceneViewMatrix ;
// Test Profiling and run?
void testLaunchProfile ( )
if ( ! WantProfiling )
return ;
// comes from ActionHandler
WantProfiling = false ;
# ifdef _PROFILE_ON_
if ( ! Profiling )
// start the bench.
NLMISC : : CHTimer : : startBench ( ) ;
ProfileNumFrame = 0 ;
Driver - > startBench ( ) ;
if ( SoundMngr )
SoundMngr - > getMixer ( ) - > startDriverBench ( ) ;
// state
Profiling = true ;
// end the bench.
if ( SoundMngr )
SoundMngr - > getMixer ( ) - > endDriverBench ( ) ;
NLMISC : : CHTimer : : endBench ( ) ;
Driver - > endBench ( ) ;
// Display and save profile to a File.
CLog log ;
CFileDisplayer fileDisplayer ( NLMISC : : CFile : : findNewFile ( getLogDirectory ( ) + " profile.log " ) ) ;
CStdDisplayer stdDisplayer ;
log . addDisplayer ( & fileDisplayer ) ;
log . addDisplayer ( & stdDisplayer ) ;
// diplay
NLMISC : : CHTimer : : displayHierarchicalByExecutionPathSorted ( & log , CHTimer : : TotalTime , true , 48 , 2 ) ;
NLMISC : : CHTimer : : displayHierarchical ( & log , true , 48 , 2 ) ;
NLMISC : : CHTimer : : displayByExecutionPath ( & log , CHTimer : : TotalTime ) ;
NLMISC : : CHTimer : : display ( & log , CHTimer : : TotalTime ) ;
NLMISC : : CHTimer : : display ( & log , CHTimer : : TotalTimeWithoutSons ) ;
Driver - > displayBench ( & log ) ;
if ( SoundMngr )
SoundMngr - > getMixer ( ) - > displayDriverBench ( & log ) ;
// state
Profiling = false ;
# endif // #ifdef _PROFILE_ON_
// Test ProfilingVBLock and run?
void testLaunchProfileVBLock ( )
// If running, must stop for this frame.
if ( ProfilingVBLock )
vector < string > strs ;
Driver - > endProfileVBHardLock ( strs ) ;
nlinfo ( " Profile VBLock " ) ;
nlinfo ( " ************** " ) ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < strs . size ( ) ; i + + )
nlinfo ( strs [ i ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
ProfilingVBLock = false ;
// Display additional info on allocated VBHards
nlinfo ( " VBHard list " ) ;
nlinfo ( " ************** " ) ;
Driver - > profileVBHardAllocation ( strs ) ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < strs . size ( ) ; i + + )
nlinfo ( strs [ i ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
strs . clear ( ) ;
Driver - > endProfileIBLock ( strs ) ;
nlinfo ( " Profile Index Buffer Lock " ) ;
nlinfo ( " ************** " ) ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < strs . size ( ) ; i + + )
nlinfo ( strs [ i ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
ProfilingVBLock = false ;
// Display additional info on allocated VBHards
nlinfo ( " Index Buffer list " ) ;
nlinfo ( " ************** " ) ;
Driver - > profileIBAllocation ( strs ) ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < strs . size ( ) ; i + + )
nlinfo ( strs [ i ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
// comes from ActionHandler
if ( WantProfilingVBLock )
WantProfilingVBLock = false ;
ProfilingVBLock = true ;
Driver - > startProfileVBHardLock ( ) ;
Driver - > startProfileIBLock ( ) ;
// update the camera perspective setup
void updateCameraPerspective ( )
float fov , aspectRatio ;
computeCurrentFovAspectRatio ( fov , aspectRatio ) ;
// change the perspective of the scene
if ( ! MainCam . empty ( ) )
MainCam . setPerspective ( fov , aspectRatio , CameraSetupZNear , ClientCfg . Vision ) ;
// change the perspective of the root scene
if ( SceneRoot )
UCamera cam = SceneRoot - > getCam ( ) ;
cam . setPerspective ( fov , aspectRatio , SceneRootCameraZNear , SceneRootCameraZFar ) ;
// Compare ClientCfg and LastClientCfg to know what we must update
void updateFromClientCfg ( )
CClientConfig : : setValues ( ) ;
ClientCfg . IsInvalidated = false ;
if ( ( ClientCfg . Windowed ! = LastClientCfg . Windowed ) | |
( ClientCfg . Width ! = LastClientCfg . Width ) | |
( ClientCfg . Height ! = LastClientCfg . Height ) | |
( ClientCfg . Depth ! = LastClientCfg . Depth ) | |
( ClientCfg . Frequency ! = LastClientCfg . Frequency ) )
setVideoMode ( UDriver : : CMode ( ClientCfg . Width , ClientCfg . Height , ( uint8 ) ClientCfg . Depth ,
ClientCfg . Windowed , ClientCfg . Frequency ) ) ;
if ( ClientCfg . DivideTextureSizeBy2 ! = LastClientCfg . DivideTextureSizeBy2 )
if ( ClientCfg . DivideTextureSizeBy2 )
Driver - > forceTextureResize ( 2 ) ;
Driver - > forceTextureResize ( 1 ) ;
if ( ClientCfg . WaitVBL ! = LastClientCfg . WaitVBL )
if ( ClientCfg . WaitVBL )
Driver - > setSwapVBLInterval ( 1 ) ;
Driver - > setSwapVBLInterval ( 0 ) ;
if ( ClientCfg . LandscapeThreshold ! = LastClientCfg . LandscapeThreshold )
if ( Landscape ) Landscape - > setThreshold ( ClientCfg . getActualLandscapeThreshold ( ) ) ;
if ( ClientCfg . LandscapeTileNear ! = LastClientCfg . LandscapeTileNear )
if ( Landscape ) Landscape - > setTileNear ( ClientCfg . LandscapeTileNear ) ;
if ( Landscape )
if ( ClientCfg . Vision ! = LastClientCfg . Vision )
if ( ! ClientCfg . Light )
// Not in an indoor ?
if ( ContinentMngr . cur ( ) & & ! ContinentMngr . cur ( ) - > Indoor )
// Refresh All Zone in streaming according to the refine position
vector < string > zonesAdded ;
vector < string > zonesRemoved ;
const R2 : : CScenarioEntryPoints : : CCompleteIsland * ci = R2 : : CScenarioEntryPoints : : getInstance ( ) . getCompleteIslandFromCoords ( CVector2f ( ( float ) UserEntity - > pos ( ) . x , ( float ) UserEntity - > pos ( ) . y ) ) ;
Landscape - > refreshAllZonesAround ( View . refinePos ( ) , ClientCfg . Vision + ExtraZoneLoadingVision , zonesAdded , zonesRemoved , ProgressBar , ci ? & ( ci - > ZoneIDs ) : NULL ) ;
LandscapeIGManager . unloadArrayZoneIG ( zonesRemoved ) ;
LandscapeIGManager . loadArrayZoneIG ( zonesAdded ) ;
if ( ClientCfg . Vision ! = LastClientCfg . Vision | | ClientCfg . FoV ! = LastClientCfg . FoV | |
ClientCfg . Windowed ! = LastClientCfg . Windowed | | ClientCfg . ScreenAspectRatio ! = LastClientCfg . ScreenAspectRatio )
updateCameraPerspective ( ) ;
if ( Landscape )
if ( ClientCfg . MicroVeget ! = LastClientCfg . MicroVeget )
if ( ClientCfg . MicroVeget )
// if configured, enable the vegetable and load the texture.
Landscape - > enableVegetable ( true ) ;
// Default setup. TODO later by gameDev.
Landscape - > setVegetableWind ( CVector ( 0.5 , 0.5 , 0 ) . normed ( ) , 0.5 , 1 , 0 ) ;
// Default setup. should work well for night/day transition in 30 minutes.
// Because all vegetables will be updated every 20 seconds => 90 steps.
Landscape - > setVegetableUpdateLightingFrequency ( 1 / 20.f ) ;
// Density (percentage to ratio)
Landscape - > setVegetableDensity ( ClientCfg . MicroVegetDensity / 100.f ) ;
Landscape - > enableVegetable ( false ) ;
if ( ClientCfg . MicroVegetDensity ! = LastClientCfg . MicroVegetDensity )
// Density (percentage to ratio)
if ( Landscape ) Landscape - > setVegetableDensity ( ClientCfg . MicroVegetDensity / 100.f ) ;
if ( ClientCfg . FxNbMaxPoly ! = LastClientCfg . FxNbMaxPoly )
if ( Scene - > getGroupLoadMaxPolygon ( " Fx " ) ! = ClientCfg . FxNbMaxPoly )
Scene - > setGroupLoadMaxPolygon ( " Fx " , ClientCfg . FxNbMaxPoly ) ;
if ( ClientCfg . Cloud ! = LastClientCfg . Cloud )
if ( ClientCfg . Cloud )
InitCloudScape = true ;
CloudScape = Scene - > createCloudScape ( ) ;
if ( CloudScape ! = NULL )
Scene - > deleteCloudScape ( CloudScape ) ;
CloudScape = NULL ;
if ( ClientCfg . CloudQuality ! = LastClientCfg . CloudQuality )
if ( CloudScape ! = NULL )
CloudScape - > setQuality ( ClientCfg . CloudQuality ) ;
if ( ClientCfg . CloudUpdate ! = LastClientCfg . CloudUpdate )
if ( CloudScape ! = NULL )
CloudScape - > setNbCloudToUpdateIn80ms ( ClientCfg . CloudUpdate ) ;
if ( ClientCfg . Shadows ! = LastClientCfg . Shadows )
// Enable/Disable Receive on Landscape
if ( Landscape )
Landscape - > enableReceiveShadowMap ( ClientCfg . Shadows ) ;
// Enable/Disable Cast for all entities
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < EntitiesMngr . entities ( ) . size ( ) ; i + + )
CEntityCL * ent = EntitiesMngr . entities ( ) [ i ] ;
if ( ent )
ent - > updateCastShadowMap ( ) ;
if ( ClientCfg . SkinNbMaxPoly ! = LastClientCfg . SkinNbMaxPoly )
if ( Scene - > getGroupLoadMaxPolygon ( " Skin " ) ! = ClientCfg . SkinNbMaxPoly )
Scene - > setGroupLoadMaxPolygon ( " Skin " , ClientCfg . SkinNbMaxPoly ) ;
if ( ClientCfg . NbMaxSkeletonNotCLod ! = LastClientCfg . NbMaxSkeletonNotCLod )
Scene - > setMaxSkeletonsInNotCLodForm ( ClientCfg . NbMaxSkeletonNotCLod ) ;
if ( ClientCfg . CharacterFarClip ! = LastClientCfg . CharacterFarClip )
// Nothing to do
if ( ClientCfg . HDEntityTexture ! = LastClientCfg . HDEntityTexture )
// Don't reload Texture, will be done at next Game Start
// INTERFACE works
if ( ClientCfg . CursorSpeed ! = LastClientCfg . CursorSpeed )
SetMouseSpeed ( ClientCfg . CursorSpeed ) ;
if ( ClientCfg . CursorAcceleration ! = LastClientCfg . CursorAcceleration )
SetMouseAcceleration ( ClientCfg . CursorAcceleration ) ;
if ( ClientCfg . HardwareCursor ! = LastClientCfg . HardwareCursor )
if ( ClientCfg . HardwareCursor ! = IsMouseCursorHardware ( ) )
InitMouseWithCursor ( ClientCfg . HardwareCursor ) ;
bool mustReloadSoundMngrContinent = false ;
// disable/enable sound?
if ( ClientCfg . SoundOn ! = LastClientCfg . SoundOn )
if ( SoundMngr & & ! ClientCfg . SoundOn )
nlwarning ( " Deleting sound manager... " ) ;
delete SoundMngr ;
SoundMngr = NULL ;
else if ( SoundMngr = = NULL & & ClientCfg . SoundOn )
nlwarning ( " Creating sound manager... " ) ;
SoundMngr = new CSoundManager ( ) ;
SoundMngr - > init ( NULL ) ;
catch ( const Exception & e )
nlwarning ( " init : Error when creating 'SoundMngr' : %s " , e . what ( ) ) ;
SoundMngr = 0 ;
// re-init with good SFX/Music Volume
if ( SoundMngr )
SoundMngr - > setSFXVolume ( ClientCfg . SoundSFXVolume ) ;
SoundMngr - > setGameMusicVolume ( ClientCfg . SoundGameMusicVolume ) ;
nlwarning ( " Sound config error ! " ) ;
mustReloadSoundMngrContinent = true ;
// change EAX?
if ( SoundMngr & & LastClientCfg . SoundOn & &
( ClientCfg . UseEax ! = LastClientCfg . UseEax ) )
SoundMngr - > reset ( ) ;
mustReloadSoundMngrContinent = true ;
// change SoundForceSoftwareBuffer?
if ( SoundMngr & & LastClientCfg . SoundOn & &
( ClientCfg . SoundForceSoftwareBuffer ! = LastClientCfg . SoundForceSoftwareBuffer ) )
SoundMngr - > reset ( ) ;
mustReloadSoundMngrContinent = true ;
// change MaxTrack? don't reset
if ( SoundMngr & & LastClientCfg . SoundOn & &
( ClientCfg . MaxTrack ! = LastClientCfg . MaxTrack ) )
SoundMngr - > getMixer ( ) - > changeMaxTrack ( ClientCfg . MaxTrack ) ;
// change SoundFX Volume? don't reset
if ( SoundMngr & & ClientCfg . SoundSFXVolume ! = LastClientCfg . SoundSFXVolume )
SoundMngr - > setSFXVolume ( ClientCfg . SoundSFXVolume ) ;
// change Game Music Volume? don't reset
if ( SoundMngr & & ClientCfg . SoundGameMusicVolume ! = LastClientCfg . SoundGameMusicVolume )
SoundMngr - > setGameMusicVolume ( ClientCfg . SoundGameMusicVolume ) ;
// reload only if active and reseted
if ( mustReloadSoundMngrContinent & & SoundMngr & & ContinentMngr . cur ( ) & & ! ContinentMngr . cur ( ) - > Indoor & & UserEntity )
SoundMngr - > loadContinent ( ContinentMngr . getCurrentContinentSelectName ( ) , UserEntity - > pos ( ) ) ;
// Ok backup the new clientcfg
LastClientCfg = ClientCfg ;
void preRenderNewSky ( )
CSky & sky = ContinentMngr . cur ( ) - > CurrentSky ;
// setup fog, lighting & sky object. We use the same light direction than with the main scene
CClientDate cd = SmoothedClientDate ;
if ( ClientCfg . R2EDEnabled & & R2 : : getEditor ( ) . getFixedLighting ( ) )
cd . Hour = 12.f ;
sky . setup ( cd , SmoothedClientDate , WeatherManager . getWeatherValue ( ) , MainFogState . FogColor , Scene - > getSunDirection ( ) , false ) ;
// setup camera
CFrustum frust = MainCam . getFrustum ( ) ;
UCamera camSky = sky . getScene ( ) - > getCam ( ) ;
sky . getScene ( ) - > setViewport ( Scene - > getViewport ( ) ) ;
camSky . setTransformMode ( UTransform : : DirectMatrix ) ;
// must have our own Far!!!
frust . Far = SkyCameraZFar ;
camSky . setFrustum ( frust ) ;
CMatrix skyCameraMatrix ;
skyCameraMatrix . identity ( ) ;
skyCameraMatrix = MainCam . getMatrix ( ) ;
skyCameraMatrix . setPos ( CVector : : Null ) ;
camSky . setMatrix ( skyCameraMatrix ) ;
//uint32 MainLoopCounter = 0;
// ***************************************************************************
enum TSkyMode { NoSky , OldSky , NewSky } ;
// ***************************************************************************
void beginRenderCanopyPart ( )
SceneRoot - > beginPartRender ( ) ;
void endRenderCanopyPart ( )
SceneRoot - > endPartRender ( false ) ;
void beginRenderMainScenePart ( )
Scene - > beginPartRender ( ) ;
void endRenderMainScenePart ( )
Scene - > endPartRender ( true ) ;
void beginRenderSkyPart ( TSkyMode skyMode )
if ( skyMode = = NewSky )
CSky & sky = ContinentMngr . cur ( ) - > CurrentSky ;
sky . getScene ( ) - > beginPartRender ( ) ;
void endRenderSkyPart ( TSkyMode skyMode )
if ( skyMode = = NewSky )
CSky & sky = ContinentMngr . cur ( ) - > CurrentSky ;
sky . getScene ( ) - > endPartRender ( false ) ;
// ***************************************************************************************************************************
// Render a part of the canopy
static void renderCanopyPart ( UScene : : TRenderPart renderPart )
H_AUTO_USE ( RZ_Client_Main_Loop_Render_Root )
ContinentMngr . getFogState ( CanopyFog , LightCycleManager . getLightLevel ( ) , LightCycleManager . getLightDesc ( ) . DuskRatio , LightCycleManager . getState ( ) , View . viewPos ( ) , RootFogState ) ;
RootFogState . setupInDriver ( * Driver ) ;
// Set The Root Camera
UCamera camRoot = SceneRoot - > getCam ( ) ;
if ( ! camRoot . empty ( ) )
// Update Camera Position/Rotation.
camRoot . setPos ( View . currentViewPos ( ) ) ;
camRoot . setRotQuat ( View . currentView ( ) ) ;
// Render the root scene
SceneRoot - > renderPart ( renderPart ) ;
// ***************************************************************************************************************************
// Render a part of the main scene
static void renderMainScenePart ( UScene : : TRenderPart renderPart )
H_AUTO_USE ( RZ_Client_Main_Loop_Render_Main )
Driver - > setDepthRange ( 0.f , CANOPY_DEPTH_RANGE_START ) ;
if ( ClientCfg . Fog = = false )
Driver - > enableFog ( false ) ;
MainFogState . setupInDriver ( * Driver ) ;
Scene - > renderPart ( renderPart ) ;
// ***************************************************************************************************************************
// Render a part of the sky
static void renderSkyPart ( UScene : : TRenderPart renderPart , TSkyMode skyMode )
nlassert ( skyMode ! = NoSky ) ;
Driver - > setDepthRange ( SKY_DEPTH_RANGE_START , 1.f ) ;
Driver - > enableFog ( false ) ;
if ( skyMode = = NewSky )
CSky & sky = ContinentMngr . cur ( ) - > CurrentSky ;
sky . getScene ( ) - > renderPart ( renderPart ) ;
// old style sky
renderSky ( LightCycleManager , MainFogState . FogColor ) ;
if ( CloudScape ! = NULL & & Filter3D [ FilterCloud ] )
H_AUTO_USE ( RZ_Client_Main_Loop_Render_Cloud_Scape )
CloudScape - > render ( ) ;
# endif
// ***************************************************************************************************************************
// Render all scenes
void renderAll ( bool forceFullDetail )
if ( ClientCfg . Bloom )
// set bloom parameters before applying bloom effect
CBloomEffect : : getInstance ( ) . setSquareBloom ( ClientCfg . SquareBloom ) ;
CBloomEffect : : getInstance ( ) . setDensityBloom ( ( uint8 ) ClientCfg . DensityBloom ) ;
// init bloom
CBloomEffect : : getInstance ( ) . initBloom ( ) ;
// backup old balancing mode
uint maxFullDetailChar = Scene - > getMaxSkeletonsInNotCLodForm ( ) ;
UScene * skyScene = getSkyScene ( ) ;
UScene : : TPolygonBalancingMode oldBalancingMode = Scene - > getPolygonBalancingMode ( ) ;
UScene : : TPolygonBalancingMode oldSkyBalancingMode = UScene : : PolygonBalancingOff ;
if ( skyScene )
oldSkyBalancingMode = skyScene - > getPolygonBalancingMode ( ) ;
// disable load balancing for that frame only if asked
if ( forceFullDetail )
Scene - > setMaxSkeletonsInNotCLodForm ( 1000000 ) ;
Scene - > setPolygonBalancingMode ( UScene : : PolygonBalancingOff ) ;
if ( skyScene )
skyScene - > setPolygonBalancingMode ( UScene : : PolygonBalancingOff ) ;
H_AUTO_USE ( RZ_Client_Main_Loop_Sky_And_Weather )
// update description of light cycle
updateLightDesc ( ) ;
// server driven weather mgt
updateDBDrivenWeatherValue ( ) ;
// Update the weather manager
updateWeatherManager ( MainCam . getMatrix ( ) , ContinentMngr . cur ( ) ) ;
// compute thunder color
ThunderColor . modulateFromui ( WeatherManager . getCurrWeatherState ( ) . ThunderColor , ( uint ) ( 256.f * WeatherManager . getThunderLevel ( ) ) ) ;
// Update the lighting
LightCycleManager . setHour ( DayNightCycleHour , WeatherManager , ThunderColor ) ;
if ( Filter3D [ FilterCloud ] )
H_AUTO_USE ( RZ_Client_Main_Loop_Update_Cloud_Scape ) ;
updateClouds ( ) ;
# endif
ContinentMngr . getFogState ( MainFog , LightCycleManager . getLightLevel ( ) , LightCycleManager . getLightDesc ( ) . DuskRatio , LightCycleManager . getState ( ) , View . viewPos ( ) , MainFogState ) ;
if ( Driver - > getPolygonMode ( ) = = UDriver : : Filled )
Driver - > clearZBuffer ( ) ;
if ( CloudScape ! = NULL & & Filter3D [ FilterCloud ] )
H_AUTO_USE ( RZ_Client_Main_Loop_Anim_Cloud_Scape ) ;
Driver - > enableFog ( false ) ;
// Force polygon mode to filled
NL3D : : UDriver : : TPolygonMode oldMode = Driver - > getPolygonMode ( ) ;
Driver - > setPolygonMode ( NL3D : : UDriver : : Filled ) ;
CloudScape - > anim ( DT ) ; // WARNING this function work with screen
Driver - > enableFog ( true ) ;
// Reset backuped polygon mode
Driver - > setPolygonMode ( oldMode ) ;
# endif
// Sky is used to clear the frame buffer now, but if in line or point polygon mode, we should draw it
if ( Driver - > getPolygonMode ( ) ! = UDriver : : Filled )
if ( ! Driver - > isLost ( ) )
Driver - > clearBuffers ( CRGBA ( 127 , 127 , 127 ) ) ;
// Update Filter Flags
Scene - > enableElementRender ( UScene : : FilterAllMeshNoVP , Filter3D [ FilterMeshNoVP ] ) ;
Scene - > enableElementRender ( UScene : : FilterAllMeshVP , Filter3D [ FilterMeshVP ] ) ;
Scene - > enableElementRender ( UScene : : FilterFX , Filter3D [ FilterFXs ] ) ;
Scene - > enableElementRender ( UScene : : FilterLandscape , Filter3D [ FilterLandscape ] ) ;
Scene - > enableElementRender ( UScene : : FilterSkeleton , Filter3D [ FilterSkeleton ] ) ;
Scene - > enableElementRender ( UScene : : FilterWater , Filter3D [ FilterWater ] ) ;
Scene - > enableElementRender ( UScene : : FilterCoarseMesh , Filter3D [ FilterCoarseMesh ] ) ;
// profile this frame?
if ( Scene_Profile )
Scene - > profileNextRender ( ) ;
TSkyMode skyMode = NoSky ;
if ( ContinentMngr . cur ( ) & & ! ContinentMngr . cur ( ) - > Indoor )
if ( Driver - > getPolygonMode ( ) = = UDriver : : Filled )
if ( Filter3D [ FilterSky ] )
CSky & sky = ContinentMngr . cur ( ) - > CurrentSky ;
if ( sky . getScene ( ) )
skyMode = NewSky ;
sky . getScene ( ) - > animate ( TimeInSec - FirstTimeInSec ) ;
// Setup the sky camera
preRenderNewSky ( ) ;
skyMode = OldSky ;
// initialisation of polygons renderer
CLandscapePolyDrawer : : getInstance ( ) . beginRenderLandscapePolyPart ( ) ;
// Start Part Rendering
beginRenderCanopyPart ( ) ;
beginRenderMainScenePart ( ) ;
beginRenderSkyPart ( skyMode ) ;
// Render part
// WARNING: always must begin rendering with at least UScene::RenderOpaque,
// else dynamic shadows won't work
renderCanopyPart ( UScene : : RenderOpaque ) ;
renderMainScenePart ( UScene : : RenderOpaque ) ;
// render of polygons on landscape
CLandscapePolyDrawer : : getInstance ( ) . renderLandscapePolyPart ( ) ;
if ( skyMode ! = NoSky ) renderSkyPart ( ( UScene : : TRenderPart ) ( UScene : : RenderOpaque | UScene : : RenderTransparent ) , skyMode ) ;
renderCanopyPart ( ( UScene : : TRenderPart ) ( UScene : : RenderTransparent | UScene : : RenderFlare ) ) ;
renderMainScenePart ( ( UScene : : TRenderPart ) ( UScene : : RenderTransparent | UScene : : RenderFlare ) ) ;
if ( skyMode = = NewSky ) renderSkyPart ( UScene : : RenderFlare , skyMode ) ;
// End Part Rendering
endRenderSkyPart ( skyMode ) ;
endRenderMainScenePart ( ) ;
endRenderCanopyPart ( ) ;
// reset depth range
Driver - > setDepthRange ( 0.f , CANOPY_DEPTH_RANGE_START ) ;
// restore load balancing mode
if ( forceFullDetail )
Scene - > setMaxSkeletonsInNotCLodForm ( maxFullDetailChar ) ;
Scene - > setPolygonBalancingMode ( oldBalancingMode ) ;
if ( skyScene )
skyScene - > setPolygonBalancingMode ( oldSkyBalancingMode ) ;
// apply bloom effect
if ( ClientCfg . Bloom )
CBloomEffect : : getInstance ( ) . endBloom ( ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
class CMusicFader
public :
uint NFrameSkip ;
float TotalTime ;
bool Done ;
public :
CMusicFader ( uint nframeToSkip , float fadeTime )
NFrameSkip = nframeToSkip ;
// avoid div by zero
fadeTime = max ( fadeTime , 0.01f ) ;
TotalTime = fadeTime ;
Done = false ;
void fade ( ) ;
} ;
void CMusicFader : : fade ( )
// ended?
if ( NFrameSkip = = 0 & & Done )
return ;
// else fade
if ( NFrameSkip = = 0 )
// stop music (slow fade out of 3 secondes)
if ( SoundMngr )
SoundMngr - > stopMusic ( uint ( TotalTime * 1000 ) ) ;
Done = true ;
NFrameSkip - - ;
// ***************************************************************************
void updateGameQuitting ( )
static sint64 firstTimeLostConnection = 0 ;
// Yoyo: prefer now leave the user press "Quit Now" if don't want to wait server
// if want quiting, and if server stalled, quit now
if ( game_exit_request )
// abort until 10 seconds if connexion lost
if ( ! NetMngr . getConnectionQuality ( ) )
if ( ! firstTimeLostConnection )
firstTimeLostConnection = T1 ;
firstTimeLostConnection = 0 ;
// if connexion lost until 10 seconds
if ( firstTimeLostConnection & & T1 - firstTimeLostConnection > 10000 )
game_exit = true ;
ryzom_exit = ryzom_exit_request ;
// reset
firstTimeLostConnection = 0 ;
} */
// update the window
CInterfaceManager * pIM = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
2012-05-31 02:27:27 +00:00
CInterfaceGroup * group = dynamic_cast < CInterfaceGroup * > ( CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getElementFromId ( " ui:interface:free_trial_game_quitting " ) ) ;
2012-04-15 23:31:21 +00:00
if ( group )
// if Free trial
if ( paying_account_request )
// if no current modal window, or if not the quit window
2012-05-31 02:27:27 +00:00
if ( group ! = CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getModalWindow ( ) )
2012-04-15 23:31:21 +00:00
// disable
2012-05-31 02:27:27 +00:00
CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > disableModalWindow ( ) ;
CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > enableModalWindow ( NULL , group ) ;
2012-04-15 23:31:21 +00:00
// if the current modal window is the quit window, disable
2012-05-31 02:27:27 +00:00
if ( group = = CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getModalWindow ( ) )
2012-04-15 23:31:21 +00:00
// disable
2012-05-31 02:27:27 +00:00
CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > disableModalWindow ( ) ;
2012-04-15 23:31:21 +00:00
2012-05-31 02:27:27 +00:00
group = dynamic_cast < CInterfaceGroup * > ( CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getElementFromId ( " ui:interface:game_quitting " ) ) ;
2012-04-15 23:31:21 +00:00
if ( group )
// if exit request
if ( game_exit_request & & ! paying_account_request )
// if no current modal window, or if not the quit window
2012-05-31 02:27:27 +00:00
if ( group ! = CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getModalWindow ( ) )
2012-04-15 23:31:21 +00:00
// disable
2012-05-31 02:27:27 +00:00
CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > disableModalWindow ( ) ;
CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > enableModalWindow ( NULL , group ) ;
2012-04-15 23:31:21 +00:00
bool farTPing = FarTP . isFarTPInProgress ( ) ;
// Far TP: skipping not allowed (because we can't duplicate the avatar...), anyway the quit button would quit the game (no far tp)
CInterfaceElement * quitNowButton = group - > getElement ( group - > getId ( ) + " :indent_middle:ryzom " ) ;
if ( quitNowButton )
quitNowButton - > setActive ( ! farTPing ) ;
// From ring session or from mainland's ring access point: cancelling not allowed (would lead to inconsistencies with the SU & DSS)
CInterfaceElement * backToGame = group - > getElement ( group - > getId ( ) + " :indent_middle:cancel " ) ;
if ( backToGame )
backToGame - > setActive ( ! ( farTPing & & ( IsInRingSession | | FarTP . isFastDisconnectGranted ( ) ) ) ) ;
CInterfaceElement * quittingRules = group - > getElement ( group - > getId ( ) + " :text_mean " ) ;
if ( quittingRules )
quittingRules - > setActive ( ! farTPing ) ;
CInterfaceElement * quittingText = group - > getElement ( group - > getId ( ) + " :text " ) ;
if ( quittingText )
quittingText - > setActive ( ! farTPing ) ;
// else
// if the current modal window is the quit window, disable
2012-05-31 02:27:27 +00:00
if ( group = = CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getModalWindow ( ) )
2012-04-15 23:31:21 +00:00
// disable
2012-05-31 02:27:27 +00:00
CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > disableModalWindow ( ) ;
2012-04-15 23:31:21 +00:00
void setDefaultChatWindow ( CChatWindow * defaultChatWindow )
if ( defaultChatWindow )
CInterfaceManager * im = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
if ( defaultChatWindow - > getContainer ( ) )
CInterfaceGroup * ig = defaultChatWindow - > getContainer ( ) - > getGroup ( " eb " ) ;
2012-06-03 01:48:31 +00:00
if ( ig ) CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > setDefaultCaptureKeyboard ( ig ) ;
2012-04-15 23:31:21 +00:00
void updateDayNightCycleHour ( )
if ( ClientCfg . R2EDEnabled & & R2 : : getEditor ( ) . getFixedLighting ( ) )
DayNightCycleHour = 12.f ;
// if there's a forced time, apply it
if ( ForcedDayNightCycleHour < 0 )
DayNightCycleHour = ( float ) RT . getRyzomTime ( ) ;
DayNightCycleHour = ForcedDayNightCycleHour ;
// ***************************************************************************
// mainLoop :
// Main loop of the application (displayer, input, ...).
// Return true to exit the game, false to return to character selection
bool mainLoop ( )
resetIngameTime ( ) ;
NLMISC : : TTime initStart = ryzomGetLocalTime ( ) ;
NLMISC : : TTime initLast = initStart ;
NLMISC : : TTime initCurrent = initLast ;
game_exit = false ;
game_exit_request = false ;
paying_account_request = false ;
paying_account_already_request = false ;
game_exit_after_paying_account_request = false ;
FarTP . setMainLoopEntered ( ) ;
nlinfo ( " Starting main loop... " , ( uint32 ) ( initCurrent - initLast ) / 1000 , ( uint32 ) ( initCurrent - initStart ) / 1000 ) ;
// Get the Width and Height of the window and set the Old values..
Driver - > getWindowSize ( Width , Height ) ;
OldWidth = Width ; OldHeight = Height ;
CGraph : : init ( Driver ) ;
CGraph : : Display = false ;
T1 = ryzomGetLocalTime ( ) ; //(sint64)CGDTime::getTime (); // \todo GUIGUI : VOIR COMMENT MANAGER LE TEMPS
TSend = ( ( T1 + DTSend ) / DTSend ) * DTSend ;
// initialize the structure for the ping.
Ping . init ( ) ;
// initialize screenshots directory
initScreenshot ( ) ;
// Call a function for a demo to init.
if ( ClientCfg . Local )
if ( ! ClientCfg . Light )
initDemo ( ) ;
// Get the Connection State.
CNetworkConnection : : TConnectionState lastConnectionState = CNetworkConnection : : Connected ;
CNetworkConnection : : TConnectionState connectionState = NetMngr . getConnectionState ( ) ;
updateLightDesc ( ) ;
SetMouseFreeLook ( ) ;
SetMouseCursor ( ) ;
// Set the cursor.
ContextCur . context ( " STAND BY " ) ;
// set the default box for keyboard
setDefaultChatWindow ( PeopleInterraction . ChatGroup . Window ) ;
// Init GameContextMenu.
GameContextMenu ;
GameContextMenu . init ( " " ) ;
// Active inputs
Actions . enable ( true ) ;
EditActions . enable ( true ) ;
// For stoping the outgame music, start after 30 frames, and duration of 3 seconds
CMusicFader outgameFader ( 60 , 3 ) ;
// check for banned player
if ( testPermanentBanMarkers ( ) )
setPermanentBanMarkers ( true ) ; // re-set any marker that could have been removed by the trouble maker
applyPermanentBanPunishment ( ) ;
PermanentlyBanned = true ;
CNiceInputAuto niceInputs ;
// R2 editor and modules
R2 : : getEditor ( ) . autoConfigInit ( IsInRingSession ) ;
if ( ClientCfg . BeepWhenLaunched )
beep ( 680 , 400 ) ;
beep ( 440 , 400 ) ;
Driver - > showWindow ( ) ;
CurrSeason = computeCurrSeason ( ) ;
initLast = initCurrent ;
initCurrent = ryzomGetLocalTime ( ) ;
nlinfo ( " PROFILE: %d seconds (%d total) for Starting main loop " , ( uint32 ) ( initCurrent - initLast ) / 1000 , ( uint32 ) ( initCurrent - initStart ) / 1000 ) ;
if ( ClientCfg . R2EDEnabled & & ! ClientCfg . Local )
R2 : : getEditor ( ) . waitScenario ( ) ;
2012-05-23 00:41:43 +00:00
CSessionBrowserImpl : : getInstance ( ) . init ( CLuaManager : : getInstance ( ) . getLuaState ( ) ) ;
2012-04-15 23:31:21 +00:00
CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) - > executeLuaScript ( " game:onMainLoopBegin() " ) ;
if ( StartInitTime ! = 0 )
CLoginProgressPostThread : : getInstance ( ) . step ( CLoginStep ( LoginStep_InGameEntry , " login_step_game_entry&load_time= " + toString ( ( NLMISC : : CTime : : getLocalTime ( ) - StartInitTime ) / 1000 ) ) ) ;
StartInitTime = 0 ;
ProgressBar . finish ( ) ;
// Main loop. If the window is no more Active -> Exit.
while ( ! UserEntity - > permanentDeath ( )
& & ! game_exit )
if ( isBGDownloadEnabled ( ) )
CBGDownloaderAccess & bgDownloader = CBGDownloaderAccess : : getInstance ( ) ;
// if the ui is frozen, wait for a few frame to allow client to do first frame load,
// without having to compete with the downloader frame
if ( ! FirstFrame & & bgDownloader . isDownloaderUIFrozen ( ) & & SkipFrame = = 0 )
unpauseBGDownloader ( ) ;
EGSPD : : CSeason : : TSeason newLocalSeason = computeCurrSeason ( ) ;
if ( newLocalSeason ! = CurrSeason )
LoadingBackground = TeleportKaravanBackground ;
beginLoading ( LoadingBackground ) ;
extern void selectTipsOfTheDay ( uint tips ) ;
selectTipsOfTheDay ( rand ( ) ) ;
UseEscapeDuringLoading = false ;
# define BAR_STEP_TP 2
ProgressBar . reset ( BAR_STEP_TP ) ;
ucstring nmsg ( " Loading... " ) ;
ProgressBar . newMessage ( ClientCfg . buildLoadingString ( nmsg ) ) ;
ProgressBar . progress ( 0 ) ;
ContinentMngr . select ( UserEntity - > pos ( ) , ProgressBar ) ;
ProgressBar . finish ( ) ;
CurrSeason = newLocalSeason ;
if ( ClientCfg . R2EDEnabled )
if ( R2 : : ResetWanted )
R2 : : getEditor ( ) . reset ( ) ;
R2 : : ResetWanted = false ;
if ( R2 : : ResetScenarioWanted )
R2 : : getEditor ( ) . resetScenario ( ) ;
R2 : : ResetScenarioWanted = false ;
if ( R2 : : ReloadScenarioWanted )
R2 : : getEditor ( ) . reloadScenario ( ) ;
R2 : : ReloadScenarioWanted = false ;
if ( PermanentlyBanned )
if ( UserEntity )
UserEntity - > runVelocity ( 0 ) ;
UserEntity - > walkVelocity ( 0 ) ;
BanMsgCountdown - = DT ;
if ( BanMsgCountdown < 0.f )
CInterfaceManager * pIM = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
ucstring msg = CI18N : : get ( " msgPermanentlyBanned " ) ;
string cat = getStringCategory ( msg , msg ) ;
pIM - > displaySystemInfo ( msg , cat ) ;
BanMsgCountdown = BanMsgRepeatTime ;
// If an action handler execute. NB: MUST BE DONE BEFORE ANY THING ELSE PROFILE CRASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
testLaunchProfile ( ) ;
// Test and may run a VBLock profile (only once)
testLaunchProfileVBLock ( ) ;
// Stop the Outgame music, with fade effect
outgameFader . fade ( ) ;
// update quit feature
updateGameQuitting ( ) ;
// Start Bench
H_AUTO_USE ( RZ_Client_Main_Loop )
// update module manager
NLNET : : IModuleManager : : getInstance ( ) . updateModules ( ) ;
if ( ClientCfg . R2EDEnabled )
R2 : : getEditor ( ) . getDMC ( ) . flushActions ( ) ;
if ( UserEntity ) { UserEntity - > updateNpcContolSpeed ( ) ; }
// update outpost stuff
OutpostManager . update ( ) ;
// flush observers
2012-04-22 04:45:35 +00:00
IngameDbMngr . flushObserverCalls ( ) ;
2012-05-24 03:02:24 +00:00
NLGUI : : CDBManager : : getInstance ( ) - > flushObserverCalls ( ) ;
2012-04-15 23:31:21 +00:00
EventsListener . setUIHandledButtonMask ( NLMISC : : noButton ) ;
// Fast mode.
if ( bZeroCpu )
H_AUTO_USE ( RZ_Client_Main_Loop_Zero_Cpu )
// Grab Inputs.
CInputHandlerManager : : getInstance ( ) - > pumpEventsNoIM ( ) ;
// NetWork Update.
NetMngr . update ( ) ;
2012-04-22 04:45:35 +00:00
IngameDbMngr . flushObserverCalls ( ) ;
2012-05-24 03:02:24 +00:00
NLGUI : : CDBManager : : getInstance ( ) - > flushObserverCalls ( ) ;
2012-04-15 23:31:21 +00:00
// lets some CPU.
NetMngr . send ( ) ;
nlSleep ( 100 ) ;
// End of the frame.
continue ;
CSessionBrowserImpl : : getInstance ( ) . update ( ) ;
CInterfaceManager * pIMinstance ;
if ( ClientCfg . IsInvalidated )
updateFromClientCfg ( ) ;
// Update the event listener
EventsListener . update ( ) ;
EventsListener . updateMouseSmoothing ( ) ; // IMPORTANT: this should be called before updateClientTime && events handling in the frame
// Update Time.
updateClientTime ( ) ;
// Grab Inputs.
CInputHandlerManager : : getInstance ( ) - > pumpEvents ( ) ;
CLandscapePolyDrawer : : getInstance ( ) . deletePolygons ( ) ;
CDecalRenderList : : getInstance ( ) . clearRenderList ( ) ;
// Update the Interface Manager Events.
pIMinstance = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
// NB: must update frame events, even if ShowInterface==0, else may OutOfMemory (cause vector<> never cleared).
pIMinstance - > updateFrameEvents ( ) ;
if ( ( ContinentMngr . cur ( ) ) & & ( UserEntity ! = NULL ) )
ContinentMngr . cur ( ) - > FoW . explore ( ( float ) UserEntity - > pos ( ) . x , ( float ) UserEntity - > pos ( ) . y ) ;
// Check if the window size has changed.
OldWidth = Width ; OldHeight = Height ;
Driver - > getWindowSize ( Width , Height ) ;
// if yes, must update the camera perspective
if ( OldWidth ! = Width | | OldHeight ! = Height )
updateCameraPerspective ( ) ;
// Get Mouse Position.
OldMouseX = MouseX ; OldMouseY = MouseY ;
updateBGDownloaderUI ( ) ;
// Get the pointer pos
if ( pIMinstance )
H_AUTO_USE ( RZ_Client_Main_Loop_Cursor )
// Change only if screen is not minimized
2012-06-01 01:41:44 +00:00
if ( ! CViewRenderer : : getInstance ( ) - > isMinimized ( ) )
2012-04-15 23:31:21 +00:00
// Get the cursor instance
2012-06-07 21:57:02 +00:00
CViewPointer * cursor = static_cast < CViewPointer * > ( CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getPointer ( ) ) ;
2012-04-15 23:31:21 +00:00
if ( cursor )
// Get the pointer position (in pixel)
sint32 x , y ;
cursor - > getPointerPos ( x , y ) ;
uint32 w , h ;
2012-06-01 01:41:44 +00:00
CViewRenderer & viewRender = * CViewRenderer : : getInstance ( ) ;
2012-04-15 23:31:21 +00:00
viewRender . getScreenSize ( w , h ) ;
if ( w )
MouseX = ( float ) x / ( float ) w ;
MouseX = 0 ;
if ( h )
MouseY = ( float ) y / ( float ) h ;
MouseY = 0 ;
// NetWork Update.
NetMngr . update ( ) ;
2012-04-22 04:45:35 +00:00
IngameDbMngr . flushObserverCalls ( ) ;
2012-05-24 03:02:24 +00:00
NLGUI : : CDBManager : : getInstance ( ) - > flushObserverCalls ( ) ;
2012-04-15 23:31:21 +00:00
bool prevDatabaseInitStatus = IngameDbMngr . initInProgress ( ) ;
IngameDbMngr . setChangesProcessed ( ) ;
bool newDatabaseInitStatus = IngameDbMngr . initInProgress ( ) ;
if ( ( ! newDatabaseInitStatus ) & & prevDatabaseInitStatus )
// When database received, activate allegiance buttons (for neutral state) in fame window
CInterfaceManager * pIM = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
2012-05-31 02:27:27 +00:00
CInterfaceGroup * group = dynamic_cast < CInterfaceGroup * > ( CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getElementFromId ( " ui:interface:fame:content:you " ) ) ;
2012-04-15 23:31:21 +00:00
if ( group )
group - > updateAllLinks ( ) ;
// send a msg to lua for specific ui update
pIM - > executeLuaScript ( " game:onInGameDbInitialized() " ) ;
// For Debug (after netmngr update). Log entity stage change.
EntitiesMngr . logStageChange ( T1 ) ;
// Update Ryzom Time.
H_AUTO_USE ( RZ_Client_Main_Loop_Time_Update )
if ( ! ClientCfg . Local )
if ( NetMngr . getCurrentServerTick ( ) > LastGameCycle )
RT . updateRyzomClock ( NetMngr . getCurrentServerTick ( ) , ryzomGetLocalTime ( ) * 0.001 ) ;
else if ( ClientCfg . SimulateServerTick )
SimulatedServerDate + = DT ;
uint numTicks = ( uint ) floor ( SimulatedServerDate * 10 ) ;
SimulatedServerTick + = numTicks ;
SimulatedServerDate = ( float ) ( ( double ) SimulatedServerDate - ( double ) numTicks * 0.1 ) ;
RT . updateRyzomClock ( ( uint32 ) SimulatedServerTick , ryzomGetLocalTime ( ) * 0.001 ) ;
updateDayNightCycleHour ( ) ;
updateSmoothedTime ( ) ;
if ( ! ClientCfg . Light )
// Call a function for a demo to update.
if ( ClientCfg . Local )
updateDemo ( ( double ) ( T1 - T0 ) * 0.001 ) ;
// R2ED pre render update
if ( ClientCfg . R2EDEnabled )
R2 : : getEditor ( ) . updatePreCamera ( ) ;
* Update position of all the primitives . Make a PACS move .
EntitiesMngr . updatePreCamera ( ) ;
// Snap the user entity on the ground
UserEntity - > snapToGround ( ) ;
// update bot chat
CBotChatManager : : getInstance ( ) - > update ( ) ;
2012-04-22 04:45:35 +00:00
IngameDbMngr . flushObserverCalls ( ) ;
2012-05-24 03:02:24 +00:00
NLGUI : : CDBManager : : getInstance ( ) - > flushObserverCalls ( ) ;
2012-04-15 23:31:21 +00:00
// updateItemEdition
CInterfaceItemEdition : : getInstance ( ) - > update ( ) ;
* Update user controls and compute the camera position
UserControls . update ( ) ;
// Update Landscape RefineCenter
if ( Landscape ) Landscape - > setRefineCenterUser ( View . refinePos ( ) ) ;
// Update camera recorder, possibly replacing current view
updateCameraRecorder ( ) ;
// Update Camera Position/Orientation.
CVector currViewPos = View . currentViewPos ( ) ;
MainCam . setPos ( currViewPos ) ; ;
MainCam . setRotQuat ( View . currentView ( ) ) ;
// see if camera is below water (useful for sort order)
if ( ContinentMngr . cur ( ) )
float waterHeight ;
bool splashEnabled ;
if ( ContinentMngr . cur ( ) - > WaterMap . getWaterHeight ( CVector2f ( currViewPos . x , currViewPos . y ) , waterHeight , splashEnabled ) )
// camera is above / below a water surface
Scene - > setLayersRenderingOrder ( currViewPos . z > waterHeight ) ;
UserEntity - > setOrderingLayer ( currViewPos . z > waterHeight ? 0 : 2 ) ;
UserEntity - > setOrderingLayer ( 2 ) ;
Scene - > setLayersRenderingOrder ( true ) ;
// Build the camera clipping planes
vector < CPlane > planes ;
buildCameraClippingPyramid ( planes ) ;
* Clip the entities .
* Update display for visible entities .
* Update display for clipped entities at a lower frequency .
static uint clippedUpdateTime = 0 ;
EntitiesMngr . updatePostCamera ( clippedUpdateTime , planes , MainCam . getPos ( ) ) ;
clippedUpdateTime + + ;
clippedUpdateTime & = RZ_CLIPPED_UPDATE_TIME_MASK ;
// Update the position for the vision.
NetMngr . setReferencePosition ( UserEntity - > pos ( ) ) ;
// For Debug (after entities update). Log entity stage change.
EntitiesMngr . logStageChange ( T1 ) ;
if ( ! ClientCfg . Light )
// Animate all the playlists
EAM - > setup ( TimeInSec ) ;
// update the sound of the player (walk, run....) if sound is allocated.
updateSound ( ) ;
if ( Landscape )
if ( ! ClientCfg . Light )
// Not in an indoor ?
if ( ContinentMngr . cur ( ) & & ! ContinentMngr . cur ( ) - > Indoor )
// Load Zone in streaming according to the refine position (not necessarily the User Position);
string zoneAdded , zoneRemoved ;
const R2 : : CScenarioEntryPoints : : CCompleteIsland * ci = R2 : : CScenarioEntryPoints : : getInstance ( ) . getCompleteIslandFromCoords ( CVector2f ( ( float ) UserEntity - > pos ( ) . x , ( float ) UserEntity - > pos ( ) . y ) ) ;
Landscape - > refreshZonesAround ( View . refinePos ( ) , ClientCfg . Vision + ExtraZoneLoadingVision , zoneAdded , zoneRemoved , ci ? & ( ci - > ZoneIDs ) : NULL ) ;
LandscapeIGManager . loadZoneIG ( zoneAdded ) ;
LandscapeIGManager . unloadZoneIG ( zoneRemoved ) ;
// Update PACS
if ( GR )
GR - > refreshLrAround ( View . refinePos ( ) , LRRefeshRadius ) ;
// load / unload streamable obj (villages ...)
if ( ClientCfg . VillagesEnabled )
ContinentMngr . updateStreamable ( View . refinePos ( ) ) ;
if ( ! ClientCfg . Light )
// Load / unload streaming Instances textures.
Driver - > updateAsyncTexture ( ) ;
// Manage Fx
manageFxEntities ( ) ;
// Animate all systems in scene.
Scene - > animate ( TimeInSec - FirstTimeInSec ) ;
if ( ! ClientCfg . Light )
CClientDate newDate ( RT . getRyzomDay ( ) , DayNightCycleHour ) ;
if ( newDate < CTimedFXManager : : getInstance ( ) . getDate ( ) | |
abs ( ( sint32 ) RT . getRyzomDay ( ) - CTimedFXManager : : getInstance ( ) . getDate ( ) . Day ) > 1 )
// The manager make the assumption that no more than one day can occurs between 2 ticks
// This only happens when date is changed manually
if ( IGCallbacks )
IGCallbacks - > changeSeason ( ) ; // the season doesn't change, but this force fxs to be recreated
CTimedFXManager : : getInstance ( ) . update ( newDate , CurrSeason , Scene - > getCam ( ) . getPos ( ) ) ;
CProjectileManager : : getInstance ( ) . update ( ) ;
// temp temp : for debug
// Set the right camera cluster.
if ( GR )
UInstanceGroup * pPlayerClusterSystem = NULL ;
// Normal Mode
if ( UserControls . mode ( ) ! = CUserControls : : ThirdMode )
// get the Pacs global position of the camera
UGlobalPosition gPos ;
if ( ( UserControls . mode ( ) ! = CUserControls : : AIMode )
& & UserEntity - > getPrimitive ( ) )
UserEntity - > getPrimitive ( ) - > getGlobalPosition ( gPos , dynamicWI ) ;
gPos = GR - > retrievePosition ( View . viewPos ( ) ) ;
// get the cluster IG associated to this pacs position
pPlayerClusterSystem = getCluster ( gPos ) ;
MainCam . setClusterSystem ( pPlayerClusterSystem ) ;
// important to update this each frame, for shadow map consideration against the "matis serre bug"
CollisionManager - > setPlayerInside ( pPlayerClusterSystem ! = NULL ) ;
// Camera 3rd person complex mode
UGlobalPosition gPos ;
if ( UserEntity - > getPrimitive ( ) )
UserEntity - > getPrimitive ( ) - > getGlobalPosition ( gPos , dynamicWI ) ;
// get the cluster IG associated to this pacs position
pPlayerClusterSystem = getCluster ( gPos ) ;
// set the one found in CView::updateCameraCollision()
MainCam . setClusterSystem ( View . getThirdPersonClusterSystem ( ) ) ;
// important to update this each frame, for shadow map consideration against the "matis serre bug"
CollisionManager - > setPlayerInside ( pPlayerClusterSystem ! = NULL ) ;
// For debug only
View . getCamera3rdPersonSetup ( LastDebugClusterCameraThirdPersonStart ,
LastDebugClusterCameraThirdPersonEnd ,
LastDebugClusterCameraThirdPersonTestStart ) ;
LastDebugClusterCameraThirdPersonResult = View . currentViewPos ( ) ;
LastDebugClusterCameraThirdPersonPelvisPos = View . viewPos ( ) + CVector ( 0.f , 0.f , 1.f ) ;
LastDebugClusterCameraThirdPersonForceFPV = View . forceFirstPersonView ( ) ;
// TestYoyo
//CameraThirPersonGraph.addOneValue ((startPos - endPos).norm());
// If we are flushing open all doors
if ( SkipFrame > 0 )
// update only the cluster system where the player is!
if ( pPlayerClusterSystem ! = NULL )
static vector < string > PortalsName ;
PortalsName . clear ( ) ;
pPlayerClusterSystem - > getDynamicPortals ( PortalsName ) ;
for ( uint32 i = 0 ; i < PortalsName . size ( ) ; + + i )
pPlayerClusterSystem - > setDynamicPortal ( PortalsName [ i ] , true ) ;
// Set the matrix in 3D Mode.
Driver - > setMatrixMode3D ( MainCam ) ;
// R2ED pre render update
if ( ClientCfg . R2EDEnabled )
R2 : : getEditor ( ) . updateBeforeRender ( ) ;
// Position the camera to prepare the render
if ( ! ClientCfg . Light )
// Render
if ( Render )
if ( WaterEnvMapRefCount > 0 ) // water env map needed
if ( ! WaterEnvMap )
CSky & sky = ContinentMngr . cur ( ) - > CurrentSky ;
if ( sky . getScene ( ) )
WaterEnvMapSkyCam = sky . getScene ( ) - > createCamera ( ) ; // deleted in unselect
WaterEnvMapCanopyCam = SceneRoot - > createCamera ( ) ; // deleted in unselect
// Create water env map if not already created
WaterEnvMap = Driver - > createWaterEnvMap ( ) ;
if ( WaterEnvMap )
WaterEnvMap - > init ( 128 , 256 , ClientCfg . WaterEnvMapUpdateTime ) ;
WaterEnvMap - > setWaterEnvMapRenderCallback ( & WaterEnvMapRdr ) ;
Scene - > setWaterEnvMap ( WaterEnvMap ) ;
WaterEnvMapRdr . CurrDate = SmoothedClientDate ;
WaterEnvMapRdr . AnimationDate = SmoothedClientDate ;
if ( ClientCfg . R2EDEnabled & & R2 : : getEditor ( ) . getFixedLighting ( ) )
WaterEnvMapRdr . CurrDate . Hour = 12.f ;
WaterEnvMapRdr . CurrFogColor = MainFogState . FogColor ;
WaterEnvMapRdr . CurrTime = TimeInSec - FirstTimeInSec ;
WaterEnvMapRdr . CurrWeather = WeatherManager . getWeatherValue ( ) ;
CSky & sky = ContinentMngr . cur ( ) - > CurrentSky ;
WaterEnvMap - > setAlpha ( sky . getWaterEnvMapAlpha ( ) ) ;
Scene - > updateWaterEnvMaps ( TimeInSec - FirstTimeInSec ) ;
# endif
renderAll ( ScreenshotRequest ! = ScreenshotRequestNone & & ClientCfg . ScreenShotFullDetail ) ; // nb : force full detail if a screenshot is asked
// for that frame and
// tmp : display height grid
//static volatile bool displayHeightGrid = true;
/*if (displayHeightGrid)
HeightGrid . display ( * Driver ) ;
} */
// display results?
if ( Scene_Profile )
displaySceneProfiles ( ) ;
Scene_Profile = false ;
// Render the primitives
H_AUTO_USE ( RZ_Client_Main_Loop_Debug )
PrimFiles . display ( * Driver ) ;
Driver - > clearBuffers ( ClientCfg . BGColor ) ;
// Draw Extra 3D Objects
Driver - > setMatrixMode3D ( MainCam ) ;
Driver - > setModelMatrix ( CMatrix : : Identity ) ;
// Display PACS borders.
if ( PACSBorders )
H_AUTO_USE ( RZ_Client_Main_Loop_Debug )
displayPACSBorders ( ) ;
displayPACSPrimitive ( ) ;
// display Sound box
if ( SoundBox )
H_AUTO_USE ( RZ_Client_Main_Loop_Debug )
displaySoundBox ( ) ;
// display Debug of Clusters
if ( DebugClusters )
H_AUTO_USE ( RZ_Client_Main_Loop_Debug )
displayDebugClusters ( ) ;
// static UTextureFile *backgroundBitmap = NULL;
// if (backgroundBitmap == NULL)
// backgroundBitmap = Driver->createTextureFile("temp_background.tga");
// Driver->setMatrixMode2D11();
// Driver->drawBitmap (0.f, 0.f, 1024.f/1024.f, 1024.f/768.f, (UTexture&)*backgroundBitmap);
// Driver->setMatrixMode3D(MainCam);
Driver - > clearBuffers ( CRGBA ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ) ;
displayPACSBorders ( ) ;
displayPACSPrimitive ( ) ;
if ( ! ClientCfg . Light & & ! Landscape )
displayPACSBorders ( ) ;
// Display some things not in the scene like the name, the entity path, etc.
EntitiesMngr . updatePostRender ( ) ;
// R2ED pre render update
if ( ClientCfg . R2EDEnabled )
// IMPORTANT : this should be called after CEntitiesMngr::updatePostRender() because
// entity may be added / removed there !
R2 : : getEditor ( ) . updateAfterRender ( ) ;
// Update FXs (remove them).
FXMngr . update ( ) ;
// Render the stat graphs if needed
H_AUTO_USE ( RZ_Client_Main_Loop_Debug )
CGraph : : render ( ShowInfos ) ;
// Render in 2D Mode to display 2D Interfaces and 2D texts.
Driver - > setMatrixMode2D11 ( ) ;
// draw a big quad to represent thunder strokes
if ( Render & & WeatherManager . getThunderLevel ( ) ! = 0.f )
H_AUTO_USE ( RZ_Client_Main_Loop_Render_Thunder )
Driver - > drawQuad ( 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , ThunderColor ) ;
// TODO : boris : add sound here !
// Update the contextual menu
H_AUTO_USE ( RZ_Client_Main_Loop_Interface )
// Update the game cursor.
ContextCur . check ( ) ;
GameContextMenu . update ( ) ;
// validate dialogs
validateDialogs ( GameContextMenu ) ;
// Display interface v3
Driver - > enableFog ( false ) ;
if ( ! Driver - > isLost ( ) )
if ( ShowInterface )
pIMinstance - > updateFrameViews ( MainCam ) ;
if ( DebugUIView )
pIMinstance - > displayUIViewBBoxs ( DebugUIFilter ) ;
if ( DebugUICtrl )
pIMinstance - > displayUICtrlBBoxs ( DebugUIFilter ) ;
if ( DebugUIGroup )
pIMinstance - > displayUIGroupBBoxs ( DebugUIFilter ) ;
// special case in OpenGL : all scene has been display in render target,
// now, final texture is display with a quad
if ( ! ClientCfg . Light & & ClientCfg . Bloom )
CBloomEffect : : getInstance ( ) . endInterfacesDisplayBloom ( ) ;
H_AUTO_USE ( RZ_Client_Main_Loop_Debug )
if ( ! Driver - > isLost ( ) )
// If show information is Active.
if ( ShowInfos = = 1 )
displayDebug ( ) ;
// If show information is Active.
if ( ShowInfos = = 2 )
displayNetDebug ( ) ;
// If show information is Active.
if ( ShowInfos = = 4 )
displayDebugFps ( ) ;
// If show information is Active.
if ( ShowInfos = = 5 )
displayDebugUIUnderMouse ( ) ;
// If show information is Active.
displayStreamingDebug ( ) ;
// If Show Help is active -> Display an help.
if ( ShowHelp )
displayHelp ( ) ;
// Yoyo: indicate profiling state
if ( Profiling )
displaySpecialTextProgress ( " Profiling " ) ;
// Display frame rate
// Create a shadow when displaying a text.
TextContext - > setShaded ( true ) ;
// Set the font size.
TextContext - > setFontSize ( 10 ) ;
// Set the text color
TextContext - > setColor ( CRGBA ( 255 , 255 , 255 ) ) ;
// temporary values for conversions
float x , y , width , height ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < ClientCfg . Logos . size ( ) ; i + + )
std : : vector < string > res ;
explode ( ClientCfg . Logos [ i ] , std : : string ( " : " ) , res ) ;
if ( res . size ( ) = = 9 & & i < LogoBitmaps . size ( ) & & LogoBitmaps [ i ] ! = NULL )
fromString ( res [ 5 ] , x ) ;
fromString ( res [ 6 ] , y ) ;
fromString ( res [ 7 ] , width ) ;
fromString ( res [ 8 ] , height ) ;
Driver - > drawBitmap ( x / ( float ) ClientCfg . Width , y / ( float ) ClientCfg . Height , width / ( float ) ClientCfg . Width , height / ( float ) ClientCfg . Height , * LogoBitmaps [ i ] ) ;
// FPS
static TTicks oldTick = CTime : : getPerformanceTime ( ) ;
TTicks newTick = CTime : : getPerformanceTime ( ) ;
double deltaTime = CTime : : ticksToSecond ( newTick - oldTick ) ;
oldTick = newTick ;
smoothFPS . addValue ( ( float ) deltaTime ) ;
moreSmoothFPS . addValue ( ( float ) deltaTime ) ;
deltaTime = smoothFPS . getSmoothValue ( ) ;
if ( deltaTime > 0.0 )
2012-05-24 03:02:24 +00:00
CCDBNodeLeaf * pNL = NLGUI : : CDBManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getDbProp ( " UI:VARIABLES:FPS " ) ;
2012-04-15 23:31:21 +00:00
pNL - > setValue64 ( ( sint64 ) ( 1.f / deltaTime ) ) ;
// Detect disconnection / server down: display information text
// but keep the rendering so that the player can remember where he is
// and what he was doing. He can't move because the connection quality returns false.
if ( ( connectionState = = CNetworkConnection : : Disconnect ) & & ( lastConnectionState ! = CNetworkConnection : : Disconnect ) & & ( ! FarTP . isFarTPInProgress ( ) ) )
UserControls . stopFreeLook ( ) ; // let the player click on Exit
pIMinstance - > messageBoxWithHelp ( CI18N : : get ( " uiDisconnected " ) ) ;
// If we have started a Far TP sequence and are waiting for onServerQuitOK()
// from the EGS, resume the sequence because the EGS is down and won't reply.
FarTP . onServerQuitOk ( ) ;
// Yoyo: MovieShooter.
if ( MovieShooterSaving )
H_AUTO_USE ( RZ_Client_Main_Loop_Debug )
// Add the buffer frame to the movie.
if ( ! MovieShooter . addFrame ( TimeInSec , Driver ) )
// Fail to add the frame => abort.
endMovieShooting ( ) ;
// Ok, just add a display.
displaySpecialTextProgress ( " MovieShooting " ) ;
if ( isRecordingCamera ( ) )
displaySpecialTextProgress ( " CameraRecording " ) ;
// Temp for weather test
if ( ClientCfg . ManualWeatherSetup & & ContinentMngr . cur ( ) & & ContinentMngr . cur ( ) - > WeatherFunction )
H_AUTO_USE ( RZ_Client_Main_Loop_Debug )
static float displayHourDelta = 0.04f ; // static for edition during debug..
// Display weather function
if ( DisplayWeatherFunction )
uint64 currDay = RT . getRyzomDay ( ) ;
float currHour = DayNightCycleHour ;
float singleHourDelta = fmodf ( currHour , 1.f ) ;
uint32 wndWidth , wndHeight ;
Driver - > getWindowSize ( wndWidth , wndHeight ) ;
Driver - > setMatrixMode2D ( CFrustum ( 0 , 800 , 600 , 0 , 0 , 1 , false ) ) ;
const float lineHeight = 100.f ;
// draw the weather function
for ( uint x = 0 ; x < wndWidth ; + + x )
float weatherValue ;
if ( ContinentMngr . cur ( ) )
weatherValue = : : getBlendedWeather ( currDay , currHour , * WeatherFunctionParams , ContinentMngr . cur ( ) - > WeatherFunction ) ;
weatherValue = : : getBlendedWeather ( currDay , currHour , * WeatherFunctionParams , 0 ) ;
NLMISC : : clamp ( weatherValue , 0.f , 1.f ) ;
CRGBA seasonToColor [ EGSPD : : CSeason : : Invalid ] =
CRGBA : : Green ,
CRGBA : : Yellow ,
CRGBA : : Red ,
CRGBA : : Blue
} ;
Driver - > drawLine ( ( float ) x , 0.f , ( float ) x , lineHeight * weatherValue , seasonToColor [ CRyzomTime : : getSeasonByDay ( ( uint32 ) currDay ) ] ) ;
currHour + = displayHourDelta ;
if ( currHour > = 24.f )
+ + currDay ;
currHour - = 24.f ;
singleHourDelta + = displayHourDelta ;
if ( singleHourDelta > = 1.f )
singleHourDelta - = 1.f ;
Driver - > drawLine ( ( float ) x , 100.f , ( float ) x , 130 , CRGBA : : Red ) ;
if ( ContinentMngr . cur ( ) )
// draw lines for current weather setups
uint numWeatherSetups = ContinentMngr . cur ( ) - > WeatherFunction [ CurrSeason ] . getNumWeatherSetups ( ) ;
for ( uint y = 0 ; y < numWeatherSetups ; + + y )
float py = lineHeight * ( y / ( float ) numWeatherSetups ) ;
Driver - > drawLine ( 0.f , py , 800.f , py , CRGBA : : Magenta ) ;
// Ctrl+ & Ctrl- change the weather value
if ( Actions . valide ( " inc_time " ) )
ManualWeatherValue + = DT * 0.04f ;
if ( Actions . valide ( " dec_time " ) )
ManualWeatherValue - = DT * 0.04f ;
NLMISC : : clamp ( ManualWeatherValue , 0.f , 1.f ) ;
if ( ForcedDayNightCycleHour < 0 ) // if time is forced then can't change it manually ...
// Ctrl-K increase hour
if ( Actions . valide ( " inc_hour " ) )
RT . increaseTickOffset ( ( uint32 ) ( 2000 * displayHourDelta ) ) ;
RT . updateRyzomClock ( NetMngr . getCurrentServerTick ( ) , ryzomGetLocalTime ( ) * 0.001 ) ;
// Ctrl-L decrease hour
if ( Actions . valide ( " dec_hour " ) )
RT . decreaseTickOffset ( ( uint32 ) ( 2000 * displayHourDelta ) ) ;
RT . updateRyzomClock ( NetMngr . getCurrentServerTick ( ) , ryzomGetLocalTime ( ) * 0.001 ) ;
CTimedFXManager : : getInstance ( ) . setDate ( CClientDate ( RT . getRyzomDay ( ) , ( float ) RT . getRyzomTime ( ) ) ) ;
if ( IGCallbacks )
IGCallbacks - > changeSeason ( ) ; // the season doesn't change, but this force fxs to be recreated
// Ctrl-M generate statistics in a file
if ( Actions . valide ( " weather_stats " ) )
// Only usable if there is a continent loaded.
if ( ContinentMngr . cur ( ) )
CPredictWeather : : generateWeatherStats ( " weather_stats.csv " , WeatherFunctionParams , ContinentMngr . cur ( ) - > WeatherFunction ) ;
} */
// Ctrl-B decrease display factor
if ( Actions . valide ( " dec_display_factor " ) )
displayHourDelta * = 0.90f ;
// Ctrl-J increase display factor
if ( Actions . valide ( " inc_display_factor " ) )
displayHourDelta * = 1.1f ;
displayHourDelta = std : : min ( 1000.f , displayHourDelta ) ;
// Ctrl-AltGR-Z show timed FXs
if ( ShowTimedFX )
if ( ! Driver - > isLost ( ) )
CTimedFXManager : : getInstance ( ) . displayFXBoxes ( ShowTimedFXMode ) ;
CVector2f camPos ( Scene - > getCam ( ) . getPos ( ) . x , Scene - > getCam ( ) . getPos ( ) . y ) ;
if ( ! ClientCfg . Light )
if ( DisplayMicroLifeZones )
CMicroLifeManager : : getInstance ( ) . renderMLZones ( camPos ) ;
if ( DisplayWaterMap )
if ( ContinentMngr . cur ( ) )
ContinentMngr . cur ( ) - > WaterMap . render ( camPos ) ;
# endif
# ifdef NL_DEBUG
if ( ! ClientCfg . Light )
if ( DisplayMicroLifeActiveTiles )
CMicroLifeManager : : getInstance ( ) . renderActiveTiles ( ) ;
# endif
// tmp : debug of ground fxs
// Temp for sound debug
H_AUTO_USE ( RZ_Client_Main_Loop_Debug )
if ( SoundMngr ! = 0 )
static bool drawSound = false ;
static float camHeigh = 150.0f ;
if ( ClientCfg . ExtendedCommands )
# endif
if ( Actions . valide ( " draw_sound " ) )
drawSound = ! drawSound ;
if ( Actions . valide ( " inc_camera_height " ) )
camHeigh - = 10.0f ;
if ( Actions . valide ( " dec_camera_height " ) )
camHeigh + = 10.0f ;
if ( drawSound )
SoundMngr - > drawSounds ( camHeigh ) ;
// Draw to screen.
static CQuat MainCamOri ;
if ( FirstFrame )
// Frame to skip before swap buffer
FirstFrame = false ;
MainCam . getRotQuat ( MainCamOri ) ;
if ( SkipFrame = = 0 )
if ( StartPlayTime = = 0 )
StartPlayTime = NLMISC : : CTime : : getLocalTime ( ) ;
// Start background sound play now ! (nb: restarted if load just ended, or if sound re-enabled)
if ( SoundMngr )
H_AUTO_USE ( RZ_Client_Main_Loop_Sound )
SoundMngr - > playBackgroundSound ( ) ;
// Fade in Game Sound now (before endLoading)
if ( SoundMngr )
// fade out loading music
if ( LoadingMusic = = SoundMngr - > getEventMusicPlayed ( ) )
SoundMngr - > stopEventMusic ( LoadingMusic , CSoundManager : : LoadingMusicXFade ) ;
// fade in game sound
SoundMngr - > fadeInGameSound ( ClientCfg . SoundTPFade ) ;
// end loading (if previous load)
endLoading ( ) ;
// if a screenshot request was made then do it now
switch ( ScreenshotRequest )
case ScreenshotRequestTGA :
screenShotTGA ( ) ;
ScreenshotRequest = ScreenshotRequestNone ;
break ;
case ScreenshotRequestJPG :
screenShotJPG ( ) ;
ScreenshotRequest = ScreenshotRequestNone ;
break ;
case ScreenshotRequestPNG :
screenShotPNG ( ) ;
ScreenshotRequest = ScreenshotRequestNone ;
break ;
default :
break ;
static volatile bool dumpValidPolys = false ;
if ( dumpValidPolys )
struct CPolyDisp : public CInterfaceElementVisitor
virtual void visitCtrl ( CCtrlBase * ctrl )
CCtrlPolygon * cp = dynamic_cast < CCtrlPolygon * > ( ctrl ) ;
if ( cp )
sint32 cornerX , cornerY ;
cp - > getParent ( ) - > getCorner ( cornerX , cornerY , cp - > getParentPosRef ( ) ) ;
for ( sint32 y = 0 ; y < ( sint32 ) Screen . getHeight ( ) ; + + y )
for ( sint32 x = 0 ; x < ( sint32 ) Screen . getWidth ( ) ; + + x )
if ( cp - > contains ( CVector2f ( ( float ) ( x - cornerX ) , ( float ) ( y - cornerY ) ) ) )
( ( CRGBA * ) & Screen . getPixels ( ) [ 0 ] ) [ x + ( Screen . getHeight ( ) - 1 - y ) * Screen . getWidth ( ) ] = CRGBA : : Magenta ;
CBitmap Screen ;
} polyDisp ;
Driver - > getBuffer ( polyDisp . Screen ) ;
CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) - > visit ( & polyDisp ) ;
COFile output ( " poly.tga " ) ;
polyDisp . Screen . writeTGA ( output ) ;
dumpValidPolys = false ;
} ;
static volatile bool dumpColPolys = false ;
if ( dumpColPolys )
CPackedWorld * pw = R2 : : getEditor ( ) . getIslandCollision ( ) . getPackedIsland ( ) ;
if ( pw )
static CMaterial material ;
static CMaterial wiredMaterial ;
static CMaterial texturedMaterial ;
static CVertexBuffer vb ;
static bool initDone = false ;
if ( ! initDone )
vb . setVertexFormat ( CVertexBuffer : : PositionFlag ) ;
vb . setPreferredMemory ( CVertexBuffer : : AGPVolatile , false ) ;
material . initUnlit ( ) ;
material . setDoubleSided ( true ) ;
material . setZFunc ( CMaterial : : lessequal ) ;
wiredMaterial . initUnlit ( ) ;
wiredMaterial . setDoubleSided ( true ) ;
wiredMaterial . setZFunc ( CMaterial : : lessequal ) ;
wiredMaterial . setColor ( CRGBA ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 250 ) ) ;
wiredMaterial . texEnvOpAlpha ( 0 , CMaterial : : Replace ) ;
wiredMaterial . texEnvArg0Alpha ( 0 , CMaterial : : Diffuse , CMaterial : : SrcAlpha ) ;
wiredMaterial . setBlend ( true ) ;
wiredMaterial . setBlendFunc ( CMaterial : : srcalpha , CMaterial : : invsrcalpha ) ;
texturedMaterial . initUnlit ( ) ;
texturedMaterial . setDoubleSided ( true ) ;
texturedMaterial . setZFunc ( CMaterial : : lessequal ) ;
initDone = true ;
// just add a projected texture
R2 : : getEditor ( ) . getIslandCollision ( ) . loadEntryPoints ( ) ;
R2 : : CScenarioEntryPoints & sep = R2 : : CScenarioEntryPoints : : getInstance ( ) ;
CVectorD playerPos = UserEntity - > pos ( ) ;
R2 : : CScenarioEntryPoints : : CCompleteIsland * island = sep . getCompleteIslandFromCoords ( CVector2f ( ( float ) playerPos . x , ( float ) playerPos . y ) ) ;
static CSString currIsland ;
if ( island & & island - > Island ! = currIsland )
currIsland = island - > Island ;
CTextureFile * newTex = new CTextureFile ( currIsland + " _sp.tga " ) ;
newTex - > setWrapS ( ITexture : : Clamp ) ;
newTex - > setWrapT ( ITexture : : Clamp ) ;
texturedMaterial . setTexture ( 0 , newTex ) ;
texturedMaterial . texEnvOpRGB ( 0 , CMaterial : : Replace ) ;
texturedMaterial . texEnvArg0RGB ( 0 , CMaterial : : Texture , CMaterial : : SrcColor ) ;
texturedMaterial . setTexCoordGen ( 0 , true ) ;
texturedMaterial . setTexCoordGenMode ( 0 , CMaterial : : TexCoordGenObjectSpace ) ;
CMatrix mat ;
CVector scale ( ( float ) ( island - > XMax - island - > XMin ) ,
( float ) ( island - > YMax - island - > YMin ) , 0.f ) ;
scale . x = 1.f / favoid0 ( scale . x ) ;
scale . y = 1.f / favoid0 ( scale . y ) ;
scale . z = 0.f ;
mat . setScale ( scale ) ;
mat . setPos ( CVector ( - island - > XMin * scale . x , - island - > YMin * scale . y , 0.f ) ) ;
CMatrix uvScaleMat ;
uint texWidth = ( uint ) ( island - > XMax - island - > XMin ) ;
uint texHeight = ( uint ) ( island - > YMax - island - > YMin ) ;
float UScale = ( float ) texWidth / raiseToNextPowerOf2 ( texWidth ) ;
float VScale = ( float ) texHeight / raiseToNextPowerOf2 ( texHeight ) ;
uvScaleMat . setScale ( CVector ( UScale , - VScale , 0.f ) ) ;
uvScaleMat . setPos ( CVector ( 0.f , VScale , 0.f ) ) ;
texturedMaterial . enableUserTexMat ( 0 , true ) ;
texturedMaterial . setUserTexMat ( 0 , uvScaleMat * mat ) ;
const CFrustum & frust = MainCam . getFrustum ( ) ;
IDriver * driver = ( ( CDriverUser * ) Driver ) - > getDriver ( ) ;
driver - > enableFog ( true ) ;
const CRGBA clearColor = CRGBA ( 0 , 0 , 127 , 0 ) ;
driver - > setupFog ( frust . Far * 0.8f , frust . Far , clearColor ) ;
CViewport vp ;
vp . init ( 0.f , 0.f , 1.f , 1.f ) ;
driver - > setupViewport ( vp ) ;
CScissor scissor ;
viewportToScissor ( vp , scissor ) ;
driver - > setupScissor ( scissor ) ;
driver - > setFrustum ( frust . Left , frust . Right , frust . Bottom , frust . Top , frust . Near , frust . Far , frust . Perspective ) ;
driver - > setupViewMatrix ( MainCam . getMatrix ( ) . inverted ( ) ) ;
driver - > setupModelMatrix ( CMatrix : : Identity ) ;
const CVector localFrustCorners [ 8 ] =
CVector ( frust . Left , frust . Near , frust . Top ) ,
CVector ( frust . Right , frust . Near , frust . Top ) ,
CVector ( frust . Right , frust . Near , frust . Bottom ) ,
CVector ( frust . Left , frust . Near , frust . Bottom ) ,
CVector ( frust . Left * frust . Far / frust . Near , frust . Far , frust . Top * frust . Far / frust . Near ) ,
CVector ( frust . Right * frust . Far / frust . Near , frust . Far , frust . Top * frust . Far / frust . Near ) ,
CVector ( frust . Right * frust . Far / frust . Near , frust . Far , frust . Bottom * frust . Far / frust . Near ) ,
CVector ( frust . Left * frust . Far / frust . Near , frust . Far , frust . Bottom * frust . Far / frust . Near )
} ;
// roughly compute covered zones
sint frustZoneMinX = INT_MAX ;
sint frustZoneMaxX = INT_MIN ;
sint frustZoneMinY = INT_MAX ;
sint frustZoneMaxY = INT_MIN ;
for ( uint k = 0 ; k < sizeofarray ( localFrustCorners ) ; + + k )
CVector corner = camMat * localFrustCorners [ k ] ;
sint zoneX = ( sint ) ( corner . x / 160.f ) - zoneMinX ;
sint zoneY = ( sint ) floorf ( corner . y / 160.f ) - zoneMinY ;
frustZoneMinX = std : : min ( frustZoneMinX , zoneX ) ;
frustZoneMinY = std : : min ( frustZoneMinY , zoneY ) ;
frustZoneMaxX = std : : max ( frustZoneMaxX , zoneX ) ;
frustZoneMaxY = std : : max ( frustZoneMaxY , zoneY ) ;
const uint TRI_BATCH_SIZE = 10000 ; // batch size for rendering
static std : : vector < TPackedZoneBaseSPtr > zones ;
zones . clear ( ) ;
pw - > getZones ( zones ) ;
for ( uint k = 0 ; k < zones . size ( ) ; + + k )
zones [ k ] - > render ( vb , * driver , texturedMaterial , wiredMaterial , MainCam . getMatrix ( ) , TRI_BATCH_SIZE , localFrustCorners ) ;
if ( ClientCfg . R2EDEnabled )
R2 : : getEditor ( ) . updateBeforeSwapBuffer ( ) ;
Driver - > swapBuffers ( ) ;
if ( Profiling )
+ + ProfileNumFrame ;
if ( ProfileNumFrame = = ClientCfg . NumFrameForProfile )
WantProfiling = true ;
// If the device is lost then no rendering will occur, so let some time to other applications
if ( Driver - > isLost ( ) )
nlSleep ( 50 ) ;
nldebug ( " lost device " ) ;
SkipFrame - - ;
// Turn the camera to make a 360 degree turn
// UTransformable::TTransformMode m = MainCam.getTransformMode();
if ( SkipFrame = = 0 )
MainCam . setRotQuat ( MainCamOri ) ;
CMatrix mat = CMatrix : : Identity ;
mat . setRot ( MainCamOri ) ;
mat . rotateZ ( 2 * ( float ) Pi * ( ( float ) ( SkipFrame ) / ( float ) RYZOM_FIRST_FRAME_TO_SKIP ) ) ;
CQuat qTmp ;
mat . getRot ( qTmp ) ;
MainCam . setRotQuat ( qTmp ) ;
// Force the client to sleep a bit.
if ( ClientCfg . Sleep > = 0 )
H_AUTO_USE ( RZ_Client_Main_Loop_Debug )
nlSleep ( ClientCfg . Sleep ) ;
// Send new data Only when server tick changed.
if ( NetMngr . getCurrentServerTick ( ) > LastGameCycle )
H_AUTO_USE ( RZ_Client_Main_Loop_Net )
// Put here things you have to send to the server only once per tick like user position.
CInterfaceProperty prop ;
prop . readDouble ( " UI:VARIABLES:DIRECTION " , " " ) ;
if ( CompassMode = = 1 )
double camDir = atan2 ( View . view ( ) . y , View . view ( ) . x ) ;
prop . setDouble ( camDir ) ;
prop . setDouble ( atan2 ( UserEntity - > front ( ) . y , UserEntity - > front ( ) . x ) ) ;
// Update the server with our position and orientation.
CBitMemStream out ;
if ( UserEntity - > sendToServer ( out ) )
NetMngr . push ( out ) ;
// Give information to the server about the combat position (ability to strike).
CBitMemStream out ;
if ( UserEntity - > msgForCombatPos ( out ) )
NetMngr . push ( out ) ;
// Create the message for the server to move the user (except in combat mode).
if ( Ping . rdyToPing ( ) )
CBitMemStream out ;
if ( GenericMsgHeaderMngr . pushNameToStream ( " DEBUG:PING " , out ) )
const TTime mask = 0xFFFFFFFF ;
uint32 localTime = ( uint32 ) ( mask & ryzomGetLocalTime ( ) ) ;
out . serial ( localTime ) ;
NetMngr . push ( out ) ;
Ping . rdyToPing ( false ) ;
nlwarning ( " mainloop: unknown message named 'DEBUG:PING'. " ) ;
// Send the Packet.
NetMngr . send ( NetMngr . getCurrentServerTick ( ) ) ;
// Update the Last tick received from the server.
LastGameCycle = NetMngr . getCurrentServerTick ( ) ;
if ( ClientCfg . AutoReloadFiles )
// Check for files update.
CFile : : checkFileChange ( ) ;
// Check for configuration files update.
CConfigFile : : checkConfigFiles ( ) ;
// Get the Connection State.
lastConnectionState = connectionState ;
connectionState = NetMngr . getConnectionState ( ) ;
// Update movie shooter
updateMovieShooting ( ) ;
// Update the bubble manager
InSceneBubbleManager . update ( ) ;
// Update the NPC icon system
CNPCIconCache : : getInstance ( ) . update ( ) ;
// Update Phrase Manager
CSPhraseManager * pPM = CSPhraseManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
pPM - > updateEquipInvalidation ( NetMngr . getCurrentServerTick ( ) ) ;
pPM - > updateAllActionRegen ( ) ;
// Update ingame duration and stat report sending
updateStatReport ( ) ;
// Update the music player
MusicPlayer . update ( ) ;
// Memory Debug
if ( ClientCfg . CheckMemoryEveryNFrame ! = - 1 )
static int frameToSkip = ClientCfg . CheckMemoryEveryNFrame ;
if ( frameToSkip = = 0 )
frameToSkip = ClientCfg . CheckMemoryEveryNFrame ;
//NLMEMORY::CheckHeap (true);
frameToSkip - - ;
// Enter a network loop during the FarTP process, without doing the whole real main loop.
// This code must remain at the very end of the main loop.
if ( LoginSM . getCurrentState ( ) = = CLoginStateMachine : : st_enter_far_tp_main_loop )
CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) - > executeLuaScript ( " game:onFarTpStart() " ) ;
// Will loop the network until the end of the relogging process
FarTP . farTPmainLoop ( ) ;
if ( FarTP . isReselectingChar ( ) )
if ( game_exit ) // check if the user has decided to quit
break ;
// we have just completed init main loop, after reselecting character
// repeat the steps before the main loop itself
// pre main loop in mainLoop
resetIngameTime ( ) ;
game_exit = false ;
game_exit_request = false ;
FarTP . setMainLoopEntered ( ) ;
// Get the Width and Height of the window and set the Old values..
Driver - > getWindowSize ( Width , Height ) ;
OldWidth = Width ; OldHeight = Height ;
CGraph : : init ( Driver ) ;
CGraph : : Display = false ;
T1 = ryzomGetLocalTime ( ) ;
TSend = ( ( T1 + DTSend ) / DTSend ) * DTSend ;
SetMouseFreeLook ( ) ;
SetMouseCursor ( ) ;
// Set the cursor.
ContextCur . context ( " STAND BY " ) ;
// set the default box for keyboard
CChatWindow * defaultChatWindow ;
if ( ClientCfg . R2EDEnabled )
defaultChatWindow = PeopleInterraction . DebugInfo ;
defaultChatWindow = PeopleInterraction . ChatGroup . Window ;
setDefaultChatWindow ( defaultChatWindow ) ;
// Init GameContextMenu.
GameContextMenu . init ( " " ) ;
// Active inputs
Actions . enable ( true ) ;
EditActions . enable ( true ) ;
// For stoping the outgame music, start after 30 frames, and duration of 3 seconds
// CMusicFader outgameFader(60, 3);
// check for banned player
if ( testPermanentBanMarkers ( ) )
setPermanentBanMarkers ( true ) ; // re-set any marker that could have been removed by the trouble maker
applyPermanentBanPunishment ( ) ;
PermanentlyBanned = true ;
// Short reinit of the main loop after farTP or character reselection
Ping . init ( ) ;
updateLightDesc ( ) ;
// R2ED enabled ?
R2 : : getEditor ( ) . autoConfigInit ( IsInRingSession ) ;
CurrSeason = computeCurrSeason ( ) ;
// Get the Connection State (must be done after any Far TP to prevent the uiDisconnected box to be displayed)
lastConnectionState = CNetworkConnection : : Connected ;
connectionState = NetMngr . getConnectionState ( ) ;
CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) - > executeLuaScript ( " game:onFarTpEnd() " ) ;
} // end of main loop
CInterfaceManager * im = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
2012-05-23 00:41:43 +00:00
if ( CLuaManager : : getInstance ( ) . getLuaState ( ) )
2012-04-15 23:31:21 +00:00
CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) - > executeLuaScript ( " game:onMainLoopEnd() " ) ;
// Stop Running Profiles (kick result)
if ( Profiling )
WantProfiling = false ;
Profiling = false ;
CHTimer : : endBench ( ) ;
Driver - > endBench ( ) ;
if ( ProfilingVBLock )
WantProfilingVBLock = false ;
ProfilingVBLock = false ;
vector < string > strs ;
Driver - > endProfileVBHardLock ( strs ) ;
if ( ! FarTP . isReselectingChar ( ) ) // skip some parts if the user wants to quit in the middle of a char reselect
// Release the structure for the ping.
Ping . release ( ) ;
// Disable inputs
Actions . enable ( false ) ;
EditActions . enable ( false ) ;
2012-06-03 01:48:31 +00:00
CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > setDefaultCaptureKeyboard ( NULL ) ;
2012-04-15 23:31:21 +00:00
// Interface saving
CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) - > uninitInGame0 ( ) ;
// Display the end background. //
// Create the loading texture.
loadBackgroundBitmap ( EndBackground ) ;
// TTime endTime = ryzomGetLocalTime () + (TTime)(ClientCfg.EndScreenTimeOut*1000.f);
// do
// {
// // Grab Inputs.
// CInputHandlerManager::getInstance()->pumpEventsNoIM();
// Display the background
drawLoadingBitmap ( 0 ) ;
// Display to screen.
Driver - > swapBuffers ( ) ;
// } while(ryzomGetLocalTime () < endTime);
// Destroy the Loading Background.
destroyLoadingBitmap ( ) ;
IngameDbMngr . resetInitState ( ) ;
ryzom_exit = true ;
return ryzom_exit | | ( Driver = = NULL ) | | ( ! Driver - > isActive ( ) ) ;
} // mainLoop //
// displayDebug :
// Display some debug infos.
void displayDebugFps ( )
float lineStep = ClientCfg . DebugLineStep ;
float line ;
// Initialize Pen //
// Create a shadow when displaying a text.
TextContext - > setShaded ( true ) ;
// Set the font size.
TextContext - > setFontSize ( ClientCfg . DebugFontSize ) ;
// Set the text color
TextContext - > setColor ( ClientCfg . DebugFontColor ) ;
// TOP LEFT //
TextContext - > setHotSpot ( UTextContext : : TopLeft ) ;
line = 0.9f ;
// Ms per frame
float spf = smoothFPS . getSmoothValue ( ) ;
// Ms per frame
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.1f , line , " FPS %.1f ms - %.1f fps " , spf * 1000 , 1.f / spf ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
// More Smoothed Ms per frame
spf = moreSmoothFPS . getSmoothValue ( ) ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.1f , line , " Smoothed FPS %.1f ms - %.1f fps " , spf * 1000 , 1.f / spf ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
static NLMISC : : CRefPtr < CInterfaceElement > HighlightedDebugUI ;
// displayDebug :
// Display information about ui elements that are under the mouse
void displayDebugUIUnderMouse ( )
float lineStep = ClientCfg . DebugLineStep ;
float line ;
// Initialize Pen //
// Create a shadow when displaying a text.
TextContext - > setShaded ( true ) ;
// Set the font size.
TextContext - > setFontSize ( ClientCfg . DebugFontSize ) ;
// TOP LEFT //
TextContext - > setHotSpot ( UTextContext : : TopLeft ) ;
line = 0.9f ;
CInterfaceManager * pIM = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
// for now only accessible with R2ED
if ( ClientCfg . R2EDEnabled )
TextContext - > setColor ( CRGBA : : Cyan ) ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.1f , line , " Press default key (ctrl+shift+A) to cycle prev " ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.1f , line , " Press default key (ctrl+shift+Q) to cycle next " ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.1f , line , " Press default key (ctrl+shift+W) to inspect element " ) ;
line - = 2 * lineStep ;
2012-06-03 01:48:31 +00:00
const vector < CCtrlBase * > & rICL = CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getCtrlsUnderPointer ( ) ;
const vector < CInterfaceGroup * > & rIGL = CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getGroupsUnderPointer ( ) ;
2012-04-15 23:31:21 +00:00
// If previous highlighted element is found in the list, then keep it, else reset to first element
if ( std : : find ( rICL . begin ( ) , rICL . end ( ) , HighlightedDebugUI ) = = rICL . end ( ) & &
std : : find ( rIGL . begin ( ) , rIGL . end ( ) , HighlightedDebugUI ) = = rIGL . end ( ) )
if ( ! rICL . empty ( ) )
HighlightedDebugUI = rICL [ 0 ] ;
if ( ! rIGL . empty ( ) )
HighlightedDebugUI = rIGL [ 0 ] ;
HighlightedDebugUI = NULL ;
TextContext - > setColor ( CRGBA : : Green ) ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.1f , line , " Controls under cursor " ) ;
line - = lineStep * 1.4f ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.1f , line , " ---------------------- " ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
for ( uint k = 0 ; k < rICL . size ( ) ; + + k )
if ( rICL [ k ] )
TextContext - > setColor ( rICL [ k ] ! = HighlightedDebugUI ? ClientCfg . DebugFontColor : CRGBA : : Red ) ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.1f , line , " id = %s, address = 0x%p, parent = 0x%p " , rICL [ k ] - > getId ( ) . c_str ( ) , rICL [ k ] , rICL [ k ] - > getParent ( ) ) ;
TextContext - > setColor ( CRGBA : : Blue ) ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.1f , line , " <NULL> control found !!! " ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
TextContext - > setColor ( CRGBA : : Green ) ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.1f , line , " Groups under cursor " ) ;
line - = lineStep * 1.4f ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.1f , line , " ---------------------- " ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
for ( uint k = 0 ; k < rIGL . size ( ) ; + + k )
if ( rIGL [ k ] )
TextContext - > setColor ( rIGL [ k ] ! = HighlightedDebugUI ? ClientCfg . DebugFontColor : CRGBA : : Red ) ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.1f , line , " id = %s, address = 0x%p, parent = 0x%p " , rIGL [ k ] - > getId ( ) . c_str ( ) , rIGL [ k ] , rIGL [ k ] - > getParent ( ) ) ;
TextContext - > setColor ( CRGBA : : Blue ) ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.1f , line , " <NULL> group found !!! " ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
// get all element under the mouse in a single vector
static void getElementsUnderMouse ( vector < CInterfaceElement * > & ielem )
CInterfaceManager * pIM = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
2012-06-03 01:48:31 +00:00
const vector < CCtrlBase * > & rICL = CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getCtrlsUnderPointer ( ) ;
const vector < CInterfaceGroup * > & rIGL = CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getGroupsUnderPointer ( ) ;
2012-04-15 23:31:21 +00:00
ielem . clear ( ) ;
ielem . insert ( ielem . end ( ) , rICL . begin ( ) , rICL . end ( ) ) ;
ielem . insert ( ielem . end ( ) , rIGL . begin ( ) , rIGL . end ( ) ) ;
class CHandlerDebugUiPrevElementUnderMouse : public IActionHandler
virtual void execute ( CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */ , const std : : string & /* sParams */ )
vector < CInterfaceElement * > ielem ;
getElementsUnderMouse ( ielem ) ;
for ( uint k = 0 ; k < ielem . size ( ) ; + + k )
if ( HighlightedDebugUI = = ielem [ k ] )
HighlightedDebugUI = ielem [ k = = 0 ? ielem . size ( ) - 1 : k - 1 ] ;
return ;
} ;
REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER ( CHandlerDebugUiPrevElementUnderMouse , " debug_ui_prev_element_under_mouse " ) ;
class CHandlerDebugUiNextElementUnderMouse : public IActionHandler
virtual void execute ( CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */ , const std : : string & /* sParams */ )
vector < CInterfaceElement * > ielem ;
getElementsUnderMouse ( ielem ) ;
for ( uint k = 0 ; k < ielem . size ( ) ; + + k )
if ( HighlightedDebugUI = = ielem [ k ] )
HighlightedDebugUI = ielem [ ( k + 1 ) % ielem . size ( ) ] ;
return ;
} ;
REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER ( CHandlerDebugUiNextElementUnderMouse , " debug_ui_next_element_under_mouse " ) ;
class CHandlerDebugUiDumpElementUnderMouse : public IActionHandler
virtual void execute ( CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */ , const std : : string & /* sParams */ )
if ( HighlightedDebugUI = = NULL ) return ;
2012-05-23 00:41:43 +00:00
CLuaState * lua = CLuaManager : : getInstance ( ) . getLuaState ( ) ;
2012-04-15 23:31:21 +00:00
if ( ! lua ) return ;
CLuaStackRestorer lsr ( lua , 0 ) ;
2012-06-08 23:37:43 +00:00
CLuaIHM : : pushUIOnStack ( * lua , HighlightedDebugUI ) ;
2012-04-15 23:31:21 +00:00
lua - > pushValue ( LUA_GLOBALSINDEX ) ;
CLuaObject env ( * lua ) ;
env [ " inspect " ] . callNoThrow ( 1 , 0 ) ;
} ;
REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER ( CHandlerDebugUiDumpElementUnderMouse , " debug_ui_inspect_element_under_mouse " ) ;
// displayDebug :
// Display some debug infos.
void displayDebug ( )
float lineStep = ClientCfg . DebugLineStep ;
float line ;
// Initialize Pen //
// Create a shadow when displaying a text.
TextContext - > setShaded ( true ) ;
// Set the font size.
TextContext - > setFontSize ( ClientCfg . DebugFontSize ) ;
// Set the text color
TextContext - > setColor ( ClientCfg . DebugFontColor ) ;
// TOP LEFT //
TextContext - > setHotSpot ( UTextContext : : TopLeft ) ;
line = 0.9f ;
// FPS and Ms per frame
// smooth across frames.
double deltaTime = smoothFPS . getSmoothValue ( ) ;
// FPS and Ms per frame
if ( deltaTime ! = 0.f )
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.f , line , " %.1f fps " , 1.f / deltaTime ) ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.f , line , " %.1f fps " , 0.f ) ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.1f , line , " %d ms " , ( uint ) ( deltaTime * 1000 ) ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
line - = lineStep ;
// Front
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.0f , line , " %f (%f,%f,%f) front " , atan2 ( UserEntity - > front ( ) . y , UserEntity - > front ( ) . x ) , UserEntity - > front ( ) . x , UserEntity - > front ( ) . y , UserEntity - > front ( ) . z ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
// Dir
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.0f , line , " %f (%f,%f,%f) dir " , atan2 ( UserEntity - > dir ( ) . y , UserEntity - > dir ( ) . x ) , UserEntity - > dir ( ) . x , UserEntity - > dir ( ) . y , UserEntity - > dir ( ) . z ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
// NB Stage
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.0f , line , " NB Stage: %d " , UserEntity - > nbStage ( ) ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
// NB Animation FXs still remaining in the remove list.
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.0f , line , " NB FXs to remove: %d " , UserEntity - > nbAnimFXToRemove ( ) ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
// Mode.
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.0f , line , " Mode: %d (%s) " , ( sint ) UserEntity - > mode ( ) , MBEHAV : : modeToString ( UserEntity - > mode ( ) ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
// Behaviour.
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.0f , line , " Behaviour: %d (%s) " , ( sint ) UserEntity - > behaviour ( ) , MBEHAV : : behaviourToString ( UserEntity - > behaviour ( ) ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
// Display the target mount.
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.0f , line , " Mount: %d " , UserEntity - > mount ( ) ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
// Display the target rider.
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.0f , line , " Rider: %d " , UserEntity - > rider ( ) ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
// Display the current animation name.
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.0f , line , " Current Animation Name: %s " , UserEntity - > currentAnimationName ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
// Display the current move animation set name.
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.0f , line , " Current AnimationSet Name (MOVE): %s " , UserEntity - > currentAnimationSetName ( MOVE ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
// Display Missing Animations
if ( : : CAnimation : : MissingAnim . empty ( ) = = false )
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.0f , line , " '%u' Missing Animations, 1st: '%s' " , : : CAnimation : : MissingAnim . size ( ) , ( * ( : : CAnimation : : MissingAnim . begin ( ) ) ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
// Display Missing LoD
if ( LodCharactersNotFound . empty ( ) = = false )
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.0f , line , " '%u' Missing LoD, 1st: '%s' " , LodCharactersNotFound . size ( ) , ( * ( LodCharactersNotFound . begin ( ) ) ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
// Watched Entity
line - = lineStep ;
// Now Displaying the selection.
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.0f , line , " --*** Watched entity ***-- " ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
// Display information about the debug entity slot.
if ( WatchedEntitySlot ! = CLFECOMMON : : INVALID_SLOT )
// Get a pointer on the target.
CEntityCL * watchedEntity = EntitiesMngr . entity ( WatchedEntitySlot ) ;
if ( watchedEntity )
// Display Debug Information about the Selection.
watchedEntity - > displayDebug ( 0.0f , line , - lineStep ) ;
// Distance of the target
CVectorD diffvector = UserEntity - > pos ( ) - watchedEntity - > pos ( ) ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.0f , line , " Distance: %10.2f (Manhattan: %.2f) " , diffvector . norm ( ) , fabs ( diffvector . x ) + fabs ( diffvector . y ) ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
// Target not allocated
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.0f , line , " Not allocated (%d) " , WatchedEntitySlot ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
// No Target
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.0f , line , " None " ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
/* Ca rame grave !
uint nMem = NLMEMORY : : GetAllocatedMemory ( ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.0f , line , " Mem Used: %d " , nMem ) ; */
// 3D Filters information:
# ifdef _PROFILE_ON_
line - = lineStep ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.0f , line , " 3D Filters: " ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.0f , line , " MeshNoVP: %s " , Filter3D [ FilterMeshNoVP ] ? " Ok " : " NOT RENDERED! " ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.0f , line , " MeshVP: %s " , Filter3D [ FilterMeshVP ] ? " Ok " : " NOT RENDERED! " ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.0f , line , " FXs: %s " , Filter3D [ FilterFXs ] ? " Ok " : " NOT RENDERED! " ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
if ( Landscape )
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.0f , line , " Landscape: %s " , Filter3D [ FilterLandscape ] ? " Ok " : " NOT RENDERED! " ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.0f , line , " Landscape not enabled " ) ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.0f , line , " Vegetable: %s " , Filter3D [ FilterVegetable ] ? " Ok " : " NOT RENDERED! " ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.0f , line , " Skeleton: %s " , Filter3D [ FilterSkeleton ] ? " Ok " : " NOT RENDERED! " ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.0f , line , " Water: %s " , Filter3D [ FilterWater ] ? " Ok " : " NOT RENDERED! " ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.0f , line , " Cloud: %s " , Filter3D [ FilterCloud ] ? " Ok " : " NOT RENDERED! " ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.0f , line , " CoarseMesh: %s " , Filter3D [ FilterCoarseMesh ] ? " Ok " : " NOT RENDERED! " ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.0f , line , " Sky: %s " , Filter3D [ FilterSky ] ? " Ok " : " NOT RENDERED! " ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
// Materials Infos
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.0f , line , " SetupedMatrix: %d " , Driver - > profileSetupedModelMatrix ( ) ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.0f , line , " SetupedMaterials: %d " , Driver - > profileSetupedMaterials ( ) ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
// Display camera cluster system
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.0f , line , " ClusterSystem: %p " , MainCam . getClusterSystem ( ) ) ;
line - = 2 * lineStep ;
// Lua stuffs
CInterfaceManager * pIM = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
2012-05-23 00:41:43 +00:00
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.0f , line , " Lua mem (kb) : %d / %d " , CLuaManager : : getInstance ( ) . getLuaState ( ) - > getGCCount ( ) , CLuaManager : : getInstance ( ) . getLuaState ( ) - > getGCThreshold ( ) ) ;
2012-04-15 23:31:21 +00:00
line - = lineStep ;
2012-05-23 00:41:43 +00:00
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.0f , line , " Lua stack size = %d " , CLuaManager : : getInstance ( ) . getLuaState ( ) - > getTop ( ) ) ;
2012-04-15 23:31:21 +00:00
line - = lineStep ;
# endif
// TOP LEFT //
TextContext - > setHotSpot ( UTextContext : : TopLeft ) ;
line = 1.f ;
string str ;
str = " FV " ;
# else
str = " DEV " ;
# endif
if ( ClientCfg . ExtendedCommands )
str + = " _E " ;
str + = " " RYZOM_VERSION ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.f , line , " Version %s " , str . c_str ( ) ) ;
TextContext - > setHotSpot ( UTextContext : : MiddleTop ) ;
line = 1.f ;
// Motion Mode
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.5f , line , " %s " , UserControls . modeStr ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
TextContext - > setHotSpot ( UTextContext : : TopRight ) ;
line = 1.f ;
//// 3D Infos
// Video mem allocated.
TextContext - > printfAt ( 1.f , line , " Video mem. : %f " , Driver - > profileAllocatedTextureMemory ( ) / ( 1024.f * 1024.f ) ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
// Video mem used since last swapBuffers().
TextContext - > printfAt ( 1.f , line , " Video mem. since last swap buffer: %f " , Driver - > getUsedTextureMemory ( ) / ( 1024.f * 1024.f ) ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
// Get the last face count asked from the main scene before reduction.
TextContext - > printfAt ( 1.f , line , " Nb Skin Face Asked: %f " , Scene - > getGroupNbFaceAsked ( " Skin " ) ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( 1.f , line , " Nb Fx Face Asked: %f " , Scene - > getGroupNbFaceAsked ( " Fx " ) ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
// All Triangles In
CPrimitiveProfile pIn ;
CPrimitiveProfile pOut ;
Driver - > profileRenderedPrimitives ( pIn , pOut ) ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( 1.f , line , " Tri In : %d " , pIn . NTriangles + 2 * pIn . NQuads ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
// All Triangles Out
TextContext - > printfAt ( 1.f , line , " Tri Out : %d " , pOut . NTriangles + 2 * pIn . NQuads ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
// Current Cluster
string strPos ;
// Check there is a PACS Primitive before using it.
if ( UserEntity - > getPrimitive ( ) & & GR )
UGlobalPosition gPos ;
UserEntity - > getPrimitive ( ) - > getGlobalPosition ( gPos , dynamicWI ) ;
string strPos = GR - > getIdentifier ( gPos ) ;
strPos = " No Primitive " ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( 1.f , line , " Cluster : %s " , strPos . c_str ( ) ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
//// SOUND Infos
line - = lineStep ;
if ( SoundMngr )
TextContext - > printfAt ( 1.f , line , " Sound source instance: %u " , SoundMngr - > getSourcesInstanceCount ( ) ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( 1.f , line , " Logical playing SoundSource: %u " , SoundMngr - > getMixer ( ) - > getPlayingSourcesCount ( ) ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( 1.f , line , " Audio tracks: %u/%u " , SoundMngr - > getMixer ( ) - > getUsedTracksCount ( ) , SoundMngr - > getMixer ( ) - > getPolyphony ( ) ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
if ( SoundMngr - > getMixer ( ) - > getMutedPlayingSourcesCount ( ) > 0 )
TextContext - > printfAt ( 1.f , line , " Source muted: %u ! " , SoundMngr - > getMixer ( ) - > getMutedPlayingSourcesCount ( ) ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( 1.f , line , " Samples in memory: %g MB " , SoundMngr - > getLoadingSamplesSize ( ) / ( 1024.0f * 1024.0f ) ) ;
line - = lineStep ;
TextContext - > setHotSpot ( UTextContext : : BottomRight ) ;
line = 0.f ;
CVector postmp = View . viewPos ( ) ;
// Pos
TextContext - > printfAt ( 1.f , line , " Position : %d %d %d " , ( int ) postmp . x , ( int ) postmp . y , ( int ) postmp . z ) ;
line + = lineStep ;
// Body Heading
TextContext - > printfAt ( 1.f , line , " Front : %.2f %.2f %.2f " , UserEntity - > front ( ) . x , UserEntity - > front ( ) . y , UserEntity - > front ( ) . z ) ;
line + = lineStep ;
// Speed
TextContext - > printfAt ( 1.f , line , " Speed : %.2f " , ( float ) UserEntity - > speed ( ) ) ;
line + = lineStep ;
// Zone
if ( ! ClientCfg . Light )
if ( Landscape )
TextContext - > printfAt ( 1.f , line , " Zone: %s " , Landscape - > getZoneName ( postmp ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
line + = lineStep ;
// Prim File
string primFile = PrimFiles . getCurrentPrimitive ( ) ;
if ( ! primFile . empty ( ) )
TextContext - > printfAt ( 1.f , line , " Prim File: %s " , primFile . c_str ( ) ) ;
line + = lineStep ;
line + = lineStep ;
// Ryzom Day.
TextContext - > printfAt ( 1.f , line , " Ryzom Day : %d " , RT . getRyzomDay ( ) ) ;
line + = lineStep ;
// hour in the game
float dayNightCycleHour = ( float ) RT . getRyzomTime ( ) ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( 1.f , line , " Ryzom Time : %2u:%02u " , int ( dayNightCycleHour ) , int ( ( dayNightCycleHour - int ( dayNightCycleHour ) ) * 60.0f ) ) ;
line + = lineStep ;
// light hour in the game, used to display te day/night
TextContext - > printfAt ( 1.f , line , " Ryzom Light Time : %2u:%02u (%s) " , int ( DayNightCycleHour ) , int ( ( DayNightCycleHour - int ( DayNightCycleHour ) ) * 60.0f ) , LightCycleManager . getStateString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
line + = lineStep ;
// Server GameCycle
TextContext - > printfAt ( 1.f , line , " Server GameCycle : %u " , ( uint ) NetMngr . getCurrentServerTick ( ) ) ;
line + = lineStep ;
// Current GameCycle
TextContext - > printfAt ( 1.f , line , " Current GameCycle : %u " , ( uint ) NetMngr . getCurrentClientTick ( ) ) ;
line + = lineStep ;
// Current GameCycle
TextContext - > printfAt ( 1.f , line , " Ms per Cycle : %d " , NetMngr . getMsPerTick ( ) ) ;
line + = lineStep ;
// Packet Loss
TextContext - > printfAt ( 1.f , line , " Packet Loss : %.1f %% " , NetMngr . getMeanPacketLoss ( ) * 100.0f ) ;
line + = lineStep ;
// Packet Loss
TextContext - > printfAt ( 1.f , line , " Packets Lost : %u " , NetMngr . getTotalLostPackets ( ) ) ;
line + = lineStep ;
// Mean Upload
TextContext - > printfAt ( 1.f , line , " Mean Upld : %.3f kbps " , NetMngr . getMeanUpload ( ) ) ;
line + = lineStep ;
// Mean Download
TextContext - > printfAt ( 1.f , line , " Mean Dnld : %.3f kbps " , NetMngr . getMeanDownload ( ) ) ;
line + = lineStep ;
// Mean Download
TextContext - > printfAt ( 1.f , line , " Nb in Vision : %d(%d,%d,%d) " ,
EntitiesMngr . nbEntitiesAllocated ( ) ,
EntitiesMngr . nbUser ( ) ,
EntitiesMngr . nbPlayer ( ) ,
EntitiesMngr . nbChar ( ) ) ;
line + = lineStep ;
// Number of database changes
TextContext - > printfAt ( 1.f , line , " DB Changes : %u " , NbDatabaseChanges ) ;
line + = lineStep ;
// Ping
TextContext - > printfAt ( 1.f , line , " DB Ping : %u ms " , Ping . getValue ( ) ) ;
line + = lineStep ;
// Manual weather setup
if ( ContinentMngr . cur ( ) ) // Only usable if there is a continent loaded.
if ( ! ForceTrueWeatherValue )
const CWeatherFunction & wf = ContinentMngr . cur ( ) - > WeatherFunction [ CurrSeason ] ;
float wv ;
if ( ClientCfg . ManualWeatherSetup )
wv = std : : max ( wf . getNumWeatherSetups ( ) - 1 , 0u ) * ManualWeatherValue ;
wv = std : : max ( wf . getNumWeatherSetups ( ) - 1 , 0u ) * : : getBlendedWeather ( RT . getRyzomDay ( ) , RT . getRyzomTime ( ) , * WeatherFunctionParams , ContinentMngr . cur ( ) - > WeatherFunction ) ;
const CWeatherSetup * ws = wf . getWeatherSetup ( ( uint ) floorf ( wv ) ) ;
std : : string name0 = ws ? NLMISC : : CStringMapper : : unmap ( ws - > SetupName ) : " ??? " ;
ws = wf . getWeatherSetup ( std : : min ( ( uint ) ( floorf ( wv ) + 1 ) , wf . getNumWeatherSetups ( ) - 1 ) ) ;
std : : string name1 = ws ? NLMISC : : CStringMapper : : unmap ( ws - > SetupName ) : " ??? " ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( 1.f , line , " Weather value : %.02f : %s -> %s " , ws ? wv : 0.f , name0 . c_str ( ) , name1 . c_str ( ) ) ;
line + = lineStep ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( 1.f , line , " Weather value : %.02f " , WeatherManager . getWeatherValue ( ) * std : : max ( ContinentMngr . cur ( ) - > WeatherFunction [ CurrSeason ] . getNumWeatherSetups ( ) - 1 , 0u ) ) ;
line + = lineStep ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( 1.f , line , " TEST WEATHER FUNCTION " ) ;
line + = lineStep ;
// season
TextContext - > printfAt ( 1.f , line , " Season : %s " , EGSPD : : CSeason : : toString ( CurrSeason ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
line + = lineStep ;
// fog dist
if ( ContinentMngr . cur ( ) )
TextContext - > printfAt ( 1.f , line , " Continent fog min near = %.1f, max far = %.1f " , ContinentMngr . cur ( ) - > FogStart , ContinentMngr . cur ( ) - > FogEnd ) ;
line + = lineStep ;
CFogState tmpFog ;
ContinentMngr . getFogState ( MainFog , LightCycleManager . getLightLevel ( ) , LightCycleManager . getLightDesc ( ) . DuskRatio , LightCycleManager . getState ( ) , View . viewPos ( ) , tmpFog ) ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( 1.f , line , " Continent fog curr near = %.1f, curr far = %.1f " , tmpFog . FogStartDist , tmpFog . FogEndDist ) ;
line + = lineStep ;
const CWeatherState & ws = WeatherManager . getCurrWeatherState ( ) ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( 1.f , line , " Weather fog near = %.1f, far = %.1f " , ws . FogNear [ MainFog ] , ws . FogFar [ MainFog ] ) ;
line + = lineStep ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( 1.f , line , " Final fog near = %.1f, far = %.1f " , MainFogState . FogStartDist , MainFogState . FogEndDist ) ;
line + = lineStep ;
float left , right , bottom , top , znear , zfar ;
Scene - > getCam ( ) . getFrustum ( left , right , bottom , top , znear , zfar ) ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( 1.f , line , " Clip near = %.1f, far = %.1f " , znear , zfar ) ;
line + = lineStep ;
// Connection states
TextContext - > printfAt ( 1.f , line , " State : %s " , NetMngr . getConnectionStateCStr ( ) ) ;
line + = lineStep ;
// UGlobalPosition globalPos;
// UserEntity->getPrimitive()->getGlobalPosition(globalPos, dynamicWI);
// uint32 material = GR->getMaterial( globalPos );
// TextContext->printfAt(0.5f,0.5f,"Material : %d Gpos=(inst=%d,surf=%d,x=%.2f,y=%.2f",material, globalPos.InstanceId, globalPos.LocalPosition.Surface, globalPos.LocalPosition.Estimation.x, globalPos.LocalPosition.Estimation.y);
// No more shadow when displaying a text.
TextContext - > setShaded ( false ) ;
} // displayDebug //
// Macro to Display a Text
# define DISP_TEXT(x, text) \
/* Display the text at the right place */ \
TextContext - > printfAt ( x , line , text ) ; \
/* Change the line */ \
line + = lineStep ; \
// displayHelp :
// Display an Help.
void displayHelp ( )
float line = 1.f ;
float lineStep = - ClientCfg . HelpLineStep ;
// Create a shadow when displaying a text.
TextContext - > setShaded ( true ) ;
// Set the font size.
TextContext - > setFontSize ( ClientCfg . HelpFontSize ) ;
// Set the text color
TextContext - > setColor ( ClientCfg . HelpFontColor ) ;
line = 1.f ;
TextContext - > setHotSpot ( UTextContext : : TopLeft ) ;
DISP_TEXT ( 0.0f , " SHIFT + F1 : This Menu " )
DISP_TEXT ( 0.0f , " SHIFT + F2 : Display Debug Infos " )
DISP_TEXT ( 0.0f , " SHIFT + F3 : Wire mode " ) ;
DISP_TEXT ( 0.0f , " SHIFT + F4 : Do not Render the Scene " ) ;
DISP_TEXT ( 0.0f , " SHIFT + F5 : Toogle Display OSD interfaces " ) ;
// DISP_TEXT(0.0f, "SHIFT + F6 : Not used");
DISP_TEXT ( 0.0f , " SHIFT + F7 : Compass Mode (User/Camera) " ) ;
DISP_TEXT ( 0.0f , " SHIFT + F8 : Camera Mode (INSERT to change your position) " ) ;
DISP_TEXT ( 0.0f , " SHIFT + F9 : Free Mouse " ) ;
DISP_TEXT ( 0.0f , " SHIFT + F10 : Take a Screen Shot (+CTRL) for jpg " ) ;
// DISP_TEXT(0.0f, "SHIFT + F11 : Test");
DISP_TEXT ( 0.0f , " SHIFT + ESCAPE : Quit " ) ;
DISP_TEXT ( 0.0f , " SHIFT + C : First/Third Person View " ) ;
line = 1.f ;
TextContext - > setHotSpot ( UTextContext : : TopRight ) ;
DISP_TEXT ( 1.0f , " UP : FORWARD " ) ;
DISP_TEXT ( 1.0f , " DOWN : BACKWARD " ) ;
DISP_TEXT ( 1.0f , " LEFT : ROTATE LEFT " ) ;
DISP_TEXT ( 1.0f , " CTRL + LEFT : STRAFE LEFT " ) ;
DISP_TEXT ( 1.0f , " END : Auto Walk " ) ;
DISP_TEXT ( 1.0f , " DELETE : Walk/Run " ) ;
DISP_TEXT ( 1.0f , " PG UP : Look Up " ) ;
DISP_TEXT ( 1.0f , " PG DOWN : Look Down " ) ;
// DISP_TEXT(1.0f, "CTRL + I : Inventory");
// DISP_TEXT(1.0f, "CTRL + C : Spells composition interface");
// DISP_TEXT(1.0f, "CTRL + S : Memorized Spells interface");
DISP_TEXT ( 1.0f , " CTRL + B : Show/Hide PACS Borders " ) ;
DISP_TEXT ( 1.0f , " CTRL + P : Player target himself " ) ;
DISP_TEXT ( 1.0f , " CTRL + D : Unselect target " ) ;
DISP_TEXT ( 1.0f , " CTRL + TAB : Next Chat Mode (say/shout " ) ;
DISP_TEXT ( 1.0f , " CTRL + R : Reload Client.cfg File " ) ;
// DISP_TEXT(1.0f, "CTRL + N : Toggle Night / Day lighting");
DISP_TEXT ( 1.0f , " CTRL + F2 : Profile on / off " ) ;
DISP_TEXT ( 1.0f , " CTRL + F3 : Movie Shooter record / stop " ) ;
DISP_TEXT ( 1.0f , " CTRL + F4 : Movie Shooter replay " ) ;
DISP_TEXT ( 1.0f , " CTRL + F5 : Movie Shooter save " ) ;
DISP_TEXT ( 1.0f , " CTRL + F6 : Save memory stat report " ) ;
DISP_TEXT ( 1.0f , " CTRL + F7 : Show / hide prim file " ) ;
DISP_TEXT ( 1.0f , " CTRL + F8 : Change prim file UP " ) ;
DISP_TEXT ( 1.0f , " CTRL + F9 : Change prim file DOWN " ) ;
// No more shadow when displaying a text.
TextContext - > setShaded ( false ) ;
} // displayHelp //
// Just Display some text with ... anim at some place.
void displaySpecialTextProgress ( const char * text )
// Create a shadow when displaying a text.
TextContext - > setShaded ( true ) ;
// Set the font size.
TextContext - > setFontSize ( 12 ) ;
// Set the text color
TextContext - > setColor ( CRGBA ( 255 , 255 , 255 ) ) ;
TextContext - > setHotSpot ( UTextContext : : BottomLeft ) ;
// cool .... anim.
const uint MaxDot = 8 ;
static uint counter = 0 ;
counter = ( counter + 1 ) % ( MaxDot + 1 ) ;
// format counter.
char str [ MaxDot + 1 ] ;
uint i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < counter ; i + + )
str [ i ] = ' . ' ;
str [ counter ] = 0 ;
// display text
TextContext - > printfAt ( 0.05f , 0.80f , " %s%s " , text , str ) ;
// MovieShooter methods
void endMovieShooting ( )
MovieShooterSaving = false ;
bool MovieShooterReplay = false ;
bool MovieShooterSave = false ;
void updateMovieShooting ( )
if ( MovieShooterReplay )
if ( ! MovieShooter . enabled ( ) )
Driver - > systemMessageBox ( " MovieShooter not enabled " , " MovieShooter " ) ;
if ( ! MovieShooterSaving )
MovieShooter . replayMovie ( Driver , TextContext ) ;
catch ( const Exception & e )
Driver - > systemMessageBox ( e . what ( ) , " MovieShooter " ) ;
MovieShooterReplay = false ;
if ( MovieShooterSave )
if ( ! MovieShooter . enabled ( ) )
Driver - > systemMessageBox ( " MovieShooter not enabled " , " MovieShooter " ) ;
if ( ! MovieShooterSaving )
// Create a New Dir
string theDir ;
uint num = 0 ;
num + + ;
char tmp [ 256 ] ;
sprintf ( tmp , " %03d " , num ) ;
theDir = ClientCfg . MovieShooterPath + " / " + " Movie " + tmp ;
while ( CFile : : isDirectory ( theDir ) ) ;
// create the dir
CFile : : createDirectory ( theDir ) ;
// Save the movie.
MovieShooter . saveMovie ( Driver , TextContext , theDir . c_str ( ) , ClientCfg . MovieShooterFramePeriod , ClientCfg . MovieShooterBlend , ClientCfg . MovieShooterPrefix . c_str ( ) ) ;
catch ( const Exception & e )
Driver - > systemMessageBox ( e . what ( ) , " MovieShooter " ) ;
MovieShooterSave = false ;
# endif // _MOVIE_SHOOTER_ON_
// updateSound :
// update the listener pos and user walk/run/idle sound (stereo)
void updateSound ( )
if ( SoundMngr )
SoundMngr - > update ( ) ;
} // updateSound //
void updateLightDesc ( )
if ( ! ClientCfg . Light )
// Update the lighting description (when season change, or for first setup)
static bool init = false ;
EGSPD : : CSeason : : TSeason season = CurrSeason ;
if ( ! init | | season ! = CurrSeason )
CLightCycleDesc desc ;
buildLightCycleDesc ( desc , CurrSeason ) ;
LightCycleManager . setLightDesc ( desc ) ;
init = true ;
if ( CurrSeason ! = season )
CurrSeason = season ;
// also update seasonal fxs
if ( IGCallbacks )
IGCallbacks - > changeSeason ( ) ;
static void updateCloudScape ( const CCloudState & desc , const CWeatherContext & wc , float /* wind */ , float dayNight , float updateDelay , bool mustInit )
if ( ! CloudScape ) return ;
SCloudScapeSetup css ;
NLMISC : : clamp ( dayNight , 0.f , 1.f ) ;
css . CloudSpeed = desc . DiffusionSpeed ;
float duskRatio = LightCycleManager . getLightDesc ( ) . DuskRatio ;
switch ( LightCycleManager . getState ( ) )
case CLightCycleManager : : DayToNight :
if ( dayNight < duskRatio ) // day->dusk
float blendFactor = duskRatio ! = 0 ? dayNight / duskRatio : 0.f ;
css . Ambient . blendFromui ( desc . AmbientDay , desc . AmbientDusk , ( uint ) ( 256.f * blendFactor ) ) ;
css . Diffuse . blendFromui ( desc . DiffuseDay , desc . DiffuseDusk , ( uint ) ( 256.f * blendFactor ) ) ;
else // dusk->night
float blendFactor = duskRatio ! = 1 ? ( dayNight - duskRatio ) / ( 1.f - duskRatio ) : 0.f ;
css . Ambient . blendFromui ( desc . AmbientDusk , desc . AmbientNight , ( uint ) ( 256.f * blendFactor ) ) ;
css . Diffuse . blendFromui ( desc . DiffuseDusk , desc . DiffuseNight , ( uint ) ( 256.f * blendFactor ) ) ;
break ;
default : // not a day->night transition, so no step for dusk
css . Ambient . blendFromui ( desc . AmbientDay , desc . AmbientNight , ( uint ) ( 256.f * dayNight ) ) ;
css . Diffuse . blendFromui ( desc . DiffuseDay , desc . DiffuseNight , ( uint ) ( 256.f * dayNight ) ) ;
break ;
css . NbCloud = desc . NumClouds ;
css . WindSpeed = WeatherManager . getCurrWeatherState ( ) . WindIntensity * wc . WFP - > CloudWindSpeedFactor + wc . WFP - > CloudMinSpeed ;
if ( mustInit )
css . TimeToChange = 0 ;
CloudScape - > init ( & css ) ;
CloudScape - > setNbCloudToUpdateIn80ms ( ClientCfg . CloudUpdate ) ;
CloudScape - > setQuality ( ClientCfg . CloudQuality ) ;
css . TimeToChange = updateDelay ;
CloudScape - > set ( css ) ;
void updateClouds ( )
// build a weather context
CWeatherContext wc ;
wc . GR = GR ;
if ( ContinentMngr . cur ( ) )
wc . WF = ContinentMngr . cur ( ) - > WeatherFunction ;
wc . WF = NULL ;
if ( ClientCfg . ManualWeatherSetup & & ! ForceTrueWeatherValue )
// Try to update the clouds quickly for manual test
if ( CloudScape )
CCloudState cs ;
WeatherManager . computeCloudState ( ManualWeatherValue , CurrSeason , cs , wc . WF ) ;
updateCloudScape ( cs , wc , WeatherManager . getCurrWeatherState ( ) . WindIntensity , LightCycleManager . getLightLevel ( ) , 1.f , InitCloudScape ) ;
InitCloudScape = false ;
// update the clouds
if ( InitCloudScape )
InitCloudScape = false ;
// 1 ) set current state
CCloudState cs ;
WeatherManager . computeCloudState ( RT . getRyzomDay ( ) , DayNightCycleHour , wc , cs ) ;
updateCloudScape ( cs , wc , WeatherManager . getCurrWeatherState ( ) . WindIntensity , LightCycleManager . getLightLevel ( ) , 0.f , true ) ;
// 2 )set next state
// compute date of next update
const CLightCycleDesc & lcd = LightCycleManager . getLightDesc ( ) ;
float updateDelay = 0.f ;
if ( lcd . RealDayLength ! = 0.f )
updateDelay = CloudUpdatePeriod / lcd . RealDayLength * lcd . NumHours ;
WeatherManager . computeCloudState ( RT . getRyzomDay ( ) , DayNightCycleHour + updateDelay , wc , cs ) ;
updateCloudScape ( cs , wc , WeatherManager . getCurrWeatherState ( ) . WindIntensity , LightCycleManager . getLightLevel ( ) , 0.f , true ) ;
DelayBeforeCloudUpdate = CloudUpdatePeriod ;
DelayBeforeCloudUpdate - = DT ;
if ( DelayBeforeCloudUpdate < = 0.f )
DelayBeforeCloudUpdate + = CloudUpdatePeriod ;
if ( DelayBeforeCloudUpdate < = 0.f )
DelayBeforeCloudUpdate = CloudUpdatePeriod ;
// set next state
// compute date of next update
const CLightCycleDesc & lcd = LightCycleManager . getLightDesc ( ) ;
float updateDelay = 0.f ;
if ( lcd . RealDayLength ! = 0.f )
updateDelay = DelayBeforeCloudUpdate / lcd . RealDayLength * lcd . NumHours ;
CCloudState cs ;
WeatherManager . computeCloudState ( RT . getRyzomDay ( ) , DayNightCycleHour + updateDelay , wc , cs ) ;
updateCloudScape ( cs , wc , WeatherManager . getCurrWeatherState ( ) . WindIntensity , LightCycleManager . getLightLevel ( ) , updateDelay , false ) ;
// displayPACSBorders :
// Display Borders from PACS.
void displayPACSBorders ( )
static std : : vector < std : : pair < NLMISC : : CLine , uint8 > > edges ;
if ( UserEntity - > getPrimitive ( ) )
UGlobalPosition gPos ;
UserEntity - > getPrimitive ( ) - > getGlobalPosition ( gPos , dynamicWI ) ;
if ( GR ) GR - > getBorders ( gPos , edges ) ;
CLineColor line ;
// ...
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < edges . size ( ) ; + + i )
line = ( edges [ i ] . first ) ;
// Choose the color according to the edge type.
switch ( edges [ i ] . second )
// Block
case 0 :
line . Color0 = CRGBA : : Red ;
line . Color1 = CRGBA : : Red ;
break ;
// Surmountable
case 1 :
line . Color0 = CRGBA : : Green ;
line . Color1 = CRGBA : : Green ;
break ;
// Link
case 2 :
line . Color0 = CRGBA : : Yellow ;
line . Color1 = CRGBA : : Yellow ;
break ;
// Waterline
case 3 :
line . Color0 = CRGBA : : Blue ;
line . Color1 = CRGBA : : Blue ;
break ;
case 4 : // Exterior
line . Color0 = CRGBA : : Magenta ;
line . Color1 = CRGBA : : Magenta ;
break ;
case 5 : // Exterior door
line . Color0 = CRGBA ( 127 , 127 , 127 ) ;
line . Color1 = CRGBA ( 127 , 127 , 127 ) ;
break ;
// Unknown
default :
line . Color0 = CRGBA : : White ;
line . Color1 = CRGBA : : White ;
break ;
// Draw the line.
Driver - > drawLine ( line , GenericMat ) ;
// Clear the vetor.
edges . clear ( ) ;
} // displayPACSBorders //
const uint PacsBoxPointCount = 24 ;
CVector PacsBox [ PacsBoxPointCount ] =
CVector ( - 0.5f , - 0.5f , 0 ) , CVector ( 0.5f , - 0.5f , 0 ) ,
CVector ( 0.5f , - 0.5f , 0 ) , CVector ( 0.5f , 0.5f , 0 ) ,
CVector ( 0.5f , 0.5f , 0 ) , CVector ( - 0.5f , 0.5f , 0 ) ,
CVector ( - 0.5f , 0.5f , 0 ) , CVector ( - 0.5f , - 0.5f , 0 ) ,
CVector ( - 0.5f , - 0.5f , 1 ) , CVector ( 0.5f , - 0.5f , 1 ) ,
CVector ( 0.5f , - 0.5f , 1 ) , CVector ( 0.5f , 0.5f , 1 ) ,
CVector ( 0.5f , 0.5f , 1 ) , CVector ( - 0.5f , 0.5f , 1 ) ,
CVector ( - 0.5f , 0.5f , 1 ) , CVector ( - 0.5f , - 0.5f , 1 ) ,
CVector ( - 0.5f , - 0.5f , 0 ) , CVector ( - 0.5f , - 0.5f , 1 ) ,
CVector ( 0.5f , - 0.5f , 0 ) , CVector ( 0.5f , - 0.5f , 1 ) ,
CVector ( 0.5f , 0.5f , 0 ) , CVector ( 0.5f , 0.5f , 1 ) ,
CVector ( - 0.5f , 0.5f , 0 ) , CVector ( - 0.5f , 0.5f , 1 ) ,
} ;
const uint PacsCylPointCount = 48 ;
CVector PacsCyl [ PacsCylPointCount ] =
CVector ( 0 , 1 , 0 ) , CVector ( 0.7071067f , 0.7071067f , 0 ) ,
CVector ( 0.7071067f , 0.7071067f , 0 ) , CVector ( 1 , 0 , 0 ) ,
CVector ( 1 , 0 , 0 ) , CVector ( 0.7071067f , - 0.7071067f , 0 ) ,
CVector ( 0.7071067f , - 0.7071067f , 0 ) , CVector ( 0 , - 1 , 0 ) ,
CVector ( 0 , - 1 , 0 ) , CVector ( - 0.7071067f , - 0.7071067f , 0 ) ,
CVector ( - 0.7071067f , - 0.7071067f , 0 ) , CVector ( - 1 , 0 , 0 ) ,
CVector ( - 1 , 0 , 0 ) , CVector ( - 0.7071067f , 0.7071067f , 0 ) ,
CVector ( - 0.7071067f , 0.7071067f , 0 ) , CVector ( 0 , 1 , 0 ) ,
CVector ( 0 , 1 , 1 ) , CVector ( 0.7071067f , 0.7071067f , 1 ) ,
CVector ( 0.7071067f , 0.7071067f , 1 ) , CVector ( 1 , 0 , 1 ) ,
CVector ( 1 , 0 , 1 ) , CVector ( 0.7071067f , - 0.7071067f , 1 ) ,
CVector ( 0.7071067f , - 0.7071067f , 1 ) , CVector ( 0 , - 1 , 1 ) ,
CVector ( 0 , - 1 , 1 ) , CVector ( - 0.7071067f , - 0.7071067f , 1 ) ,
CVector ( - 0.7071067f , - 0.7071067f , 1 ) , CVector ( - 1 , 0 , 1 ) ,
CVector ( - 1 , 0 , 1 ) , CVector ( - 0.7071067f , 0.7071067f , 1 ) ,
CVector ( - 0.7071067f , 0.7071067f , 1 ) , CVector ( 0 , 1 , 1 ) ,
CVector ( 0 , 1 , 1 ) , CVector ( 0 , 1 , 0 ) ,
CVector ( 0.7071067f , 0.7071067f , 1 ) , CVector ( 0.7071067f , 0.7071067f , 0 ) ,
CVector ( 1 , 0 , 1 ) , CVector ( 1 , 0 , 0 ) ,
CVector ( 0.7071067f , - 0.7071067f , 1 ) , CVector ( 0.7071067f , - 0.7071067f , 0 ) ,
CVector ( 0 , - 1 , 1 ) , CVector ( 0 , - 1 , 0 ) ,
CVector ( - 0.7071067f , - 0.7071067f , 1 ) , CVector ( - 0.7071067f , - 0.7071067f , 0 ) ,
CVector ( - 1 , 0 , 1 ) , CVector ( - 1 , 0 , 0 ) ,
CVector ( - 0.7071067f , 0.7071067f , 1 ) , CVector ( - 0.7071067f , 0.7071067f , 0 ) ,
} ;
void displayPACSPrimitive ( )
std : : vector < const UMovePrimitive * > movePrimitives ;
// if no continent selected, skip
if ( ! PACS )
return ;
PACS - > getPrimitives ( movePrimitives ) ;
uint i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < movePrimitives . size ( ) ; i + + )
// World image
const UMovePrimitive * prim = movePrimitives [ i ] ;
uint8 wI = prim - > getFirstWorldImageV ( ) ;
// Distance
CVector position = prim - > getFinalPosition ( wI ) ;
if ( ( position - UserEntity - > pos ( ) ) . sqrnorm ( ) < ( 200 * 200 ) )
// Choose a color
CLineColor line ;
if ( prim - > isCollisionable ( ) )
// Static collision
if ( prim - > getReactionType ( ) = = UMovePrimitive : : DoNothing )
line . Color0 = CRGBA : : Red ;
line . Color0 = CRGBA : : Yellow ;
// Trigger
line . Color0 = CRGBA : : White ;
line . Color1 = line . Color0 ;
// Lines
CVector * lines ;
// Line count
uint linecount ;
// Transform matrix
CMatrix scale ;
scale . identity ( ) ;
CMatrix rot ;
rot . identity ( ) ;
// Draw the primitive
if ( prim - > getPrimitiveType ( ) = = UMovePrimitive : : _2DOrientedBox )
lines = PacsBox ;
linecount = PacsBoxPointCount / 2 ;
float width ;
float depth ;
prim - > getSize ( width , depth ) ;
scale . scale ( CVector ( width , depth , prim - > getHeight ( ) ) ) ;
rot . rotateZ ( ( float ) prim - > getOrientation ( wI ) ) ;
lines = PacsCyl ;
linecount = PacsCylPointCount / 2 ;
float radius = prim - > getRadius ( ) ;
scale . scale ( CVector ( radius , radius , prim - > getHeight ( ) ) ) ;
CMatrix pos ;
pos . identity ( ) ;
pos . setPos ( position ) ;
pos = pos * rot * scale ;
// Draw the primitive
uint j ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < linecount ; j + + )
line . V0 = pos * lines [ j * 2 ] ;
line . V1 = pos * lines [ j * 2 + 1 ] ;
// Draw the line.
Driver - > drawLine ( line , GenericMat ) ;
// displaySoundBox :
void displaySoundBox ( )
if ( SoundMngr ! = 0 )
SoundMngr - > drawSounds ( 50.f ) ;
// displaySceneProfiles();
// nlinfo the Scene Profile results
string buildStrVBFormat ( uint32 format )
// Yoyo: Uggly: hardcoded :)
string res ;
if ( format & 0x0001 )
res + = " Vertex " ;
if ( format & 0x0002 )
res + = " |Normal " ;
if ( format & 0x0004 )
res + = " |TexCoord0 " ;
if ( format & 0x0008 )
res + = " |TexCoord1 " ;
if ( format & 0x0010 )
res + = " |TexCoord2 " ;
if ( format & 0x0020 )
res + = " |TexCoord3 " ;
if ( format & 0x0040 )
res + = " |TexCoord4 " ;
if ( format & 0x0080 )
res + = " |TexCoord5 " ;
if ( format & 0x0100 )
res + = " |TexCoord6 " ;
if ( format & 0x0200 )
res + = " |TexCoord7 " ;
if ( format & 0x0400 )
res + = " |PrimaryColor " ;
if ( format & 0x0800 )
res + = " |SecondaryColor " ;
if ( format & 0x1000 )
res + = " |Weight " ;
if ( format & 0x2000 )
res + = " |PaletteSkin " ;
if ( format & 0x4000 )
res + = " |Fog " ;
return res ;
void displaySceneProfiles ( )
// **** Scene Profile
UScene : : CBenchResults res ;
Scene - > getProfileResults ( res ) ;
static uint id = 0 ;
nlinfo ( " ****** Scene Profile Result: %d ******* " , id ) ;
id + + ;
// Display Mesh PerVertexFormat Benchs
nlinfo ( " * Mesh Per VertexFormat: " ) ;
std : : map < uint32 , uint32 > : : iterator it ;
for ( it = res . MeshProfileTriVBFormat . begin ( ) ; it ! = res . MeshProfileTriVBFormat . end ( ) ; it + + )
// build the format
string format = buildStrVBFormat ( it - > first ) ;
nlinfo ( " NumTris: %5d. Format: %s " , it - > second , format . c_str ( ) ) ;
// Display MeshMRM PerVertexFormat Benchs
nlinfo ( " * MeshMRM Per VertexFormat: " ) ;
for ( it = res . MeshMRMProfileTriVBFormat . begin ( ) ; it ! = res . MeshMRMProfileTriVBFormat . end ( ) ; it + + )
// build the format
string format = buildStrVBFormat ( it - > first ) ;
nlinfo ( " NumTris: %5d. Format: %s " , it - > second , format . c_str ( ) ) ;
// Display BlockRendering Information
nlinfo ( " * Mesh BlockRender Info: " ) ;
nlinfo ( " NumMeshRdrNormal: %d " , res . NumMeshRdrNormal ) ;
nlinfo ( " NumMeshRdrBlock: %d " , res . NumMeshRdrBlock ) ;
nlinfo ( " NumMeshRdrBlockWithVBHeap: %d " , res . NumMeshRdrBlockWithVBHeap ) ;
nlinfo ( " NumMeshRdrNormal TriCount: %d " , res . NumMeshTriRdrNormal ) ;
nlinfo ( " NumMeshRdrBlock TriCount: %d " , res . NumMeshTriRdrBlock ) ;
nlinfo ( " NumMeshRdrBlockWithVBHeap TriCount: %d " , res . NumMeshTriRdrBlockWithVBHeap ) ;
nlinfo ( " * MeshMRM BlockRender Info: " ) ;
nlinfo ( " NumMeshMRMRdrNormal: %d " , res . NumMeshMRMRdrNormal ) ;
nlinfo ( " NumMeshMRMRdrBlock: %d " , res . NumMeshMRMRdrBlock ) ;
nlinfo ( " NumMeshMRMRdrBlockWithVBHeap: %d " , res . NumMeshMRMRdrBlockWithVBHeap ) ;
nlinfo ( " NumMeshMRMRdrNormal TriCount: %d " , res . NumMeshMRMTriRdrNormal ) ;
nlinfo ( " NumMeshMRMRdrBlock TriCount: %d " , res . NumMeshMRMTriRdrBlock ) ;
nlinfo ( " NumMeshMRMRdrBlockWithVBHeap TriCount: %d " , res . NumMeshMRMTriRdrBlockWithVBHeap ) ;
// Display VBHard usage Information
nlinfo ( " * VBHard usage Info: " ) ;
nlinfo ( " NumMeshVBufferStd: %d " , res . NumMeshVBufferStd ) ;
nlinfo ( " NumMeshVBufferHard: %d " , res . NumMeshVBufferHard ) ;
nlinfo ( " NumMeshMRMVBufferStd: %d " , res . NumMeshMRMVBufferStd ) ;
nlinfo ( " NumMeshMRMVBufferHard: %d " , res . NumMeshMRMVBufferHard ) ;
nlinfo ( " ****** END Scene Profile Result ******* " ) ;
// **** Additionaly, display QuadGridClipManager profile
Scene - > profileQuadGridClipManager ( ) ;
// **** Additionaly, display List of Landscape IG Loaded
if ( Landscape )
nlinfo ( " ****** Land IG Profile ******* " ) ;
std : : vector < std : : pair < UInstanceGroup * , std : : string > > igList ;
LandscapeIGManager . getAllIGWithNames ( igList ) ;
// For all ig
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < igList . size ( ) ; i + + )
string igName = CFile : : getFilenameWithoutExtension ( igList [ i ] . second ) ;
if ( LandscapeIGManager . isIGAddedToScene ( igName ) )
nlinfo ( " %s " , igList [ i ] . second . c_str ( ) ) ;
nlinfo ( " ****** END Land IG Profile ******* " ) ;
// validateDialogs();
// validate current dialogs by checking the distance between the two talking entities. End dialogs if they are too far
void validateDialogs ( const CGameContextMenu & gcm )
if ( UserEntity - > trader ( ) ! = CLFECOMMON : : INVALID_SLOT )
CEntityCL * trader = EntitiesMngr . entity ( UserEntity - > trader ( ) ) ;
if ( trader )
CVectorD vect1 = trader - > pos ( ) ;
CVectorD vect2 = UserEntity - > pos ( ) ;
double distanceSquare = pow ( vect1 . x - vect2 . x , 2 ) + pow ( vect1 . y - vect2 . y , 2 ) ;
if ( gcm . isBuilding ( ) )
if ( distanceSquare > MaxTalkingOutpostBuildingDistSquare )
// Prevent also the Server of ending bot chat
if ( CBotChatManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getCurrPage ( ) )
CBotChatManager : : getInstance ( ) - > endDialog ( ) ;
if ( distanceSquare > MaxTalkingDistSquare )
// Prevent also the Server of ending bot chat
if ( CBotChatManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getCurrPage ( ) )
CBotChatManager : : getInstance ( ) - > endDialog ( ) ;
NLMISC_DYNVARIABLE ( float , FPS , " The second smoothed frame rate per second " )
if ( get ) * pointer = 1.0f / smoothFPS . getSmoothValue ( ) ;
// show hide all the debuging of ui
NLMISC_COMMAND ( debugUI , " Debug the ui : show/hide quads of bboxs and hotspots " , " debugUI 1 or 0 " )
if ( args . size ( ) > 1 ) return false ;
bool on = true ;
DebugUIFilter . clear ( ) ;
if ( args . size ( ) = = 1 )
if ( ! args [ 0 ] . empty ( ) & & ! isdigit ( args [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ) )
on = true ;
DebugUIFilter = args [ 0 ] ;
fromString ( args [ 0 ] , on ) ;
DebugUICell = on ;
DebugUIView = on ;
DebugUICtrl = on ;
DebugUIGroup = on ;
return true ;
// show hide the debuging of ui
NLMISC_COMMAND ( debugUIView , " Debug the ui : show/hide quads of bboxs and hotspots for views " , " " )
DebugUIView = ! DebugUIView ;
return true ;
// show hide the debuging of ui
NLMISC_COMMAND ( debugUICtrl , " Debug the ui : show/hide quads of bboxs and hotspots for ctrl " , " " )
DebugUICtrl = ! DebugUICtrl ;
return true ;
// show hide the debuging of ui
NLMISC_COMMAND ( debugUIGroup , " Debug the ui : show/hide quads of bboxs and hotspots for group " , " " )
DebugUIGroup = ! DebugUIGroup ;
return true ;
// show hide the debuging of cells
NLMISC_COMMAND ( debugUICell , " Debug the ui : show/hide quads of bboxs for cells " , " " )
DebugUICell = ! DebugUICell ;
return true ;
// Set weather value
NLMISC_COMMAND ( setWeatherValue , " Set weather value " , " " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 1 ) return false ;
float value ;
fromString ( args [ 0 ] , value ) ;
ManualWeatherValue = value / ( ContinentMngr . cur ( ) - > WeatherFunction [ CurrSeason ] . getNumWeatherSetups ( ) - 1 ) ;
return true ;
class CHandlerDebugUIGroup : public IActionHandler
virtual void execute ( CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */ , const std : : string & /* sParams */ )
DebugUIGroup = ! DebugUIGroup ;
} ;
REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER ( CHandlerDebugUIGroup , " debug_ui_group " ) ;
class CHandlerDebugUICtrl : public IActionHandler
virtual void execute ( CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */ , const std : : string & /* sParams */ )
DebugUICtrl = ! DebugUICtrl ;
} ;
REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER ( CHandlerDebugUICtrl , " debug_ui_ctrl " ) ;
class CHandlerDebugUIView : public IActionHandler
virtual void execute ( CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */ , const std : : string & /* sParams */ )
DebugUIView = ! DebugUIView ;
} ;
REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER ( CHandlerDebugUIView , " debug_ui_view " ) ;
class CAHShowTimedFX : public IActionHandler
void execute ( CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */ , const std : : string & /* params */ )
if ( ShowTimedFX )
ShowTimedFXMode = ( CTimedFXManager : : TDebugDisplayMode ) ( ShowTimedFXMode + 1 ) ;
if ( ShowTimedFXMode = = CTimedFXManager : : DebugModeCount )
ShowTimedFX = false ;
ShowTimedFX = true ;
ShowTimedFXMode = CTimedFXManager : : NoText ;
} ;
// ***************************************************************************
REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER ( CAHShowTimedFX , " show_timed_fx " ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void displayDebugClusters ( )
// Get the Cluster system where the player (not the camera!) lies
UGlobalPosition gPos ;
if ( UserEntity - > getPrimitive ( ) )
UserEntity - > getPrimitive ( ) - > getGlobalPosition ( gPos , dynamicWI ) ;
// get the cluster IG associated to this pacs position
UInstanceGroup * ig = getCluster ( gPos ) ;
// Then display debug for it!
if ( ig )
ig - > displayDebugClusters ( Driver , TextContext ) ;
// Draw the last camera 3rd person setuped
CLineColor line ;
// start to test start
line . V0 = LastDebugClusterCameraThirdPersonStart ;
line . V1 = LastDebugClusterCameraThirdPersonTestStart ;
line . Color0 = CRGBA : : Blue ;
line . Color1 = CRGBA : : Green ;
Driver - > drawLine ( line , GenericMat ) ;
// test start to result
line . V0 = LastDebugClusterCameraThirdPersonTestStart ;
if ( LastDebugClusterCameraThirdPersonForceFPV )
line . V1 = LastDebugClusterCameraThirdPersonEnd ;
line . V1 = LastDebugClusterCameraThirdPersonResult ;
line . Color0 = CRGBA : : Red ;
line . Color1 = CRGBA : : Green ;
Driver - > drawLine ( line , GenericMat ) ;
// result to end
if ( ! LastDebugClusterCameraThirdPersonForceFPV )
line . V0 = LastDebugClusterCameraThirdPersonResult ;
line . V1 = LastDebugClusterCameraThirdPersonEnd ;
line . Color0 = CRGBA : : Yellow ;
line . Color1 = CRGBA : : Green ;
Driver - > drawLine ( line , GenericMat ) ;
// pelvis pos to test start
line . V0 = LastDebugClusterCameraThirdPersonPelvisPos ;
line . V1 = LastDebugClusterCameraThirdPersonTestStart ;
line . Color0 = CRGBA : : Magenta ;
line . Color1 = CRGBA : : Green ;
Driver - > drawLine ( line , GenericMat ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void inGamePatchUncompleteWarning ( )
CInterfaceManager * im = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
im - > executeLuaScript ( " bgdownloader:inGamePatchUncompleteWarning() " ) ;
CInterfaceManager * im = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
2012-05-31 02:27:27 +00:00
CGroupContainer * gc = dynamic_cast < CGroupContainer * > ( CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getElementFromId ( " ui:interface:bg_downloader " ) ) ;
2012-04-15 23:31:21 +00:00
if ( gc )
gc - > setActive ( true ) ;
2012-05-31 02:27:27 +00:00
CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > setTopWindow ( gc ) ;
2012-04-15 23:31:21 +00:00
gc - > enableBlink ( 2 ) ;
im - > messageBoxWithHelp ( CI18N : : get ( " uiBGD_InGamePatchIncomplete " ) ) ;
im - > displaySystemInfo ( CI18N : : get ( " uiBGD_InGamePatchIncompleteBC " ) , " BC " ) ;