2012-02-08 00:58:15 +00:00
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# include "stdpch.h"
# include "instance_map_deco.h"
# include "r2_config.h"
# include "tool.h"
# include "../interface_v3/ctrl_quad.h"
# include "../interface_v3/group_container.h"
# include "nel/misc/i18n.h"
# include "game_share/scenario_entry_points.h"
using namespace NLMISC ;
namespace R2
// *********************************************************************************************************
void CInstanceMapDeco : : CCtrlButtonEntity : : getContextHelp ( ucstring & help ) const
help = _Instance . getDisplayName ( ) ;
if ( help = = NLMISC : : CI18N : : get ( " uiR2EDNoName " ) ) help . clear ( ) ;
// *********************************************************************************************************
2012-05-10 21:31:39 +00:00
bool CInstanceMapDeco : : CCtrlButtonEntity : : handleEvent ( const NLGUI : : CEventDescriptor & /* event */ )
2012-02-08 00:58:15 +00:00
return false ; // just a display with tooltip capability
// *********************************************************************************************************
CInstanceMapDeco : : CInstanceMapDeco ( )
_Main = NULL ;
_Over = NULL ;
_OverInvalid = NULL ;
_Orient = NULL ;
_GlowStar [ 0 ] = _GlowStar [ 1 ] = NULL ;
_GlowStarActive = false ;
_OrientBlendFactor = 0.f ;
_LastCloseView = false ;
_Instance = NULL ;
_AddedToMap = false ;
_Orientable = false ;
_Active = true ;
_InvalidPos = false ;
// *********************************************************************************************************
void CInstanceMapDeco : : setDisplayedInstance ( CInstance * instance , bool orientable )
nlassert ( instance ) ;
nlassert ( ! _Instance ) ; // should be called once only
_Instance = instance ;
_Orientable = orientable ;
// *********************************************************************************************************
CVector2f CInstanceMapDeco : : getWorldPos ( ) const
nlassert ( _Instance ) ;
CDisplayerVisual * vd = _Instance - > getDisplayerVisual ( ) ;
if ( ! vd ) return CVector2f : : Null ;
return vd - > getWorldPos2f ( ) ;
// *********************************************************************************************************
void CInstanceMapDeco : : invalidateCoords ( )
nlassert ( _Instance ) ;
nlassert ( _Main ) ;
nlassert ( _Over ) ;
nlassert ( _OverInvalid ) ;
_Main - > invalidateCoords ( ) ;
_Over - > invalidateCoords ( ) ;
_OverInvalid - > invalidateCoords ( ) ;
if ( _GlowStar [ 0 ] )
_GlowStar [ 0 ] - > invalidateCoords ( ) ;
_GlowStar [ 1 ] - > invalidateCoords ( ) ;
if ( _Orient ) _Orient - > invalidateCoords ( ) ;
// *********************************************************************************************************
CCtrlQuad * CInstanceMapDeco : : newQuad ( CGroupMap & owner )
nlassert ( _Instance ) ;
CCtrlQuad * q = new CCtrlQuad ;
q - > setActive ( false ) ;
q - > setModulateGlobalColor ( false ) ;
owner . addCtrl ( q ) ;
q - > setParent ( & owner ) ;
return q ;
// *********************************************************************************************************
void CInstanceMapDeco : : onAdd ( CGroupMap & owner )
nlassert ( _Instance ) ;
nlassert ( ! _Main ) ;
nlassert ( ! _Over ) ;
nlassert ( ! _OverInvalid ) ;
_Main = new CCtrlButtonEntity ( * _Instance ) ;
_Main - > setPosRef ( Hotspot_MM ) ;
_Main - > setParentPosRef ( Hotspot_BL ) ;
_Main - > setModulateGlobalColorAll ( false ) ;
owner . addCtrl ( _Main ) ;
_Main - > setParent ( & owner ) ;
_Main - > setRenderLayer ( 2 ) ;
_Main - > setId ( owner . getId ( ) + " : " + _Instance - > getId ( ) ) ;
_Main - > setActive ( _Active ) ;
_Over = newQuad ( owner ) ;
_Over - > setRenderLayer ( 3 ) ;
_Over - > setActive ( _Active ) ;
_OverInvalid = newQuad ( owner ) ;
_OverInvalid - > setRenderLayer ( 4 ) ;
_OverInvalid - > setActive ( _Active & & _InvalidPos ) ;
if ( _Orientable )
_Orient = newQuad ( owner ) ;
_Orient - > setTexture ( CV_MapEntityOrientTexture . get ( ) ) ;
_Orient - > setRenderLayer ( 3 ) ;
_Orient - > setActive ( _Active ) ;
CInterfaceGroup * window = owner . getParentContainer ( ) ;
if ( window )
for ( uint k = 0 ; k < 2 ; + + k )
_GlowStar [ k ] = new CCtrlQuad ;
_GlowStar [ k ] - > setActive ( false ) ;
_GlowStar [ k ] - > setModulateGlobalColor ( false ) ;
window - > addCtrl ( _GlowStar [ k ] ) ;
_GlowStar [ k ] - > setParent ( window ) ;
_GlowStar [ k ] - > setAdditif ( true ) ;
_GlowStar [ k ] - > setTexture ( CV_MapGlowStarTexture . get ( ) ) ;
_AddedToMap = true ;
// *********************************************************************************************************
void CInstanceMapDeco : : onRemove ( CGroupMap & owner )
nlassert ( _Instance ) ;
nlassert ( _Main ) ;
nlassert ( _Over ) ;
nlassert ( _OverInvalid ) ;
owner . delCtrl ( _Main ) ;
_Main = NULL ;
owner . delCtrl ( _Over ) ;
_Over = NULL ;
owner . delCtrl ( _OverInvalid ) ;
_OverInvalid = NULL ;
if ( _Orient )
owner . delCtrl ( _Orient ) ;
_Orient = NULL ;
if ( _GlowStar [ 0 ] )
_GlowStar [ 0 ] - > getParent ( ) - > delCtrl ( _GlowStar [ 0 ] ) ;
_GlowStar [ 0 ] = NULL ;
_GlowStar [ 1 ] - > getParent ( ) - > delCtrl ( _GlowStar [ 1 ] ) ;
_GlowStar [ 1 ] = NULL ;
_AddedToMap = false ;
_Instance = NULL ;
// *********************************************************************************************************
void CInstanceMapDeco : : onPreRender ( CGroupMap & groupMap )
if ( ! _Active ) return ;
nlassert ( _Instance ) ;
if ( _GlowStarActive )
if ( _GlowStar [ 0 ] )
// draw glowing stars on the edge to signal position well
for ( uint k = 0 ; k < 2 ; + + k )
_GlowStar [ k ] - > setActive ( true ) ;
_GlowStar [ k ] - > setQuad ( _GlowStarPos , CV_MapGlowStarSize . get ( ) , ( float ) ( CV_MapGlowStarSpeed [ k ] . get ( ) * 0.001 * ( double ) T1 ) ) ;
_GlowStar [ k ] - > updateCoords ( ) ;
if ( _Orient )
bool closeView = groupMap . getMeterPerPixel ( ) < CV_MapEntityCloseDist . get ( ) ;
CDisplayerVisual * vd = _Instance - > getDisplayerVisual ( ) ;
if ( vd )
if ( _LastCloseView ! = closeView )
_OrientBlendFactor = closeView ? 0.5f : 0.f ;
if ( vd - > getRotateInProgress ( ) )
_OrientBlendFactor = 1.f ;
// fade to default alpha
NLMISC : : incrementalBlend ( _OrientBlendFactor , closeView ? 0.5f : 0.f , DT * 1000.f / favoid0 ( CV_MapEntityOrientBlendTimeInMs . get ( ) ) ) ;
_OrientBlendFactor = 0.f ;
if ( _OrientBlendFactor = = 0.f )
_Orient - > setActive ( false ) ;
_Orient - > setActive ( true ) ;
_Orient - > setColorRGBA ( CRGBA ( 255 , 255 , 255 , ( uint8 ) ( 255 * _OrientBlendFactor ) ) ) ;
CVector2f worldPos = getWorldPos ( ) ;
sint32 x ;
sint32 y ;
groupMap . worldToWindowSnapped ( x , y , getWorldPos ( ) ) ;
_Orient - > setQuad ( CV_MapEntityOrientTexture . get ( ) , CVector ( ( float ) x , ( float ) y , 0.f ) , vd - > getAngle ( ) , closeView ? CV_MapEntityOrientOriginDist . get ( ) : CV_MapEntityOrientOriginDistSmall . get ( ) ) ;
_Orient - > updateCoords ( ) ;
_LastCloseView = closeView ;
if ( _OverInvalid - > getActive ( ) )
_OverInvalid - > setColorRGBA ( CTool : : getInvalidPosColor ( ) ) ;
// *********************************************************************************************************
void CInstanceMapDeco : : onUpdate ( CGroupMap & groupMap )
if ( ! _Active ) return ;
nlassert ( _Instance ) ;
_GlowStarActive = false ;
if ( ! _Main | | ! _Over | | ! _OverInvalid ) return ;
sint32 x ;
sint32 y ;
CVector2f worldPos = getWorldPos ( ) ;
// if not in current map then don't disply anything
CIslandCollision & col = getEditor ( ) . getIslandCollision ( ) ;
R2 : : CScenarioEntryPoints : : CCompleteIsland * currIsland = col . getCurrIslandDesc ( ) ;
if ( currIsland )
if ( ! currIsland - > isIn ( worldPos ) )
setActive ( false ) ;
return ;
groupMap . worldToWindowSnapped ( x , y , getWorldPos ( ) ) ;
_Main - > setX ( x ) ;
_Main - > setY ( y ) ;
CDisplayerVisual * vd = _Instance - > getDisplayerVisual ( ) ;
if ( ! vd )
_Over - > setActive ( false ) ;
_OverInvalid - > setActive ( false ) ;
return ;
bool closeView = _CloseTexture . empty ( ) ? false : groupMap . getMeterPerPixel ( ) < CV_MapEntityCloseDist . get ( ) ;
bool selected = vd - > getDisplayFlag ( CDisplayerVisual : : FlagSelected ) ;
bool hasFocus = vd - > getDisplayFlag ( CDisplayerVisual : : FlagHasFocus ) ;
setTextureAndFit ( closeView ? _CloseTexture : CV_MapEntitySmallTexture . get ( ) ) ;
_Main - > setColor ( ( selected & & ! closeView ) ? CV_MapEntitySelectColor . get ( ) : vd - > getDisplayModeColorInMap ( ) ) ; // if small icon, then change the icon color directly, because no over will be displayed
if ( selected | | hasFocus )
// if the selection is out of the window, then draw an arrow to locate it
const CVector2f & wmin = groupMap . getVisibleWorldMin ( ) ;
const CVector2f & wmax = groupMap . getVisibleWorldMax ( ) ;
if ( worldPos . x < wmin . x | | worldPos . x > wmax . x | |
worldPos . y < wmin . y | | worldPos . y > wmax . y )
_Over - > setActive ( true ) ;
_Over - > setColorRGBA ( selected ? CV_MapEntitySelectColor . get ( ) : CV_MapEntityHighlightColor . get ( ) ) ;
// out of the visible portion, so draw an arrow instead
_Over - > setTexture ( CV_MapEntityFarTexture . get ( ) ) ;
// snap position to inner visible world rect
CVector2f m = 0.5f * ( wmin + wmax ) ;
CVector2f dir = worldPos - m ;
CVector2f inter ;
float d0 ;
float d1 ;
if ( dir . x > 0.f )
d0 = ( wmax . x - m . x ) / dir . x ;
if ( dir . y > 0.f )
d1 = ( wmax . y - m . y ) / dir . y ;
inter = m + std : : min ( d0 , d1 ) * dir ;
else if ( dir . y < 0.f )
d1 = ( wmin . y - m . y ) / dir . y ;
inter = m + std : : min ( d0 , d1 ) * dir ;
inter . set ( wmax . x , m . y ) ;
else if ( dir . x < 0.f )
d0 = ( wmin . x - m . x ) / dir . x ;
if ( dir . y > 0.f )
d1 = ( wmax . y - m . y ) / dir . y ;
inter = m + std : : min ( d0 , d1 ) * dir ;
else if ( dir . y < 0.f )
d1 = ( wmin . y - m . y ) / dir . y ;
inter = m + std : : min ( d0 , d1 ) * dir ;
inter . set ( wmin . x , m . y ) ;
if ( dir . y > 0.f )
inter . set ( m . x , wmax . y ) ;
else if ( dir . y < 0.f )
inter . set ( m . x , wmin . y ) ;
inter = m ;
float size = CV_MapEntityFarArrowSize . get ( ) ;
size = size ;
float bias = 1.f ;
dir . normalize ( ) ;
CVector2f winInter ;
groupMap . worldToWindow ( winInter , inter ) ;
_Over - > setRenderLayer ( 3 ) ;
_Over - > setQuad ( winInter - ( size + bias ) * dir , winInter - bias * dir , 0.5f * size ) ;
if ( _GlowStar [ 0 ] )
sint32 screenInterX , screenInterY ;
groupMap . windowToScreen ( screenInterX , screenInterY , ( sint32 ) winInter . x , ( sint32 ) winInter . y ) ;
sint32 refCornerX , refCornerY ;
_GlowStar [ 0 ] - > getParent ( ) - > getCorner ( refCornerX , refCornerY , Hotspot_BL ) ;
_GlowStarPos . set ( ( float ) ( screenInterX - refCornerX ) , ( float ) ( screenInterY - refCornerY ) , 0.f ) ;
_GlowStarActive = true ;
_GlowStar [ 0 ] - > setActive ( false ) ;
_GlowStar [ 1 ] - > setActive ( false ) ;
if ( closeView | | hasFocus )
_Over - > setActive ( true ) ;
if ( ! closeView )
_Over - > setColorRGBA ( CV_MapEntitySelectColor . get ( ) ) ;
_Over - > setColorRGBA ( selected ? CV_MapEntitySelectColor . get ( ) : CV_MapEntityHighlightColor . get ( ) ) ;
const std : : string & tex = closeView ? CV_MapEntitySelectTexture . get ( ) : CV_MapEntitySmallHighlightTexture . get ( ) ;
_Over - > setTexture ( tex ) ;
_Over - > setRenderLayer ( 2 ) ;
_Over - > setQuad ( tex , CVector ( ( float ) x , ( float ) y , 0.f ) ) ;
_Over - > setActive ( false ) ;
// no focus
_Over - > setActive ( false ) ;
_GlowStar [ 0 ] - > setActive ( false ) ;
_GlowStar [ 1 ] - > setActive ( false ) ;
// update 'quad that signal invalid pos'
if ( _OverInvalid - > getActive ( ) )
const std : : string & tex = closeView ? CV_MapEntityInvalidTexture . get ( ) : CV_MapEntityInvalidTextureSmall . get ( ) ;
_OverInvalid - > setTexture ( tex ) ;
_OverInvalid - > setQuad ( tex , CVector ( ( float ) x , ( float ) y , 0.f ) ) ;
// *********************************************************************************************************
void CInstanceMapDeco : : setTextureAndFit ( const std : : string & bitmapName )
nlassert ( _Instance ) ;
nlassert ( _Main ) ;
_Main - > setTexture ( bitmapName ) ;
if ( ! _Main - > isTextureValid ( ) )
_Main - > setTexture ( CV_MapEntityDefaultTexture . get ( ) ) ;
_Main - > setX ( 14 ) ;
_Main - > setY ( 14 ) ;
_Main - > fitTexture ( ) ;
// *********************************************************************************************************
void CInstanceMapDeco : : setActive ( bool active )
if ( active = = _Active ) return ;
if ( _Main ) _Main - > setActive ( active ) ;
if ( _Over ) _Over - > setActive ( active ) ;
if ( _GlowStar [ 0 ] ) _GlowStar [ 0 ] - > setActive ( active ) ;
if ( _GlowStar [ 1 ] ) _GlowStar [ 1 ] - > setActive ( active ) ;
if ( _Orient ) _Orient - > setActive ( active ) ;
_Active = active ;
// *********************************************************************************************************
void CInstanceMapDeco : : setInvalidPosFlag ( bool invalid )
_InvalidPos = invalid ;
if ( _OverInvalid )
_OverInvalid - > setActive ( _Active & & _InvalidPos ) ;
} // R2