#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # module World # # Copyright (C) 2019 AleaJactaEst # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . from tools import Enum from tools import CSessionId from tools import BitStream from tools import CodeMsgXml from tools import CStringManager class World(): def __init__(self): self.timestamp = 0 self.ServerPeopleActive = 255 self.ServerCareerActive = 255 self.CharacterSummaries = [] self.Mainlands = [] self.CShardNames = [] self.UserPrivileges = '' self.FreeTrial = False self.CurrentState = Enum.TState.st_unknown self.UseFemaleTitles = False self.MessageServerTemplate = {} self.StringManager = CStringManager.CStringManager() def CreaterCharacter(self, msgXml, HeadName): ''' khanat-opennel-code/code/ryzom/client/src/connection.cpp # class CAHAskCreateChar : public IActionHandler khanat-opennel-code/code/ryzom/common/src/game_share/msg_client_server.h # void setupFromCharacterSummary (const CCharacterSummary &cs) khanat-opennel-code/code/ryzom/common/src/game_share/msg_client_server.h # void serialBitMemStream(NLMISC::CBitMemStream &f) ''' Slot = 0 SheetId = 0 #Mainland= 302 cSessionId = CSessionId.CSessionId(self.CShardNames[0].SessionId) # [A-Za-z]{3,15} # quand je pense qu'ils ont code pour avoir du UTF !!!!! name = '' for car in HeadName: if car >= 'a' and car <= 'z': pass elif car >= 'A' and car <= 'Z': pass elif car >= '0' and car <= '9': car = chr(ord(car)+ord('A')-ord('0')) else: car ='Z' name += car #name = 'Tester' People = 1 Sex = 0 StartPoint = 1 NbPointFighter = 2 NbPointCaster = 1 NbPointCrafter = 1 NbPointHarvester = 1 GabaritHeight = 9 GabaritTorsoWidth = 10 GabaritArmsWidth = 7 GabaritLegsWidth = 4 GabaritBreastSize = 7 MorphTarget1 = 3 MorphTarget2 = 3 MorphTarget3 = 3 MorphTarget4 = 5 MorphTarget5 = 5 MorphTarget6 = 5 MorphTarget7 = 4 MorphTarget8 = 4 EyesColor = 0 Tattoo = 0 HairType = 5 HairColor = 1 JacketColor = 0 TrousersColor = 0 HatColor = 1 ArmsColor = 0 HandsColor = 0 FeetColor = 0 msgout = BitStream.BitStream() # GenericMsgHeaderMngr.pushNameToStream("CONNECTION:CREATE_CHAR", out)) ref = CodeMsgXml.CodeMsgXml(msgXml, 'CONNECTION:CREATE_CHAR') for size, value, id in ref: msgout.internalSerial(value, size, typeName=id) # khanat-opennel-code/code/ryzom/common/src/game_share/msg_client_server.h # void serialBitMemStream(NLMISC::CBitMemStream &f) msgout.pushUint8(Slot) msgout.pushUint32(SheetId) cSessionId.push(msgout) msgout.pushUString(name) msgout.pushUint8(People) msgout.pushUint8(Sex) msgout.pushUint8(NbPointFighter) msgout.pushUint8(NbPointCaster) msgout.pushUint8(NbPointCrafter) msgout.pushUint8(NbPointHarvester) msgout.pushSint32(StartPoint) msgout.pushSint8(HairType) msgout.pushSint8(HairColor) # GabaritHeight => 0 - 15 msgout.pushSint8(GabaritHeight) msgout.pushSint8(GabaritTorsoWidth) msgout.pushSint8(GabaritArmsWidth) msgout.pushSint8(GabaritLegsWidth) msgout.pushSint8(GabaritBreastSize) # MorphTarget1 => 0 - 7 msgout.pushSint8(MorphTarget1) msgout.pushSint8(MorphTarget2) msgout.pushSint8(MorphTarget3) msgout.pushSint8(MorphTarget4) msgout.pushSint8(MorphTarget5) msgout.pushSint8(MorphTarget6) msgout.pushSint8(MorphTarget7) msgout.pushSint8(MorphTarget8) # EyesColor => 0 - 7 msgout.pushSint8(EyesColor) # Tattoo) => 0 = neutral, 1 - 64 Tattoo msgout.pushSint8(Tattoo) #// color for equipement slots (Only for pre-equipped perso created with sheet) msgout.pushSint8(JacketColor) msgout.pushSint8(TrousersColor) msgout.pushSint8(HatColor) msgout.pushSint8(ArmsColor) msgout.pushSint8(HandsColor) msgout.pushSint8(FeetColor) #self.Commands.append(msgout) return msgout def impulsionCreateChar(self, msgXml, uid): ''' khanat-opennel-code/code/ryzom/server/src/frontend_service/uid_impulsions.cpp # static void impulsionCreateChar(uint32 uid, NLMISC::CBitMemStream &bms, NLMISC::TGameCycle gameCycle) ''' _ = self.CreaterCharacter(msgXml) # bms = self.CreaterCharacter(msgXml) #msgout = CMessage("CREATE_CHAR") #msgout.serial(uid, bms) def SelectChar(self, msgXml, PlayerSelectedSlot): ''' khanat-opennel-code/code/ryzom/client/src/far_tp.cpp # void CFarTP::selectCharAndEnter() ''' msgout = BitStream.BitStream() ref = CodeMsgXml.CodeMsgXml(msgXml, 'CONNECTION:SELECT_CHAR') for size, value, id in ref: msgout.internalSerial(value, size, typeName=id) msgout.pushUint8(PlayerSelectedSlot) return msgout