#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # module CGenericMultiPartTemp # # Copyright (C) 2019 AleaJactaEst # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import logging from tools import BitStream LOGGER='CGenericMultiPartTemp' class CGenericMultiPartTemp(): def __init__(self): self.NbBlock = 0xFFFFFFFF self.NbCurrentBlock = 0 self.TempSize = 0 self.Temp = [] self.BlockReceived = [] self.MsgDecoded = None self.FirstRead = False self.Reference = [] self.Name = None def set(self, Number, Part, NbBlock, PartCont, decodeImpulse, world, Reference = None, Name = None): ''' khanat-opennel-code/code/ryzom/client/src/network_connection.cpp # void CNetworkConnection::CGenericMultiPartTemp::set (CActionGenericMultiPart *agmp, CNetworkConnection *parent) ''' logging.getLogger(LOGGER).debug("set Number:%d Part:%d NbBlock:%d" % (Number, Part, NbBlock)) ret = None if not self.Name: self.Name = Name if Reference: self.Reference.append(Reference) if self.NbBlock == 0xFFFFFFFF: # Initialize self.NbBlock = NbBlock self.NbCurrentBlock = 0 self.TempSize = 0 self.Temp = [] while len(self.Temp) < NbBlock: self.Temp.append(None) while len(self.BlockReceived) < NbBlock: self.BlockReceived.append(False) if self.BlockReceived[Part]: logging.getLogger(LOGGER).debug('This part is already received, discard it %d' % Part) return self.Temp[Part] = PartCont self.BlockReceived[Part] = True self.NbCurrentBlock += 1 self.TempSize += len(PartCont) logging.getLogger(LOGGER).debug("NbCurrentBlock:%d / NbBlock:%d" % (self.NbCurrentBlock, self.NbBlock)) if self.NbCurrentBlock == self.NbBlock: # reform the total action bms = BitStream.BitStream() self.NbBlock == 0xFFFFFFFF for data in self.Temp: bms.pushBitStream(data) ret = decodeImpulse.execute(bms, world) logging.getLogger(LOGGER).debug("CGenericMultiPartTemp : data : %s" % bms.showAllData()) self.MsgDecoded = bms else: logging.getLogger(LOGGER).debug("CGenericMultiPartTemp : Wait other block") return ret def isAvailable(self): if self.MsgDecoded and not self.FirstRead: return True return False def read(self): self.FirstRead = True return self.MsgDecoded class GenericMultiPartTemp(): def __init__(self): self.data = {} def addGenericMultiPartTemp(self, Number): self.data.setdefault(Number, CGenericMultiPartTemp()) def setGenericMultiPartTemp(self, Number, Part, NbBlock, PartCont, decodeImpulse, world, Reference = None, Name = None): self.data[Number].set(Number, Part, NbBlock, PartCont, decodeImpulse, world, Reference, Name)