extends Window var focus_ok:bool = false var last_event = null signal show_preference_server() #@export var listen_ip:String = "" #@export var listen_port:int = 33333 # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. func _ready(): pass # Replace with function body. # Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame. func _process(_delta): pass func _on_button_pressed(): if $VBoxContainer/Account.get_text() != "": self.hide() #get_parent().get_node("CharacterBody3D").set_enable_event(true) #get_parent().connect_enet($VBoxContainer/TextEdit.get_text(), listen_ip, listen_port) Multi.set_username($VBoxContainer/Account.get_text()) #Multi.connect_server() func check_testedit(): if len($VBoxContainer/Account.get_text()) == 0: $VBoxContainer/Button.set_disabled(true) return if len($VBoxContainer/Password.get_text()) == 0: $VBoxContainer/Button.set_disabled(true) return $VBoxContainer/Button.set_disabled(false) func _on_text_edit_text_changed(_value:String): check_testedit() func _on_password_text_changed(_value:String): check_testedit() func _on_focus_entered(): focus_ok = true func _on_focus_exited(): focus_ok = false func _on_mouse_entered(): focus_ok = true self.get_parent().CharacterBody3D.disabled = true func _on_mouse_exited(): focus_ok = false self.get_parent().CharacterBody3D.disabled = false func open_windows(): focus_ok = false get_parent().get_node("CharacterBody3D").set_enable_event(false) self.show() #func _on_window_input(event): # if event.is_pressed() == false: # return # if focus_ok: # return # if (event is InputEventKey) && (self.type_event == 1): # last_event = event func _on_preference_pressed(): show_preference_server.emit()