extends Control @export var seed: int = 0 @onready var otherview: int = 0 @onready var selfview: int = 0 @onready var trueview: int = 0 # variables for nodes @onready var roll_dice: TextureButton = $Roll/Roll_dice @onready var psyline_other: Control = $Psy_line_other @onready var psyline_self: Control = $Psy_line_self @onready var psyline_true: Control = $Psy_line_true @onready var traits: Control = $Traits @onready var keep_psy: CheckBox = $Roll/Keep_psy @onready var keep_traits: CheckBox = $Roll/Keep_traits # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. func _ready() -> void: lets_roll(seed) roll_dice.pressed.connect(_on_roll_dice_pressed) func _process(delta: float) -> void: # Roll new result" if Input.is_action_just_pressed("roll"): lets_roll(seed) # Exit the app if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_cancel"): get_tree().quit() func _on_roll_dice_pressed() -> void: lets_roll(seed) func lets_roll(chosen_seed: int) -> void: # Random psy profiles var possible_psy: int = $Psy_line_other.resources.size() var random = RandomNumberGenerator.new() random.seed = chosen_seed # Randomize psychology if not keep_psy.button_pressed: random.randomize() var result_other: int = random.randi_range(0, possible_psy - 1) psyline_other.choice.select(result_other) psyline_other.on_item_selected(result_other) random.randomize() var result_self: int = random.randi_range(0, possible_psy - 1) psyline_self.choice.select(result_self) psyline_self.on_item_selected(result_self) random.randomize() var result_true: int = random.randi_range(0, possible_psy - 1) psyline_true.choice.select(result_true) psyline_true.on_item_selected(result_true) # Randomize trait if not keep_traits.button_pressed: traits.populate() func update_language(new_language: String) -> void: TranslationServer.set_locale(new_language) emit_signal("language_changed", new_language)