37 lines
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37 lines
1.1 KiB
extends MainLoop
#extends Node
# print("Example")
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
#func _ready():
# print("Example _ready")
# # print( get_user_data_dir() )
# # print(Performance.get_monitor(Performance.TIME_FPS))
# pass # Replace with function body.
# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
#func _process(delta):
# print("Example _process")
# pass
func _process(delta):
return true
func _init():
var info:String = ""
#info = get_base_script()
var processName:String = OS.get_processor_name()
var modelName:String = OS.get_model_name()
var osName:String = OS.get_name()
var version:String = OS.get_version()
var detailCardGraphics: PackedStringArray = OS.get_video_adapter_driver_info()
var idHardware:String = OS.get_unique_id()
var idGodot:String = str(Engine.get_version_info())
#for i in range(OS.get_screen_cound()):
# print(i)
var data = " - ".join(detailCardGraphics)
print( processName + "!" + modelName + "!" + osName + "!" + version + "!" + data + "!" + idHardware + "!" + idGodot)