extends CharacterBody3D enum StatePlayer {FLY = 0, SWIM = 1, WALK = 2, WALK_WATER=3} # Constant const SPEED_WALK_UP = 5.0 const SPEED_WALK_UP_STRAFE = 3.0 const SPEED_WALK_STRAFE = 2.5 const SPEED_WALK_DOWN_STRAFE = 0.6 const SPEED_WALK_DOWN = 0.8 const SPEED_RUN_UP = SPEED_WALK_UP * 2.0 const SPEED_RUN_UP_STRAFE = SPEED_WALK_UP_STRAFE * 2.0 const SPEED_RUN_STRAFE = SPEED_WALK_STRAFE * 2.0 const SPEED_RUN_DOWN_STRAFE = SPEED_WALK_DOWN_STRAFE * 2.0 const SPEED_RUN_DOWN = SPEED_WALK_DOWN * 2.0 const ZOOM_STEP_Y = 0.05 const ZOOM_STEP_Z = 0.1 const ZOOM_MIN_Z = 0.2 const ZOOM_MAX_Z = 3.0 const SPEED_ROTATE = PI const PI_2 = PI / 2.0 const JUMP_FORCE = 4.5 const MUL_SPEED_FLY = 2.0 const MUL_SPEED_SWIM = 0.5 const FACTOR_WALK_WATER = 0.3 # Get the gravity from the project settings to be synced with RigidDynamicBody nodes. var gravity = ProjectSettings.get_setting("physics/3d/default_gravity") var starting_point = Vector2(DisplayServer.window_get_size().x / 2, DisplayServer.window_get_size().y / 2) # Camera position var camera_rotate_y = 0.0 var camera_rotate_x = 0.0 # Player position var player_rotate_y = 0.0 var player_rotate_x = 0.0 # Activate reconciliation between camera & player var reconciliate_rotate_camera_player:bool = true # Player run var is_run:bool = false var zoom:float = 1.0 var tps:bool = true var animation_object:AnimationPlayer = null var anim_idle:String = "CHAR_idle_bored" var anim_run:String = "CHAR_run" var anim_run_backward:String = "CHAR_run backward" var anim_sitting_ground_idle:String = "CHAR_sitting_ground_idle" var anim_strafe_left_walk:String = "CHAR_strafe_left_walk" var anim_strafe_right_walk:String = "CHAR_strafe_right_walk" var anim_walk:String = "CHAR_walk" var anim_walk_backward:String = "CHAR_walk_backward" var anim_fly_idle:String = "CHAR_sitting_ground_idle" var anim_fly_run:String = "CHAR_sitting_ground_idle" var anim_fly_run_backward:String = "CHAR_sitting_ground_idle" var anim_fly_sitting_ground_idle:String = "CHAR_sitting_ground_idle" var anim_fly_strafe_left_walk:String = "CHAR_sitting_ground_idle" var anim_fly_strafe_right_walk:String = "CHAR_sitting_ground_idle" var anim_fly_walk:String = "CHAR_sitting_ground_idle" var anim_fly_walk_backward:String = "CHAR_sitting_ground_idle" var anim_swim_idle:String = "CHAR_swim_idle" var anim_swim_run:String = "CHAR_swim_slow" var anim_swim_run_backward:String = "CHAR_swim_idle" var anim_swim_sitting_ground_idle:String = "CHAR_swim_idle" var anim_swim_strafe_left_walk:String = "CHAR_swim_idle" var anim_swim_strafe_right_walk:String = "CHAR_swim_idle" var anim_swim_walk:String = "CHAR_swim_slow" var anim_swim_walk_backward:String = "CHAR_swim_idle" var current_anim:String = anim_idle var player_sit:bool = false var player_automove:bool = false var state_player:StatePlayer = StatePlayer.WALK var level_water:float var heigh_underwater = 1.0 @onready var camera_fps:Camera3D = $camera_root/Camera3D_FPS_WALK func switch_state(new_state): if state_player == new_state: return state_player = new_state match state_player: StatePlayer.WALK_WATER: print("switch camera WALK_WATER") $carpet.hide() camera_fps = $camera_root/Camera3D_FPS_WALK StatePlayer.WALK: print("switch camera WALK") $carpet.hide() camera_fps = $camera_root/Camera3D_FPS_WALK StatePlayer.FLY: print("switch camera FLY") $carpet.show() camera_fps = $camera_root/Camera3D_FPS_FLY StatePlayer.SWIM: print("switch camera SWIM") $carpet.hide() camera_fps = $camera_root/Camera3D_FPS_SWIM func search_animation( obj:Node , root:String = "/") -> bool: var ret:bool = false for i in obj.get_children(): print("DEBUG - search_animation: " + root + String(i.get_name())) if i.get_name() == "AnimationPlayer" or i.get_name() == "animation_player": animation_object = i return true else: ret = search_animation(i, root + String(i.get_name()) + "/" ) if ret == true: return ret return false func print_list_animation(): for key in animation_object.get_animation_list(): print('Anim detected: ', key) func switch_animation(name:String): #print(">", name) if name != current_anim and animation_object.has_animation(name): current_anim = name animation_object.play( name ) if not animation_object.is_connected("animation_finished", self._on_AnimationPlayer_animation_finished.bind(name)): animation_object.connect("animation_finished", self._on_AnimationPlayer_animation_finished.bind(name)) func _on_AnimationPlayer_animation_finished(name:String): print("End animation: " , name) func _init(): print("wall_min_slide_angle: ", get_wall_min_slide_angle()) # set_wall_min_slide_angle(1.0) set_floor_max_angle(4.0) # set_floor_snap_length(0.4) pass func _ready(): # Place the mouse at the center of the screen get_viewport().warp_mouse(starting_point) search_animation($Mesh/character, "/") print_list_animation() switch_state(StatePlayer.WALK) func _input(event): # Managed zoom (FPS or TPS) if Input.is_action_pressed("camera_zoom_in"): if tps: if zoom > ZOOM_MIN_Z: zoom -= ZOOM_STEP_Z var zoom3D:Vector3 = Vector3(0.0, -ZOOM_STEP_Y, -ZOOM_STEP_Z) $camera_root/horizontal_root/vertical_root/Camera3D_TPS.translate_object_local(zoom3D) if zoom < ZOOM_MIN_Z: camera_fps.rotate_x( -player_rotate_x ) player_rotate_x = 0 camera_fps.make_current() tps = false reconciliate_rotate_camera_player = false Input.set_mouse_mode(Input.MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE) $camera_root/horizontal_root.rotate_y( player_rotate_y - camera_rotate_y ) camera_rotate_y = player_rotate_y elif Input.is_action_pressed("camera_zoom_out"): if not tps: # Reposition camera TPS back to player reconciliate_rotate_camera_player = true tps = true zoom += ZOOM_STEP_Z $camera_root/horizontal_root/vertical_root/Camera3D_TPS.make_current() if zoom >= ZOOM_MAX_Z: zoom = ZOOM_MAX_Z else: var zoom3D:Vector3 = Vector3(0.0, ZOOM_STEP_Y, ZOOM_STEP_Z) $camera_root/horizontal_root/vertical_root/Camera3D_TPS.translate_object_local(zoom3D) elif Input.is_action_just_pressed("player_sit"): player_sit = not player_sit elif Input.is_action_just_pressed("player_automove"): player_automove = not player_automove elif Input.is_action_just_pressed("switch_state_player"): match state_player: StatePlayer.WALK: print("FLY") #state_player = StatePlayer.FLY switch_state(StatePlayer.FLY) StatePlayer.FLY: print("SWIM") #state_player = StatePlayer.WALK switch_state(StatePlayer.WALK) # If right mouse button is pressed and mouse moves, pan horizontally camera # and rotate vertically if tps: if Input.is_action_just_pressed ( "ui_strafe" ): reconciliate_rotate_camera_player = false Input.set_mouse_mode(Input.MOUSE_MODE_HIDDEN) elif Input.is_action_just_released ( "ui_strafe" ): reconciliate_rotate_camera_player = true Input.set_mouse_mode(Input.MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE) if Input.is_action_just_pressed( "move_run" ): is_run = true elif Input.is_action_just_released( "move_run" ): is_run = false if Input.is_mouse_button_pressed( 2 ): if event is InputEventMouseMotion: if tps: camera_rotate_y -= event.relative.x *0.01 if camera_rotate_y > PI: camera_rotate_y -= TAU elif camera_rotate_y <= -PI: camera_rotate_y += TAU $camera_root/horizontal_root.rotate_y( -event.relative.x *0.01 ) var new_camera_rotate_x = camera_rotate_x + event.relative.y * 0.01 if new_camera_rotate_x <= PI_2 and new_camera_rotate_x >= - PI_2: $camera_root/horizontal_root/vertical_root.rotate_x( event.relative.y * 0.01 ) camera_rotate_x = new_camera_rotate_x else: player_rotate_y += event.relative.x *0.01 if player_rotate_y > PI: player_rotate_y -= TAU elif player_rotate_y <= -PI: player_rotate_y += TAU camera_rotate_y = player_rotate_y rotate_y( -event.relative.x *0.01 ) var new_camera_rotate_x = player_rotate_x + event.relative.y * 0.01 if new_camera_rotate_x <= PI_2 and new_camera_rotate_x >= - PI_2: camera_fps.rotate_x( event.relative.y * 0.01 ) player_rotate_x = new_camera_rotate_x func _physics_process(delta): # Add the gravity. match state_player: StatePlayer.WALK_WATER: if get_position().y > level_water - heigh_underwater: _physics_process_walk_water(delta) else: switch_state(StatePlayer.SWIM) _physics_process_swim(delta) StatePlayer.WALK: _physics_process_walk(delta) StatePlayer.FLY: _physics_process_fly(delta) StatePlayer.SWIM: _physics_process_swim(delta) func _physics_process_walk(delta): var input_dir: Vector2 var input_x: float var input_y: float var speed: float var move_up:bool = false var move_down:bool = false var move_strafe: bool = false #print(get_position()) # Add the gravity. if not is_on_floor(): motion_velocity.y -= gravity * delta # Handle Jump. # if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_accept") and is_on_floor(): # motion_velocity.y = JUMP_FORCE # Get the input direction and handle the movement/deceleration. if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_strafe"): if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_left"): input_x = 1.0 move_strafe = true elif Input.is_action_pressed("ui_right"): input_x = -1.0 move_strafe = true else: var y = 0 if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_right"): y -= 1 if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_left"): y += 1 if y != 0: var dt = y * delta * SPEED_ROTATE if tps: camera_rotate_y += dt if camera_rotate_y > PI: camera_rotate_y -= TAU elif camera_rotate_y <= -PI: camera_rotate_y += TAU $camera_root/horizontal_root.rotate_y( dt ) else: player_rotate_y += dt if player_rotate_y > PI: player_rotate_y -= TAU elif player_rotate_y <= -PI: player_rotate_y += TAU camera_rotate_y = player_rotate_y rotate_y( dt ) # Disable vector on ui_right/ui_left (used to rotate and not strafe) input_x = 0 if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_up"): input_y = 1.0 move_up = true player_automove = false elif Input.is_action_pressed("ui_down"): player_automove = false input_y = -1.0 move_down = true elif player_automove: input_y = 1.0 move_up = true if is_run: if move_strafe: if move_up: speed = SPEED_RUN_UP_STRAFE switch_animation(anim_run) elif move_down: speed = SPEED_RUN_DOWN_STRAFE switch_animation(anim_run_backward) else: speed = SPEED_RUN_STRAFE if input_x > 0.0: switch_animation(anim_strafe_left_walk) else: switch_animation(anim_strafe_right_walk) elif move_up: speed = SPEED_RUN_UP switch_animation(anim_run) else: speed = SPEED_RUN_DOWN if move_down: switch_animation(anim_run_backward) else: switch_animation(anim_idle) else: if move_strafe: if move_up: speed = SPEED_WALK_UP_STRAFE switch_animation(anim_walk) elif move_down: speed = SPEED_WALK_DOWN_STRAFE switch_animation(anim_walk_backward) else: speed = SPEED_WALK_STRAFE if input_x > 0.0: switch_animation(anim_strafe_left_walk) else: switch_animation(anim_strafe_right_walk) elif move_up: speed = SPEED_WALK_UP switch_animation(anim_walk) else: speed = SPEED_WALK_DOWN if move_down: switch_animation(anim_walk_backward) else: switch_animation(anim_idle) if input_x == 0.0 and input_y == 0.0: if player_sit: switch_animation(anim_sitting_ground_idle) else: switch_animation(anim_idle) var direction = (transform.basis * Vector3(input_x, 0, input_y)).normalized() if direction: motion_velocity.x = direction.x * speed motion_velocity.z = direction.z * speed else: motion_velocity.x = move_toward(motion_velocity.x, 0, speed) motion_velocity.z = move_toward(motion_velocity.z, 0, speed) #print("pos:", get_floor_angle(), " - ", get_wall_min_slide_angle(), " - ", get_floor_max_angle()) #motion_velocity.y = 0.5 move_and_slide() func _physics_process_walk_water(delta): var input_dir: Vector2 var input_x: float var input_y: float var speed: float var move_up:bool = false var move_down:bool = false var move_strafe: bool = false #print(get_position()) # Add the gravity. if not is_on_floor(): motion_velocity.y -= gravity * delta # Handle Jump. # if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_accept") and is_on_floor(): # motion_velocity.y = JUMP_FORCE # Get the input direction and handle the movement/deceleration. if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_strafe"): if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_left"): input_x = 1.0 move_strafe = true elif Input.is_action_pressed("ui_right"): input_x = -1.0 move_strafe = true else: var y = 0 if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_right"): y -= 1 if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_left"): y += 1 if y != 0: var dt = y * delta * SPEED_ROTATE if tps: camera_rotate_y += dt if camera_rotate_y > PI: camera_rotate_y -= TAU elif camera_rotate_y <= -PI: camera_rotate_y += TAU $camera_root/horizontal_root.rotate_y( dt ) else: player_rotate_y += dt if player_rotate_y > PI: player_rotate_y -= TAU elif player_rotate_y <= -PI: player_rotate_y += TAU camera_rotate_y = player_rotate_y rotate_y( dt ) # Disable vector on ui_right/ui_left (used to rotate and not strafe) input_x = 0 if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_up"): input_y = 1.0 move_up = true player_automove = false elif Input.is_action_pressed("ui_down"): player_automove = false input_y = -1.0 move_down = true elif player_automove: input_y = 1.0 move_up = true if is_run: if move_strafe: if move_up: speed = SPEED_RUN_UP_STRAFE switch_animation(anim_run) elif move_down: speed = SPEED_RUN_DOWN_STRAFE switch_animation(anim_run_backward) else: speed = SPEED_RUN_STRAFE if input_x > 0.0: switch_animation(anim_strafe_left_walk) else: switch_animation(anim_strafe_right_walk) elif move_up: speed = SPEED_RUN_UP switch_animation(anim_run) else: speed = SPEED_RUN_DOWN if move_down: switch_animation(anim_run_backward) else: switch_animation(anim_idle) else: if move_strafe: if move_up: speed = SPEED_WALK_UP_STRAFE switch_animation(anim_walk) elif move_down: speed = SPEED_WALK_DOWN_STRAFE switch_animation(anim_walk_backward) else: speed = SPEED_WALK_STRAFE if input_x > 0.0: switch_animation(anim_strafe_left_walk) else: switch_animation(anim_strafe_right_walk) elif move_up: speed = SPEED_WALK_UP switch_animation(anim_walk) else: speed = SPEED_WALK_DOWN if move_down: switch_animation(anim_walk_backward) else: switch_animation(anim_idle) if input_x == 0.0 and input_y == 0.0: if player_sit: switch_animation(anim_sitting_ground_idle) else: switch_animation(anim_idle) var direction = (transform.basis * Vector3(input_x, 0, input_y)).normalized() if direction: motion_velocity.x = direction.x * speed * FACTOR_WALK_WATER motion_velocity.z = direction.z * speed * FACTOR_WALK_WATER else: motion_velocity.x = move_toward(motion_velocity.x, 0, speed * FACTOR_WALK_WATER) motion_velocity.z = move_toward(motion_velocity.z, 0, speed * FACTOR_WALK_WATER) #print("pos:", get_floor_angle(), " - ", get_wall_min_slide_angle(), " - ", get_floor_max_angle()) #motion_velocity.y = 0.5 move_and_slide() func _physics_process_fly(delta): var input_dir: Vector2 var input_x: float var input_y: float var input_z: float var speed: float var move_up:bool = false var move_down:bool = false var move_strafe: bool = false # Get the input direction and handle the movement/deceleration. if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_strafe"): if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_left"): input_x = 1.0 move_strafe = true elif Input.is_action_pressed("ui_right"): input_x = -1.0 move_strafe = true else: var y = 0 if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_right"): y -= 1 if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_left"): y += 1 if y != 0: var dt = y * delta * SPEED_ROTATE if tps: camera_rotate_y += dt if camera_rotate_y > PI: camera_rotate_y -= TAU elif camera_rotate_y <= -PI: camera_rotate_y += TAU $camera_root/horizontal_root.rotate_y( dt ) else: player_rotate_y += dt if player_rotate_y > PI: player_rotate_y -= TAU elif player_rotate_y <= -PI: player_rotate_y += TAU camera_rotate_y = player_rotate_y rotate_y( dt ) # Disable vector on ui_right/ui_left (used to rotate and not strafe) input_x = 0 if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_up"): input_y = 1.0 input_z = 1.0 move_up = true player_automove = false elif Input.is_action_pressed("ui_down"): player_automove = false input_y = -1.0 input_z = -1.0 move_down = true elif player_automove: input_y = 1.0 input_z = 1.0 move_up = true if tps: input_z *= (-camera_rotate_x) else: input_z *= (-player_rotate_x) if is_run: if move_strafe: if move_up: speed = SPEED_RUN_UP_STRAFE switch_animation(anim_fly_run) elif move_down: speed = SPEED_RUN_DOWN_STRAFE switch_animation(anim_fly_run_backward) else: speed = SPEED_RUN_STRAFE if input_x > 0.0: switch_animation(anim_fly_strafe_left_walk) else: switch_animation(anim_fly_strafe_right_walk) elif move_up: speed = SPEED_RUN_UP switch_animation(anim_fly_run) else: speed = SPEED_RUN_DOWN if move_down: switch_animation(anim_fly_run_backward) else: switch_animation(anim_fly_idle) else: if move_strafe: if move_up: speed = SPEED_WALK_UP_STRAFE switch_animation(anim_fly_walk) elif move_down: speed = SPEED_WALK_DOWN_STRAFE switch_animation(anim_fly_walk_backward) else: speed = SPEED_WALK_STRAFE if input_x > 0.0: switch_animation(anim_fly_strafe_left_walk) else: switch_animation(anim_fly_strafe_right_walk) elif move_up: speed = SPEED_WALK_UP switch_animation(anim_fly_walk) else: speed = SPEED_WALK_DOWN if move_down: switch_animation(anim_fly_walk_backward) else: switch_animation(anim_fly_idle) if input_x == 0.0 and input_y == 0.0: if player_sit: switch_animation(anim_fly_sitting_ground_idle) else: switch_animation(anim_fly_idle) var direction = (transform.basis * Vector3(input_x, input_z, input_y)).normalized() if direction: motion_velocity.x = direction.x * speed * MUL_SPEED_FLY motion_velocity.y = direction.y * speed * MUL_SPEED_FLY motion_velocity.z = direction.z * speed * MUL_SPEED_FLY else: motion_velocity.x = move_toward(motion_velocity.x, 0, speed * MUL_SPEED_FLY) motion_velocity.y = move_toward(motion_velocity.y, 0, speed * MUL_SPEED_FLY) motion_velocity.z = move_toward(motion_velocity.z, 0, speed * MUL_SPEED_FLY) #print('motion_velocity:', motion_velocity) move_and_slide() func _physics_process_swim(delta): var input_dir: Vector2 var input_x: float var input_y: float var input_z: float var speed: float var move_up:bool = false var move_down:bool = false var move_strafe: bool = false # Get the input direction and handle the movement/deceleration. if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_strafe"): if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_left"): input_x = 1.0 move_strafe = true elif Input.is_action_pressed("ui_right"): input_x = -1.0 move_strafe = true else: var y = 0 if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_right"): y -= 1 if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_left"): y += 1 if y != 0: var dt = y * delta * SPEED_ROTATE if tps: camera_rotate_y += dt if camera_rotate_y > PI: camera_rotate_y -= TAU elif camera_rotate_y <= -PI: camera_rotate_y += TAU $camera_root/horizontal_root.rotate_y( dt ) else: player_rotate_y += dt if player_rotate_y > PI: player_rotate_y -= TAU elif player_rotate_y <= -PI: player_rotate_y += TAU camera_rotate_y = player_rotate_y rotate_y( dt ) # Disable vector on ui_right/ui_left (used to rotate and not strafe) input_x = 0 if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_up"): input_y = 1.0 input_z = 1.0 move_up = true player_automove = false elif Input.is_action_pressed("ui_down"): player_automove = false input_y = -1.0 input_z = -1.0 move_down = true elif player_automove: input_y = 1.0 input_z = 1.0 move_up = true if tps: input_z *= (-camera_rotate_x) else: input_z *= (-player_rotate_x) if is_run: if move_strafe: if move_up: speed = SPEED_RUN_UP_STRAFE switch_animation(anim_swim_run) elif move_down: speed = SPEED_RUN_DOWN_STRAFE switch_animation(anim_swim_run_backward) else: speed = SPEED_RUN_STRAFE if input_x > 0.0: switch_animation(anim_swim_strafe_left_walk) else: switch_animation(anim_swim_strafe_right_walk) elif move_up: speed = SPEED_RUN_UP switch_animation(anim_swim_run) else: speed = SPEED_RUN_DOWN if move_down: switch_animation(anim_swim_run_backward) else: switch_animation(anim_swim_idle) else: if move_strafe: if move_up: speed = SPEED_WALK_UP_STRAFE switch_animation(anim_swim_walk) elif move_down: speed = SPEED_WALK_DOWN_STRAFE switch_animation(anim_swim_walk_backward) else: speed = SPEED_WALK_STRAFE if input_x > 0.0: switch_animation(anim_swim_strafe_left_walk) else: switch_animation(anim_swim_strafe_right_walk) elif move_up: speed = SPEED_WALK_UP switch_animation(anim_swim_walk) else: speed = SPEED_WALK_DOWN if move_down: switch_animation(anim_swim_walk_backward) else: switch_animation(anim_swim_idle) if input_x == 0.0 and input_y == 0.0: if player_sit: switch_animation(anim_swim_sitting_ground_idle) else: switch_animation(anim_swim_idle) var direction = (transform.basis * Vector3(input_x, input_z, input_y)).normalized() if direction: motion_velocity.x = direction.x * speed * MUL_SPEED_SWIM motion_velocity.y = direction.y * speed * MUL_SPEED_SWIM motion_velocity.z = direction.z * speed * MUL_SPEED_SWIM else: motion_velocity.x = move_toward(motion_velocity.x, 0, speed * MUL_SPEED_SWIM) motion_velocity.y = move_toward(motion_velocity.y, 0, speed * MUL_SPEED_SWIM) motion_velocity.z = move_toward(motion_velocity.z, 0, speed * MUL_SPEED_SWIM) var col = move_and_slide() if col == false and level_water <= get_position().y: # force always under water (if not collision) var tmp = get_position() tmp.y = level_water set_position(tmp) elif col == true and get_position().y >= level_water - heigh_underwater: switch_state(StatePlayer.WALK_WATER) func _process( delta ): match state_player: StatePlayer.WALK_WATER: _process_walk(delta) StatePlayer.WALK: _process_walk(delta) StatePlayer.FLY: _process_walk(delta) StatePlayer.SWIM: _process_walk(delta) func _process_walk( delta ): if reconciliate_rotate_camera_player: var diff = camera_rotate_y - player_rotate_y if diff > PI: diff = camera_rotate_y - player_rotate_y - TAU elif diff < -PI: diff = camera_rotate_y - player_rotate_y + TAU var absdiff = diff if absdiff < 0.0: absdiff = -absdiff if absdiff <= 0.5 * delta: rotate_y( diff ) $camera_root/horizontal_root.rotate_y( -diff ) player_rotate_y = camera_rotate_y else: if diff >= 0.0: diff = delta * SPEED_ROTATE else: diff = -delta * SPEED_ROTATE rotate_y( diff ) $camera_root/horizontal_root.rotate_y( -diff ) player_rotate_y += diff if player_rotate_y > PI: player_rotate_y -= TAU elif player_rotate_y <= -PI: player_rotate_y += TAU func enter_underwater(): # function called by Area3D (Water Object) level_water = get_position().y switch_state(StatePlayer.WALK_WATER) print("SWIM") func exit_underwater(): # function called by Area3D (Water Object) switch_state(StatePlayer.WALK) print("WALK")