extends Control # Some margin to keep the marker away from the screen's corners. const MARGIN = 8 @onready var camera:Camera3D = get_viewport().get_camera_3d() @onready var parent:Node3D = get_parent() @onready var label:Label = $Label @onready var marker:TextureRect = $Marker # ## The waypoint's text. @export var text:String: get: return $Label.text set(value): print("Setting some_exported_property to %s" % value) $Label.text = value # If `true`, the waypoint sticks to the viewport's edges when moving off-screen. @export var sticky = true func set_text(p_text:String): text = p_text # The label's text can only be set once the node is ready. if is_inside_tree(): label.text = p_text func _ready() -> void: if not parent is Node3D: push_error("The waypoint's parent node must inherit from Node3D.") func _process(_delta): if !weakref(camera).get_ref() or not camera.is_current(): # If the camera we have isn't the current one, get the current camera. camera = get_viewport().get_camera_3d() var parent_translation = parent.get_global_transform().origin var camera_transform = camera.get_global_transform() var camera_translation = camera_transform.origin # We would use "camera.is_position_behind(parent_translation)", except # that it also accounts for the near clip plane, which we don't want. var is_behind = camera_transform.basis.z.dot(parent_translation - camera_translation) > 0 # Fade the waypoint when the camera gets close. var distance = camera_translation.distance_to(parent_translation) modulate.a = clamp(range_lerp(distance, 0, 2, 0, 1), 0, 1 ) var unprojected_position = camera.unproject_position(parent_translation) var viewport_base_size = get_viewport().size if not sticky: # For non-sticky waypoints, we don't need to clamp and calculate # the position if the waypoint goes off screen. position = unprojected_position visible = not is_behind return # We need to handle the axes differently. # For the screen's X axis, the projected position is useful to us, # but we need to force it to the side if it's also behind. if is_behind: if unprojected_position.x < viewport_base_size.x / 2: unprojected_position.x = viewport_base_size.x - MARGIN else: unprojected_position.x = MARGIN # For the screen's Y axis, the projected position is NOT useful to us # because we don't want to indicate to the user that they need to look # up or down to see something behind them. Instead, here we approximate # the correct position using difference of the X axis Euler angles # (up/down rotation) and the ratio of that with the camera's FOV. # This will be slightly off from the theoretical "ideal" position. if is_behind or unprojected_position.x < MARGIN or \ unprojected_position.x > viewport_base_size.x - MARGIN: var look = camera_transform.looking_at(parent_translation, Vector3.UP) var diff = angle_diff(look.basis.get_euler().x, camera_transform.basis.get_euler().x) unprojected_position.y = viewport_base_size.y * (0.5 + (diff / deg2rad(camera.fov))) position = Vector2( clamp(unprojected_position.x, MARGIN, viewport_base_size.x - MARGIN), clamp(unprojected_position.y, MARGIN, viewport_base_size.y - MARGIN) ) label.visible = true rotation = 0 # Used to display a diagonal arrow when the waypoint is displayed in # one of the screen corners. var overflow = 0 if position.x <= MARGIN: # Left overflow. overflow = -45 label.visible = false rotation = 90 elif position.x >= viewport_base_size.x - MARGIN: # Right overflow. overflow = 45 label.visible = false rotation = 270 if position.y <= MARGIN: # Top overflow. label.visible = false rotation = 180 + overflow elif position.y >= viewport_base_size.y - MARGIN: # Bottom overflow. label.visible = false rotation = -overflow static func angle_diff(from, to): var diff = fmod(to - from, TAU) return fmod(2.0 * diff, TAU) - diff