import bpy import os import re from ..common import addon from ..common import validate_name class GB_OT_export2godot(bpy.types.Operator): """Export whole collections to Godot throught glTF format""" bl_idname = "gb.export2godot" bl_label = "Export to Godot project" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} def invoke(self, context, event): return self.execute(context) def execute(self, context): # prefs = addon.get_prefs() # print("Root collection : {}".format(prefs.default_root_collection)) # print("Godot path : {}".format(prefs.default_godot_project_path)) # print("Blender repository path : {}".format( # prefs.default_blender_repository_path)) print("Root collection : {}".format(context.scene.root_collection)) print("Godot path : {}".format(context.scene.godot_project_path)) print("Blender repository path : {}".format( context.scene.blender_repository_path)) def save_file_beforehand(): {"WARNING"}, "File must be saved first - skipping export") bpy.ops.wm.save_mainfile('INVOKE_AREA') return {"CANCELLED"} def create_destination_folder(): """ Define the destination folder and creates it if nonexistent. Return the path name """ final_path = context.scene.blender_repository_path, context.scene.godot_project_path) gltf_path = os.path.splitext(final_path)[0] if not os.path.isdir(gltf_path): os.makedirs(gltf_path) return gltf_path def recurLayerCollection(layerColl, collName): """ Activate the selected collection for export""" found = None if ( == collName): return layerColl for layer in layerColl.children: found = recurLayerCollection(layer, collName) if found: return found def export_content(scene_collection): def check_name(collection): is_valid = validate_name.validate_name( if not is_valid:{"WARNING"}, "Name {} is not valid - skipping export".format( return {"CANCELLED"} def export_to_file(tscn_collection): print("Exporting {}".format( filename = # Export collection - parameters : print("Exporting to : {}/{}".format(gltf_path, filename)) print("Exporting textures to : {}_{}_textures".format((os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(gltf_path)))[0], filename)) bpy.ops.export_scene.gltf( filepath="{}/{}".format(gltf_path, filename), export_format="GLTF_SEPARATE", # Export glTF Separate (.gltf + .bin + textures), Exports multiple files, with separate JSON, binary and texture data export_texture_dir="{}_{}_textures".format((os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(gltf_path)))[0], filename), # Textures folder export_copyright=context.scene.licence, use_active_collection = True, use_renderable = True, export_cameras=False, export_lights=False, export_apply=True, # Apply modifiers export_gn_mesh=True # Apply Geometry Nodes Instance ) tscn_collections = [ coll for coll in if scene_collection.user_of_id(coll)] for tscn in tscn_collections: print("--------------------") check_name(tscn) # Activate proper collection for export layer_collection = bpy.context.view_layer.layer_collection layerColl = recurLayerCollection(layer_collection, if layerColl.exclude: print("{} is not activated - not exported".format( else: print("Set active collection to {}".format( bpy.context.view_layer.active_layer_collection = layerColl export_to_file(tscn) if not save_file_beforehand() else: try: scn_col =[context.scene.root_collection] except KeyError:{"WARNING"}, "No \"{}\" root collection in the file - skipping export".format(context.scene.root_collection)) return {"CANCELLED"} # Create the proper destination path gltf_path = create_destination_folder() export_content(scn_col) return {"FINISHED"}